

How Zionism Forged an Apartheid State from River to Sea

Thomas Suárez

The Israel-Palestine “conflict” is typically understood to be a clash between two ethnic groups—Arabs and Jews—inhabiting the same land. Thomas Suárez digs deep below these preconceptions and their supporting “narratives” to expose something starkly different: The violent take-over of Palestine by a European racial-nationalist settler movement, Zionism, using terror to assert by force a claim to the land that has no legal or moral basis.

Drawing extensively from original source documents, many revealed here for the first time, Suárez interweaves secret intelligence reports, newly-declassified military and diplomatic correspondence, and the terrorists’ own records boasting of their successes. His shocking account details a litany of Zionist terrorism against anyone in their way—the indigenous Palestinians, the British who had helped establish Zionism, and Jews who opposed the Zionist agenda.

Far from being isolated atrocities by rogue groups, the use of terror was deliberate and sustained, carried out or supported by the same leaders who then established and led the Israeli state. We are still living this history: The book proves that Israel's regime of Apartheid against the Palestinians and the continued expropriation of their country are not the result of complex historical circumstances, but the intended, singular goal of Zionism since its beginning.

Tom Suárez has written and lectured extensively on the Palestinian issue, including at major UK and UK universities and the UK House of Lords. He is best known for his 2016 book, State of Terror, “the first comprehensive and structured analysis of the violence and terror employed by the Zionist movement and later the state of Israel against the people of Palestine” (Ilan Pappé). His recent Writings on the Wall is an annotated collection of Palestinian oral histories. Suárez is a former faculty member of Palestine’s National Conservatory of Music.


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Uri Avnery wrote this not long before he died in 2018 at the age of 94. But many have written about the psychotic path on which Israel has walked since it was invented and like Cassandra of myth, their voices have been unheard, thus allowing the Zioraelis to reach levels of sadistic bestiality which rank as some of the most evil in history.


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Anti Zionism today is worse form of Jewish ( nation ) hatred yes it is worse form of anti semitism today imo yes anti semitism ( it’s meaning has come to mean Jew hatred or prejudice towards Jews ) as it seeks the destruction of the Jewish state .. the notion that these radical left nut jobs who apologise for Islamic jihadi terrorists and use a radical left Jew who happens to be anti Zionists as cover to say “ I like Jews but as long as Jewish state doesn’t exist “ is like I have nothing against Pakistanis but Pakistan Islamic nation must be abolished - oh gee or I have burying against Arabs but all 20 plus Arab states must be abolished.. the audacity and hypocrisy to say one Jewish state now must be abolished . Well it won’t and long live Israel we support you

No mention about Islamic jihadi and Palestinian terrorism and Passover massacres and your audacity to say that a Jewish state has no right to exist in the land that you say only belongs to who ? Arab Hamas ? Arab Arafat ? Or the mufti of Jerusalem who conspired and anticipated a Hitler win to prevent a Jewish state:. Your one sided ignorance is astounding.. the Arabs in the region wanted to initially be part of Greater Syria - there was no great push from the 1920s onwards to even have a Arab state called Palestine ( let alone the fact that a Palestine state never existed ) . Being Jewish is not just adhering to Judaism it is also independently and uniquely an ethnicity similar to being an Arab ( yet being culturally or ethnically Jewish is not monolithic ) . Yet you have the temerity to dictate to Jewish people that are the NOT Jewish based on if they are not religious ( strictly with Judaism ) - the flip side irony being is that IF israel was a Jewish theocracy state ( rather than secular Jewish state ) you would be attacking that too regardless - and if it does become a theocratic Jewish state then it still has a right to exist just any other Arab state / or Islamic state exists as a theocracy ( Saudia arabia ) or simply an Arab state they are all fricken brutal with little civil liberties ( unlike Israel who has some basic civil liberties where 2 M Arab still live in Israel proper ). Jordan is almost 96 % ethnically Arab ( mixed Arab tribes ) so that must be apartheid because they have no Jews and ethnically cleansed them after 1949 from Judea Samaria - funny that - including when Jews were asked to leave from Middle East arab states and went to Israel the Jewish state.. ( thankfully ) the other fact is the MAJORITY of Jewish people are Zionists ( only a small minority of religious Jews 150,000 are technically anti Zionists for religious reasons from the majority of 7 million plus Jews who live in Israel are overwhelmingly rightly Zionists . The other radical left Marxist type hypocritical who say as a Jew are ANTI Zionists tend to be anti western and anti American too and are irrelevant as the majority of Jews in Israel ( 7 million of them are rightly Zionists ) including the world Jewry the majority of world Jewry are Zionists. Israel exists so get over it and all Islamic jihadi terrorists who want it destroyed and attack Israel must be removed . Only the peaceful Arabs who want peace with Israel as a Jewish sovereign state should naturally be allowed to stay and its Israel ( 80 % ethnic Jewish state - not monolithic ) who decides who its citizens will be or its residents will be ( just like Arab Jordan or Arab Saudia Arabia or Italy ( 90 % ethnic italian country ) decides who it’s citizens will be etc

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Sep 20Liked by Roslyn Ross

So you're an unhinged, disgusting Islamophobe, trying the utter bullshit line that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. Now, the Zionists who made deals with the Nazis and didn't lift a finger for Jews on the way to the death camps, they were real antisemites.

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The true anti-semites are those who maintain that Zionist Israel represents Judaism and Jews. They must truly hate Jews to say that Judaism and its followers promote occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft as carried out by Zioraelis for a century.

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Oh dear. What an amazingly absurdly ignorant rant which has no basis in reality. You really are making a fool of yourself. At the very least, I suggest you do some genuine study into this issue, if you are capable of it. What you have written in this thread so far is as ignorant and fallacious as the claims of Donald Trump.

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Hiam Abbas is a famous actress but many fans of series such as 'Succession' and 'Ramy' are probably unaware she's Palestinian. Even cinephiles may not realise because her best movies are arguably 'In Syria' and 'I Still Hide to Smoke' (set in Algeria). But we don't see white English women continually playing roles as Swedes, Czechs and French. Colonialsim has different effect. Her 2020 movie, 'Gaza, My Love', offers a clue but it isn't widely distributed. Yeah, I'm being long-winded, but my point is that you should look back to 2008 when she was the lead in 'Lemon Tree' which is described as "the story of a Palestinian widow who must defend her lemon tree field when a new Israeli Defense Minister moves next to her, and threatens to have her lemon grove torn down." - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_j1llK3Fco

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This purported facts ( yet a flawed ahistorical narrative ) regarding Palestine has so many holes in it where do I begin.

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Begin at the beginning. Make a case refuting every fact stated.

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You assert many things in your recent article as facts but many are not - they are just your one sided narrative and wishful thinking - it’s actually despicable and dishonest and misleading and deceptive with respect..

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Make a case refuting one fact stated.

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Roger Hawcroft looks at typos to deflect from the actual blatant bogus narrative being peddled here . I am patient and I will continue to state this fact when one sided flawed narratives are being peddled. So you ought to take note or follow your own advice and either stop embarrassing yourself with pointless deflections and sanctimony including stop being misleading.. … i multi task while I’m typing here so of-course there may be spelling errors or is that snelling oppos spelling

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On the contrary. I know almost all the facts. I don’t follow a one sided narrative that does not contain all the facts. Fact Islamic jihadi terrorists exist and thankfully the powers that he agree they must be removed. Palestine never existed as a country nation state for the Arafat who was born in Egypt so called Palestinian movement to ever claim its theirs for one. Fact is israel exists as a nation state so deal with it and accept or move away you are wasting your time with dire tribe otherwise seeking and willing the destruction of Israel

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You don't. No matter where you start a lie nor where you take it will prevent it being a lie. Therefore, as you claim the facts convey a false narrative, when they actually tell the true story, you may as well stay silent and not embarrass or shame yourself.

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All lies mixed with some details and feeble opinions that are subjective opinions drawn by you is a one sided narrative that you are obsessed with Ms Ross. You are an Anti Zionists pure and simple and the people that follow you are mainly the same..

The Dahiya doctrine is a essentially strategy to pressure hostile islamic terrorists ( Hezbollah ) to end their attacks against Israel . It hardly genocide. Richard Falk is also a disgrace and a Hamas sympathiser. The latest attacks exploding pagers and that did not reply the same strategy.

Hezbollah ( a designated Islamic terrorist entity ) manifesto and goal is to attack the Jewish state of israel and its goal is all about the destruction of Israel and its explicit intention is to continue its attacks that bring an end to the state of Israel but you side step that.

Any European or western country be it USA or Hungary would certainly deploy defence strategies and counter attacks against an enemy at their door step who has that stated intention to destroy it in this case Hezbollah wants to destroy state of Israel… but you don’t mention that but going by your words that is your goal too so you only push.

Hamas manifesto is essentially the same and so is the Iranian regime stated intention is to see the destruction of the Jewish state of israel . incidentally almost 80 % of its own Persian citizens in Iran despise and want that Iranian regime ended - the civil liberty rights in Iran is virtually non existent. Yemen isn’t much better with the Houthis. And Sunni / Christian Lebanon has essentially been ruined and bankrupted - Hezbollah has it worse. Israel / USA and its allies ought to have finished them off a long time ago imo.. yes and it effects all of Lebanon. Hezbollah kills Lebanese politicians that don’t submit to them either… the bankrupt country of Lebanon is hijacked by Hezbollah. So is Yemen by Houthis. Yemeni citizens are starving and yet fire rockets at global ships that carry crude and fire at Israel - just absurd.

You can vote out governments in Israel and essentially protest there against Netanyahu policies and basic civil liberties exist for Israeli citizens…

I repeat israel has every right to defend and counter attack it’s deplorable enemies who attack them and want them destroyed. Their enemies are the Iranian regime and its Islamic terrorists proxies - Israel being nice back hasn’t worked - not even left wing Israeli governments try.

You lost me at Israel does not even exist. And you dictating who is Jewish and who isn’t - no Jewish law and it is vast decides who is Jewish and it’s not limited to being religious which I’ve replied to you earlier about it… you are radical one sided and clearly an Anti Zionist which means you are Anti Jewish state home land and your desire is to see the destruction of the Jewish state - and to me that is despicable..

All you do is a peddle a one sided narrative without context and select quotes and misquotes… Hamas is genocidal Islamic terrorists Organisation who wants to kill every Israeli Jew in the state of Israel or have them submit to Islamic rule at best. That is not acceptable. Israel must not let itself get weak it must use force to destroy these entities and those that follow them

Sadly innocent people get killed and the risk increases when the enemy like Hamas and Islamic jihad explicit goal is to maximise civilian deaths on purpose by stoping civilians in Gaza leaving their areas and when Hamas DELIBERATELY embeds their weapons military infrastructure in civilian areas / churches mosques, schools , UNWRA centres and so on and fires weapons into Israel from those areas and Hamas dress as civilians then hide in tunnels with stolen money from the west and made themselves billionaires when they could have improved Gaza 10 fold before Oct 7. Hamas doesn’t allow Gazan civilians to enter tunnels for bomb shelter like Israel allows their own citizens to when Israel is attacked. But you don’t mention all those nuance and facts do you..

If anyone truly cares about Arab so called Palestinians then they should stop being told a lie by jihadi Islamic terrorist / Arab entities like Hamas as they do nothing to help them in-fact Hamas shoots them when they take food aid or do not submit to them or kill the opposition party like Fatah or throw gays of buildings and much worse. T

I request you don’t bother responding because it’s pretty clear you cannot be objective as you are ANTI Zionist.

Goodbye so don’t bother replying again please.

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Most sane people of conscience and intelligence are anti-Zionism for the same reason they were anti-Nazism and are anti-Fascist.

The Dahiya doctrine is genocide in the name of fascist bigotry.

When Israel gets things exploding in homes, public places, cars, offices, shops it will not be able to complain having set the precedent.

Hezbollah is a militia which the Israelis helped set up. They love their enemies to have Islamic links. They need their enemies to have Islamic links.

Hezbollah is fighting to end Israeli occupation in Lebanon and just as the Allies sided with those occupied by the Germans, so they side with those occupied by the Israelis. Simple logic. And justice.

Hezbollah and Hamas are designated to be, there's the word, yay, Islamic, terrorist entities by the Israelis and those they influence. They are no more terrorists than were the French and Polish Resistance.

A lot of Jews want to bring the state of Zionist Israel to an end as do all people of intelligence and conscience.

Hezbollah wants to destroy Israeli aggression. The Israelis have attacked Lebanon so many times, littered it with cluster bombs, assassinated, pulled off the silo explosion and slaughtered their way around their neighbour too often for the Lebanese not to hate them.

As a military colonial occupier, and it still occupies part of Lebanon, Israel has no right to self-defence. There is no right to self defence against those you occupy and exterminate.

Your bullshit levels are impressive. Go and read the latest Hamas charter, 2017 and get facts not your opinion.

Iran has nothing to do with Israeli savagery, except to be on the receiving end of it.

Jews can vote out Governments in Israel, non-Jews cannot. Six million Palestinians under Israeli colonial rule get no vote at all. And any study of Israel makes it clear that the movers and shakers ensure that even jewish votes do not count for much. It is a corrupt fascist tyranny.

THERE ARE NO ISRAELI CITIZENS. There is only Jewish nationality. Israelis do not exist. Only Jews have rights in Jewdistan, otherwise known as Israel, for the moment.

You can repeat it all you like but no occupier has a right to self defense.

Technically speaking Israel does not exist and I do not define who is Jewish, facts, reality, logic define who is Jewish and that is a follower of Judaism. Always was.


If religions did have a right to a homeland it would be where their religion was invented. For Jews that would be Iraq and Christians would have a right to Palestine. Fortunately no such right exists.

Israel was always weak. Any State founded in bigotry, hatred, paranoid fear and violence is weak.

And your diatribe blaming Hamas does not wash. No-one believes it because they know the truth. They know there is nowhere to run in Gaza. They know it is a prison.

They know Israel bombs places it has told people are safe.

They know Israeli snipers shoot toddlers in the head and heart and pregnant women in the stomach.

They know the Israeli forces destroy hospitals and execute doctors, nurses, patients and toss their bodies into pits.

They know the Israeli forces crush the dying, dead and injured underneath their tanks.

They know the Israelis torture and rape men, women and children.

They know the Israelis bomb water facilities.

They know the Israelis refuse water, food, medical aid.

They know the Israelis are starving the Palestinians because they have said so.

They know the Israelis lie, kill and steal.

All of this is fact and data recorded by Israeli and international human rights groups.

And you are saying the Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto where there was also nowhere to run or hide, were using civilians as human shields, because they dared to resist their occupiers. Shame on you. That is a disgraceful position to take.

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If that’s what you believe - a flawed false narrative of Palestine then I say to you should practise what you preach and STAY SILENT before embarrassing yourself and get educated on the facts - you would even deflect the fact that Palestine never existed as country or nation state so your narrative you peddle with others is flawed and broken. Oppressor / oppressed matrix yes ? Lol

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You are saying that a country which others deem not to be a country even though the historical facts declare that it is, has no rights? You are trying to use a ridiculous and easily disproven argument that because Palestine was not a country then the European colonists who invaded and now call themselves Israelis, have a right to commit colonial genocidal ethnic cleansing, rape, murder, torture, theft on the people of Palestine.

What an appalling claim to make. In a civilized world, our modern world everyone has human rights and NO-ONE, not even racist Zionists and Jews have a right to subject anyone to one of the most sadistic, savage, bestial and evil military colonial occupations in history.

I realise Israelis and many of their supporters are brainwashed and bigoted, which does diminish intelligence, but either you make a case to prove your position or we conclude it has no substance and you cannot.

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Palestine has a history going back more than 5000 years according to Egyptologists. We have maps, records, letters, reports, drawings, etchings, paintings, and then photographs of Palestine and Palestinians going back thousands of years. The delusional claim Palestine did not exist is ridiculous.

Palestine was a country even if it was not a nation state. The concept of nation state is historically recent, first mooted in the 18th century and only becoming a reality in the 19th century. Neither Italy or Germany were nation states until the late 19th century, but if you told them they did not exist prior to this point, despite being countries for thousands of years, they would rightly conclude you were insane.

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You are dishonest and misleading and if I had opportunity and time to actually debate you in person ( rather than type on my little shitty phone that needs a service ) along with others like actual moderates including sensible centre rights like Douglas Murray / Prof Ferguson and even a lefty like Australia’s PM Julia Gillard to name a few including myself ‘ could rip through your demonstrably misleading one sided pointless deranged ANTI Zionist Anti Israel pro Hamas pro Arafat narrative. Israel exists to this day when you say it doesn’t and that’s the most relevant point of all. Palestinianism peddled by Arafat from the 1960s to Hamas today is only ever about the destruction of the Jewish state and not creating a seperate additional Arab state of their own along side a Jewish state in peace even when the most left wing Israel governments offered them one. They rejected it and caused Passover massacres ..It’s Palestine that does NOT have a independant state. It never existed thousands of years but historical Israel DID EXIST AND modern Israel exists a Jewish state again and it is is today flourishing for years and Israel ( proper ) exists today as a Jewish state with defined borders and is arguably entitled to parts of Samaria and Judea area c too under Israeli law and for legitimate security reasons and if any Arab Palestine state does exist in the future the relevant resolution states it must be NEGOTIATED borders with possible land swaps with Israel… it is israel who has the say its Israel land today under UTTI POSSIDETIS JURIS PRINCIPLES and israel has given the so called Palestinian territory in Gaza ( after israel withdrew in 2005 and look what happened Hamas and rockets into Israel ( - the Jews living in Germany during Nazi Germany Holocaust DIDNT fire into Nazi Germany areas ( like Hamas does to Israel ) to deserve to be placed into gas chambers ) which caused EGYPT and Israel to blockade it’s borders . The same would happen second wave of Islamic terrorism ) in Westbank area c and in Israel like it did in 2000 to 2005 if Israel withdrew area C . You don’t mention you despicably say ls israel shouldn’t exist and DOES NOT even exist which makes you absurd and akin to a radical left fringe person..

With Hamas and Islamic jihad at Israel’s borders there should not be any Palestine Arab state now not ever until Islamic jihadi terrorism ideology is defeated and the peaceful Arabs want to leave in peace with israel. 2 M Arabs live in Jewish state of Israel proper and although it isn’t perfect they clearly have more civil liberties that they do in Arab bankrupt Syria or Arab Jordan or bankrupt Arab Lebanon etc etc

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You are dishonest and misleading and if I had opportunity and time to actually debate you in person ( rather than type on my little shitty phone that needs a service ) along with others like actual moderates including sensible centre rights like Douglas Murray / Prof Ferguson and even a lefty like Australia’s PM Julia Gillard to name a few including myself can rip through your demonstrably misleading one sided pointless deranged ANTI Zionist Anti Israel pro Hamas pro Arafat narrative. Israel exists to this day when you say it doesn’t and that’s the most relevant point of all. Palestinianism peddled by Arafat from the 1960s to Hamas today is only ever about the destruction of the Jewish state and not creating a seperate additional Arab state of their own along side a Jewish state in peace even when the most left wing Israel governments offered them one. They rejected it and caused Passover massacres ..It’s Palestine that does NOT have a independant state. It never existed thousands of years but historical Israel but again is today and Israel ( proper ) exists today as a Jewish state with defined borders and is arguably entitled to parts of Samaria and Judea area c too under Israeli law and for legitimate security reasons and if any any Arab Palestine state does exist in the future the relevant resolution states it must be NEGOTIATED borders with possible land swaps with Israel… it is israel who has the say its Israel land today under UTTI POSSIDETIS JURIS PRINCIPLES and israel has given the so called Palestinian territory in Gaza ( after israel withdrew in 2005 and look what happened Hamas and rockets into Israel ( - the Jews living in Germany during Nazi Germany Holocaust DIDNT fire into Nazi Germany areas ( like Hamas does to Israel ) to deserve to be placed into gas chambers ) which caused EGYPT and Israel to blockade it’s borders . The same would happen second wave of Islamic terrorism ) in Westbank area c and in Israel like it did in 2000 to 2005 if Israel withdrew area C . You don’t mention you despicably say ls israel shouldn’t exist and DOES NOT even exist which makes you absurd and akin to a radical left fringe person..

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I believe what is supported by facts and evidence. What you are saying to me is of no consequence for it is based on neither.

Before the Arabs helped the British to overcome the Ottomans, after which Britain went back on its promise and eventually, along with other European powers and a more reluctant USA, they gave in to a Zionist lobby and created the State of Israel. It was perfidy from the start.



So, please stop writing your scurrilous nonsense which only adds insult to injury, particularly right now when Israel is committing Genocide.

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Zionism was founded in terrorism and so was Zionist Israel. One reason the UN made the recommendation for partition was fear of Zionist terrorism. And they gave the illegal European colonists most of Palestine, knowing they planned to take it all, and hoping it would slow them down. Which it did not.

The partition of Palestine was illegal, immoral and one of the most barbaric colonial exercises in history.

Zionist terrorism, behind the scenes, has never stopped. It is now why the US Government and President are run by Zionist agendas and why many countries in Europe and the UK, Australia, Canada and others, are not taking a stand as they should.

Unfortunately fascist movements thrive in the fertile soil of cowardice and most humans are cowards. Those who are not the Zionists assassinate.

Zionist bullying, behind the sce

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If you don’t know that or don’t realise that already then you cannot be educated with the facts as you claim to be.

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You assert many things in your recent article as facts but many are not - they are just your one sided narrative and wishful thinking - it’s actually despicable and dishonest and misleading and deceptive with respect..

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Sep 17Liked by Roslyn Ross

I've recommended that movie to all my friends.. They're invariably shocked at the details...

Americans (among others) are susceptible to propaganda & Israel has been able to spew its propaganda for a VERY long time while labeling Palestinians as uncultured liars if not terrorists.

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Hi, HulitC. I'd like to add to that recommendation. 'Omar' is one of the BEST and most EFFECTIVE movies about Palestine/Israel. Essential viewing, and newcomers can especially appreciate it as its done as a dark romance under occupation. The same director did 'Paradise Now' and 'Huda's Salon' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuvO65EPWFo

There are many excellent documentaries, but '5 Broken Cameras' will be understood by all parents except the most self-righteously bloodthirsty - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_93nOqwmhU

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The first message I received after crossposting your article was: "Stop spreading the 'holocaust' shit you have fed by the Zionist Edomites. Go do your homework about the so-called 'gas chambers'. Wake up!!" Tsk, tsk. Reason alone to keep teaching the truth.

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I did not realise we were spreading such shit. I thought the opposite.

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Bias sees targets to hate, not understand.

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Yes mainly misleading and deceptive mixed with some details and feeble opinions that are subjective conclusions ( not facts ) drawn by you is a one sided narrative that you are obsessed with Ms Ross. You are an Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish state ) pure and simple and the people that follow you are mainly the same.. you also full of selective inconsistencies and feeble points which even undercut against your own points at times…

The Dahiya doctrine is a essentially strategy to pressure despicable hostile islamic terrorists ( Hezbollah ) to end their attacks against Israel . It is hardly genocide. Richard Falk is also a disgrace and a Hamas sympathiser. The latest attacks exploding pagers clearly did not deploy nearly the same strategy.

Hezbollah ( a designated Islamic terrorist entity ) manifesto and goal is to attack the Jewish sovereign state of israel and its goal is all about the destruction of Israel and its explicit intention is to continue its attacks that bring an end to the state of Israel ( a Jewish majority sovereign state ) but you side step that. Or perhaps you don’t as that is your toxic goal too and you must be condemned.

Any European or western country be it USA or Hungary would certainly deploy defence strategies and counter attacks against an enemy at their door step who has that stated intention to destroy it in this case Hezbollah wants to destroy state of Israel… but you don’t mention that but going by your words that is your goal too so you only push.

Hamas manifesto is essentially the same and so is the Iranian regime stated intention is to see the destruction of the Jewish state of israel . incidentally almost 80 % of its own Persian citizens in Iran despise and want that Iranian regime ended - the civil liberty rights in Iran is virtually non existent. Yemen isn’t much better with the Houthis. And Sunni / Christian Lebanon has essentially been ruined and bankrupted - Hezbollah has it worse. Israel / USA and its allies ought to have finished them off a long time ago imo.. yes and it effects all of Lebanon. Hezbollah kills Lebanese politicians that don’t submit to them either… the bankrupt country of Lebanon is hijacked by Hezbollah. So is Yemen by Houthis. Yemeni citizens are starving and yet fire rockets at global ships that carry crude and fire at Israel - just absurd.

You can vote out governments in Israel and essentially protest there against Netanyahu policies and basic civil liberties exist for Israeli citizens…

I repeat israel has every right to defend and counter attack it’s deplorable enemies who attack them and want them destroyed. Their enemies are the Iranian regime and its Islamic terrorists proxies - Israel being nice back hasn’t worked - not even left wing Israeli governments try.

You lost me at Israel does not even exist. And you dictating who is Jewish and who isn’t - no Jewish law and it is vast decides who is Jewish and it’s not limited to being religious which I’ve replied to you earlier about it… you are radical one sided and clearly an Anti Zionist which means you are Anti Jewish state home land and your desire is to see the destruction of the Jewish state - and to me that is despicable..

All you do is a peddle a one sided narrative without context and select quotes and misquotes… Hamas is genocidal Islamic terrorists Organisation who wants to kill every Israeli Jew in the state of Israel or have them submit to Islamic rule at best. That is not acceptable. Israel must not let itself get weak it must use force to destroy these entities and those that follow them

Sadly innocent people get killed and the risk increases when the enemy like Hamas and Islamic jihad explicit goal is to maximise civilian deaths on purpose by stoping civilians in Gaza leaving their areas and when Hamas DELIBERATELY embeds their weapons military infrastructure in civilian areas / churches mosques, schools , UNWRA centres and so on and fires weapons into Israel from those areas and Hamas dress as civilians then hide in tunnels with stolen money from the west and made themselves billionaires when they could have improved Gaza 10 fold before Oct 7. Hamas doesn’t allow Gazan civilians to enter tunnels for bomb shelter like Israel allows their own citizens to when Israel is attacked. But you don’t mention all those nuance and facts do you..

If anyone truly cares about Arab so called Palestinians then they should stop being told a lie by jihadi Islamic terrorist / Arab entities like Hamas as they do nothing to help them in-fact Hamas shoots them when they take food aid or do not submit to them or kill the opposition party like Fatah or throw gays of buildings and much worse. T

I request you don’t bother responding because it’s pretty clear you cannot be objective as you are ANTI Zionist.

Goodbye so don’t bother replying again please.

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You are misleading and one sided yet again. Israel was founded then almost immediately found itself defending itself against a coalition of Arab states who ( who had rejected a separate Arab state ( not Palestine state ) who were clearly GENOCIDAL arab 48 was to literally “ drive the Jews into the sea” - had clear genocidal intent - to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. ( Israel didn’t have hardly American weapons then ) and won. And Jews and Arabs died in that war and atrocities happen on both sides and arab leaders asked many Arabs to leave and return once they drove the Jews into the sea.. AGAIN ARAB STATES FAILED.. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Westbank ( Judea Samaria ) thereafter by Jordan who essentially annexed Westbank.

Your one sided narrative that all Israel is doing is committing genocide now after Oct 7 is false and all this time is false - not true.

As for your stated Ben Grunion comments in 1936 ? That’s in hotly in dispute and I don’t agree with that assertion regardless as Arabs were killing Jews in Ottoman empire ruled land and vice versa and under British mandate rule so. Again Palestine never existed as a state. But the first female PM was from there too before modern israel was formed as a Jewish state again - so your one sided narrative can be used both ways against your point too.

And Israel being a colonialist state is flawed nonsense I’ve heard this rubbish time and time again from fringe radical left rot so called education it is not accurate in fact. And who are the Jews in Israel being allegedly colonialists for can i ask which country ??

The idea that you peddle constantly that israel is terrorist state is NOT fact but your feeble opinion that is a one sided anti Israel narrative and even racist or bigoted against a Jewish nation - and a blood libel. The fact that almost pure ethno Arab ( oe even religious Islamic nations to cover all fields ) nations exist where littke Jews exist and you don’t say that is racist … and yet one Jewish nation exists as secular or religious Jewish state and you try to discredit that and say it’s racist jewish state but then say ridiculously oh it’s like not Jewish but only if they follow Judaism is irrelevant as it’s not even true because being Jewish is an ethnicity too as well as it can be when one follow the Jewish religion ( Judaism ) they are also Jewish or born Jewish from a mother that is the fact according to Jewish law and ifs not for you to dictate who is Jewish and who isn’t. But your argument falls away if Israel decided to become a pure Jewish theocracy state like Saudi Arabia is Islamic theocracy ( and Arab state ) so your point trying to say that Jews are not Jews is absurd. Because they are Jews and the majority of Jews are Zionists in Israel be it mihrazi Jews from Middle East / or Sephardic or Ashkenazi Jews all have a right to live in Israel the Jewish state ( secular or religious or otherwise ) as Israel decides who it’s Jewish citizens or otherwise will be - not you or I……… just like Arab ethno states or Islamic states decide which Arab or Muslim becomes a citizen of there country . Not you..

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Israel was founded in genocidal invasion, ethnic cleansing and slaughter in someone else’s country, Palestine.

The Palestinians called on their allies to help them just as the French and Poles did against German invaders. The only difference is the Palestinians and their allies lost. But the just cause was the same in all cases of resistance.

Jews had no right to take a slab of Palestine and the UN had no right to recommend they could. None of it was legal. Jews are a religion and no religion has a right to a grain of sand on planet earth.

The Palestinians had every right to want to drive the Zionists and Jewish invaders into the sea.All invaded and occupied people want that.

So, you are saying if the Germans had won then it would have been okay for them to keep Germany, Poland and any other country they took by force?

BULLSHIT the Arabs asked Palestinians to leave. They left because the Zionist policy was to murder and maim as many as they could and destroy their homes so they had to leave.

Judea and Samaria were ancient tribal groups which disappeared thousands of years ago. They exist only in religious fairy stories.

You may disagree with Ben Gurion but the statements are sourced and they are fact.

The first female PM of Israel was Ukrainian, a colonist. SHE WAS NOT FROM PALESTINE. Meir is born Goldie Mabovitch on May 3, 1898 in Kiev, Ukraine (then part of Russia).

You need to update your AI helper. Being a colonist does not require a country to be colonising. A colonist is someone who takes someone else’s country as their own.

By any definition of terrorism and the history of Israel it is a terrorist state. There is no Jewish nation. Jews are a religion and religions do not make a nation.

Most Jews do not live in what is called Israel for the moment, never did and never will.

Being Jewish is not an ethnicity. If it were then every religion would be an ethnicity and none are.

If Judaism had never been invented no Jew would exist. If all religions were banned tomorrow no Jew would exist. IT IS A RELIGION WHICH REQUIRES A belief in the god of the religion. There is no such thing as an atheist/secular Jew.

Thank you for admitting Israel is not the Western democracy it claims to be. You compare it to Islamic fundamentalist states like Saudi Arabia and I agree with you on that.

Sure Israel can decide who its citizens are and if it stipulated being Jewish, a religion, then it is not a democracy. There you go. We agree on that.

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I do not support genocide and Israel is not committing genocide . It is Hamas that has attempted genocide innocent Israelis on Oct 7 and prior.. no I do not support anything inhumane but your assertions attributed to Hamas and Islamic jihadi and its racism - where are the Jews in Gaza after 2005 when ISREAL withdrew ? Where are the Jews in the 20 plus ethno - nationalist almost pure Arab states ? None so your hypocrisy and ignore face and double standard is telling. So those Arab states are not racist but Israel set up as Jewish majority state is ? Ok yeah righto. Get lost

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Even the first Israeli Prime Minister, a terrorist from the start, admitted to genocide- the theft and eradication of Palestine.

"Let's not tell stories... Politically, we are the aggressors and they defend themselves... It is their country, because they live there, whereas we want to come here and colonize, and from their point of view, we want to take over their country."

David Ben Gurion speech in 1936

Quoted by Simha Flapan,

"Zionism and the Palestinians", 1979.

"If I were a Palestinian leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It's normal; we took their country. It is not that God has promised us this, but how could this concern them? Our God is not theirs. There was anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was it their fault? They only see one thing: we came and stole their country. Why should they accept this?"

David Ben Gurion speach in 1938.

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You are misleading and one sided yet again. Israel was founded then almost immediately found itself defending itself against a coalition of Arab states who ( who had rejected a separate Arab state ( not Palestine state ) who were clearly GENOCIDAL arab 48 was to literally “ drive the Jews into the sea” - had clear genocidal intent - to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. ( Israel didn’t have hardly American weapons then ) and won. And Jews and Arabs died in that war and atrocities happen on both sides and arab leaders asked many Arabs to leave and return once they drove the Jews into the sea.. AGAIN ARAB STATES FAILED.. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Westbank ( Judea Samaria ) thereafter by Jordan who essentially annexed Westbank.

Your one sided narrative that all Israel is doing is committing genocide now after Oct 7 is false and all this time is false - not true.

As for your stated Ben Grunion comments in 1936 ? That’s in hotly in dispute and I don’t agree with that assertion regardless as Arabs were killing Jews in Ottoman empire ruled land and vice versa and under British mandate rule so. Again Palestine never existed as a state. But the first female PM was from there too before modern israel was formed as a Jewish state again - so your one sided narrative can be used both ways against your point too.

And Israel being a colonialist state is flawed nonsense I’ve heard this rubbish time and time again from fringe radical left rot so called education it is not accurate in fact. And who are the Jews in Israel being allegedly colonialists for can i ask which country ??

The idea that you peddle constantly that israel is terrorist state is NOT fact but your feeble opinion that is a one sided anti Israel narrative and even racist or bigoted against a Jewish nation - and a blood libel. The fact that almost pure ethno Arab ( oe even religious Islamic nations to cover all fields ) nations exist where littke Jews exist and you don’t say that is racist … and yet one Jewish nation exists as secular or religious Jewish state and you try to discredit that and say it’s racist jewish state but then say ridiculously oh it’s like not Jewish but only if they follow Judaism is irrelevant as it’s not even true because being Jewish is an ethnicity too as well as it can be when one follow the Jewish religion ( Judaism ) they are also Jewish or born Jewish from a mother that is the fact according to Jewish law and ifs not for you to dictate who is Jewish and who isn’t. But your argument falls away if Israel decided to become a pure Jewish theocracy state like Saudi Arabia is Islamic theocracy ( and Arab state ) so your point trying to say that Jews are not Jews is absurd. Because they are Jews and the majority of Jews are Zionists in Israel be it mihrazi Jews from Middle East / or Sephardic or Ashkenazi Jews all have a right to live in Israel the Jewish state ( secular or religious or otherwise ) as Israel decides who it’s Jewish citizens or otherwise will be - not you or I……… just like Arab ethno states or Islamic states decide which Arab or Muslim becomes a citizen of there country . Not you..

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Author

Jew - religion.

Arab - culture, actually Arabic speakers.

Either talk about Jews, Muslims, Christians or Arabs and Anglo-speakers or Europeans which is the origin for most Israelis.

And dear me, people who compare Israel to non democratic Middle Eastern countries want their cake and to eat it all.

Since Israel claims to be a Western democracy, that is the bar it has set and that is the bar by which it is judged. Please name one other Western democracy, founded through colonisation, which does to the native people what Israel does to the Palestinians. There are none.

Please name one other Western democracy which decrees only followers of one religion can have nationality, that all others are subhuman and that only the supremacist religion can have power and must be a majority. There are none.

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Israel is committing genocide. Israel was founded in genocide and plans for genocidal ethnic cleansing are clearly recorded in Zionist and Israeli histories.

Genocide is the policy of seeking to eradicate/exterminate a group, country, culture, nation and that is exactly what Zionist Israel has always had as policy.

Israel did not withdraw from Gaza in 2005. It turned it into a concentration camp. Israel as the military colonial ruler issues ID cards to every single Palestinian including those in the Gaza prison. I will post you an article written by Amira Hass in the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, correcting Israelis who present the same misinformation that you do.

Feb 12, 2024 5:37 pm IST

S., who lives in a Gaza border community, asked me several questions that I've heard from others, too. With his knowledge, I'm publishing an initial reply here to his letter. He wrote:

"I'm a regular reader of Haaretz and of your articles. As a resident of a Gaza border community, I'm trying to understand your take on what has happened in the Gaza Strip since the disengagement. Why, in your opinion, did the strongest resistance emerge from the place where Israel canceled the occupation?

The Israeli occupation was not canceled. Israel continued its highhanded control of the lives of the Gaza Strip's residents and Gaza's development options.

"For years, people have been shouting that all the major problems stem from the occupation. And here a small experiment to cancel the occupation was conducted. The Palestinians could have built themselves a model mini-state there. Instead, they preferred to invest the money in a war against Israel. Do you have an explanation for that?"

Shalom Reader S.,

First of all, the Israeli occupation was not canceled. Israel continued its highhanded control of the lives of the Gaza Strip's residents and Gaza's development options, well after Israel dismantled the settlements and army bases located there. Second, as per the Oslo Accords, to which Israel is a signatory, the Gaza Strip is not a separate entity but an integral part of the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967.

According to the Palestinians, and according to international opinion, this territory was supposed to become the Palestinian state. The facts that Israel severed the Gazan population from the West Bank's and that Israelis have continued to treat an isolated Gaza, which is 365 square kilometers in size and lacks resources, as a separate entity, are in themselves evidence of Israeli control over it – and of Israeli chutzpah to boot.

I can't quote what I've written in hundreds and perhaps thousands of articles. So I'll be brief: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon neither consulted with the leadership of the Palestinian Authority about the disengagement, nor did he coordinate its implementation with that limited self-rule government, which in 2005 was not split yet between Fatah and Hamas. Sharon followed a gradual track that Israel outlined from the early 1990s, while doing a good job of concealing its severity and significance during the Oslo process: creating a regime of prohibitions and restrictions on the Palestinians' freedom of movement, while creating Palestinian enclaves. On January 15, 1991 Israel began this comprehensive policy, and its immediate result, which worsened over the years, was cutting off the population of Gaza from the West Bank and from the world.

Israel Should Disengage - Again - From Gaza

Sharon continued his predecessors' work. The draconian siege imposed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Gaza in 2007 was a quantitative change, but not a change in essence. This consistent policy indicates the forethought behind the action: not an experiment to cancel the occupation, but one of the ways to prevent the establishment of the Palestinian state based on the plan that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the international community saw before their eyes.

The continued Israeli domination over the Gaza Strip, up until October 7, was manifested in several ways. The first is its total control of the Palestinian population registry, which includes Gaza's residents. It is Israel that decides who is permitted to carry the ID card of a resident of Gaza or the West Bank. Every detail – including place of residence – registered in the ID card, which the PA technically issues, requires Israeli approval. Even natives of Gaza, whose residency status Israel revoked before 1994, cannot renew it without Israel's approval.

The severance from the West Bank (and from Israel) critically damaged the capabilities for economic development in the Gaza Strip. In any case, Gaza has been in a state of economic deterioration or stagnation since 1967 due to deliberate steps that Israel adopted. Israel controls not only the border crossings but also Gaza's aerial and maritime space, which means it doesn't permit Gazans to exercise their right to freedom of movement via the sea and air.

Israel also uses this control to restrict the Palestinian fishing industry, prevent Palestinians from using the gas reserves discovered in Gazan waters and control the wireless frequencies necessary for technological development. By controlling imports and exports, it restricts the ability and feasibility of domestic production. Israel continues to control income from customs payments. Egypt – whether for fear that the Gazans will settle there, political opposition to severing Gaza from the West Bank or obedience to Israeli dictates – hasn't opened the Rafah border to free movement of Palestinians and foreigners.

Whether deliberately or inadvertently, Sharon's unilateral move weakened the PA, which adhered to the negotiations route. Thus, he awarded a prize to the Hamas movement, which claimed that only the "armed struggle" that it practiced during the Second Intifada, while improving its military capabilities – could force the Israeli army to withdraw, not negotiations and a signed agreement.

That's what many Palestinians thought and still think. It's no wonder that several months after the disengagement, in January 2006, Hamas won a majority of the seats in the election for the Palestinian parliament (but not a majority of the votes of the electorate).

First we have to answer the question as to why Israel did everything possible to thwart the establishment of the small Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Then we can move on to trying to explain why the residents of the besieged and cut-off "mini-state" that it shaped in Gaza felt like lifetime prisoners, at a time when their brothers in the West Bank live under the violent rule of the expanding settlement enterprise. And afterwards, at the first opportunity, we'll talk about the illusion or about the delusion or about the armed struggle project.

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Roslyn Ross please get educated on facts - not hyperbole one sided narrative and even blood libels

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By any definition of blood libel, nothing I have said fits that charge.

blood libel


an accusation that Jewish people used the blood of Christians in religious rituals, especially in the preparation of Passover bread, that was perpetrated throughout the Middle Ages and (sporadically) until the early 20th century.

I have presented facts. You have to refute them to be credible.

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James, you are actually the one that needs such advice, not Roslyn Ross.

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You are misleading and one sided yet again. Israel was founded then almost immediately found itself defending itself against a coalition of Arab states who ( who had rejected a separate Arab state ( not Palestine state ) who were clearly GENOCIDAL arab 48 was to literally “ drive the Jews into the sea” - had clear genocidal intent - to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. ( Israel didn’t have hardly American weapons then ) and won. And Jews and Arabs died in that war and atrocities happen on both sides and arab leaders asked many Arabs to leave and return once they drove the Jews into the sea.. AGAIN ARAB STATES FAILED.. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Westbank ( Judea Samaria ) thereafter by Jordan who essentially annexed Westbank.

Your one sided narrative that all Israel is doing is committing genocide now after Oct 7 is false and all this time is false - not true.

As for your stated Ben Grunion comments in 1936 ? That’s in hotly in dispute and I don’t agree with that assertion regardless as Arabs were killing Jews in Ottoman empire ruled land and vice versa and under British mandate rule so. Again Palestine never existed as a state. But the first female PM was from there too before modern israel was formed as a Jewish state again - so your one sided narrative can be used both ways against your point too.

And Israel being a colonialist state is flawed nonsense I’ve heard this rubbish time and time again from fringe radical left rot so called education it is not accurate in fact. And who are the Jews in Israel being allegedly colonialists for can i ask which country ??

The idea that you peddle constantly that israel is terrorist state is NOT fact but your feeble opinion that is a one sided anti Israel narrative and even racist or bigoted against a Jewish nation - and a blood libel. The fact that almost pure ethno Arab ( oe even religious Islamic nations to cover all fields ) nations exist where littke Jews exist and you don’t say that is racist … and yet one Jewish nation exists as secular or religious Jewish state and you try to discredit that and say it’s racist jewish state but then say ridiculously oh it’s like not Jewish but only if they follow Judaism is irrelevant as it’s not even true because being Jewish is an ethnicity too as well as it can be when one follow the Jewish religion ( Judaism ) they are also Jewish or born Jewish from a mother that is the fact according to Jewish law and ifs not for you to dictate who is Jewish and who isn’t. But your argument falls away if Israel decided to become a pure Jewish theocracy state like Saudi Arabia is Islamic theocracy ( and Arab state ) so your point trying to say that Jews are not Jews is absurd. Because they are Jews and the majority of Jews are Zionists in Israel be it mihrazi Jews from Middle East / or Sephardic or Ashkenazi Jews all have a right to live in Israel the Jewish state ( secular or religious or otherwise ) as Israel decides who it’s Jewish citizens or otherwise will be - not you or I……… just like Arab ethno states or Islamic states decide which Arab or Muslim becomes a citizen of there country . Not you..

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Israel was founded in genocidal invasion, ethnic cleansing and slaughter in someone else’s country, Palestine.

The Palestinians called on their allies to help them just as the French and Poles did against German invaders. The only difference is the Palestinians and their allies lost. But the just cause was the same in all cases of resistance.

Jews had no right to take a slab of Palestine and the UN had no right to recommend they could. None of it was legal. Jews are a religion and no religion has a right to a grain of sand on planet earth.

The Palestinians had every right to want to drive the Zionists and Jewish invaders into the sea.All invaded and occupied people want that.

So, you are saying if the Germans had won then it would have been okay for them to keep Germany, Poland and any other country they took by force?

BULLSHIT the Arabs asked Palestinians to leave. They left because the Zionist policy was to murder and maim as many as they could and destroy their homes so they had to leave.

Judea and Samaria were ancient tribal groups which disappeared thousands of years ago. They exist only in religious fairy stories.

You may disagree with Ben Gurion but the statements are sourced and they are fact.

The first female PM of Israel was Ukrainian, a colonist. SHE WAS NOT FROM PALESTINE. Meir is born Goldie Mabovitch on May 3, 1898 in Kiev, Ukraine (then part of Russia).

You need to update your AI helper. Being a colonist does not require a country to be colonising. A colonist is someone who takes someone else’s country as their own.

By any definition of terrorism and the history of Israel it is a terrorist state. There is no Jewish nation. Jews are a religion and religions do not make a nation.

Most Jews do not live in what is called Israel for the moment, never did and never will.

Being Jewish is not an ethnicity. If it were then every religion would be an ethnicity and none are.

If Judaism had never been invented no Jew would exist. If all religions were banned tomorrow no Jew would exist. IT IS A RELIGION WHICH REQUIRES A belief in the god of the religion. There is no such thing as an atheist/secular Jew.

Thank you for admitting Israel is not the Western democracy it claims to be. You compare it to Islamic fundamentalist states like Saudi Arabia and I agree with you on that.

Sure Israel can decide who its citizens are and if it stipulated being jewish, a religion, then it is not a democracy. There you go. We agree on that. ..

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On the contrary. I know almost all the facts. I don’t follow a one sided narrative that does not contain all the facts. Fact Islamic jihadi terrorists exist and thankfully the powers that he agree they must be removed. Palestine never existed as a country nation state for the Arafat who was born in Egypt so called Palestinian movement to ever claim its theirs for one. Fact is israel exists as a nation state so deal with it and accept or move away you are wasting your time with dire tribe otherwise seeking and willing the destruction of Israel

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You said: Islamic jihadi terrorists exist and thankfully the powers that he agree they must be removed.

FACT. Israel is a terrorist state and there are more Jewish terrorists than Islamic. People of sanity and conscience agree they must be removed.

FACT: Israel calls Hamas a terrorist group but most countries in the world and the UN do not agree. The Germans also said the French Resistance were terrorists. That is what brutal occupiers do.

You said: Palestine never existed as a country nation state

Most countries in the world did not exist as nation states until the late 19th century when the concept took hold. It is irrelevant. Palestine has been occupied for a thousand years so it was not going to be a nation state in the 19th century. However, it will be in the 21st century.

You said: for the Arafat who was born in Egypt so called Palestinian movement to ever claim its theirs for one.

FACT: Palestine and Palestinians were mentioned numerous times by the Egyptians more than 5000 years ago. It has been a country for longer than most others. Israel was invented in 1947. Israel is a brutal colonial entity in Palestine. Remember, 76 years is nothing compared to the fact that the Portugese were sent packing after more than 500 years in Angola. Israel is nothing but a half blink in time compared to that.

You said: israel exists as a nation state so deal with it

FACT: Since Israel has no declared borders and indeed there is no Israeli nationality, logically Israel does not even exist. And Nazi Germany was a nation state which was dismantled for its atrocities. The same will happen with Zionist Israel for the same reasons. Nothing about being a nation state protects anyone.

You said: seeking and willing the destruction of Israel

Israel has destroyed itself. It was founded on racism, hatred, arrogance, elitism and colonial supremacy. But most people of intelligence and conscience do seek the destruction of fascist, terrorist states. Why would they not? Israel is a travesty in the world. It is a depraved, sadistic, bestial and savage culture, society and State which has inflicted the longest holocaust in modern history and one of the most genocidal and cruel military colonial occupations in all of history on Palestine.

The courage, nobility of spirit and integrity of the Palestinians against such evil stands as a testament to humanity.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Author

@James Jenkins,

I would ask you the following questions:

1. do you support occupation?

2. do you support colonisation?

3. do you support genocide?

4. do you support ethnic cleansing?

5. do you support torture and rape?

6. do you support imprisonment, including of children, without charge or trial?

7. do you support denial of human and civil rights?

8. do you support a belief that non-Jews, are subhuman?

9. do you support collective punishment?

10. do you support targeting civilians?

11. do you support might is right?

12. do you support racism?

To support Israel, as you appear to do, you must say YES to every question? I await your response.

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Listen, James, you can barely write coherently, let alone factually.

As so many who have nothing other than opinionated self-regard, populist myth and prejudiced disinformation, when faced with evidence you choose to ignore it and simply repeat a nonsensical rant.

I suggest that before you continue your appallingly bigoted and abusive false dialogue, that you at least learn to write coherent English or, if you are not a native English speaker, that you write coherently in your own native language so that readers can translate it and read something that makes sense.

If you cannot or will not do that, I suggest you go and join the MAGA populists who revel in lies, misinformation, disinformation, myth, exaggeration and outrageously preposterous and vile allegations.

There is no relevant: "On the contrary" in what you say and certainly your diatribe, (excuse me for spelling it correctly), shows not one shred of evidence or accuracy. It is as spurious and just as defamatory as Trump's claim that a particular group in Springfield are eating the pets of other residents.

Now, before I really lose my patience, I suggest you go away and stay away unless and until you learn about and understand the reality of what you chooses to write about.

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So the Holocaust of 6 m Jews murdered is all lies

Oh my goodness

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There are no holocaust deniers on this page, but there is one denier of Israeli genocide against Palestinians. James Jenkins, care to prove your identity is real?

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Ha ha ha more blood libels and false one sided narratives - go stay in your pro Hamas talking points echo chamber

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I love trolls. They're cuddly, The only problem is that they're so desperate for attention.

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Read my earlier comment about trolls. Those radical lefties nut jobs that live in a cosy echo chamber and as soon they get challenged with the demonstrably false flawed be it the one sided Pro Arafat pro Hamas narrative they peddle over and over again they starting more false assumptions and false accusations like trolls. Using free speech doesn’t occur to them living in their deluded echo chamber peddling pointless nonsense let alone vicious hypocritical Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish (state ) for Jewish people so yes the most vicious worse form of anti semitism which has to come to mean prejudice to Jewish people as a whole) yes the majority of world Jews are rightly and proud Zionists..

All that is spread here is also blood libels too

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We are not talking about something which involved European Jews nearly a century ago.

We are talking about what Jews, Zionists, Israelis are doing today. The genocide today against 6 million Palestinians, nearly half of them children and the threatened genocide against another 2 million living in what is called Israel is what matters. Not what some Jews suffered long ago.

The world has grown tired of the hypocrisy of people waving the tattered flag of Jewish holocaust experiences nearly a century ago, when they are doing the same, if not worse to Palestinians today.

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Then you have not been listening or reading and blatantly believe the false narratives being peddle here. You continue to parrot the same false assumptions. Debate cannot be actually had when the author here states with a deluded authority that israel does not even exist….. hello ? How you debate that ? How can you even debate this actual bullshit nonsense you can’t so you are correcf in part in so far as using the word debate. You cannot debate here but I like debates. I debate and accept fair points but not ludicrously being peddled as fact and all one sided.. I don’t care what you think and what you peddle but expect to be challenged by anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Fringe views and flawed a historical narratives will never condenses - bagging a one sided narrative will be shown for what it is.. good luck with that

I follow and accept objective thought and accept cogent logical thought like people like Douglas Murray - I don’t think you will ever gets his reach etc.

If you truly care about so called Arab Palestinians who are Arabs in the Levant then you would be arguing for them to eliminate the likes of Hamas and Islamic jihadi and condemn the Iranian regime and accept Israel as Jewish state for steps towards genuine peace rather than support lopsided one sided arguments just demonising Israel’s actual right to exist over and over again as these pages do that won’t go anywhere but I don’t you make a difference anyway apart from listeners that follow this one sided narrative that achieves nothing but the opposite effect.. ( not true peace that’s for sure ).

I would put my low profile money made in my private business ( unknown to anyone on here where to actual that can make a difference rather than try and get followers here for money or donate to anyone here that peddles clear false narratives claims they are journalists on here when they are not. I do follow and donate to some persons on here who are clearly respected and deal with facts and intelligent thought rather than joker journalists who simply promote an anti Zionist anti Israel agenda thread as activists - just demonstrable. Those people deserve to be called out or can they try and debate honestly but they fail with comments like Israel does not even exist when it does - Cleary false.. learn to stop making false assumptions and calling others trolls you think it does you favours it doesn’t

Believe it or not I care about peaceful Palestinians that genuinely want peace. But in my experience many people can’t get through to Islamic jihadis they are usually a lost cause unless they can be turned around. We can hope…

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Anyone radical lefty that is challenged usually blocks or calls out as hominem like troll lol eventually because they cannot handle being challenged when they absurdly peddle misleading narratives as fact - it is extremely deceptive

Read my earlier comment about trolls. Those radical lefties nut jobs that live in a cosy echo chamber and as soon they get challenged with the demonstrably false flawed be it the one sided Pro Arafat pro Hamas narrative they peddle over and over again they starting more false assumptions and false accusations like trolls. Using free speech doesn’t occur to them living in their deluded echo chamber peddling pointless nonsense let alone vicious hypocritical Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish (state ) for Jewish people so yes the most vicious worse form of anti semitism which has to come to mean prejudice to Jewish people as a whole) yes the majority of world Jews are rightly and proud Zionists..

All that is spread here is also blood libels too

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Debate is not your purpose, and thus trollish misnomer. Pointing out that a baby is a baby, or a frog a frog, is matter of fact. Similarly, I'm judging you by the combination of your squealing (all comments, not one) and obvious ill intent. I won't indulge your goal, nor respond here again, but you encourage me to stand up for Palestine. I will counter your effort by writing an article which will reach more people than your comments will. Thus, I must thank you for your contribution.

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Well said. James Jenkins and the others like him provide invaluable opportunities to correct misinformation, disinformation and plain old fashioned downright lies and do those of us promoting and disseminating facts and truth a favour.

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Then you have not been listening or reading and blatantly believe the false narratives being peddle here. You continue to parrot the same false assumptions. Debate cannot be actually had when the author here states with a deluded authority that israel does not even exist….. hello ? How you debate that ? How can you even debate this actual bullshit nonsense you can’t so you are correcf in part in so far as using the word debate. You cannot debate here but I like debates. I debate and accept fair points but not ludicrously being peddled as fact and all one sided.. I don’t care what you think and what you peddle but expect to be challenged by anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Fringe views and flawed a historical narratives will never condenses - bagging a one sided narrative will be shown for what it is.. good luck with that

I follow and accept objective thought and accept cogent logical thought like people like Douglas Murray - I don’t think you will ever gets his reach etc.

If you truly care about so called Arab Palestinians who are Arabs in the Levant then you would be arguing for them to eliminate the likes of Hamas and Islamic jihadi and condemn the Iranian regime and accept Israel as Jewish state for steps towards genuine peace rather than support lopsided one sided arguments just demonising Israel’s actual right to exist over and over again as these pages do that won’t go anywhere but I don’t you make a difference anyway apart from listeners that follow this one sided narrative that achieves nothing but the opposite effect.. ( not true peace that’s for sure ).

I would put my low profile money made in my private business ( unknown to anyone on here where to actual that can make a difference rather than try and get followers here for money or donate to anyone here that peddles clear false narratives claims they are journalists on here when they are not. I do follow and donate to some persons on here who are clearly respected and deal with facts and intelligent thought rather than joker journalists who simply promote an anti Zionist anti Israel agenda thread as activists - just demonstrable. Those people deserve to be called out or can they try and debate honestly but they fail with comments like Israel does not even exist when it does - Cleary false.. learn to stop making false assumptions and calling others trolls you think it does you favours it doesn’t

Believe it or not I care about peaceful Palestinians that genuinely want peace. But in my experience many people can’t get through to Islamic jihadis they are usually a lost cause unless they can be turned around. We can hope…

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Educated debate is important, but James, you're not debating, and are thus a troll. I would never have allowed such repetition on my page, so salutes to Roslyn's angel-like patience.

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So according to radical left pro Hamas apologists a troll is someone who disagrees with one sided narrative peddled on this page


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Oh so sorry Jews were firing rockets into Nazis from their Jewish civilian areas ( like Hamas is ) to cause the Nazi German Holocaust that’s hitlers defence thats right. I Must be absurdly stupid like Marxist radical arab / and islamic Terrorism rot yes along with Hitler yes

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Jews would have fired rockets if they had them. As an American writer, also Jewish, said after October 7, if Jews had broken out of the Warsaw Ghetto and found Germans dancing around at a music festival they would have attacked them as well.

The Palestinian Resistance/Hamas targeted military personnel which is legitimate. They had no idea the music festival was on.

Civilians, young men around the age of 20, broke out after them and they targeted civilians. They were not a part of the Palestinian Resistance. There was a video after October 7 of an Israeli soldier stating civilians attacked Israeli civilians.

Since those young men, all of their lives, from the time they were toddlers had been subjected to the worst kinds of mental and physical torture by the Israelis - sonic booms, bombing, bullets - and had seen their family friends, homes, society, torn apart in a bloody mess, not once, but many times by the savages who ruled them, one presumes some would have been less than mentally well.

Blame Israel for that. Torture children from the time they are born and they are not going to like you, they will want to hurt you as you hurt them.

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You points are feeble and outrageous..

Only radical left nut jobs and the Iranian regime calls Hamas . Houthis and Hezbollah resistance as you do. No they are not resistance and it’s not legitimate. They are Islamic terrorists

What Hamas did on Oct 7 burning burning and butchering and killing innocent civilians at a rave and in the kibitz was a barbaric pogrom mass murder pogrom including violent rapes / murder against girls & others was horrendous which they admitted to. But only the likes of you would twist this too

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Yes only radical left nut jobs and Iran regime itself would like and say what Hamas did on Oct 7 aas legitimate and that that are resistance

They slaughtered intentionally innocent civilians in rave parties and in the kibbutz and there were many girls who got sadistically raped then slaughtered..

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I blame Hamas 100 %

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You are lying and must be deluded or smoking something… Check objective real facts. Get educated. The Hamas and Palestinians that entered Oct 7 had maps of the Jewish homes in the kibbutz to literally target and kill - the same ones that had given them work ( work permits ) to work in Israel

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Oh please you are literally radical mad


Of course the Nazis / Hitler should have been destroyed just like Hamas must be destroyed they are two sides of the same coin both want to kill Jews and both wanted to prevent a Jewish state with the mufti and Hitler. If the IDF existed in the Holocaust days then the Holocaust would NOT have happened or many millions of Jews could have been. Fortunately IDF will not let Hamas / Islamic jihad finish the rest of the Jewish people in Israel off.

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Oh please you are literally radical mad


Of course the Nazis / Hitler should have been destroyed just like Hamas must be destroyed they are two sides of the same coin both want to kill Jews and both wanted to prevent a Jewish state with the mufti and Hitler. If the IDF existed in the Holocaust days then the Holocaust would NOT have happened or many millions of Jews could have been SAVED Fortunately IDF will not let Hamas / Islamic jihad finish the rest of the Jewish people in Israel off. We won't let that happen fortunately..

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Gosh, you’re still trolling my comment about Hiam Abbas appearing in ‘The Lemon Tree’ movie. You must be full of lemons. Just add salt, pepper and a fake name, and you’ll be taken seriously. Well, maybe not.

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I’m not commenting about your lemons sir

So just suck on them and enjoy

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I really think you should help to fix bankrupt broken South Africa first perhaps… good luck with that

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South Africa is not inflicting a savage, bestial, sadistic and genocidal military colonial occupation on anyone. Israel is and Israel claims to be a Western democracy and is judged by the bar it has set itself.

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Your key words ‘ colonial , bestial , genocide ‘ you say it as if is fact. You misleading lies and one sided narrative and that is the fact.

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South Africa ls bankrupt and is constant violence and murders between blacks and whites and then some..your point is feeble and you conflate… so they should just worry about their own broken state. If Muslim terrorists existed there they would be eliminated

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Then you have not been listening or reading and blatantly believe the false narratives being peddle here. You continue to parrot the same false assumptions. Debate cannot be actually had when the author here states with a deluded authority that israel does not even exist….. hello ? How you debate that ? How can you even debate this actual bullshit nonsense you can’t so you are correcf in part in so far as using the word debate. You cannot debate here but I like debates. I debate and accept fair points but not ludicrously being peddled as fact and all one sided.. I don’t care what you think and what you peddle but expect to be challenged by anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Fringe views and flawed a historical narratives will never condenses - bagging a one sided narrative will be shown for what it is.. good luck with that

I follow and accept objective thought and accept cogent logical thought like people like Douglas Murray - I don’t think you will ever gets his reach etc.

If you truly care about so called Arab Palestinians who are Arabs in the Levant then you would be arguing for them to eliminate the likes of Hamas and Islamic jihadi and condemn the Iranian regime and accept Israel as Jewish state for steps towards genuine peace rather than support lopsided one sided arguments just demonising Israel’s actual right to exist over and over again as these pages do that won’t go anywhere but I don’t you make a difference anyway apart from listeners that follow this one sided narrative that achieves nothing but the opposite effect.. ( not true peace that’s for sure ).

I would put my low profile money made in my private business ( unknown to anyone on here where to actual that can make a difference rather than try and get followers here for money or donate to anyone here that peddles clear false narratives claims they are journalists on here when they are not. I do follow and donate to some persons on here who are clearly respected and deal with facts and intelligent thought rather than joker journalists who simply promote an anti Zionist anti Israel agenda thread as activists - just demonstrable. Those people deserve to be called out or can they try and debate honestly but they fail with comments like Israel does not even exist when it does - Cleary false.. learn to stop making false assumptions and calling others trolls you think it does you favours it doesn’t

Believe it or not I care about peaceful Palestinians that genuinely want peace. But in my experience many people can’t get through to Islamic jihadis they are usually a lost cause unless they can be turned around. We can hope…

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Think about it carefully. A state which has no nationality called Israeli and no declared borders, logically does not really exist.

It is an interesting symbolism that the Israel of religious writing never truly existed either, beyond a primitive tribal group in Palestine and today, the State which calls itself Israel has no citizens called Israelis and no borders. Ergo, Israel does not really exist.

If the only nationality for the Zionist State is Jew, then it should change its name to Jewdistan.

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It’s a Jewish majority state . Israel is the name ( Jordan an Arab state is NOT called Arabstein you kook or Bahrain Arab state is not called arabstein ) . There are 2 million Arabs living in Israel proper - so that cannot be racist as you put it if multiple Arab states like Jordan 95 % Arab but with no Jews living there. Infact where did all Jews go in middle eastern Islamic / or Arab states

1947 UN partition was about a Jewish state and Arab state -

There are over ten Arab states - which one is called Arabstein ? None lol you are a DISTORTER so your point is feeble flawed inaccurate again.

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Israel a Jewish state ( Jewish majority 80 % Jewish )

Jordan an Arab state ( mainly 92 % + Arab ) is that called Arabstein ? Lol

You make points against yourself

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Palestine does not exist as a state has no clear borders so get your facts right. They rejected the offer in 2000 and 2008 which stated a future Palestine borders must be negotiated. Israel has already its borders clear in Israel proper and is a nation state - a Jewish state - now breathe and accept that fact or peddle your BS which you are free to do. You anti Zionist rants and one sided misleading toxic narrative…

The disputed territory outside Israel proper that has autonomous rule in area a and b of Judas and Samaria is governed by Fatah party / PA..

Gaza was ruled by Hamas after 2005 when Israel withdrew

Techinical it is those territories that belonged to Jordan and Egypt and previously others

It is technically israel land under utti POSSIDETIS Juris but Israel let them rule it to the extend their security is not compromised. They should have kept it.

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You are wrong and deceptive and trying to convince yourself as you make things up with your stupid anti Jewish state ideology The nationality is a keen Jewish majority state and it has defined borders with Israel proper. Israel is a Jewish majority nation state- that is the nationality - it also has 2 M Arabs including some Druze etc. Again imo you are clearly being deceptive justifying every one sided narrative Anti Zionist narrative and fortunately you are wasting your time but if it makes you feel good peddling this fraud then keep going

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You are misleading and one sided yet again. Israel was founded then almost immediately found itself defending itself against a coalition of Arab states who ( who had rejected a separate Arab state ( not Palestine state ) who were clearly GENOCIDAL arab 48 was to literally “ drive the Jews into the sea” - had clear genocidal intent - to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. ( Israel didn’t have hardly American weapons then ) and won. And Jews and Arabs died in that war and atrocities happen on both sides and arab leaders asked many Arabs to leave and return once they drove the Jews into the sea.. AGAIN ARAB STATES FAILED.. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Westbank ( Judea Samaria ) thereafter by Jordan who essentially annexed Westbank.

Your one sided narrative that all Israel is doing is committing genocide now after Oct 7 is false and all this time is false - not true.

As for your stated Ben Grunion comments in 1936 ? That’s in hotly in dispute and I don’t agree with that assertion regardless as Arabs were killing Jews in Ottoman empire ruled land and vice versa and under British mandate rule so. Again Palestine never existed as a state. But the first female PM was from there too before modern israel was formed as a Jewish state again - so your one sided narrative can be used both ways against your point too.

And Israel being a colonialist state is flawed nonsense I’ve heard this rubbish time and time again from fringe radical left rot so called education it is not accurate in fact. And who are the Jews in Israel being allegedly colonialists for can i ask which country ??

The idea that you peddle constantly that israel is terrorist state is NOT fact but your feeble opinion that is a one sided anti Israel narrative and even racist or bigoted against a Jewish nation - and a blood libel. The fact that almost pure ethno Arab ( oe even religious Islamic nations to cover all fields ) nations exist where littke Jews exist and you don’t say that is racist … and yet one Jewish nation exists as secular or religious Jewish state and you try to discredit that and say it’s racist jewish state but then say ridiculously oh it’s like not Jewish but only if they follow Judaism is irrelevant as it’s not even true because being Jewish is an ethnicity too as well as it can be when one follow the Jewish religion ( Judaism ) they are also Jewish or born Jewish from a mother that is the fact according to Jewish law and ifs not for you to dictate who is Jewish and who isn’t. But your argument falls away if Israel decided to become a pure Jewish theocracy state like Saudi Arabia is Islamic theocracy ( and Arab state ) so your point trying to say that Jews are not Jews is absurd. Because they are Jews and the majority of Jews are Zionists in Israel be it mihrazi Jews from Middle East / or Sephardic or Ashkenazi Jews all have a right to live in Israel the Jewish state ( secular or religious or otherwise ) as Israel decides who it’s Jewish citizens or otherwise will be - not you or I……… just like Arab ethno states or Islamic states decide which Arab or Muslim becomes a citizen of there country . Not you..

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You are misleading and one sided yet again. Israel was founded then almost immediately found itself defending itself against a coalition of Arab states who ( who had rejected a separate Arab state ( not Palestine state ) who were clearly GENOCIDAL arab 48 was to literally “ drive the Jews into the sea” - had clear genocidal intent - to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. ( Israel didn’t have hardly American weapons then ) and won. And Jews and Arabs died in that war and atrocities happen on both sides and arab leaders asked many Arabs to leave and return once they drove the Jews into the sea.. AGAIN ARAB STATES FAILED.. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Westbank ( Judea Samaria ) thereafter by Jordan who essentially annexed Westbank.

Your one sided narrative that all Israel is doing is committing genocide now after Oct 7 is false and all this time is false - not true.

As for your stated Ben Grunion comments in 1936 ? That’s in hotly in dispute and I don’t agree with that assertion regardless as Arabs were killing Jews in Ottoman empire ruled land and vice versa and under British mandate rule so. Again Palestine never existed as a state. But the first female PM was from there too before modern israel was formed as a Jewish state again - so your one sided narrative can be used both ways against your point too.

And Israel being a colonialist state is flawed nonsense I’ve heard this rubbish time and time again from fringe radical left rot so called education it is not accurate in fact. And who are the Jews in Israel being allegedly colonialists for can i ask which country ??

The idea that you peddle constantly that israel is terrorist state is NOT fact but your feeble opinion that is a one sided anti Israel narrative and even racist or bigoted against a Jewish nation - and a blood libel. The fact that almost pure ethno Arab ( oe even religious Islamic nations to cover all fields ) nations exist where littke Jews exist and you don’t say that is racist … and yet one Jewish nation exists as secular or religious Jewish state and you try to discredit that and say it’s racist jewish state but then say ridiculously oh it’s like not Jewish but only if they follow Judaism is irrelevant as it’s not even true because being Jewish is an ethnicity too as well as it can be when one follow the Jewish religion ( Judaism ) they are also Jewish or born Jewish from a mother that is the fact according to Jewish law and ifs not for you to dictate who is Jewish and who isn’t. But your argument falls away if Israel decided to become a pure Jewish theocracy state like Saudi Arabia is Islamic theocracy ( and Arab state ) so your point trying to say that Jews are not Jews is absurd. Because they are Jews and the majority of Jews are Zionists in Israel be it mihrazi Jews from Middle East / or Sephardic or Ashkenazi Jews all have a right to live in Israel the Jewish state ( secular or religious or otherwise ) as Israel decides who it’s Jewish citizens or otherwise will be - not you or I……… just like Arab ethno states or Islamic states decide which Arab or Muslim becomes a citizen of there country . Not you..

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As a Former Hostage of the Palestinian Resistance, I Refuse to Support Genocide

Reckoning and dealing with Israel's culpability, not vengeance, is the only path to ending this recurring nightmare.

By Catherine Hodes , Truthout

PublishedSeptember 18, 2024

I was a hostage in 1970 at age 13, caught in global events that were beyond my capacity to comprehend. I was held, together with my younger sister, for a week under difficult conditions. It began when the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine commandeered our aircraft not long after we left Frankfurt, a stopover on our trip from Israel to New York City, where we lived. I had visited close relatives in Tel Aviv six times in my short life, usually during summer vacations from school. This trip home began like all the others, but soon turned into a traumatic odyssey, beginning with the screams of passengers as a man ran toward the cockpit brandishing a gun.

Many frightening hours later, we landed in the Jordan desert as captives. Outside the window of the plane in which we were trapped, I could see trucks mounted with machine guns, tents and supplies, and people dressed in fatigues and keffiyehs. Two other hijacked planes landed alongside us. The next day, I saw dynamite being wired through the plane’s cabin; a serious man questioned me as to why I had been in Israel, and required me to relinquish my American passport. I was hot and dirty and hungry and scared. I concentrated on watching over my younger sister who seemed numb and pale with shock. Over the days I spent in the desert, Jewish passengers were separated and a select group of non-Jews were released. Babies wailed, passengers prayed, including those who donned Tefillin in the aisles, swaying and davening. The Palestinian commandos in charge of the planes brought medications for sick hostages, played jump rope with children, fed hundreds of people, and told us their stories (termed propaganda by news outlets).

My sister and I were released six days after our ordeal began. Along with most of the other hostages (some though, remained captive), we were driven in small trucks through the desert, through the city of Amman, then flown to Cyprus for processing, and finally returned home to family, school and friends. In spite of nightmares and disruptions, it never occurred to me that anyone should pay for what had happened to us. Instead, I wondered why it had happened.

I had been raised in a secular Jewish family, no Bat Mitzvah, no planting trees in Israel, and only celebrating Passover when invited to others’ Seders. But like most every New York Jew with roots in Ashkenazi Europe, I absorbed the notion of a Jewish State as naturally as drinking water or breathing air. My childhood visits to Israeli relatives involved beaches, adventure, food, a new language, and children to run around and play with. I was also aware of relatives in army fatigues carrying weapons, the placement of tape over windows, and bomb shelter directions; things a young child might not think about too deeply. But of course, I grew up and began to recall those images and ponder them.

I vividly remember an argument I had in my twenties with a close friend, also Jewish, who stated that the Holocaust demanded the establishment of the State of Israel. Although at the time I could not have discussed the alternative concept of Jewish diasporism, I remember saying, “Why does establishing a safe place for Jews mean herding us all into one small area, as if other places should not be safe for us? And why must the people in that area, who had nothing to do with the Holocaust, be eradicated? How does safety for Jews lead to the destruction of a whole other people?”

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A Palestinian man walks on a street torn up by bulldozers during an Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, Palestine, on September 1, 2024.

News Analysis | War & Peace

Israel Has Built an Economy Fueled by Genocide at Home and Abroad

With the help of the US, Israel exports instruments of oppression abroad, while testing them against Palestinians.

By Ciudong Ng , TruthoutSeptember 1, 2024

Later, my learning continued. I learned that the hijackers who held 300 hostages on three planes in the desert were not religious zealots. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was a secular group with a Marxist-Leninist ideology, whose goal was to establish one socialist democratic Palestinian state. They were political revolutionaries, seeking justice, to be heard and to return home. But it wasn’t until the Second Intifada in 2000 that I personally began to understand Israel’s provocations and aggression, its goal to undermine an independent Palestinian state with growing numbers of armed and illegal settlements, increasing civilian deaths, and the razing of thousands of farms and homes. The murder of American Rachel Corrie in 2003, along with the violent retaliation by Israel towards Palestinian people protesting injustice, further reified why I had been held hostage 30 years earlier — a tiny figure in a vast and bloody landscape of occupation, colonialism and genocide, which I was painfully beginning to grasp.

In spite of nightmares and disruptions, it never occurred to me that anyone should pay for what had happened to us. Instead, I wondered why it had happened.

Six hostages were found dead in a tunnel on September 1. My heart breaks for today’s hostages. I know what my parents went through while I was being held captive. What the families of today’s hostages are enduring is indescribably searing. Will they find comfort in the deaths of tens of thousands of people in the names of their loved ones? My own father wanted to fly to Jordan and rescue us. Our captivity took a great toll. Never though, did he articulate wanting revenge or retaliation. The only words I recall were expressions of sorrow about the intractability of global politics, and the rising death toll in Palestine. The agonizing experience of being a hostage causes me to resonate deeply with the closing off of the Gaza Strip, the families trapped there, and the Palestinians held hostage to Israeli policy and in Israeli prisons.

At 13, I thought the United States might drop bombs on the hijackers who held us. In fact, years later, I learned this was Nixon’s plan, which was discouraged by Melvin Laird, his secretary of defense. As a child, I was as afraid of the American bombs as I was of my captor’s dynamite. There was no difference. I didn’t want to die; I didn’t want anyone to die. I wanted to go home to my family, my community. In my experience, and the experience of current Israeli hostages and their families, calls for vengeance and overpowering force create more danger and serve to intensify the conditions that caused the hostage-taking in the first place.

Jews will never find safety or live our values by laying claim to a small and ancient strip of land, not deserted and unloved as the Zionists, influenced by European colonizers, insisted, but filled with people and farms and villages with names. Jews belong everywhere. Everywhere we live, everywhere we contribute, including the places where we were once exiled and murdered. Living in the diaspora while maintaining connection to our culture and identity is the way Jews have survived for millennia with our values and humanity intact.

Were it not for the genocide carried out in our names over the last 75 years, perhaps we would also be living peacefully and productively in Palestine.

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Roslyn, thanks for exposing these lies.

I wonder why people continue to read news sources that spread them when they've been revealed as lies.

With so much information, and so little time, you'd think people would ditch such blatant and destructive propaganda as soon as it's been exposed as such.

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I think it is also important to understand even if those beliefs were not lies that nothing can ever justify the sadistic and savage bestiality of the Zionists, Israelis and Jews toward the Palestinians.

The cruelty by them over a century ranks as some of the most evil in history and there are no reasons or excuses which could ever wipe that terrible slate clean.

It does not matter what happened or may have happened to some Jews, even many Jews, in past centuries, nor what their religion teaches them - they have no right to treat the Palestinians as the subhumans, indeed to even deem others to be subhuman, they believe they are, and to steal their country with a level of cruelty which the world should never have allowed.

What astonishes me is that anyone of sound mind and conscience could read and see the atrocities the Israelis commit and think they could ever be justified. It would not matter if Hamas were all the Israelis say they are, the level of terrorism and savagery the Israelis have inflicted on the Palestinians for generations, should never, can never be tolerated in a civilized world.

As Gabor Mate said, you could multiply anything Hamas has done by a thousand times and it would still not come close to the atrocities committed by Zionist Israel.

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So many Jewish people are horrified that this is being committed in their name.

More Zionists are evangelical Christian than Jewish.

Whoever they are, they have to stop supporting this genocide.

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My question to the horrified Jews is why have you not been horrified for all of Israel's existence? None of this genocidal slaughter is new. There is just more of it. The genocide, ethnic cleansing, murder, torture, rape, including of children, theft, dispossession has been going on since 1947.

The sadistic and bestial nature of the Zionist Israeli State has been documented by Israeli and international human rights groups for decades. Why were they not horrified then?

It cannot be denied that Israel was created and has been maintained by Jewish money and support. Yes, there have always been some Jews who condemned the reality of the State and its atrocities but they have been very few. Most Jews have thought it was a great idea and done their pilgrimage to what is called Israel every year. And sent their children on tours.

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The Jewish people I know and follow on social media were indoctrinated from a very early age, and are now deprogramming. Certainly not all, but the Jewish people I know and follow.

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That is good news. I have Jewish friends who still maintain the denial and others who were horrified 30 years ago and rejected the Zionist State.

Without the support of Judaism and Jews Israel cannot do what it does and that is why it is Jews who must take a major responsibility for the horror they have helped to create.

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Lots of Jewish people are, Roslyn.

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No mention about Islamic jihadi and Palestinian terrorism and Passover massacres and your audacity to say that a Jewish state has no right to exist in the land that you say only belongs to who ? Arab Hamas ? Arab Arafat ? Or the mufti of Jerusalem who conspired and anticipated a Hitler win to prevent a Jewish state:. Your one sided ignorance is astounding.. the Arabs in the region wanted to initially be part of Greater Syria - there was no great push from the 1920s onwards to even have a Arab state called Palestine ( let alone the fact that a Palestine state never existed ) . Being Jewish is not just adhering to Judaism it is also independently and uniquely an ethnicity similar to being an Arab ( yet being culturally or ethnically Jewish is not monolithic ) . Yet you have the temerity to dictate to Jewish people that are the NOT Jewish based on if they are not religious ( strictly with Judaism ) - the flip side irony being is that IF israel was a Jewish theocracy state ( rather than secular Jewish state ) you would be attacking that too regardless - and if it does become a theocratic Jewish state then it still has a right to exist just any other Arab state / or Islamic state exists as a theocracy ( Saudia arabia ) or simply an Arab state they are all fricken brutal with little civil liberties ( unlike Israel who has some basic civil liberties where 2 M Arab still live in Israel proper ). Jordan is almost 96 % ethnically Arab ( mixed Arab tribes ) so that must be apartheid because they have no Jews and ethnically cleansed them after 1949 from Judea Samaria - funny that - including when Jews were asked to leave from Middle East arab states and went to Israel the Jewish state.. ( thankfully ) the other fact is the MAJORITY of Jewish people are Zionists ( only a small minority of religious Jews 150,000 are technically anti Zionists for religious reasons from the majority of 7 million plus Jews who live in Israel are overwhelmingly rightly Zionists . The other radical left Marxist type hypocritical who say as a Jew are ANTI Zionists tend to be anti western and anti American too and are irrelevant as the majority of Jews in Israel ( 7 million of them are rightly Zionists ) including the world Jewry the majority of world Jewry are Zionists. Israel exists so get over it and all Islamic jihadi terrorists who want it destroyed and attack Israel must be removed . Only the peaceful Arabs who want peace with Israel as a Jewish sovereign state should naturally be allowed to stay and its Israel ( 80 % ethnic Jewish state - not monolithic ) who decides who its citizens will be or its residents will be ( just like Arab Jordan or Arab Saudia Arabia or Italy ( 90 % ethnic italian country ) decides who it’s citizens will be etc

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I take comfort, for the first time, that there are now more aware of the truth. It's heartening when substacker writers admit, "I was blind, but now I see." If only so much death wasn't the cure for blindness.

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...and if only it could be stopped.

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If only!

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Great work Roslyn.

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Roslyn, great historical analysis of the genocidal formation and evolution of the nazisraeli state, and the factual basis for the religious vs. racial realities of popular designations currently being used to describe the people of the region and globally. On point in every respect.

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Thank you! It took me a minute to understand #5. Even in my 20's, I dated someone who said he was Jewish but not a practicing Jew. Now I know that he was not Jewish at all then! He was from somewhere in Europe. I've read that Hebrew wasn't used as a modern language until the settling of "Israel" and them trying to establish a national identity.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

Hebrew was a dead language for more than 2000 years which is most of the time Judaism has existed, its creation/invention happening around 3000 years ago.

It was re-invented, although one could argue, invented in the late 19th century by a Russian, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. There were many new words needed because times had changed in more than 2000 years and as Arabic was also a Semitic language, with the same roots, many Arabic words were used. Ben-Yehuda used grammatical systems from religious/ancient Hebrew to put the language together.

It is perhaps a sad irony that the Hebrew spoken in Zionist Israel, by a people who hate Arabs and consider them to be subhuman, is as much Arabic as it is Hebrew. The Zionists were pretty much atheists but they needed Jewish money and support for their plans to set up a State to dominate the Middle East. That is why it had to be in Palestine, it had to be called Israel and the language had to be Jewish.

The most common language for most Jews in the 19th century was Yiddish, basically German with a Jewish accent as it has been described. Today the most common language for Jews is English, followed by Hebrew and then Russian. Jews do not have a common language.

Ancient Hebrew survived as Latin survives, through prayers learned by rote. But there was enough Hebrew in the modern invention called Hebrew for Jews to claim it as their own.

It is an interesting irony that just as Israel was invented in 1947/48, so too was the language of the State which, according to orthodox Jews and real Judaism, should never have been created. There was no ancient State of Israel. There were no States until the 19th century, a concept only mooted in the 18th century. There was a tribal kingdom called Israel and one called Judah which wandered into Palestine from what is now Iraq, about 3000 years ago and set up camps among a number of other tribal kingdoms which were not Jewish.

All that Zionist Israel claims to be, is a recent historical invention and in Judaic terms, a complete fake. Indeed some orthodox would say a dangerous fake because a literal Israel runs counter to Judaic teaching.

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Sep 20Liked by Roslyn Ross

I believe that Hebrew, a language only useful for Jewish liturgy but useless for communication on the world stage, was chosen to be the one language of Israel not only to establish a national identity but to isolate the population of the new colonial enterprise from the world at large, to make future generations (today’s Israelis) easy to propagandize and manipulate. They now believe ridiculous lies that no one on the outside believes, and have become easy targets for the fear campaign: “everyone hates you; you must be afraid of non-Jews. You must build walls and kill to defend them”. Witness our friend James here.

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Sep 17Liked by Roslyn Ross

Agree with the text, but the first image does not show citrus trees.

Greetings from Spain

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Thanks. I did wonder but the image was sent to me. What do you think they are?

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Roslyn Ross

Not sure. Heavily pruned, could be any stone fruit, or may be pomegranate.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 18Author

Thanks. I changed the caption to make it more general. I am not sure from looking at pomegranate orchards that it is one. Heavily pruned citrus is still possible but thanks for all the input.

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It's okay. Blame me.

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Well I was not sure but it was close enough. I have had a bit of a look since and there is still the chance it is pruned citrus. Maybe the Palestinians do that to reduce the crop because they have so much trouble harvesting with settlers shooting at them that less fruit is easier.

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Exploding pagers may have pruned them.

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Sep 17Liked by Roslyn Ross

Yep, definitely look like pruned pomegranate to me. I have some growing in my garden here in Southern Spain

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Sep 20Liked by Roslyn Ross

It would be good to know, but the moral of the story is the same. Palestinians grew thriving orchards of apricots, olives, dates, figs, grapes, and wild pears in addition to the oranges and pomegranates. Israel now claims them as their own, although they destroyed more trees and crops than they have planted.

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The Israelis have always been arrogant ecological and environmental vandals. They have depleted the aquifers to fill the swimming pools of illegal colonists and they have uprooted ancient, truly ancient orchards. Not only that, they have poisoned the soil with their bombs, white phosphorus and chemical warfare.

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I am asking this because I do not know. I am always told not every Jew is a Zionist, and recently I have seen a few young Jews in the U.S. protest against Zionism in Israel, but this genocide has been happening for a long time and I can never remember anyone in the U.S. standing up and saying to Israel Stop killing and using "Jewish" or Judaism as the reason it is okay.

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Unfortunately, while all Jews are not Zionists, the reality is many Jews, perhaps most, certainly too many have funded, supported and promoted the horror that is Israel. I wrote a piece on this recently, The Crime of Ignorance.

Either those Jews knew the genocidal ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft which founded Israel and which has continued ever since, and did not care, or they did not bother to find out exactly what they were supporting and promoting. I am not sure what is worse.

I agree very much with your post.

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Sep 20Liked by Roslyn Ross

From before 1948, there have been people, including Jews, protesting the creation and the crimes of Israel. The Western media has suppressed or vilified them, mostly marginalized and ignored them, or reported their views except those regarding Palestine. Some of the most persistent and courageous and vocal have been Jewish, for decades: Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Bernie Sanders, Alice Rothschild, Medea Benjamin, Philip Roth, and many others.

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This article makes great points, and I'm glad there will be a series of them, and grateful to be able to contribute to this project.

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Well said. Well written. So relevant and particularly important for those who neither know the facts or have been conditioned to see them in false ways.

I commend you for your comprehension, your comprehension, your articulation and your courage to speak out against the ubiquitously conditioned notion, cinically reinforced by human horror and sympathy for the Jewish victims of WWII.

Is it possible for humanity to actually put reality and compassion and understanding of difference before personal prejudice and gain?

I wonder?

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There will always be some who will defend the rights of all because they know that ultimately we are all connected and what we do to others, we do to ourselves.

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Sep 20Liked by Roslyn Ross

This was a very good article. So factual. Some people are still in the movie, “Exodus” state of mind. So much propaganda and brainwashing has been done by media, politicians and Hollywood(movies & tv). The damage this stuff does is really sad. 😢

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs agoLiked by Roslyn Ross

It has been noted that Biden and his cronies, along with a big chunk of the US Congress, are of the “Exodus Generation”. The film was a vile, racist piece of propaganda that pulled millions of unthinking Americans into a Zionist belief system. Its extraordinary accomplishment was its appeal to non-Jews; the high-drama theme song was written and sung by Pat Boone.

And now we’re seeing new generations with whole new ideas. 👏

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Well, that was just a small part of the takeover of American politics, Government, Presidents, media by Zionist Israeli Jewish agendas. And of course such propaganda works well in the US where many people are poorly educated and literally, too poor to have time to investigate and inform themselves and are generally ignorant about the outside world. The Zionist propaganda machine started in the 19th century and makes Goebbels look like Mickey Mouse. Perhaps Nazism drew on Zionism for inspiration.

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Yeah I remember seeing it on tv, not in the theater. It portrayed the Paul Newman character as if the actual person Ari Ben Gurion was a nice guy and when Ari is talking to the Eva Marie Saint character while overlooking the land of Palestine it gets really corny b/c he starts talking about biblical stories. I was young at the time and I’m saddened to say I fell for it. I’m a lot wiser now.☮️🇵🇸

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Well movies are theatre, not history or fact. But certainly powerful propaganda.

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Sep 17Liked by Roslyn Ross

Although I hit “like”, it’s rather inappropriate to say I like the content of this article

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It's appropriate to admire truth, and brave when it goes against the convenience of peer group.

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Excellent article. Sucvinct, concise and comprehensive demolition of the zionist position.

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Sep 19Liked by Roslyn Ross

Haven’t yet gotten through all of this but it’s worth a look


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Yes, I have seen this.

It said: Palestine was among former Ottoman territories placed under UK administration by the League of Nations in 1922. All of these territories eventually became fully independent States, except Palestine,

And only Palestine was not a participant in the divvying up of the Ottoman Empire.

It said: where in addition to “the rendering of administrative assistance and advice” the British Mandate incorporated the “Balfour Declaration” of 1917, expressing support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”.

And since there is no such thing as a Jewish people deserving a national home, just as there is no such thing as a Christian, Muslim, Hindu etc., people deserving of a national home, the mere fact the Zionists had so much power getting this concept stated says a lot.

From what I have read Zionist violence and terrorism, not just in Palestine, was of such a concern that the powers that be, Lord Balfour included, were looking to placate the Zionists by telling them they could take a slab of Palestine. It seems they gave the Zionists/Jews, most of Palestine because they thought it would slow down their plans to take all of it. Naive and no doubt bribed are the only conclusions.

It said: During the Mandate, from 1922 to 1947, large-scale Jewish immigration, mainly from Eastern Europe took place, the numbers swelling in the 1930s with the Nazi persecution.

Actually when the Zionists realised the Nazis were killing Jews, among many others, they slowed down the colonists. There is clear evidence that they concluded dead Jews were more powerful as propaganda than living ones. There was also within the Zionist movement a disdain if not truly despising the European Jews who were seen as weak and inferior for the mere fact they had been caught up in the German genocide net.

It said: Arab demands for independence and resistance to immigration led to a rebellion in 1937, followed by continuing terrorism and violence from both sides.

Why would not the UN refer to Palestinians instead of the cultural label of Arab? This in itself indicates strong Zionist influence in what they were doing. Because the Zionists wanted people to believe Jews were a people against Arabs who were just a culture, as opposed to Palestinians who were definitely a people, they promoted this idea that Jews could be compared with Arabs instead of Jews with Muslims and Christians, or Arabs with Europeans which is what the Zionists and most colonists were.

All we do know is that Zionist bullying, bribery and influence saw the UN RECOMMEND, partition even though it had no legal right to partition any country on earth. That opened the door to the invasion of Palestine by Zionists and Jews.


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