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Not at all which means again you have a comprehension problem and clearly misunderstand me. For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.

Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc )

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is not anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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My comment was not directed to you nor to anyone in particular. It was directed at people who claim, explicitly or implicitly, that criticism of Israel is antisemitism.

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If it came personally to you, that happened by accident 😔

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No problem - thanks again for the courtesy ( Bleak Ph )

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