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You are misleading and one sided yet again. Israel was founded then almost immediately found itself defending itself against a coalition of Arab states who ( who had rejected a separate Arab state ( not Palestine state ) who were clearly GENOCIDAL arab 48 was to literally “ drive the Jews into the sea” - had clear genocidal intent - to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. ( Israel didn’t have hardly American weapons then ) and won. And Jews and Arabs died in that war and atrocities happen on both sides and arab leaders asked many Arabs to leave and return once they drove the Jews into the sea.. AGAIN ARAB STATES FAILED.. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Westbank ( Judea Samaria ) thereafter by Jordan who essentially annexed Westbank.

Your one sided narrative that all Israel is doing is committing genocide now after Oct 7 is false and all this time is false - not true.

As for your stated Ben Grunion comments in 1936 ? That’s in hotly in dispute and I don’t agree with that assertion regardless as Arabs were killing Jews in Ottoman empire ruled land and vice versa and under British mandate rule so. Again Palestine never existed as a state. But the first female PM was from there too before modern israel was formed as a Jewish state again - so your one sided narrative can be used both ways against your point too.

And Israel being a colonialist state is flawed nonsense I’ve heard this rubbish time and time again from fringe radical left rot so called education it is not accurate in fact. And who are the Jews in Israel being allegedly colonialists for can i ask which country ??

The idea that you peddle constantly that israel is terrorist state is NOT fact but your feeble opinion that is a one sided anti Israel narrative and even racist or bigoted against a Jewish nation - and a blood libel. The fact that almost pure ethno Arab ( oe even religious Islamic nations to cover all fields ) nations exist where littke Jews exist and you don’t say that is racist … and yet one Jewish nation exists as secular or religious Jewish state and you try to discredit that and say it’s racist jewish state but then say ridiculously oh it’s like not Jewish but only if they follow Judaism is irrelevant as it’s not even true because being Jewish is an ethnicity too as well as it can be when one follow the Jewish religion ( Judaism ) they are also Jewish or born Jewish from a mother that is the fact according to Jewish law and ifs not for you to dictate who is Jewish and who isn’t. But your argument falls away if Israel decided to become a pure Jewish theocracy state like Saudi Arabia is Islamic theocracy ( and Arab state ) so your point trying to say that Jews are not Jews is absurd. Because they are Jews and the majority of Jews are Zionists in Israel be it mihrazi Jews from Middle East / or Sephardic or Ashkenazi Jews all have a right to live in Israel the Jewish state ( secular or religious or otherwise ) as Israel decides who it’s Jewish citizens or otherwise will be - not you or I……… just like Arab ethno states or Islamic states decide which Arab or Muslim becomes a citizen of there country . Not you..

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