Well there are no Gazans, just Palestinians and yes they saved Palestine and Palestinians because now the world is demanding and the UN just decreed that Israel end the occupation and get out of Palestine back behind pre: 67 so-called borders.
Israel has exterminated many but it has also exterminated its position globally and the world now wants Israel dismantled, well most people in the world and a few sane Governments, and Palestine to be free.
So, the Palestinian resistance freedom fighters have saved Palestine and Palestinians. Well, the truth is the idiot Israelis did it with their childish vengeful slaughter, using October 7, so they thought, as an excuse to ethnically cleanse Occupied Palestine. Instead the world now plans to cleanse Palestine of Israelis.
You can kill people but not an idea and you will never kill a just fight for freedom.
Apologies for repost as my phone gets stuck being in Ramallah leaving this week
There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )
Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in mandate of British Pal like Gold Meir and for arabs )
Then Gaza belonged to Israel for ADMINSTRATION purposes after 1967 when Egypt lost the war after a war with Israel again ) and they unilaterally withdrew to 67 borders anyway in 2005 but Hamas ruined it for Gazans ( Arab Palestinians ) by stealing billions in aid and building terror tunnels despite having beautiful resorts and beaches and hotel and large mansions in Gaza ( no Jews in Nazi camps had resorts and supermarkets and food markets and mansions I recall ) ( and all Jews ethnically cleansed themselves from Gaza where they also lived there ( Hamas allows no Jews into their territory too - funny that )
Tiber is different example and no comparison no but Tibet was a state and China annexed it and killed thousands of Tibetans and the Dalai Laima fled - tibetisns still want their own state but China won’t let them and ethic Chinese live there now ( no Jews in Gaza ) completely different yes but not like you are portraying in deceitful way
The lie is you say the whole world wants Israel diamantés is DEUDED LIE as NO WESTERN GOVT is saying all calling for that expect for radical left anti Israel nuts jobs sorry to say that is your wishful thinking only
That UN advisory non binding about pre 67 border well that’s funny as Israel withdrew from Gaza to pre 67 border and look what happened so any sane USA politician knows that’s crazy and meaningless moot now ( that was previously part of Egypt ) in 2005 piece contradicts its own former UN resolution which says borders for a future potential Palestine state ( which won’t happen now or at all - until jihadi Hamas Islamic terrorists remain there and likely they will be defeated but still present - so Gaza / WB parts will still be under the status of autonomy rule until or if Hamas stands down ( the majority are dismantled ) and surrenders and releases all hostages - but I don’t see them surrendering
Hamas with OCT 7 brought no so called freedoms for Palestinians / Gazans but misery will remain as is - a shit hole when it was nice before Oct 7 even if Hamas stuffed it up with resorts / parks beaches , mansions etc -just like Ramallah etc in PA Arab administered regions in WB..
Using your words “ it’s very simple “ when you want to selectively use it
It’s very simple :
Consistent with Islamic terrorists and radical left nut jobs and useful idiots - that is your wish for Israel to be finished as Jewish state… they have survived worse.. ( when Palestinians get new leaders and remove all jihadis including their ideology ) then and only then can there be steps towards real peace be it a two state solution with land swaps ( tried before but failed due to second intifada terrorism and the rejection by Arafat ) or some type of confederation - improved but that’s all a moot point until the Islamic jihadi mentality to destroy the Jewish state continues - the Palestinian Territories and its people there will suffer the consequences from poor leadership of they want to destroy the Jewish state. Israelis will never agree to one again unless the jihadi who want to die for Allah type mentality is cured. If not expect much of the same. Israel will survive and it does.. the enemies of Israel will have consequences if they continue to attack them - just like the enemies of the USA and the west in general
I and the rest of the Westen world with moderate governments support the state of Israel - the Jewish state AND Israel has rightfully bipartisan support in the main in the USA ( the radical left of the party usually get reprimanded ) - its a no brainer to stand against Islamic terrorism like Hamas
Mate, I do not give a screaming toss if there is a Jewish state in the world, just not in Palestine and not one which involves bestial savagery and sadistic cruelty to the Palestinians.
Set up a Jewish state in the US where Zionists, Israelis and Jews have most power. The US backs Israel so stick it there.
Either that or drop the insane Jewish racist fantasy and create one state where the native people, the Palestinians, share the land equally with any Israelis who wish to remain and be Palestinians.
GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. People oppose what the Israeli state is and does and has done for nearly 80 years not that the fact a lot of Israelis are Jews.
Look DUDE that’s not for you to dictate in your ahistorical nonsense even if you can say another
You can wank yourself DUDE as ISRAEL exists where it does as a Jewish state and it’s not going anywhere - as GAD SAAD states the main reason only reason is the Arabs / Islamists cannot stand any other sovereign state other than Islamic ruled states ( or Arab states with Muslim ruled majority ) but the fact they can’t stand a Jewish sovereignty there even more so and that’s unacceptable - bad luck
If it was a Swedish state with historical ties and state in land of historical Israel HEBREW Judea or however so named was created like other states in that century in the land I would be saying the same thing if the Arabs tried to kill the Swedish people ( Jews in this case ) and let’s face it Jewish hatred ( anti Semitism is the oldest hate in the world . The fact is ( whether it was right or wrong - Israel does exist as Jewish state like Jordan exists as Arab state and Pakistan as a Islamic stare ) and to say let’s dismantle it especially Israel now would essentially require a second Holocaust - ( the utopian fools are seriously deluded…
I dictate nothing. I simply present facts on a plate of reason and common sense.
The Swedes are a people. Jews are a religion. Apples with apples. I can assure you if Swedes had camped in Palestine 3000 years ago they would also have no right to invade and occupy it.
Quote: By the way, listen to China’s UN rep Fu Cong’s blistering condemnation of Israel, which uses very uncharacteristically strong language:
Now it’s clear that Israel is desperate to provoke Hezbollah in attacking it first, so that it can have the casus belli and global consensus in waging another genocide to cover for the first one in a sort of genocide-Ponzi scheme.
Here’s Israeli media showing its true face in declaring that Lebanese civilians are indistinguishable from Hezbollah ‘terrorists’, a precursor to the whitewashing of the planned genocide:
But what’s been understated is the true reason for why Israel is suddenly so desperate to expand the war to Lebanon. There are several reasons, of course, with varying importance; and while each play a part, let’s look at the most significant.
1. Firstly, Israel’s economy is in danger of crumbling partly owing to the fact that the productivity of the entire north has been disrupted by ongoing repercussions of the Hezbollah fight. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of settlers have fled, farms have been abandoned, etc. This much Netanyahu has openly stated even yesterday in a new speech—that the north must be ‘secured’ in order to bring people back, otherwise it can turn into an abandoned wasteland as Israelis don’t quite have the same taste for subsisting amid open hostilities as the nearby Arabs whom they’ve subjected to such conditions for years.
This was exacerbated today when Hezbollah unleashed a large attack which pierced the Iron Dome and slammed into several neighborhoods. The damage seemed unclear but houses, cars, etc., appeared on fire from published videos.
We’ll call this reason the most overt and ostensibly ‘official’ one, for the sake of political optics. But there are deeper ones.
2. Another major reason that few have gleaned or spoken of is a broader strategic one. Israel has not only likely deduced its time is running out due to the wane of the US Empire which is its chief sponsor, but more specifically, Israel may be taking advantage of a short window of unprecedented American weakness and absence of leadership.
Israeli govt made clear Hezbollah is clearly distinguishable FROM THE Lebanese people especially Sunnis / Christians / Druze etc ( no Jews in Lebanon or very few ) - plus again Jews are ethnicity too despite what you say for gods sake
But going by your logic Hamas / Palestinians are NOT indistinguishable as many support Hamas ( Hamas are Palestinians Arabs ) and part of the structure and fabric in Gaza - the rest are dissenters and get tortured as the son of Hamas also stated - so israel must destroy Hamas who dress as civilians ( another war crime )
Israeli govt made clear Hezbollah is clearly distinguishable Lebanese people especially Sunnis / Christians / Druze etc ( no Jews in Lebanon or very few ) - plus again Jews are ethnicity too despite what you say for gods sake
But going by your logic Hamas / Palestinians are NOT indistinguishable as many support Hamas ( Hamas are Palestinians Arabs ) and part of the structure and fabric in Gaza - the rest are dissenters and get tortured as the son of Hamas also stated - so israel must destroy Hamas who dress as civilians ( another war crime )
You just wish and cheer Oct 7 Hamas pogrom attacks and cheer and wish for Israel Demise as a vicious trivial ANTI ZIONST masquerading as a journalist - with respect you can’t claim that as I bet you don’t subscribe to journalistic integrity of impartiality for one
You don’t present facts you present a one sided narrative with fallacies as fact and selective facts from the most radical left bias sources and mistate and from the dissenters within Israel itself
Wars affect economies no kidding - but Israel has had many wars attacked by its enemies for decades and still managed to became a success Jewish state story against the odds and still build the second biggest economy in middle east proper and it has no oil and a small population - it is still bigger than Iran economy and Egypt with huge populations - Israel leads UAE who is third and UAE has oil ( excluding Turkey )
They hated Jews for their religion first then they hated them just being Jewish like Hitler did
Now it’s clear that hate them for having a Jewish state -
You can deny all you want
The Hamas manifesto is clear just like the Arafat fake Palestinian identity created in 1960s
The 47 UN partook was for a Jewish state AND a additional Arab state ( not a Palestine ) - which Arabs rejected and went to war and lost…tough luck reality and expelled Jews ( Jordan did ) from Judea / Samaria
I think most sane people hate injustice, cruelty, bestial sadism, occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft as carried out by Zionists and Jews for a century.
I do not happen to think any of that represents Judaism or real Jews but I recognise that Jews must stand up to reject and push to dismantle the Zionist state if they want to save their religion and their integrity.
The rest of your definitions are meaningless semantic and conflation
Then tell the Arab states to dismantle and further by your logic means Jordan should be dismantled as it was part of British mandate too as the so call self determination right to Arab Palestinians would claim that as there own too so Jordan must be dismantled too - oh that’s right that partly tried to do that - by saying the Arab state of jeden was not Arab PALESTINIANS enough for them and wanted to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy - so they kicked them out
The right to self determination is not blanket full reaching right to destroy another sovereign nation state - arab nation state of Jordan or the jewish stare of Israel through Islamic terrorism or otherwise. ( they rejected their own ) but hang out more than half of Jordan has Arab Palestinians - so arguably they have a state there ) and autonomy rule in PA controlled areas and has in Gaza.
Using your words “ it’s very simple “ when you want to selectively use it
It’s very simple :
Consistent with Islamic terrorists and radical left nut jobs and useful idiots or utopian delusion - that is your wish for Israel to be finished as Jewish state… they have survived worse.. ( when Palestinians get new leaders and remove all jihadis including their ideology ) then and only then can there be steps towards real peace be it a two state solution with land swaps ( tried before but failed due to second intifada terrorism and the rejection by Arafat ) or some type of confederation - improved but that’s all a moot point until the Islamic jihadi mentality to destroy the Jewish state continues - the Palestinian Territories and its people there will suffer the consequences from poor leadership of they want to destroy the Jewish state. Israelis will never agree to one again unless the jihadi who want to die for Allah type mentality is cured. If not expect much of the same. Israel will survive and it does.. the enemies of Israel will have consequences if they continue to attack them - just like the enemies of the USA and the west in general
I and the rest of the Westen world with moderate governments support the state of Israel - the Jewish state AND Israel has rightfully bipartisan support in the main in the USA ( the radical left of the party usually get reprimanded ) - its a no brainer to stand against Islamic terrorism like Hamas
You must really hate Judaism and Jews if you believe Israel represents the religion and its followers.
I reject that anti-semitism. Zionist Israel has exploited too many gullible and not very bright Jews, and defamed the religion, but any understanding of Judaism makes it very clear it does not promote occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft as carried out by Zionist Israel for nearly 80 years.
I would never condemn all Jews because of some Jewish fanatics and the lies of Israel, just as I would never condemn Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists for their fanatics.
Oh yes you only condemn the majority of Jews because they are Zionists as Israel is a nation state for the Jewish people ( Jewish majority ) and lie about everything - it is so Ahistorical what and deceptive what you say
You typically only quote the dissenting minority among Jews the radical left anti Zionists type Marxists who openly call for the end of the Jewish state - those are the voices you say “
Oh look as a Jew “ im an anti Zionist” doesn’t count as its feeble and irrelevant and - but at least dissenters are allowed to voice this be it half truths their nonsense or narrative that all radical left use but in Hezbollah and Hamas or PLO autonomy ruled Palestinian territory and many parts of Arab and Islamic nations you cannot even voice any dissenting voice without brutally being silenced as Palestinians are - who may want peace with Israel are by be in by PLO/ Fatah which also encourage terrorism pay for slay incentives / Islamic jihad in west bank and Gaza
None of those states commit the evil that Israel does. None of them are committing genocide. none of them are constantly attacking their neighbours. None of them have a history of bestial savagery which equals Israel.
American Surgeon Who Volunteered in Gaza Says IDF Snipers Shoot Toddlers
'No toddler gets shot twice by mistake,' said Dr. Mark Perlmutter
An American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza https://www.cbsnews.com/video/children-of-gaza/ in an interview that aired Sunday that Israeli snipers were purposely shooting Palestinian children, including toddlers.
“I had children who were shot twice,” said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May. “I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately and directly on the side of the head in the same child.”
In his interview, Perlmutter, vice president of the International College of Surgeons, said what he saw in Gaza was worse than all of the disaster zones he’s seen combined. “Forty mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes. All of that combined doesn’t equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza,” he said.
When asked if the civilians he saw wounded or killed were mostly children, Perlmutter said, “Almost exclusively children. I’ve never seen that before. Never seen that. I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life combined. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week.”
Asked what he meant by “shredded” children, Perlmutter explained, “Missing body parts, being crushed by buildings, the greatest majority, or bomb explosions, the next greatest majority. We’ve taken shrapnel as big as my thumb out of eight-year-olds.”
Israel should NOT have tolerated at all being sent rockets from Gaza by Hamas for 20 years trying to kill its citizens - no neighbour would - hit the USA’ - not Canada not morrooco not anyone - killi
Even Tibetans don’t even do send rockets into China for 20 years lol and if they did they would be slaughtered and justified too - that’s why there is apparent peace lol ok righto
For heaven's sake, Gaza is not a neighbour, Occupied Palestine is not a neighbour. Israel rules all of Palestine including what is called the West Bank and the Gaza concentration camp.
They were attacking their sadistic and bestial occupiers and colonial rulers and that is their right in law.
TRUST ME iF THE US or Canada were doing to their native people what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians they would also be on the receiving end of rockets and a resistance militia.
There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )
Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in mandate of British Pal like Gold Meir and for arabs )
Then Gaza belonged to Israel for ADMINSTRATION purposes after 1967 when Egypt lost the war after a war with Israel again ) and they unilaterally withdrew to 67 borders anyway in 2005 but Hamas ruined it for Gazans ( Arab Palestinians ) by stealing billions in aid and building terror tunnels despite having beautiful resorts and beaches and hotel and large mansions in Gaza ( no Jews in Nazi camps had resorts and supermarkets and food markets and mansions I recall ) ( and all Jews ethnically cleansed themselves from Gaza where they also lived there ( Hamas allows no Jews into their territory too - funny that )
Tiber is different example and no comparison no but Tibet was a state and China annexed it and killed thousands of Tibetans and the Dalai Laima fled - tibetisns still want their own state but China won’t let them and ethic Chinese live there now ( no Jews in Gaza ) completely different yes but not like you are portraying in deceitful way
Your ignorance is supreme. The Chinese gave Tibetans citizenship and rights and they do not imprison them in concentration camps and cantons and rape, torture, murder them constantly.
If The US and Canada were doing to the native people of their countries what Israel does to the Palestinians I can assure you, the Indians would be bombing them too. The Mexicans would be helping them and Canadian Indians would support American Indians, and vice versa, in a just fight for freedom.
You have a comprehension problem as that’s not what i said for then you to then demonstrate your double standard bigoted ignorant one sided false analogy twisted demonstrable bias yet again- and false fraudulent definitions that is typical of radical left Anti Zionist ( anti semites who whether they deny it or not deranged anti Zionism in this context is cover for anti semitism clearly too ) anti Israel types like you. ( they are fringe minority too among western civilised governments that goodness).
Even so, yes I’m sure Tibetans loved being annexed yeah with the Dalai Lama fleeing yes they loved it ( the slaughter too ) and you minimise that and amplify your one sided anti Israel narrative. Tibetans I’m sure wanted their own state when Arab Palestinians rejected theirs
The israel withdrew from Gaza a defacto state of Gaza ( pre 1967 borders if Gaza ) lovey with autonomy rule by Hamas after throwing Fatah members off buildings - it was 20 year launch of missiles that caused israel and Egypt to rightly blockade (but not enough clearly )
You are such a racist bigot deranged anti Israel ( anti Zionist - anti Semite ). Yes I use your fraudulent bogus definition of racist against you because you selectively say Israel proper is a racist state when being Jewish is not even a race and even have Arab judges and doctors etc and can practise their religion etc. You can continue with your double standard blood libels nevertheless when know what you are. Israel was set up as Jewish state and has Arabs, Druze and etc Ethiopian Africans etc ANF Muslims are free to practise their religion and Israel has even accepted non Jewish refugees from other countries that are not hostile to it… tell me what the any potential Palestinian state in area a and b or Gaza have including the defacto Arab Palestine state of Jordan ? No Jews or no Jews allowed in Gaza by Hamas after Israel withdrew - no Synagogues in Gaza ? Apartheid anyone
And Hebron arab Palestinian city has god forbid paltry 1100 Jews
Go smoke a crack pipe and continue to peddle your deranged Anti Zionist narrative as it is your right. Anti Zionism is a scourge.
And yes and Islamic jihad are not sane that’s all what Hamas does against its won and how the want to destroy Jewish state and replace it with Islamic caliphate -
Wars now started by Hamas is horrible and like any war it would be a miracle if no civilians especially with Hamas strategy to shoot from civilian areas ( another war crime )
You are flogging a dead horse. It is irrelevant what Hamas does as part of the Palestinian Resistance because they are the victims and Israel is the aggressor.
And if the Jewish state is destroyed and an Islamic state replaces it and treats people as the Jews have done I will be condemning that equally. However, Palestine belongs to the Palestinian people and how they run their country is their business.
Given the fact the Palestinians are an ancient, cultured, sophisticated and well educated people I do not foresee an Islamic State when it is free.
The facts are against you. This war was started by Zionists and Jews a century ago. All fault, all blame, all responsibility is with Zionists, Israelis and Jews and their supporters.
And if the Palestinian Resistance fighting their evil oppressors is a war crime then you are saying the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto committed a war crime resisting their evil oppressors. I doubt many people would agree with you on that one.
Exploding Pagers in Lebanon, Another Israeli Terrorism Blunder?
Jamal Kanj
Benjamin Netanyahu’s security cabinet has approved a plan to wage a war on Lebanon under the pretext of returning Israeli settlers to their colonies in the north part of historical Palestine.
Historically, the Israeli government does not usually discuss its military plans in the public arena. The security cabinet meeting, initially scheduled for Sunday, was delayed to Monday until after the arrival of American envoy, Amos Hochstein. Following their meeting, Israeli Prime Minister told Hochstein thanks for U.S. support, but Israel “will do what is necessary” for the return of the Israeli settlers to the “Jewish only” colonies located along the borders with Lebanon
According to Israeli sources, the Biden administration wanted to avoid a broader regional conflict that might involve the Resistance in Lebanon, Yemen and Iran, at least until after the U.S. elections in November. However, all indications suggest that Netanyahu is resisting the American demands, and even disregarding the opinion of his own war minister who does not believe it’s the right time to expand the war. Netanyahu’s preparations for the war could also include dismissing Yaov Gallant and replacing him with Gideon Sa’ar from the New Hope Jewish racist party. This prompted Biden to send Hochstein to warn the Israeli prime minister of dangerous consequence if he moves ahead and dismisses Gallant.
The political posturing and the unusual public nature of these discussions—potential dismissals of a minister, and talk of military action—suggests that a decision to launch a war against Lebanon may have been imminent. Furthermore, the infighting within the Israeli government appears to have caused confusion or disorganization exhibited by “unapproved” actions taken by Israeli military units along the Lebanese border.
As an example, on September 16, leaflets in Arabic were dropped in South Lebanon ordering residents to leave their homes and warning that civilians who remain become legitimate Israeli targets. But shortly afterward, the Israeli military announced that no official evacuation order had been issued and that the leaflets were distributed without proper authorization.
Besides the hollow excuse for a lack of proper authorization, army units do not have printing machines to prepare leaflets that include the exact date and timing⎯4 p.m. (13:00 GMT)⎯by which civilians should complete their evacuation. Leaflets are typically brought by other specialized units to the frontline.
This raises the questions, could the leaflets have been part of an earlier war plans? Did Hochstein’s visit force a delay in the timing, but the change wasn’t communicated down to the unit responsible for distributing the leaflets?
Then on the following day, Tuesday September 17, approximately 3,000 pagers exploded simultaneously across Lebanon.
Is there a connection between the original timing of the leaflets and the detonation of the pagers?
The above two incidents suggest a serious misstep and could have possibly derailed the original Israeli war plans against Lebanon. In fact, these miscalculations may potentially become larger than Israel’s security screw-up on October 7, 2023.
Before arguing the points for this hypothesis, one must acknowledge that booby-trapping the pagers was possibly one of the most sophisticated espionage operations orchestrated by the Israeli Mossad; no less than the assassination of Ismail Hania in Tehran. Having stated the above, however, one might be surprised in concluding that as far reaching as this covert action was for the Israeli spies, in all likelihood, this was a failure.
The Israeli terrorist assault resulted in the killing of nine Lebanese, including a child, and injuring close to 3000 individuals. Despite what was reported in the managed Western media, many were innocent civilians, some were driving cars, while others were shopping in crowded markets.
In this attack, Israel did not aim to terrorize civilians only, they do that daily. More importantly, targeting the pagers intended to interrupt the communication channels for Resistance operatives, as well as the civilian infrastructure such as hospitals and civil defense. Therefore, for the above to achieve optimum effectiveness, such an operation would need to have taken place during the initial Israeli military attack, not on a normal afternoon in Lebanon. Hence, the relationship between the “unauthorized” leaflets ordering Lebanese civilians to evacuate by 4 p.m. September 16, and the flub of the exploding pagers precisely 24 hours later.
In essence, it appears that Israel had initially prepared to order the evacuation ahead of a planned military action on the 16th. At the same time, the pagers were programmed to detonate during the initial phase of the war, 24 hours later, to disrupt communication channels, create confusion and disarray in the midst of war.
However, the overextended Israeli army that failed in preventing the release of the evacuation leaflets on May 16, when the war was likely delayed. It also did not halt the premature detonation of the pagers on September 17. The last oversight, the second within 24 hours, may have resulted in a missed strategic opportunity for the Israeli army, and another blunder for the Israeli leadership.
Jamal Kanj is the author of Children of Catastrophe: Journey from a Palestinian Refugee Camp to America, and other books. He writes frequently on Arab world issues for various national and international commentaries.
So when or if israel surgically targets know subscribed ISLAMIC terrorists like Hezbollah that is terrorism . Wow -
Killing bin laden and his Islamic terrorist cronies must have terrorism too according to this post using slanted key words accusations as fact - and JUSTIFIED
Hezbollah and Hamas are beyond Islamic terrorists and beyond simple war crimes they are barbaric islamic terrorist monsters and the sooner they get out of Lebanon the better it will be for the Sunni and Christian communities of Lebanon and Lebanon itself which is bankrupt broken state - anything Iran touches turns to shit
If Hamas was doing what it is doing when there is no occupation by Israel you would be correct.
Because Israel inflicts a bestial, sadistic and savage military colonial occupation on all of Palestine then Hamas are not terrorists but freedom fighters. It is the Israelis who are the terrorists.
It is the right of the Palestinians to take support from whoever offers it, including Iran, just as Israel claims that right.
Israelis will have no say in the dismantling of their State. It is crumbling already with an economy in ruins, half the colonists have gone back to where they came from and businesses are bankrupt.
Oh the cia ? Lol the Americans were helping afganis against the Soviet invasion - its a huge leap to say the evils of Al Qaeda developed years later who turned against any thing American and even Saudi Arabia itself and sept 11 itself was justified ( it wasn’t ) just like Oct 7 was not justified but radical lefties like you skewer it and say Islamic terrorism is not Islamic terrorism including the butchering and raping and mass murder ( not accidental killing in war ) was not only denied by you ( the radical ) but resistance and justified then deny it even happened when it’s all on camera footage by Islamic jihadi Palestinians / Hamas because you say ( under your skewered Hamas talking islamic jihadi pro Palestinians Jihadi talking points israel proper it’s all Palestine and Arabs can do anything they want to the Jewish state of Israel and it’s all resistance - you know how Radical hypocritical and deranged that sounds- plus you are flat wring and it’s irrelevant what you say and again ISRAEL ( PROPER ) EXISTS IN FACT AND LAW AS JEWISH STATE DESPITE YOUR DELUSIONAL BELIEF WHICH WONT CHANGE A THING
The Zionist state is a Jewish state
The rest of your definitions are meaningless semantic and conflation
Then the Arab states should just dismantle and further by your logic means Jordan should be dismantled as it was part of British mandate too as the so call self determination right to Arab Palestinians would claim that as there own too so Jordan must be dismantled too - oh that’s right that partly tried to do that - by saying the Arab state of jeden was not Arab PALESTINIANS enough for them and wanted to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy - so they kicked them out
The right to self determination is not blanket full reaching right to destroy another sovereign nation state - arab nation state of Jordan or the jewish stare of Israel through Islamic terrorism or otherwise. ( they rejected their own ) but hang out more than half of Jordan has Arab Palestinians - so arguably they have a state there ) and autonomy rule in PA controlled areas and has in Gaza.
Using your words “ it’s very simple “ when you want to selectively use it
It’s very simple :
Consistent with Islamic terrorists and radical left nut jobs and useful idiots or utopian delusion - that is your wish for Israel to be finished as Jewish state… they have survived worse.. ( when Palestinians get new leaders and remove all jihadis including their ideology ) then and only then can there be steps towards real peace be it a two state solution with land swaps ( tried before but failed due to second intifada terrorism and the rejection by Arafat ) or some type of confederation - improved but that’s all a moot point until the Islamic jihadi mentality to destroy the Jewish state continues - the Palestinian Territories and its people there will suffer the consequences from poor leadership of they want to destroy the Jewish state. Israelis will never agree to one again unless the jihadi who want to die for Allah type mentality is cured. If not expect much of the same. Israel will survive and it does.. the enemies of Israel will have consequences if they continue to attack them - just like the enemies of the USA and the west in general
I and the rest of the Westen world with moderate governments support the state of Israel - the Jewish state AND Israel has rightfully bipartisan support in the main in the USA ( the radical left of the party usually get reprimanded ) - its a no brainer to stand against Islamic terrorism like Hamas
It’s simple the Zionist state IS a Jewish state - it’s a Jewish state in law and fact accepted by the modern western world since 1948 - its irrelevant what you think and other radical left cronies and Islamist jihadis like Palestinians jihadi terrorists and evil brutal Iranian regime think
The rest of your definitions are meaningless semantic and conflation
Then tell the Arab states to dismantle and further by your logic means Jordan should be dismantled as it was part of British mandate too as the so call self determination right to Arab Palestinians would claim that as there own too so Jordan must be dismantled too - oh that’s right that partly tried to do that - by saying the Arab state of jeden was not Arab PALESTINIANS enough for them and wanted to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy - so they kicked them out
The right to self determination is not blanket full reaching right to destroy another sovereign nation state - arab nation state of Jordan or the jewish stare of Israel through Islamic terrorism or otherwise. ( they rejected their own ) but hang out more than half of Jordan has Arab Palestinians - so arguably they have a state there ) and autonomy rule in PA controlled areas and has in Gaza.
Using your words “ it’s very simple “ when you want to selectively use it
It’s very simple :
Consistent with Islamic terrorists and radical left nut jobs and useful idiots or utopian delusion - that is your wish for Israel to be finished as Jewish state… they have survived worse.. ( when Palestinians get new leaders and remove all jihadis including their ideology ) then and only then can there be steps towards real peace be it a two state solution with land swaps ( tried before but failed due to second intifada terrorism and the rejection by Arafat ) or some type of confederation - improved but that’s all a moot point until the Islamic jihadi mentality to destroy the Jewish state continues - the Palestinian Territories and its people there will suffer the consequences from poor leadership of they want to destroy the Jewish state. Israelis will never agree to one again unless the jihadi who want to die for Allah type mentality is cured. If not expect much of the same. Israel will survive and it does.. the enemies of Israel will have consequences if they continue to attack them - just like the enemies of the USA and the west in general
I and the rest of the Westen world with moderate governments support the state of Israel - the Jewish state AND Israel has rightfully bipartisan support in the main in the USA ( the radical left of the party usually get reprimanded ) - its a no brainer to stand against Islamic terrorism like Hamas
If it was israel at all then consistent with USA president - it was a job well done against these Islamic terrorists ….. ( of-course Irans allies will condemn - tell us something surprising like Tibet and the millions of Uyghurs in detention camps ( it’s hardly like beautiful Ramallah ) or what Gaza could have been but for Hamas and Islamic jihad stealing bullions and attacking Israel for 20 years
The Pager pogrom was a war crime, targeting civilians and an act of terrorism which will go down as one of the worst.
Israel carried out its pager and radio attacks. Many initially thought the pagers’ batteries exploded, but this is nonsense. They planted explosives inside and activated them likely with a phone call. The reason we know this is one of the videos of them exploding, one can hear various beeping sounds or ringing mere seconds before the explosion.
Secondly, there was a preponderance of eye injuries, which appears to imply the pagers rang or beeped, causing the victims to bring them up toward their face to inspect the number or message, after which the explosion hit them directly in the eyes:
A child picked up a pager and it blew her face off. She was eight years old. Driver had phones explode and their car killed people. Solar panels in hospitals exploded as did pagers, laptops, phones.
Israel blew up doctors, medical workers, teachers and children in Lebanon. They targeted a brand of pager that wasn't exclusively held by Hezzbollah, and indiscriminately attacked civilians in the process.
A member of the home front command carries a fragment from a rocket following missile strikes by Hezbollah in Kiryat Bilaik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. The exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah intensified on Sunday as the Lebanon-based group launched about 115 rockets, missiles and drones toward vast areas of Israel's north. Photographer: Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Last week the world watched as the terrorist army Hezbollah was hit by an attack that was equal parts debilitating and humiliating. On Tuesday, September 17, the special pagers carried by Hezbollah operatives suddenly exploded. Then, on Wednesday, their walkie talkies literally blew up.
Although Israel has not claimed responsibility for the operation, in the event they did carry out this historically unprecedented strike, it was entirely justified and in full accordance with international law.
It is not surprising that it did not take long for the usual chorus of anti-Israel politicians and pundits — those who only remember International Humanitarian Law (IHL) whenever they think it might hurt the Jewish State — to find some obscure provision, divorced from context, that they might deceptively latch onto and accuse Israel of violating, knowing full well that the uneducated armchair ‘experts’ who blindly follow them would thoughtlessly amplify their claims, muddy the waters of good vs. evil, and somehow make Israel the bad guy again.
This time, the frenzied cries centered around Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which prohibits the use of booby-traps in certain circumstances. Pseudo-academics like Kenneth Roth could not wait to tell their breathless adherents that IHL unequivocally “prohibits the use of booby traps” — even though it is obvious that if booby traps are prohibited in certain circumstances, they must be permitted in others.
For the record, this is one of those permitted times, and here, with citations, is why.
First, it is important to establish that communication devices ordered by terrorists, issued to terrorists, for terrorist purposes, do not count as harmless civilian objects. Under Article 52 of the Additional Protocols to Geneva Convention I, the communication devices that a designated foreign terrorist organization issues to its operatives are legitimate military targets, and this should not be controversial. The fact that civilians may also use cell phones does not mean that you cannot target a terrorist call center.
Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II provides certain restrictions as to the use of booby traps and other similar devices. Paragraph 1 lists certain categories of objects — religious objects, children’s toys, etc. — for which it is prohibited to use booby traps in all circumstances. The devices in question do not fall under any of those categories.
Paragraph 2 of Article 7 prohibits using booby traps or other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects which are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material. As the U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual explains:
The prohibition is intended to prevent the production of large quantities of dangerous objects that can be scattered around and are likely to be attractive to civilians, especially children.
It has nothing to do with communications devices procured by terrorists for terrorists, devices that were not specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material, and were instead modified to detonate once they clearly became military objects.
Paragraph 3 of Article 7 reminds us that even when permissible any such weapon must be placed “in the close vicinity of a military objective.” It is hard to imagine a more surgically precise procedure than the destruction of personal devices that were (literally) held by terrorists.
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Analyzing the legality of a military operation also requires factoring in the principles of necessity, distinction, and proportionality. The principle of necessity permits actions necessary to accomplish a legitimate military purpose. In this instance, in a single operation, an entire enemy army was significantly impacted, and not only physically – the attack also exposed the Hezbollah network, in Lebanon but also throughout the Middle East where Hezbollah agents or affiliates were carrying these specific Hezbollah issued pagers. The devastating psychological impact also cannot be discounted; Hezbollah can no longer trust their own equipment, cannot communicate (ironically, they are rumored to have switched to pagers out of concerns Israel was monitoring their comms!), and will have to change many elements of their operations with the potential to make further mistakes that can then be exploited.
The principle of distinction requires combatants to distinguish between civilians and military objectives during armed conflict. Here, the attack specifically targeted combatants, members of the Hezbollah army who had received specific Hezbollah equipment that is usually kept on their person. The law does not require perfect accuracy, which is impossible, and that leads to the principle of proportionality: Would such an attack be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects or a combination thereof which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage that is anticipated In this case, not a chance. Recall that Hezbollah has been bombing Israel incessantly for almost a year. In a swift and defensive maneuver — fully legal under Article 51 of the UN Charter — Israel (allegedly) immobilized a large segment of a terrorist organization actively hellbent on the genocidal elimination of the country.
Reports say that a few civilians, including two children, were tragically hurt as well. Innocent civilians getting hurt is absolutely tragic, but not in any way unlawful or Israel’s fault.
The truth is that the entire booby trap framework of analysis is wrong. IF Israel did commit these actions, then it was perhaps the finest and cleanest act of lawful sabotage in military history. As the ICRC explains:
Sabotage is generally the work of individuals or small formations operating in enemy-controlled territory and taking advantage of clandestinity, surprise, and ruses of war. It is generally carried out with great precision and therefore does not usually harm the civilian population. The targets of sabotage must form part of the enemy’s material infrastructure, that is, they must be military objectives. To sum up, sabotage against the enemy is a lawful operation provided the legal rules for the choice of targets and the methods and means employed are respected.
To quote one actual international humanitarian law expert, Eugene Kontorovitch:
Those protesting the attack on Hezbollah cell phones would have been crying over bombs placed on Nazi Germany’s train tracks.
The sad conclusion is this: if you are among those who were silent while Hezbollah committed thousands of undeniable, uncontested, and unprovoked war crimes against innocent Israeli civilians — killing men, women, and children in the process — and yet now find yourself horrified that Israel finally responded in a lawful, targeted manner by neutering (in some cases literally) hundreds of the terrorists who had been indiscriminately attacking them for months — your problem is not with Israel’s actions under international law; it is with Israel’s very existence.
* * *
John Spencer is chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point and host of the ”Urban Warfare Project Podcast.” He is the co-author of “Understanding Urban Warfare.”
Mark Goldfeder is a law professor and Director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center.
Arsen Ostrovsky is a human rights attorney who serves as CEO of The International Legal Forum and senior fellow at the Misgav Institute for National Security.
The views expressed in this piece are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
No it clear wasn’t and you are not a lawyer - only anti Israel anti zionsts would say that
The Law Of Exploding Pagers
John Spencer, Mark Goldfeder, and Arsen Ostrovsky
Sep 25, 2024
A member of the home front command carries a fragment from a rocket following missile strikes by Hezbollah in Kiryat Bilaik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. The exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah intensified on Sunday as the Lebanon-based group launched about 115 rockets, missiles and drones toward vast areas of Israel's north. Photographer: Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Last week the world watched as the terrorist army Hezbollah was hit by an attack that was equal parts debilitating and humiliating. On Tuesday, September 17, the special pagers carried by Hezbollah operatives suddenly exploded. Then, on Wednesday, their walkie talkies literally blew up.
Although Israel has not claimed responsibility for the operation, in the event they did carry out this historically unprecedented strike, it was entirely justified and in full accordance with international law.
It is not surprising that it did not take long for the usual chorus of anti-Israel politicians and pundits — those who only remember International Humanitarian Law (IHL) whenever they think it might hurt the Jewish State — to find some obscure provision, divorced from context, that they might deceptively latch onto and accuse Israel of violating, knowing full well that the uneducated armchair ‘experts’ who blindly follow them would thoughtlessly amplify their claims, muddy the waters of good vs. evil, and somehow make Israel the bad guy again.
This time, the frenzied cries centered around Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which prohibits the use of booby-traps in certain circumstances. Pseudo-academics like Kenneth Roth could not wait to tell their breathless adherents that IHL unequivocally “prohibits the use of booby traps” — even though it is obvious that if booby traps are prohibited in certain circumstances, they must be permitted in others.
For the record, this is one of those permitted times, and here, with citations, is why.
First, it is important to establish that communication devices ordered by terrorists, issued to terrorists, for terrorist purposes, do not count as harmless civilian objects. Under Article 52 of the Additional Protocols to Geneva Convention I, the communication devices that a designated foreign terrorist organization issues to its operatives are legitimate military targets, and this should not be controversial. The fact that civilians may also use cell phones does not mean that you cannot target a terrorist call center.
Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II provides certain restrictions as to the use of booby traps and other similar devices. Paragraph 1 lists certain categories of objects — religious objects, children’s toys, etc. — for which it is prohibited to use booby traps in all circumstances. The devices in question do not fall under any of those categories.
Paragraph 2 of Article 7 prohibits using booby traps or other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects which are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material. As the U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual explains:
The prohibition is intended to prevent the production of large quantities of dangerous objects that can be scattered around and are likely to be attractive to civilians, especially children.
It has nothing to do with communications devices procured by terrorists for terrorists, devices that were not specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material, and were instead modified to detonate once they clearly became military objects.
Paragraph 3 of Article 7 reminds us that even when permissible any such weapon must be placed “in the close vicinity of a military objective.” It is hard to imagine a more surgically precise procedure than the destruction of personal devices that were (literally) held by terrorists.
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Analyzing the legality of a military operation also requires factoring in the principles of necessity, distinction, and proportionality. The principle of necessity permits actions necessary to accomplish a legitimate military purpose. In this instance, in a single operation, an entire enemy army was significantly impacted, and not only physically – the attack also exposed the Hezbollah network, in Lebanon but also throughout the Middle East where Hezbollah agents or affiliates were carrying these specific Hezbollah issued pagers. The devastating psychological impact also cannot be discounted; Hezbollah can no longer trust their own equipment, cannot communicate (ironically, they are rumored to have switched to pagers out of concerns Israel was monitoring their comms!), and will have to change many elements of their operations with the potential to make further mistakes that can then be exploited.
The principle of distinction requires combatants to distinguish between civilians and military objectives during armed conflict. Here, the attack specifically targeted combatants, members of the Hezbollah army who had received specific Hezbollah equipment that is usually kept on their person. The law does not require perfect accuracy, which is impossible, and that leads to the principle of proportionality: Would such an attack be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects or a combination thereof which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage that is anticipated In this case, not a chance. Recall that Hezbollah has been bombing Israel incessantly for almost a year. In a swift and defensive maneuver — fully legal under Article 51 of the UN Charter — Israel (allegedly) immobilized a large segment of a terrorist organization actively hellbent on the genocidal elimination of the country.
Reports say that a few civilians, including two children, were tragically hurt as well. Innocent civilians getting hurt is absolutely tragic, but not in any way unlawful or Israel’s fault.
The truth is that the entire booby trap framework of analysis is wrong. IF Israel did commit these actions, then it was perhaps the finest and cleanest act of lawful sabotage in military history. As the ICRC explains:
Sabotage is generally the work of individuals or small formations operating in enemy-controlled territory and taking advantage of clandestinity, surprise, and ruses of war. It is generally carried out with great precision and therefore does not usually harm the civilian population. The targets of sabotage must form part of the enemy’s material infrastructure, that is, they must be military objectives. To sum up, sabotage against the enemy is a lawful operation provided the legal rules for the choice of targets and the methods and means employed are respected.
To quote one actual international humanitarian law expert, Eugene Kontorovitch:
Those protesting the attack on Hezbollah cell phones would have been crying over bombs placed on Nazi Germany’s train tracks.
The sad conclusion is this: if you are among those who were silent while Hezbollah committed thousands of undeniable, uncontested, and unprovoked war crimes against innocent Israeli civilians — killing men, women, and children in the process — and yet now find yourself horrified that Israel finally responded in a lawful, targeted manner by neutering (in some cases literally) hundreds of the terrorists who had been indiscriminately attacking them for months — your problem is not with Israel’s actions under international law; it is with Israel’s very existence.
* * *
John Spencer is chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point and host of the ”Urban Warfare Project Podcast.” He is the co-author of “Understanding Urban Warfare.”
Mark Goldfeder is a law professor and Director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center.
Arsen Ostrovsky is a human rights attorney who serves as CEO of The International Legal Forum and senior fellow at the Misgav Institute for National Security.
The views expressed in this piece are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
An American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza https://www.cbsnews.com/video/children-of-gaza/ in an interview that aired Sunday that Israeli snipers were purposely shooting Palestinian children, including toddlers.
“I had children who were shot twice,” said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May. “I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately and directly on the side of the head in the same child.”
In his interview, Perlmutter, vice president of the International College of Surgeons, said what he saw in Gaza was worse than all of the disaster zones he’s seen combined. “Forty mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes. All of that combined doesn’t equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza,” he said.
When asked if the civilians he saw wounded or killed were mostly children, Perlmutter said, “Almost exclusively children. I’ve never seen that before. Never seen that. I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life combined. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week.”
Asked what he meant by “shredded” children, Perlmutter explained, “Missing body parts, being crushed by buildings, the greatest majority, or bomb explosions, the next greatest majority. We’ve taken shrapnel as big as my thumb out of eight-year-olds.”
You repeat constantly disinformation and a fringe belief that israel is not even Jewish state and should not exist - that is hardly the push among western governments not now and not ever.
The disputed Palestinian territories outside Israel proper borders THAT CAN ONLY BE NEGOTIATED BY ISRAEL AND NON JIHADI MODERATE PALESTINIANS with land swaps a different story and we can endless debates about that ( sure the consensus has been for a two state solution and a future Palestinian seperate Arab state within the disputed territories that already partly have autonomy rule within a state of Israel which I and countless of Israelis and other Arab states believed should finally happen in for example 2000 that Arafat rejected after the most left wing Israel governments offered them 94 % of WB with land swaps and proceeded with Passover type massacres for 5 years ( - but cannot happen now with Islamic terrorism oh Oct 7 ) not your tripe nonsense that Israel shouldn’t exist at all - that’s hardly the mainstream push by sensible Westen government around the world only extreme radical left types like you and Islamist jihadi with manifesto to destroy Israel )
Alternatively there is some push to have a type of confederate confederation two nations within seperate state with a costs rica system again more autonomy with a PALESTINIAN Authority and UAE and Saudia arabia / Jordan helping to administer with Palestinian governing entity in area a and b and Gaza - Israel being more stable stronger state in the area helping security and ridding the place of Islamic jihadi extremists..
There can no longer be the slightest doubt that the Exodus never happened. Neither the Exodus, nor the wandering in the desert, nor the conquest of Canaan.
The Egyptians were obsessive chroniclers. Many tens of thousands of tablets have already been deciphered. It would have been impossible for an event like the exodus to pass without being reported at length. Not if 600,000 people left, as the Bible tells it, or 60,000, or even 6000. Especially if during the flight a whole Egyptian army contingent, including war chariots, was drowned.
The same goes for the Conquest. Because of acute security concerns, after being invaded once from there, the Egyptians employed a host of spies, - travelers, merchants and others - to follow closely the events in neighboring Canaan, in every single one of its towns and at all times. An invasion of Canaan, even a minor one, would have been reported. Except for the periodic incursions of Bedouin tribes, nothing was recorded.
Moreover, the Egyptian towns mentioned in the Bible did not exist at the time the event is supposed to have happened. They did exist, however, when the Bible was written, in the first or second century BC.
There is no need to point out that in a hundred years of frantic archaeological searching by devout Christians and Zionist zealots, not a shred of concrete evidence for the conquest of Canaan has been found (nor that the Kingdoms of Saul, David or Solomon ever existed).
I have never stopped your freedom to speak. Even though you are abusive, repetitive and unpleasant and constantly repost the same disinformation.
I have no problem with sensible, informed people seeing what you write and it means I can use it to spread the facts and the truth.
Hamas the resistance freedom fighters on Oct 7 saved Gazans - DELUDED
Well there are no Gazans, just Palestinians and yes they saved Palestine and Palestinians because now the world is demanding and the UN just decreed that Israel end the occupation and get out of Palestine back behind pre: 67 so-called borders.
Israel has exterminated many but it has also exterminated its position globally and the world now wants Israel dismantled, well most people in the world and a few sane Governments, and Palestine to be free.
So, the Palestinian resistance freedom fighters have saved Palestine and Palestinians. Well, the truth is the idiot Israelis did it with their childish vengeful slaughter, using October 7, so they thought, as an excuse to ethnically cleanse Occupied Palestine. Instead the world now plans to cleanse Palestine of Israelis.
You can kill people but not an idea and you will never kill a just fight for freedom.
Apologies for repost as my phone gets stuck being in Ramallah leaving this week
There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )
Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in mandate of British Pal like Gold Meir and for arabs )
Then Gaza belonged to Israel for ADMINSTRATION purposes after 1967 when Egypt lost the war after a war with Israel again ) and they unilaterally withdrew to 67 borders anyway in 2005 but Hamas ruined it for Gazans ( Arab Palestinians ) by stealing billions in aid and building terror tunnels despite having beautiful resorts and beaches and hotel and large mansions in Gaza ( no Jews in Nazi camps had resorts and supermarkets and food markets and mansions I recall ) ( and all Jews ethnically cleansed themselves from Gaza where they also lived there ( Hamas allows no Jews into their territory too - funny that )
Tiber is different example and no comparison no but Tibet was a state and China annexed it and killed thousands of Tibetans and the Dalai Laima fled - tibetisns still want their own state but China won’t let them and ethic Chinese live there now ( no Jews in Gaza ) completely different yes but not like you are portraying in deceitful way
They have Free Tibet protests all the time still
The lie is you say the whole world wants Israel diamantés is DEUDED LIE as NO WESTERN GOVT is saying all calling for that expect for radical left anti Israel nuts jobs sorry to say that is your wishful thinking only
That UN advisory non binding about pre 67 border well that’s funny as Israel withdrew from Gaza to pre 67 border and look what happened so any sane USA politician knows that’s crazy and meaningless moot now ( that was previously part of Egypt ) in 2005 piece contradicts its own former UN resolution which says borders for a future potential Palestine state ( which won’t happen now or at all - until jihadi Hamas Islamic terrorists remain there and likely they will be defeated but still present - so Gaza / WB parts will still be under the status of autonomy rule until or if Hamas stands down ( the majority are dismantled ) and surrenders and releases all hostages - but I don’t see them surrendering
Hamas with OCT 7 brought no so called freedoms for Palestinians / Gazans but misery will remain as is - a shit hole when it was nice before Oct 7 even if Hamas stuffed it up with resorts / parks beaches , mansions etc -just like Ramallah etc in PA Arab administered regions in WB..
Using your words “ it’s very simple “ when you want to selectively use it
It’s very simple :
Consistent with Islamic terrorists and radical left nut jobs and useful idiots - that is your wish for Israel to be finished as Jewish state… they have survived worse.. ( when Palestinians get new leaders and remove all jihadis including their ideology ) then and only then can there be steps towards real peace be it a two state solution with land swaps ( tried before but failed due to second intifada terrorism and the rejection by Arafat ) or some type of confederation - improved but that’s all a moot point until the Islamic jihadi mentality to destroy the Jewish state continues - the Palestinian Territories and its people there will suffer the consequences from poor leadership of they want to destroy the Jewish state. Israelis will never agree to one again unless the jihadi who want to die for Allah type mentality is cured. If not expect much of the same. Israel will survive and it does.. the enemies of Israel will have consequences if they continue to attack them - just like the enemies of the USA and the west in general
I and the rest of the Westen world with moderate governments support the state of Israel - the Jewish state AND Israel has rightfully bipartisan support in the main in the USA ( the radical left of the party usually get reprimanded ) - its a no brainer to stand against Islamic terrorism like Hamas
Mate, I do not give a screaming toss if there is a Jewish state in the world, just not in Palestine and not one which involves bestial savagery and sadistic cruelty to the Palestinians.
Set up a Jewish state in the US where Zionists, Israelis and Jews have most power. The US backs Israel so stick it there.
Either that or drop the insane Jewish racist fantasy and create one state where the native people, the Palestinians, share the land equally with any Israelis who wish to remain and be Palestinians.
GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD. People oppose what the Israeli state is and does and has done for nearly 80 years not that the fact a lot of Israelis are Jews.
Look DUDE that’s not for you to dictate in your ahistorical nonsense even if you can say another
You can wank yourself DUDE as ISRAEL exists where it does as a Jewish state and it’s not going anywhere - as GAD SAAD states the main reason only reason is the Arabs / Islamists cannot stand any other sovereign state other than Islamic ruled states ( or Arab states with Muslim ruled majority ) but the fact they can’t stand a Jewish sovereignty there even more so and that’s unacceptable - bad luck
If it was a Swedish state with historical ties and state in land of historical Israel HEBREW Judea or however so named was created like other states in that century in the land I would be saying the same thing if the Arabs tried to kill the Swedish people ( Jews in this case ) and let’s face it Jewish hatred ( anti Semitism is the oldest hate in the world . The fact is ( whether it was right or wrong - Israel does exist as Jewish state like Jordan exists as Arab state and Pakistan as a Islamic stare ) and to say let’s dismantle it especially Israel now would essentially require a second Holocaust - ( the utopian fools are seriously deluded…
I dictate nothing. I simply present facts on a plate of reason and common sense.
The Swedes are a people. Jews are a religion. Apples with apples. I can assure you if Swedes had camped in Palestine 3000 years ago they would also have no right to invade and occupy it.
Quote: By the way, listen to China’s UN rep Fu Cong’s blistering condemnation of Israel, which uses very uncharacteristically strong language:
Now it’s clear that Israel is desperate to provoke Hezbollah in attacking it first, so that it can have the casus belli and global consensus in waging another genocide to cover for the first one in a sort of genocide-Ponzi scheme.
Here’s Israeli media showing its true face in declaring that Lebanese civilians are indistinguishable from Hezbollah ‘terrorists’, a precursor to the whitewashing of the planned genocide:
But what’s been understated is the true reason for why Israel is suddenly so desperate to expand the war to Lebanon. There are several reasons, of course, with varying importance; and while each play a part, let’s look at the most significant.
1. Firstly, Israel’s economy is in danger of crumbling partly owing to the fact that the productivity of the entire north has been disrupted by ongoing repercussions of the Hezbollah fight. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of settlers have fled, farms have been abandoned, etc. This much Netanyahu has openly stated even yesterday in a new speech—that the north must be ‘secured’ in order to bring people back, otherwise it can turn into an abandoned wasteland as Israelis don’t quite have the same taste for subsisting amid open hostilities as the nearby Arabs whom they’ve subjected to such conditions for years.
This was exacerbated today when Hezbollah unleashed a large attack which pierced the Iron Dome and slammed into several neighborhoods. The damage seemed unclear but houses, cars, etc., appeared on fire from published videos.
We’ll call this reason the most overt and ostensibly ‘official’ one, for the sake of political optics. But there are deeper ones.
2. Another major reason that few have gleaned or spoken of is a broader strategic one. Israel has not only likely deduced its time is running out due to the wane of the US Empire which is its chief sponsor, but more specifically, Israel may be taking advantage of a short window of unprecedented American weakness and absence of leadership.
Israeli govt made clear Hezbollah is clearly distinguishable FROM THE Lebanese people especially Sunnis / Christians / Druze etc ( no Jews in Lebanon or very few ) - plus again Jews are ethnicity too despite what you say for gods sake
But going by your logic Hamas / Palestinians are NOT indistinguishable as many support Hamas ( Hamas are Palestinians Arabs ) and part of the structure and fabric in Gaza - the rest are dissenters and get tortured as the son of Hamas also stated - so israel must destroy Hamas who dress as civilians ( another war crime )
Israeli govt made clear Hezbollah is clearly distinguishable Lebanese people especially Sunnis / Christians / Druze etc ( no Jews in Lebanon or very few ) - plus again Jews are ethnicity too despite what you say for gods sake
But going by your logic Hamas / Palestinians are NOT indistinguishable as many support Hamas ( Hamas are Palestinians Arabs ) and part of the structure and fabric in Gaza - the rest are dissenters and get tortured as the son of Hamas also stated - so israel must destroy Hamas who dress as civilians ( another war crime )
You just wish and cheer Oct 7 Hamas pogrom attacks and cheer and wish for Israel Demise as a vicious trivial ANTI ZIONST masquerading as a journalist - with respect you can’t claim that as I bet you don’t subscribe to journalistic integrity of impartiality for one
You don’t present facts you present a one sided narrative with fallacies as fact and selective facts from the most radical left bias sources and mistate and from the dissenters within Israel itself
Wars affect economies no kidding - but Israel has had many wars attacked by its enemies for decades and still managed to became a success Jewish state story against the odds and still build the second biggest economy in middle east proper and it has no oil and a small population - it is still bigger than Iran economy and Egypt with huge populations - Israel leads UAE who is third and UAE has oil ( excluding Turkey )
They hated Jews for their religion first then they hated them just being Jewish like Hitler did
Now it’s clear that hate them for having a Jewish state -
You can deny all you want
The Hamas manifesto is clear just like the Arafat fake Palestinian identity created in 1960s
The 47 UN partook was for a Jewish state AND a additional Arab state ( not a Palestine ) - which Arabs rejected and went to war and lost…tough luck reality and expelled Jews ( Jordan did ) from Judea / Samaria
I think most sane people hate injustice, cruelty, bestial sadism, occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft as carried out by Zionists and Jews for a century.
I do not happen to think any of that represents Judaism or real Jews but I recognise that Jews must stand up to reject and push to dismantle the Zionist state if they want to save their religion and their integrity.
The Zionist state is a Jewish state
The rest of your definitions are meaningless semantic and conflation
Then tell the Arab states to dismantle and further by your logic means Jordan should be dismantled as it was part of British mandate too as the so call self determination right to Arab Palestinians would claim that as there own too so Jordan must be dismantled too - oh that’s right that partly tried to do that - by saying the Arab state of jeden was not Arab PALESTINIANS enough for them and wanted to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy - so they kicked them out
The right to self determination is not blanket full reaching right to destroy another sovereign nation state - arab nation state of Jordan or the jewish stare of Israel through Islamic terrorism or otherwise. ( they rejected their own ) but hang out more than half of Jordan has Arab Palestinians - so arguably they have a state there ) and autonomy rule in PA controlled areas and has in Gaza.
Using your words “ it’s very simple “ when you want to selectively use it
It’s very simple :
Consistent with Islamic terrorists and radical left nut jobs and useful idiots or utopian delusion - that is your wish for Israel to be finished as Jewish state… they have survived worse.. ( when Palestinians get new leaders and remove all jihadis including their ideology ) then and only then can there be steps towards real peace be it a two state solution with land swaps ( tried before but failed due to second intifada terrorism and the rejection by Arafat ) or some type of confederation - improved but that’s all a moot point until the Islamic jihadi mentality to destroy the Jewish state continues - the Palestinian Territories and its people there will suffer the consequences from poor leadership of they want to destroy the Jewish state. Israelis will never agree to one again unless the jihadi who want to die for Allah type mentality is cured. If not expect much of the same. Israel will survive and it does.. the enemies of Israel will have consequences if they continue to attack them - just like the enemies of the USA and the west in general
I and the rest of the Westen world with moderate governments support the state of Israel - the Jewish state AND Israel has rightfully bipartisan support in the main in the USA ( the radical left of the party usually get reprimanded ) - its a no brainer to stand against Islamic terrorism like Hamas
To let you know since you are the one doing it, repeated posts and abusive posts will be removed.
You must really hate Judaism and Jews if you believe Israel represents the religion and its followers.
I reject that anti-semitism. Zionist Israel has exploited too many gullible and not very bright Jews, and defamed the religion, but any understanding of Judaism makes it very clear it does not promote occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft as carried out by Zionist Israel for nearly 80 years.
I would never condemn all Jews because of some Jewish fanatics and the lies of Israel, just as I would never condemn Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists for their fanatics.
Oh yes you only condemn the majority of Jews because they are Zionists as Israel is a nation state for the Jewish people ( Jewish majority ) and lie about everything - it is so Ahistorical what and deceptive what you say
You typically only quote the dissenting minority among Jews the radical left anti Zionists type Marxists who openly call for the end of the Jewish state - those are the voices you say “
Oh look as a Jew “ im an anti Zionist” doesn’t count as its feeble and irrelevant and - but at least dissenters are allowed to voice this be it half truths their nonsense or narrative that all radical left use but in Hezbollah and Hamas or PLO autonomy ruled Palestinian territory and many parts of Arab and Islamic nations you cannot even voice any dissenting voice without brutally being silenced as Palestinians are - who may want peace with Israel are by be in by PLO/ Fatah which also encourage terrorism pay for slay incentives / Islamic jihad in west bank and Gaza
None of those states commit the evil that Israel does. None of them are committing genocide. none of them are constantly attacking their neighbours. None of them have a history of bestial savagery which equals Israel.
American Surgeon Who Volunteered in Gaza Says IDF Snipers Shoot Toddlers
'No toddler gets shot twice by mistake,' said Dr. Mark Perlmutter
https://news.antiwar.com/author/dave_decamp/ July 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm ET Categorieshttps://news.antiwar.com/category/news/
An American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza https://www.cbsnews.com/video/children-of-gaza/ in an interview that aired Sunday that Israeli snipers were purposely shooting Palestinian children, including toddlers.
“I had children who were shot twice,” said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May. “I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately and directly on the side of the head in the same child.”
Perlmutter added, “No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by ‘the world’s best snipers.’ And they’re dead-center shots.” Other foreign doctors who volunteered in Gaza https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-warhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war back in April, saying Israeli snipers were shooting children in the head.
Earlier this month, https://www.972mag.com/israeli-soldiers-gaza-firing-regulations/https://www.972mag.com/israeli-soldiers-gaza-firing-regulations/https://www.972mag.com/israeli-soldiers-gaza-firing-regulations/published a report citing Israeli soldiers that detailed how the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza essentially had no restrictions on who they could shoot. The report said the IDF “routinely executes” civilians who enter areas the military deemed “no-go zones,” and it detailed shootings where young children were killed.
In his interview, Perlmutter, vice president of the International College of Surgeons, said what he saw in Gaza was worse than all of the disaster zones he’s seen combined. “Forty mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes. All of that combined doesn’t equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza,” he said.
When asked if the civilians he saw wounded or killed were mostly children, Perlmutter said, “Almost exclusively children. I’ve never seen that before. Never seen that. I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life combined. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week.”
Asked what he meant by “shredded” children, Perlmutter explained, “Missing body parts, being crushed by buildings, the greatest majority, or bomb explosions, the next greatest majority. We’ve taken shrapnel as big as my thumb out of eight-year-olds.”
According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/-suffering-horrifically-10-months-of-israel-s-war-on-children-in-gaza/3272681, and about 38,000 have been wounded, which includes many amputees. Due to the Israeli siege, children’s limbs https://news.sky.com/video/children-in-gaza-experience-physical-injuries-and-deep-trauma-as-childrens-limbs-are-amputated-without-anaesthetic-13148350#:~:text=Politics-,Children%20in%20Gaza%20experience%20physical%20injuries%20and%20deep%20trauma,limbs%20are%20amputated%20without%20anaesthetic
Israel should NOT have tolerated at all being sent rockets from Gaza by Hamas for 20 years trying to kill its citizens - no neighbour would - hit the USA’ - not Canada not morrooco not anyone - killi
Even Tibetans don’t even do send rockets into China for 20 years lol and if they did they would be slaughtered and justified too - that’s why there is apparent peace lol ok righto
For heaven's sake, Gaza is not a neighbour, Occupied Palestine is not a neighbour. Israel rules all of Palestine including what is called the West Bank and the Gaza concentration camp.
They were attacking their sadistic and bestial occupiers and colonial rulers and that is their right in law.
TRUST ME iF THE US or Canada were doing to their native people what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians they would also be on the receiving end of rockets and a resistance militia.
There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )
Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in mandate of British Pal like Gold Meir and for arabs )
Then Gaza belonged to Israel for ADMINSTRATION purposes after 1967 when Egypt lost the war after a war with Israel again ) and they unilaterally withdrew to 67 borders anyway in 2005 but Hamas ruined it for Gazans ( Arab Palestinians ) by stealing billions in aid and building terror tunnels despite having beautiful resorts and beaches and hotel and large mansions in Gaza ( no Jews in Nazi camps had resorts and supermarkets and food markets and mansions I recall ) ( and all Jews ethnically cleansed themselves from Gaza where they also lived there ( Hamas allows no Jews into their territory too - funny that )
Tiber is different example and no comparison no but Tibet was a state and China annexed it and killed thousands of Tibetans and the Dalai Laima fled - tibetisns still want their own state but China won’t let them and ethic Chinese live there now ( no Jews in Gaza ) completely different yes but not like you are portraying in deceitful way
They have Free Tibet protests all the time still
Your ignorance is supreme. The Chinese gave Tibetans citizenship and rights and they do not imprison them in concentration camps and cantons and rape, torture, murder them constantly.
If The US and Canada were doing to the native people of their countries what Israel does to the Palestinians I can assure you, the Indians would be bombing them too. The Mexicans would be helping them and Canadian Indians would support American Indians, and vice versa, in a just fight for freedom.
You are so full of double standard bias deluded blanket shit
You have a comprehension problem as that’s not what i said for then you to then demonstrate your double standard bigoted ignorant one sided false analogy twisted demonstrable bias yet again- and false fraudulent definitions that is typical of radical left Anti Zionist ( anti semites who whether they deny it or not deranged anti Zionism in this context is cover for anti semitism clearly too ) anti Israel types like you. ( they are fringe minority too among western civilised governments that goodness).
Even so, yes I’m sure Tibetans loved being annexed yeah with the Dalai Lama fleeing yes they loved it ( the slaughter too ) and you minimise that and amplify your one sided anti Israel narrative. Tibetans I’m sure wanted their own state when Arab Palestinians rejected theirs
The israel withdrew from Gaza a defacto state of Gaza ( pre 1967 borders if Gaza ) lovey with autonomy rule by Hamas after throwing Fatah members off buildings - it was 20 year launch of missiles that caused israel and Egypt to rightly blockade (but not enough clearly )
You are such a racist bigot deranged anti Israel ( anti Zionist - anti Semite ). Yes I use your fraudulent bogus definition of racist against you because you selectively say Israel proper is a racist state when being Jewish is not even a race and even have Arab judges and doctors etc and can practise their religion etc. You can continue with your double standard blood libels nevertheless when know what you are. Israel was set up as Jewish state and has Arabs, Druze and etc Ethiopian Africans etc ANF Muslims are free to practise their religion and Israel has even accepted non Jewish refugees from other countries that are not hostile to it… tell me what the any potential Palestinian state in area a and b or Gaza have including the defacto Arab Palestine state of Jordan ? No Jews or no Jews allowed in Gaza by Hamas after Israel withdrew - no Synagogues in Gaza ? Apartheid anyone
And Hebron arab Palestinian city has god forbid paltry 1100 Jews
Go smoke a crack pipe and continue to peddle your deranged Anti Zionist narrative as it is your right. Anti Zionism is a scourge.
And yes and Islamic jihad are not sane that’s all what Hamas does against its won and how the want to destroy Jewish state and replace it with Islamic caliphate -
Wars now started by Hamas is horrible and like any war it would be a miracle if no civilians especially with Hamas strategy to shoot from civilian areas ( another war crime )
You are flogging a dead horse. It is irrelevant what Hamas does as part of the Palestinian Resistance because they are the victims and Israel is the aggressor.
And if the Jewish state is destroyed and an Islamic state replaces it and treats people as the Jews have done I will be condemning that equally. However, Palestine belongs to the Palestinian people and how they run their country is their business.
Given the fact the Palestinians are an ancient, cultured, sophisticated and well educated people I do not foresee an Islamic State when it is free.
The facts are against you. This war was started by Zionists and Jews a century ago. All fault, all blame, all responsibility is with Zionists, Israelis and Jews and their supporters.
And if the Palestinian Resistance fighting their evil oppressors is a war crime then you are saying the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto committed a war crime resisting their evil oppressors. I doubt many people would agree with you on that one.
September 19, 2024
Exploding Pagers in Lebanon, Another Israeli Terrorism Blunder?
Jamal Kanj
Benjamin Netanyahu’s security cabinet has approved a plan to wage a war on Lebanon under the pretext of returning Israeli settlers to their colonies in the north part of historical Palestine.
Historically, the Israeli government does not usually discuss its military plans in the public arena. The security cabinet meeting, initially scheduled for Sunday, was delayed to Monday until after the arrival of American envoy, Amos Hochstein. Following their meeting, Israeli Prime Minister told Hochstein thanks for U.S. support, but Israel “will do what is necessary” for the return of the Israeli settlers to the “Jewish only” colonies located along the borders with Lebanon
According to Israeli sources, the Biden administration wanted to avoid a broader regional conflict that might involve the Resistance in Lebanon, Yemen and Iran, at least until after the U.S. elections in November. However, all indications suggest that Netanyahu is resisting the American demands, and even disregarding the opinion of his own war minister who does not believe it’s the right time to expand the war. Netanyahu’s preparations for the war could also include dismissing Yaov Gallant and replacing him with Gideon Sa’ar from the New Hope Jewish racist party. This prompted Biden to send Hochstein to warn the Israeli prime minister of dangerous consequence if he moves ahead and dismisses Gallant.
The political posturing and the unusual public nature of these discussions—potential dismissals of a minister, and talk of military action—suggests that a decision to launch a war against Lebanon may have been imminent. Furthermore, the infighting within the Israeli government appears to have caused confusion or disorganization exhibited by “unapproved” actions taken by Israeli military units along the Lebanese border.
As an example, on September 16, leaflets in Arabic were dropped in South Lebanon ordering residents to leave their homes and warning that civilians who remain become legitimate Israeli targets. But shortly afterward, the Israeli military announced that no official evacuation order had been issued and that the leaflets were distributed without proper authorization.
Besides the hollow excuse for a lack of proper authorization, army units do not have printing machines to prepare leaflets that include the exact date and timing⎯4 p.m. (13:00 GMT)⎯by which civilians should complete their evacuation. Leaflets are typically brought by other specialized units to the frontline.
This raises the questions, could the leaflets have been part of an earlier war plans? Did Hochstein’s visit force a delay in the timing, but the change wasn’t communicated down to the unit responsible for distributing the leaflets?
Then on the following day, Tuesday September 17, approximately 3,000 pagers exploded simultaneously across Lebanon.
Is there a connection between the original timing of the leaflets and the detonation of the pagers?
The above two incidents suggest a serious misstep and could have possibly derailed the original Israeli war plans against Lebanon. In fact, these miscalculations may potentially become larger than Israel’s security screw-up on October 7, 2023.
Before arguing the points for this hypothesis, one must acknowledge that booby-trapping the pagers was possibly one of the most sophisticated espionage operations orchestrated by the Israeli Mossad; no less than the assassination of Ismail Hania in Tehran. Having stated the above, however, one might be surprised in concluding that as far reaching as this covert action was for the Israeli spies, in all likelihood, this was a failure.
The Israeli terrorist assault resulted in the killing of nine Lebanese, including a child, and injuring close to 3000 individuals. Despite what was reported in the managed Western media, many were innocent civilians, some were driving cars, while others were shopping in crowded markets.
In this attack, Israel did not aim to terrorize civilians only, they do that daily. More importantly, targeting the pagers intended to interrupt the communication channels for Resistance operatives, as well as the civilian infrastructure such as hospitals and civil defense. Therefore, for the above to achieve optimum effectiveness, such an operation would need to have taken place during the initial Israeli military attack, not on a normal afternoon in Lebanon. Hence, the relationship between the “unauthorized” leaflets ordering Lebanese civilians to evacuate by 4 p.m. September 16, and the flub of the exploding pagers precisely 24 hours later.
In essence, it appears that Israel had initially prepared to order the evacuation ahead of a planned military action on the 16th. At the same time, the pagers were programmed to detonate during the initial phase of the war, 24 hours later, to disrupt communication channels, create confusion and disarray in the midst of war.
However, the overextended Israeli army that failed in preventing the release of the evacuation leaflets on May 16, when the war was likely delayed. It also did not halt the premature detonation of the pagers on September 17. The last oversight, the second within 24 hours, may have resulted in a missed strategic opportunity for the Israeli army, and another blunder for the Israeli leadership.
Jamal Kanj is the author of Children of Catastrophe: Journey from a Palestinian Refugee Camp to America, and other books. He writes frequently on Arab world issues for various national and international commentaries.
So when or if israel surgically targets know subscribed ISLAMIC terrorists like Hezbollah that is terrorism . Wow -
Killing bin laden and his Islamic terrorist cronies must have terrorism too according to this post using slanted key words accusations as fact - and JUSTIFIED
Hezbollah and Hamas are beyond Islamic terrorists and beyond simple war crimes they are barbaric islamic terrorist monsters and the sooner they get out of Lebanon the better it will be for the Sunni and Christian communities of Lebanon and Lebanon itself which is bankrupt broken state - anything Iran touches turns to shit
If Hamas was doing what it is doing when there is no occupation by Israel you would be correct.
Because Israel inflicts a bestial, sadistic and savage military colonial occupation on all of Palestine then Hamas are not terrorists but freedom fighters. It is the Israelis who are the terrorists.
It is the right of the Palestinians to take support from whoever offers it, including Iran, just as Israel claims that right.
Israelis will have no say in the dismantling of their State. It is crumbling already with an economy in ruins, half the colonists have gone back to where they came from and businesses are bankrupt.
You are deranged seriously
In what world do you call what Hamas did on Oct 7 as freedom fighters
Oh the cia ? Lol the Americans were helping afganis against the Soviet invasion - its a huge leap to say the evils of Al Qaeda developed years later who turned against any thing American and even Saudi Arabia itself and sept 11 itself was justified ( it wasn’t ) just like Oct 7 was not justified but radical lefties like you skewer it and say Islamic terrorism is not Islamic terrorism including the butchering and raping and mass murder ( not accidental killing in war ) was not only denied by you ( the radical ) but resistance and justified then deny it even happened when it’s all on camera footage by Islamic jihadi Palestinians / Hamas because you say ( under your skewered Hamas talking islamic jihadi pro Palestinians Jihadi talking points israel proper it’s all Palestine and Arabs can do anything they want to the Jewish state of Israel and it’s all resistance - you know how Radical hypocritical and deranged that sounds- plus you are flat wring and it’s irrelevant what you say and again ISRAEL ( PROPER ) EXISTS IN FACT AND LAW AS JEWISH STATE DESPITE YOUR DELUSIONAL BELIEF WHICH WONT CHANGE A THING
The Zionist state is a Jewish state
The rest of your definitions are meaningless semantic and conflation
Then the Arab states should just dismantle and further by your logic means Jordan should be dismantled as it was part of British mandate too as the so call self determination right to Arab Palestinians would claim that as there own too so Jordan must be dismantled too - oh that’s right that partly tried to do that - by saying the Arab state of jeden was not Arab PALESTINIANS enough for them and wanted to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy - so they kicked them out
The right to self determination is not blanket full reaching right to destroy another sovereign nation state - arab nation state of Jordan or the jewish stare of Israel through Islamic terrorism or otherwise. ( they rejected their own ) but hang out more than half of Jordan has Arab Palestinians - so arguably they have a state there ) and autonomy rule in PA controlled areas and has in Gaza.
Using your words “ it’s very simple “ when you want to selectively use it
It’s very simple :
Consistent with Islamic terrorists and radical left nut jobs and useful idiots or utopian delusion - that is your wish for Israel to be finished as Jewish state… they have survived worse.. ( when Palestinians get new leaders and remove all jihadis including their ideology ) then and only then can there be steps towards real peace be it a two state solution with land swaps ( tried before but failed due to second intifada terrorism and the rejection by Arafat ) or some type of confederation - improved but that’s all a moot point until the Islamic jihadi mentality to destroy the Jewish state continues - the Palestinian Territories and its people there will suffer the consequences from poor leadership of they want to destroy the Jewish state. Israelis will never agree to one again unless the jihadi who want to die for Allah type mentality is cured. If not expect much of the same. Israel will survive and it does.. the enemies of Israel will have consequences if they continue to attack them - just like the enemies of the USA and the west in general
I and the rest of the Westen world with moderate governments support the state of Israel - the Jewish state AND Israel has rightfully bipartisan support in the main in the USA ( the radical left of the party usually get reprimanded ) - its a no brainer to stand against Islamic terrorism like Hamas
It’s simple the Zionist state IS a Jewish state - it’s a Jewish state in law and fact accepted by the modern western world since 1948 - its irrelevant what you think and other radical left cronies and Islamist jihadis like Palestinians jihadi terrorists and evil brutal Iranian regime think
The rest of your definitions are meaningless semantic and conflation
Then tell the Arab states to dismantle and further by your logic means Jordan should be dismantled as it was part of British mandate too as the so call self determination right to Arab Palestinians would claim that as there own too so Jordan must be dismantled too - oh that’s right that partly tried to do that - by saying the Arab state of jeden was not Arab PALESTINIANS enough for them and wanted to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy - so they kicked them out
The right to self determination is not blanket full reaching right to destroy another sovereign nation state - arab nation state of Jordan or the jewish stare of Israel through Islamic terrorism or otherwise. ( they rejected their own ) but hang out more than half of Jordan has Arab Palestinians - so arguably they have a state there ) and autonomy rule in PA controlled areas and has in Gaza.
Using your words “ it’s very simple “ when you want to selectively use it
It’s very simple :
Consistent with Islamic terrorists and radical left nut jobs and useful idiots or utopian delusion - that is your wish for Israel to be finished as Jewish state… they have survived worse.. ( when Palestinians get new leaders and remove all jihadis including their ideology ) then and only then can there be steps towards real peace be it a two state solution with land swaps ( tried before but failed due to second intifada terrorism and the rejection by Arafat ) or some type of confederation - improved but that’s all a moot point until the Islamic jihadi mentality to destroy the Jewish state continues - the Palestinian Territories and its people there will suffer the consequences from poor leadership of they want to destroy the Jewish state. Israelis will never agree to one again unless the jihadi who want to die for Allah type mentality is cured. If not expect much of the same. Israel will survive and it does.. the enemies of Israel will have consequences if they continue to attack them - just like the enemies of the USA and the west in general
I and the rest of the Westen world with moderate governments support the state of Israel - the Jewish state AND Israel has rightfully bipartisan support in the main in the USA ( the radical left of the party usually get reprimanded ) - its a no brainer to stand against Islamic terrorism like Hamas
If it was israel at all then consistent with USA president - it was a job well done against these Islamic terrorists ….. ( of-course Irans allies will condemn - tell us something surprising like Tibet and the millions of Uyghurs in detention camps ( it’s hardly like beautiful Ramallah ) or what Gaza could have been but for Hamas and Islamic jihad stealing bullions and attacking Israel for 20 years
The Pager pogrom was a war crime, targeting civilians and an act of terrorism which will go down as one of the worst.
Israel carried out its pager and radio attacks. Many initially thought the pagers’ batteries exploded, but this is nonsense. They planted explosives inside and activated them likely with a phone call. The reason we know this is one of the videos of them exploding, one can hear various beeping sounds or ringing mere seconds before the explosion.
Secondly, there was a preponderance of eye injuries, which appears to imply the pagers rang or beeped, causing the victims to bring them up toward their face to inspect the number or message, after which the explosion hit them directly in the eyes:
A child picked up a pager and it blew her face off. She was eight years old. Driver had phones explode and their car killed people. Solar panels in hospitals exploded as did pagers, laptops, phones.
Israel blew up doctors, medical workers, teachers and children in Lebanon. They targeted a brand of pager that wasn't exclusively held by Hezzbollah, and indiscriminately attacked civilians in the process.
The Law Of Exploding Pagers
John Spencer, Mark Goldfeder, and Arsen Ostrovsky
Sep 25, 2024
A member of the home front command carries a fragment from a rocket following missile strikes by Hezbollah in Kiryat Bilaik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. The exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah intensified on Sunday as the Lebanon-based group launched about 115 rockets, missiles and drones toward vast areas of Israel's north. Photographer: Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Last week the world watched as the terrorist army Hezbollah was hit by an attack that was equal parts debilitating and humiliating. On Tuesday, September 17, the special pagers carried by Hezbollah operatives suddenly exploded. Then, on Wednesday, their walkie talkies literally blew up.
Although Israel has not claimed responsibility for the operation, in the event they did carry out this historically unprecedented strike, it was entirely justified and in full accordance with international law.
It is not surprising that it did not take long for the usual chorus of anti-Israel politicians and pundits — those who only remember International Humanitarian Law (IHL) whenever they think it might hurt the Jewish State — to find some obscure provision, divorced from context, that they might deceptively latch onto and accuse Israel of violating, knowing full well that the uneducated armchair ‘experts’ who blindly follow them would thoughtlessly amplify their claims, muddy the waters of good vs. evil, and somehow make Israel the bad guy again.
This time, the frenzied cries centered around Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which prohibits the use of booby-traps in certain circumstances. Pseudo-academics like Kenneth Roth could not wait to tell their breathless adherents that IHL unequivocally “prohibits the use of booby traps” — even though it is obvious that if booby traps are prohibited in certain circumstances, they must be permitted in others.
For the record, this is one of those permitted times, and here, with citations, is why.
First, it is important to establish that communication devices ordered by terrorists, issued to terrorists, for terrorist purposes, do not count as harmless civilian objects. Under Article 52 of the Additional Protocols to Geneva Convention I, the communication devices that a designated foreign terrorist organization issues to its operatives are legitimate military targets, and this should not be controversial. The fact that civilians may also use cell phones does not mean that you cannot target a terrorist call center.
Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II provides certain restrictions as to the use of booby traps and other similar devices. Paragraph 1 lists certain categories of objects — religious objects, children’s toys, etc. — for which it is prohibited to use booby traps in all circumstances. The devices in question do not fall under any of those categories.
Paragraph 2 of Article 7 prohibits using booby traps or other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects which are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material. As the U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual explains:
The prohibition is intended to prevent the production of large quantities of dangerous objects that can be scattered around and are likely to be attractive to civilians, especially children.
It has nothing to do with communications devices procured by terrorists for terrorists, devices that were not specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material, and were instead modified to detonate once they clearly became military objects.
Paragraph 3 of Article 7 reminds us that even when permissible any such weapon must be placed “in the close vicinity of a military objective.” It is hard to imagine a more surgically precise procedure than the destruction of personal devices that were (literally) held by terrorists.
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Analyzing the legality of a military operation also requires factoring in the principles of necessity, distinction, and proportionality. The principle of necessity permits actions necessary to accomplish a legitimate military purpose. In this instance, in a single operation, an entire enemy army was significantly impacted, and not only physically – the attack also exposed the Hezbollah network, in Lebanon but also throughout the Middle East where Hezbollah agents or affiliates were carrying these specific Hezbollah issued pagers. The devastating psychological impact also cannot be discounted; Hezbollah can no longer trust their own equipment, cannot communicate (ironically, they are rumored to have switched to pagers out of concerns Israel was monitoring their comms!), and will have to change many elements of their operations with the potential to make further mistakes that can then be exploited.
The principle of distinction requires combatants to distinguish between civilians and military objectives during armed conflict. Here, the attack specifically targeted combatants, members of the Hezbollah army who had received specific Hezbollah equipment that is usually kept on their person. The law does not require perfect accuracy, which is impossible, and that leads to the principle of proportionality: Would such an attack be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects or a combination thereof which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage that is anticipated In this case, not a chance. Recall that Hezbollah has been bombing Israel incessantly for almost a year. In a swift and defensive maneuver — fully legal under Article 51 of the UN Charter — Israel (allegedly) immobilized a large segment of a terrorist organization actively hellbent on the genocidal elimination of the country.
Reports say that a few civilians, including two children, were tragically hurt as well. Innocent civilians getting hurt is absolutely tragic, but not in any way unlawful or Israel’s fault.
The truth is that the entire booby trap framework of analysis is wrong. IF Israel did commit these actions, then it was perhaps the finest and cleanest act of lawful sabotage in military history. As the ICRC explains:
Sabotage is generally the work of individuals or small formations operating in enemy-controlled territory and taking advantage of clandestinity, surprise, and ruses of war. It is generally carried out with great precision and therefore does not usually harm the civilian population. The targets of sabotage must form part of the enemy’s material infrastructure, that is, they must be military objectives. To sum up, sabotage against the enemy is a lawful operation provided the legal rules for the choice of targets and the methods and means employed are respected.
To quote one actual international humanitarian law expert, Eugene Kontorovitch:
Those protesting the attack on Hezbollah cell phones would have been crying over bombs placed on Nazi Germany’s train tracks.
The sad conclusion is this: if you are among those who were silent while Hezbollah committed thousands of undeniable, uncontested, and unprovoked war crimes against innocent Israeli civilians — killing men, women, and children in the process — and yet now find yourself horrified that Israel finally responded in a lawful, targeted manner by neutering (in some cases literally) hundreds of the terrorists who had been indiscriminately attacking them for months — your problem is not with Israel’s actions under international law; it is with Israel’s very existence.
* * *
John Spencer is chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point and host of the ”Urban Warfare Project Podcast.” He is the co-author of “Understanding Urban Warfare.”
Mark Goldfeder is a law professor and Director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center.
Arsen Ostrovsky is a human rights attorney who serves as CEO of The International Legal Forum and senior fellow at the Misgav Institute for National Security.
The views expressed in this piece are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
No it clear wasn’t and you are not a lawyer - only anti Israel anti zionsts would say that
The Law Of Exploding Pagers
John Spencer, Mark Goldfeder, and Arsen Ostrovsky
Sep 25, 2024
A member of the home front command carries a fragment from a rocket following missile strikes by Hezbollah in Kiryat Bilaik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. The exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah intensified on Sunday as the Lebanon-based group launched about 115 rockets, missiles and drones toward vast areas of Israel's north. Photographer: Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Last week the world watched as the terrorist army Hezbollah was hit by an attack that was equal parts debilitating and humiliating. On Tuesday, September 17, the special pagers carried by Hezbollah operatives suddenly exploded. Then, on Wednesday, their walkie talkies literally blew up.
Although Israel has not claimed responsibility for the operation, in the event they did carry out this historically unprecedented strike, it was entirely justified and in full accordance with international law.
It is not surprising that it did not take long for the usual chorus of anti-Israel politicians and pundits — those who only remember International Humanitarian Law (IHL) whenever they think it might hurt the Jewish State — to find some obscure provision, divorced from context, that they might deceptively latch onto and accuse Israel of violating, knowing full well that the uneducated armchair ‘experts’ who blindly follow them would thoughtlessly amplify their claims, muddy the waters of good vs. evil, and somehow make Israel the bad guy again.
This time, the frenzied cries centered around Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which prohibits the use of booby-traps in certain circumstances. Pseudo-academics like Kenneth Roth could not wait to tell their breathless adherents that IHL unequivocally “prohibits the use of booby traps” — even though it is obvious that if booby traps are prohibited in certain circumstances, they must be permitted in others.
For the record, this is one of those permitted times, and here, with citations, is why.
First, it is important to establish that communication devices ordered by terrorists, issued to terrorists, for terrorist purposes, do not count as harmless civilian objects. Under Article 52 of the Additional Protocols to Geneva Convention I, the communication devices that a designated foreign terrorist organization issues to its operatives are legitimate military targets, and this should not be controversial. The fact that civilians may also use cell phones does not mean that you cannot target a terrorist call center.
Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II provides certain restrictions as to the use of booby traps and other similar devices. Paragraph 1 lists certain categories of objects — religious objects, children’s toys, etc. — for which it is prohibited to use booby traps in all circumstances. The devices in question do not fall under any of those categories.
Paragraph 2 of Article 7 prohibits using booby traps or other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects which are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material. As the U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual explains:
The prohibition is intended to prevent the production of large quantities of dangerous objects that can be scattered around and are likely to be attractive to civilians, especially children.
It has nothing to do with communications devices procured by terrorists for terrorists, devices that were not specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material, and were instead modified to detonate once they clearly became military objects.
Paragraph 3 of Article 7 reminds us that even when permissible any such weapon must be placed “in the close vicinity of a military objective.” It is hard to imagine a more surgically precise procedure than the destruction of personal devices that were (literally) held by terrorists.
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Analyzing the legality of a military operation also requires factoring in the principles of necessity, distinction, and proportionality. The principle of necessity permits actions necessary to accomplish a legitimate military purpose. In this instance, in a single operation, an entire enemy army was significantly impacted, and not only physically – the attack also exposed the Hezbollah network, in Lebanon but also throughout the Middle East where Hezbollah agents or affiliates were carrying these specific Hezbollah issued pagers. The devastating psychological impact also cannot be discounted; Hezbollah can no longer trust their own equipment, cannot communicate (ironically, they are rumored to have switched to pagers out of concerns Israel was monitoring their comms!), and will have to change many elements of their operations with the potential to make further mistakes that can then be exploited.
The principle of distinction requires combatants to distinguish between civilians and military objectives during armed conflict. Here, the attack specifically targeted combatants, members of the Hezbollah army who had received specific Hezbollah equipment that is usually kept on their person. The law does not require perfect accuracy, which is impossible, and that leads to the principle of proportionality: Would such an attack be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects or a combination thereof which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage that is anticipated In this case, not a chance. Recall that Hezbollah has been bombing Israel incessantly for almost a year. In a swift and defensive maneuver — fully legal under Article 51 of the UN Charter — Israel (allegedly) immobilized a large segment of a terrorist organization actively hellbent on the genocidal elimination of the country.
Reports say that a few civilians, including two children, were tragically hurt as well. Innocent civilians getting hurt is absolutely tragic, but not in any way unlawful or Israel’s fault.
The truth is that the entire booby trap framework of analysis is wrong. IF Israel did commit these actions, then it was perhaps the finest and cleanest act of lawful sabotage in military history. As the ICRC explains:
Sabotage is generally the work of individuals or small formations operating in enemy-controlled territory and taking advantage of clandestinity, surprise, and ruses of war. It is generally carried out with great precision and therefore does not usually harm the civilian population. The targets of sabotage must form part of the enemy’s material infrastructure, that is, they must be military objectives. To sum up, sabotage against the enemy is a lawful operation provided the legal rules for the choice of targets and the methods and means employed are respected.
To quote one actual international humanitarian law expert, Eugene Kontorovitch:
Those protesting the attack on Hezbollah cell phones would have been crying over bombs placed on Nazi Germany’s train tracks.
The sad conclusion is this: if you are among those who were silent while Hezbollah committed thousands of undeniable, uncontested, and unprovoked war crimes against innocent Israeli civilians — killing men, women, and children in the process — and yet now find yourself horrified that Israel finally responded in a lawful, targeted manner by neutering (in some cases literally) hundreds of the terrorists who had been indiscriminately attacking them for months — your problem is not with Israel’s actions under international law; it is with Israel’s very existence.
* * *
John Spencer is chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point and host of the ”Urban Warfare Project Podcast.” He is the co-author of “Understanding Urban Warfare.”
Mark Goldfeder is a law professor and Director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center.
Arsen Ostrovsky is a human rights attorney who serves as CEO of The International Legal Forum and senior fellow at the Misgav Institute for National Security.
The views expressed in this piece are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
The Israeli state is the war crime.
American Surgeon Who Volunteered in Gaza Says IDF Snipers Shoot Toddlers
'No toddler gets shot twice by mistake,' said Dr. Mark Perlmutter
https://news.antiwar.com/author/dave_decamp/ July 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm ET Categorieshttps://news.antiwar.com/category/news/
An American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza https://www.cbsnews.com/video/children-of-gaza/ in an interview that aired Sunday that Israeli snipers were purposely shooting Palestinian children, including toddlers.
“I had children who were shot twice,” said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May. “I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately and directly on the side of the head in the same child.”
Perlmutter added, “No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by ‘the world’s best snipers.’ And they’re dead-center shots.” Other foreign doctors who volunteered in Gaza https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-warhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war back in April, saying Israeli snipers were shooting children in the head.
Earlier this month, https://www.972mag.com/israeli-soldiers-gaza-firing-regulations/https://www.972mag.com/israeli-soldiers-gaza-firing-regulations/https://www.972mag.com/israeli-soldiers-gaza-firing-regulations/published a report citing Israeli soldiers that detailed how the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza essentially had no restrictions on who they could shoot. The report said the IDF “routinely executes” civilians who enter areas the military deemed “no-go zones,” and it detailed shootings where young children were killed.
In his interview, Perlmutter, vice president of the International College of Surgeons, said what he saw in Gaza was worse than all of the disaster zones he’s seen combined. “Forty mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes. All of that combined doesn’t equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza,” he said.
When asked if the civilians he saw wounded or killed were mostly children, Perlmutter said, “Almost exclusively children. I’ve never seen that before. Never seen that. I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life combined. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week.”
Asked what he meant by “shredded” children, Perlmutter explained, “Missing body parts, being crushed by buildings, the greatest majority, or bomb explosions, the next greatest majority. We’ve taken shrapnel as big as my thumb out of eight-year-olds.”
According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/-suffering-horrifically-10-months-of-israel-s-war-on-children-in-gaza/3272681, and about 38,000 have been wounded, which includes many amputees. Due to the Israeli siege, children’s limbs https://news.sky.com/video/children-in-gaza-experience-physical-injuries-and-deep-trauma-as-childrens-limbs-are-amputated-without-anaesthetic-13148350#:~:text=Politics-,Children%20in%20Gaza%20experience%20physical%20injuries%20and%20deep%20trauma,limbs%20are%20amputated%20without%20anaesthetic
You repeat constantly disinformation and a fringe belief that israel is not even Jewish state and should not exist - that is hardly the push among western governments not now and not ever.
The disputed Palestinian territories outside Israel proper borders THAT CAN ONLY BE NEGOTIATED BY ISRAEL AND NON JIHADI MODERATE PALESTINIANS with land swaps a different story and we can endless debates about that ( sure the consensus has been for a two state solution and a future Palestinian seperate Arab state within the disputed territories that already partly have autonomy rule within a state of Israel which I and countless of Israelis and other Arab states believed should finally happen in for example 2000 that Arafat rejected after the most left wing Israel governments offered them 94 % of WB with land swaps and proceeded with Passover type massacres for 5 years ( - but cannot happen now with Islamic terrorism oh Oct 7 ) not your tripe nonsense that Israel shouldn’t exist at all - that’s hardly the mainstream push by sensible Westen government around the world only extreme radical left types like you and Islamist jihadi with manifesto to destroy Israel )
Alternatively there is some push to have a type of confederate confederation two nations within seperate state with a costs rica system again more autonomy with a PALESTINIAN Authority and UAE and Saudia arabia / Jordan helping to administer with Palestinian governing entity in area a and b and Gaza - Israel being more stable stronger state in the area helping security and ridding the place of Islamic jihadi extremists..
There can no longer be the slightest doubt that the Exodus never happened. Neither the Exodus, nor the wandering in the desert, nor the conquest of Canaan.
The Egyptians were obsessive chroniclers. Many tens of thousands of tablets have already been deciphered. It would have been impossible for an event like the exodus to pass without being reported at length. Not if 600,000 people left, as the Bible tells it, or 60,000, or even 6000. Especially if during the flight a whole Egyptian army contingent, including war chariots, was drowned.
The same goes for the Conquest. Because of acute security concerns, after being invaded once from there, the Egyptians employed a host of spies, - travelers, merchants and others - to follow closely the events in neighboring Canaan, in every single one of its towns and at all times. An invasion of Canaan, even a minor one, would have been reported. Except for the periodic incursions of Bedouin tribes, nothing was recorded.
Moreover, the Egyptian towns mentioned in the Bible did not exist at the time the event is supposed to have happened. They did exist, however, when the Bible was written, in the first or second century BC.
There is no need to point out that in a hundred years of frantic archaeological searching by devout Christians and Zionist zealots, not a shred of concrete evidence for the conquest of Canaan has been found (nor that the Kingdoms of Saul, David or Solomon ever existed).