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All lies mixed with some details and feeble opinions that are subjective opinions drawn by you is a one sided narrative that you are obsessed with Ms Ross. You are an Anti Zionists pure and simple and the people that follow you are mainly the same..

The Dahiya doctrine is a essentially strategy to pressure hostile islamic terrorists ( Hezbollah ) to end their attacks against Israel . It hardly genocide. Richard Falk is also a disgrace and a Hamas sympathiser. The latest attacks exploding pagers and that did not reply the same strategy.

Hezbollah ( a designated Islamic terrorist entity ) manifesto and goal is to attack the Jewish state of israel and its goal is all about the destruction of Israel and its explicit intention is to continue its attacks that bring an end to the state of Israel but you side step that.

Any European or western country be it USA or Hungary would certainly deploy defence strategies and counter attacks against an enemy at their door step who has that stated intention to destroy it in this case Hezbollah wants to destroy state of Israel… but you don’t mention that but going by your words that is your goal too so you only push.

Hamas manifesto is essentially the same and so is the Iranian regime stated intention is to see the destruction of the Jewish state of israel . incidentally almost 80 % of its own Persian citizens in Iran despise and want that Iranian regime ended - the civil liberty rights in Iran is virtually non existent. Yemen isn’t much better with the Houthis. And Sunni / Christian Lebanon has essentially been ruined and bankrupted - Hezbollah has it worse. Israel / USA and its allies ought to have finished them off a long time ago imo.. yes and it effects all of Lebanon. Hezbollah kills Lebanese politicians that don’t submit to them either… the bankrupt country of Lebanon is hijacked by Hezbollah. So is Yemen by Houthis. Yemeni citizens are starving and yet fire rockets at global ships that carry crude and fire at Israel - just absurd.

You can vote out governments in Israel and essentially protest there against Netanyahu policies and basic civil liberties exist for Israeli citizens…

I repeat israel has every right to defend and counter attack it’s deplorable enemies who attack them and want them destroyed. Their enemies are the Iranian regime and its Islamic terrorists proxies - Israel being nice back hasn’t worked - not even left wing Israeli governments try.

You lost me at Israel does not even exist. And you dictating who is Jewish and who isn’t - no Jewish law and it is vast decides who is Jewish and it’s not limited to being religious which I’ve replied to you earlier about it… you are radical one sided and clearly an Anti Zionist which means you are Anti Jewish state home land and your desire is to see the destruction of the Jewish state - and to me that is despicable..

All you do is a peddle a one sided narrative without context and select quotes and misquotes… Hamas is genocidal Islamic terrorists Organisation who wants to kill every Israeli Jew in the state of Israel or have them submit to Islamic rule at best. That is not acceptable. Israel must not let itself get weak it must use force to destroy these entities and those that follow them

Sadly innocent people get killed and the risk increases when the enemy like Hamas and Islamic jihad explicit goal is to maximise civilian deaths on purpose by stoping civilians in Gaza leaving their areas and when Hamas DELIBERATELY embeds their weapons military infrastructure in civilian areas / churches mosques, schools , UNWRA centres and so on and fires weapons into Israel from those areas and Hamas dress as civilians then hide in tunnels with stolen money from the west and made themselves billionaires when they could have improved Gaza 10 fold before Oct 7. Hamas doesn’t allow Gazan civilians to enter tunnels for bomb shelter like Israel allows their own citizens to when Israel is attacked. But you don’t mention all those nuance and facts do you..

If anyone truly cares about Arab so called Palestinians then they should stop being told a lie by jihadi Islamic terrorist / Arab entities like Hamas as they do nothing to help them in-fact Hamas shoots them when they take food aid or do not submit to them or kill the opposition party like Fatah or throw gays of buildings and much worse. T

I request you don’t bother responding because it’s pretty clear you cannot be objective as you are ANTI Zionist.

Goodbye so don’t bother replying again please.

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Most sane people of conscience and intelligence are anti-Zionism for the same reason they were anti-Nazism and are anti-Fascist.

The Dahiya doctrine is genocide in the name of fascist bigotry.

When Israel gets things exploding in homes, public places, cars, offices, shops it will not be able to complain having set the precedent.

Hezbollah is a militia which the Israelis helped set up. They love their enemies to have Islamic links. They need their enemies to have Islamic links.

Hezbollah is fighting to end Israeli occupation in Lebanon and just as the Allies sided with those occupied by the Germans, so they side with those occupied by the Israelis. Simple logic. And justice.

Hezbollah and Hamas are designated to be, there's the word, yay, Islamic, terrorist entities by the Israelis and those they influence. They are no more terrorists than were the French and Polish Resistance.

A lot of Jews want to bring the state of Zionist Israel to an end as do all people of intelligence and conscience.

Hezbollah wants to destroy Israeli aggression. The Israelis have attacked Lebanon so many times, littered it with cluster bombs, assassinated, pulled off the silo explosion and slaughtered their way around their neighbour too often for the Lebanese not to hate them.

As a military colonial occupier, and it still occupies part of Lebanon, Israel has no right to self-defence. There is no right to self defence against those you occupy and exterminate.

Your bullshit levels are impressive. Go and read the latest Hamas charter, 2017 and get facts not your opinion.

Iran has nothing to do with Israeli savagery, except to be on the receiving end of it.

Jews can vote out Governments in Israel, non-Jews cannot. Six million Palestinians under Israeli colonial rule get no vote at all. And any study of Israel makes it clear that the movers and shakers ensure that even jewish votes do not count for much. It is a corrupt fascist tyranny.

THERE ARE NO ISRAELI CITIZENS. There is only Jewish nationality. Israelis do not exist. Only Jews have rights in Jewdistan, otherwise known as Israel, for the moment.

You can repeat it all you like but no occupier has a right to self defense.

Technically speaking Israel does not exist and I do not define who is Jewish, facts, reality, logic define who is Jewish and that is a follower of Judaism. Always was.


If religions did have a right to a homeland it would be where their religion was invented. For Jews that would be Iraq and Christians would have a right to Palestine. Fortunately no such right exists.

Israel was always weak. Any State founded in bigotry, hatred, paranoid fear and violence is weak.

And your diatribe blaming Hamas does not wash. No-one believes it because they know the truth. They know there is nowhere to run in Gaza. They know it is a prison.

They know Israel bombs places it has told people are safe.

They know Israeli snipers shoot toddlers in the head and heart and pregnant women in the stomach.

They know the Israeli forces destroy hospitals and execute doctors, nurses, patients and toss their bodies into pits.

They know the Israeli forces crush the dying, dead and injured underneath their tanks.

They know the Israelis torture and rape men, women and children.

They know the Israelis bomb water facilities.

They know the Israelis refuse water, food, medical aid.

They know the Israelis are starving the Palestinians because they have said so.

They know the Israelis lie, kill and steal.

All of this is fact and data recorded by Israeli and international human rights groups.

And you are saying the Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto where there was also nowhere to run or hide, were using civilians as human shields, because they dared to resist their occupiers. Shame on you. That is a disgraceful position to take.

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