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The first message I received after crossposting your article was: "Stop spreading the 'holocaust' shit you have fed by the Zionist Edomites. Go do your homework about the so-called 'gas chambers'. Wake up!!" Tsk, tsk. Reason alone to keep teaching the truth.

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I did not realise we were spreading such shit. I thought the opposite.

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Bias sees targets to hate, not understand.

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Anti Zionism peddled by radical left ideologues are the new or old anti Semites - deny all you want -nice cover denial https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/rita-panahi/antisemitism-has-always-been-a-shapeshifting-virus-douglas-murray/video/63a27ba316071c9c349709b44adc97dd

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Yes mainly misleading and deceptive mixed with some details and feeble opinions that are subjective conclusions ( not facts ) drawn by you is a one sided narrative that you are obsessed with Ms Ross. You are an Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish state ) pure and simple and the people that follow you are mainly the same.. you also full of selective inconsistencies and feeble points which even undercut against your own points at times…

The Dahiya doctrine is a essentially strategy to pressure despicable hostile islamic terrorists ( Hezbollah ) to end their attacks against Israel . It is hardly genocide. Richard Falk is also a disgrace and a Hamas sympathiser. The latest attacks exploding pagers clearly did not deploy nearly the same strategy.

Hezbollah ( a designated Islamic terrorist entity ) manifesto and goal is to attack the Jewish sovereign state of israel and its goal is all about the destruction of Israel and its explicit intention is to continue its attacks that bring an end to the state of Israel ( a Jewish majority sovereign state ) but you side step that. Or perhaps you don’t as that is your toxic goal too and you must be condemned.

Any European or western country be it USA or Hungary would certainly deploy defence strategies and counter attacks against an enemy at their door step who has that stated intention to destroy it in this case Hezbollah wants to destroy state of Israel… but you don’t mention that but going by your words that is your goal too so you only push.

Hamas manifesto is essentially the same and so is the Iranian regime stated intention is to see the destruction of the Jewish state of israel . incidentally almost 80 % of its own Persian citizens in Iran despise and want that Iranian regime ended - the civil liberty rights in Iran is virtually non existent. Yemen isn’t much better with the Houthis. And Sunni / Christian Lebanon has essentially been ruined and bankrupted - Hezbollah has it worse. Israel / USA and its allies ought to have finished them off a long time ago imo.. yes and it effects all of Lebanon. Hezbollah kills Lebanese politicians that don’t submit to them either… the bankrupt country of Lebanon is hijacked by Hezbollah. So is Yemen by Houthis. Yemeni citizens are starving and yet fire rockets at global ships that carry crude and fire at Israel - just absurd.

You can vote out governments in Israel and essentially protest there against Netanyahu policies and basic civil liberties exist for Israeli citizens…

I repeat israel has every right to defend and counter attack it’s deplorable enemies who attack them and want them destroyed. Their enemies are the Iranian regime and its Islamic terrorists proxies - Israel being nice back hasn’t worked - not even left wing Israeli governments try.

You lost me at Israel does not even exist. And you dictating who is Jewish and who isn’t - no Jewish law and it is vast decides who is Jewish and it’s not limited to being religious which I’ve replied to you earlier about it… you are radical one sided and clearly an Anti Zionist which means you are Anti Jewish state home land and your desire is to see the destruction of the Jewish state - and to me that is despicable..

All you do is a peddle a one sided narrative without context and select quotes and misquotes… Hamas is genocidal Islamic terrorists Organisation who wants to kill every Israeli Jew in the state of Israel or have them submit to Islamic rule at best. That is not acceptable. Israel must not let itself get weak it must use force to destroy these entities and those that follow them

Sadly innocent people get killed and the risk increases when the enemy like Hamas and Islamic jihad explicit goal is to maximise civilian deaths on purpose by stoping civilians in Gaza leaving their areas and when Hamas DELIBERATELY embeds their weapons military infrastructure in civilian areas / churches mosques, schools , UNWRA centres and so on and fires weapons into Israel from those areas and Hamas dress as civilians then hide in tunnels with stolen money from the west and made themselves billionaires when they could have improved Gaza 10 fold before Oct 7. Hamas doesn’t allow Gazan civilians to enter tunnels for bomb shelter like Israel allows their own citizens to when Israel is attacked. But you don’t mention all those nuance and facts do you..

If anyone truly cares about Arab so called Palestinians then they should stop being told a lie by jihadi Islamic terrorist / Arab entities like Hamas as they do nothing to help them in-fact Hamas shoots them when they take food aid or do not submit to them or kill the opposition party like Fatah or throw gays of buildings and much worse. T

I request you don’t bother responding because it’s pretty clear you cannot be objective as you are ANTI Zionist.

Goodbye so don’t bother replying again please.

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You are misleading and one sided yet again. Israel was founded then almost immediately found itself defending itself against a coalition of Arab states who ( who had rejected a separate Arab state ( not Palestine state ) who were clearly GENOCIDAL arab 48 was to literally “ drive the Jews into the sea” - had clear genocidal intent - to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. ( Israel didn’t have hardly American weapons then ) and won. And Jews and Arabs died in that war and atrocities happen on both sides and arab leaders asked many Arabs to leave and return once they drove the Jews into the sea.. AGAIN ARAB STATES FAILED.. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Westbank ( Judea Samaria ) thereafter by Jordan who essentially annexed Westbank.

Your one sided narrative that all Israel is doing is committing genocide now after Oct 7 is false and all this time is false - not true.

As for your stated Ben Grunion comments in 1936 ? That’s in hotly in dispute and I don’t agree with that assertion regardless as Arabs were killing Jews in Ottoman empire ruled land and vice versa and under British mandate rule so. Again Palestine never existed as a state. But the first female PM was from there too before modern israel was formed as a Jewish state again - so your one sided narrative can be used both ways against your point too.

And Israel being a colonialist state is flawed nonsense I’ve heard this rubbish time and time again from fringe radical left rot so called education it is not accurate in fact. And who are the Jews in Israel being allegedly colonialists for can i ask which country ??

The idea that you peddle constantly that israel is terrorist state is NOT fact but your feeble opinion that is a one sided anti Israel narrative and even racist or bigoted against a Jewish nation - and a blood libel. The fact that almost pure ethno Arab ( oe even religious Islamic nations to cover all fields ) nations exist where littke Jews exist and you don’t say that is racist … and yet one Jewish nation exists as secular or religious Jewish state and you try to discredit that and say it’s racist jewish state but then say ridiculously oh it’s like not Jewish but only if they follow Judaism is irrelevant as it’s not even true because being Jewish is an ethnicity too as well as it can be when one follow the Jewish religion ( Judaism ) they are also Jewish or born Jewish from a mother that is the fact according to Jewish law and ifs not for you to dictate who is Jewish and who isn’t. But your argument falls away if Israel decided to become a pure Jewish theocracy state like Saudi Arabia is Islamic theocracy ( and Arab state ) so your point trying to say that Jews are not Jews is absurd. Because they are Jews and the majority of Jews are Zionists in Israel be it mihrazi Jews from Middle East / or Sephardic or Ashkenazi Jews all have a right to live in Israel the Jewish state ( secular or religious or otherwise ) as Israel decides who it’s Jewish citizens or otherwise will be - not you or I……… just like Arab ethno states or Islamic states decide which Arab or Muslim becomes a citizen of there country . Not you..

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Israel was founded in genocidal invasion, ethnic cleansing and slaughter in someone else’s country, Palestine.

The Palestinians called on their allies to help them just as the French and Poles did against German invaders. The only difference is the Palestinians and their allies lost. But the just cause was the same in all cases of resistance.

Jews had no right to take a slab of Palestine and the UN had no right to recommend they could. None of it was legal. Jews are a religion and no religion has a right to a grain of sand on planet earth.

The Palestinians had every right to want to drive the Zionists and Jewish invaders into the sea.All invaded and occupied people want that.

So, you are saying if the Germans had won then it would have been okay for them to keep Germany, Poland and any other country they took by force?

BULLSHIT the Arabs asked Palestinians to leave. They left because the Zionist policy was to murder and maim as many as they could and destroy their homes so they had to leave.

Judea and Samaria were ancient tribal groups which disappeared thousands of years ago. They exist only in religious fairy stories.

You may disagree with Ben Gurion but the statements are sourced and they are fact.

The first female PM of Israel was Ukrainian, a colonist. SHE WAS NOT FROM PALESTINE. Meir is born Goldie Mabovitch on May 3, 1898 in Kiev, Ukraine (then part of Russia).

You need to update your AI helper. Being a colonist does not require a country to be colonising. A colonist is someone who takes someone else’s country as their own.

By any definition of terrorism and the history of Israel it is a terrorist state. There is no Jewish nation. Jews are a religion and religions do not make a nation.

Most Jews do not live in what is called Israel for the moment, never did and never will.

Being Jewish is not an ethnicity. If it were then every religion would be an ethnicity and none are.

If Judaism had never been invented no Jew would exist. If all religions were banned tomorrow no Jew would exist. IT IS A RELIGION WHICH REQUIRES A belief in the god of the religion. There is no such thing as an atheist/secular Jew.

Thank you for admitting Israel is not the Western democracy it claims to be. You compare it to Islamic fundamentalist states like Saudi Arabia and I agree with you on that.

Sure Israel can decide who its citizens are and if it stipulated being Jewish, a religion, then it is not a democracy. There you go. We agree on that.

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I do not support genocide and Israel is not committing genocide . It is Hamas that has attempted genocide innocent Israelis on Oct 7 and prior.. no I do not support anything inhumane but your assertions attributed to Hamas and Islamic jihadi and its racism - where are the Jews in Gaza after 2005 when ISREAL withdrew ? Where are the Jews in the 20 plus ethno - nationalist almost pure Arab states ? None so your hypocrisy and ignore face and double standard is telling. So those Arab states are not racist but Israel set up as Jewish majority state is ? Ok yeah righto. Get lost

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Even the first Israeli Prime Minister, a terrorist from the start, admitted to genocide- the theft and eradication of Palestine.

"Let's not tell stories... Politically, we are the aggressors and they defend themselves... It is their country, because they live there, whereas we want to come here and colonize, and from their point of view, we want to take over their country."

David Ben Gurion speech in 1936

Quoted by Simha Flapan,

"Zionism and the Palestinians", 1979.

"If I were a Palestinian leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It's normal; we took their country. It is not that God has promised us this, but how could this concern them? Our God is not theirs. There was anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was it their fault? They only see one thing: we came and stole their country. Why should they accept this?"

David Ben Gurion speach in 1938.

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You are misleading and one sided yet again. Israel was founded then almost immediately found itself defending itself against a coalition of Arab states who ( who had rejected a separate Arab state ( not Palestine state ) who were clearly GENOCIDAL arab 48 was to literally “ drive the Jews into the sea” - had clear genocidal intent - to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. ( Israel didn’t have hardly American weapons then ) and won. And Jews and Arabs died in that war and atrocities happen on both sides and arab leaders asked many Arabs to leave and return once they drove the Jews into the sea.. AGAIN ARAB STATES FAILED.. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Westbank ( Judea Samaria ) thereafter by Jordan who essentially annexed Westbank.

Your one sided narrative that all Israel is doing is committing genocide now after Oct 7 is false and all this time is false - not true.

As for your stated Ben Grunion comments in 1936 ? That’s in hotly in dispute and I don’t agree with that assertion regardless as Arabs were killing Jews in Ottoman empire ruled land and vice versa and under British mandate rule so. Again Palestine never existed as a state. But the first female PM was from there too before modern israel was formed as a Jewish state again - so your one sided narrative can be used both ways against your point too.

And Israel being a colonialist state is flawed nonsense I’ve heard this rubbish time and time again from fringe radical left rot so called education it is not accurate in fact. And who are the Jews in Israel being allegedly colonialists for can i ask which country ??

The idea that you peddle constantly that israel is terrorist state is NOT fact but your feeble opinion that is a one sided anti Israel narrative and even racist or bigoted against a Jewish nation - and a blood libel. The fact that almost pure ethno Arab ( oe even religious Islamic nations to cover all fields ) nations exist where littke Jews exist and you don’t say that is racist … and yet one Jewish nation exists as secular or religious Jewish state and you try to discredit that and say it’s racist jewish state but then say ridiculously oh it’s like not Jewish but only if they follow Judaism is irrelevant as it’s not even true because being Jewish is an ethnicity too as well as it can be when one follow the Jewish religion ( Judaism ) they are also Jewish or born Jewish from a mother that is the fact according to Jewish law and ifs not for you to dictate who is Jewish and who isn’t. But your argument falls away if Israel decided to become a pure Jewish theocracy state like Saudi Arabia is Islamic theocracy ( and Arab state ) so your point trying to say that Jews are not Jews is absurd. Because they are Jews and the majority of Jews are Zionists in Israel be it mihrazi Jews from Middle East / or Sephardic or Ashkenazi Jews all have a right to live in Israel the Jewish state ( secular or religious or otherwise ) as Israel decides who it’s Jewish citizens or otherwise will be - not you or I……… just like Arab ethno states or Islamic states decide which Arab or Muslim becomes a citizen of there country . Not you..

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Jew - religion.

Arab - culture, actually Arabic speakers.

Either talk about Jews, Muslims, Christians or Arabs and Anglo-speakers or Europeans which is the origin for most Israelis.

And dear me, people who compare Israel to non democratic Middle Eastern countries want their cake and to eat it all.

Since Israel claims to be a Western democracy, that is the bar it has set and that is the bar by which it is judged. Please name one other Western democracy, founded through colonisation, which does to the native people what Israel does to the Palestinians. There are none.

Please name one other Western democracy which decrees only followers of one religion can have nationality, that all others are subhuman and that only the supremacist religion can have power and must be a majority. There are none.

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Israel is committing genocide. Israel was founded in genocide and plans for genocidal ethnic cleansing are clearly recorded in Zionist and Israeli histories.

Genocide is the policy of seeking to eradicate/exterminate a group, country, culture, nation and that is exactly what Zionist Israel has always had as policy.

Israel did not withdraw from Gaza in 2005. It turned it into a concentration camp. Israel as the military colonial ruler issues ID cards to every single Palestinian including those in the Gaza prison. I will post you an article written by Amira Hass in the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, correcting Israelis who present the same misinformation that you do.

Feb 12, 2024 5:37 pm IST

S., who lives in a Gaza border community, asked me several questions that I've heard from others, too. With his knowledge, I'm publishing an initial reply here to his letter. He wrote:

"I'm a regular reader of Haaretz and of your articles. As a resident of a Gaza border community, I'm trying to understand your take on what has happened in the Gaza Strip since the disengagement. Why, in your opinion, did the strongest resistance emerge from the place where Israel canceled the occupation?

The Israeli occupation was not canceled. Israel continued its highhanded control of the lives of the Gaza Strip's residents and Gaza's development options.

"For years, people have been shouting that all the major problems stem from the occupation. And here a small experiment to cancel the occupation was conducted. The Palestinians could have built themselves a model mini-state there. Instead, they preferred to invest the money in a war against Israel. Do you have an explanation for that?"

Shalom Reader S.,

First of all, the Israeli occupation was not canceled. Israel continued its highhanded control of the lives of the Gaza Strip's residents and Gaza's development options, well after Israel dismantled the settlements and army bases located there. Second, as per the Oslo Accords, to which Israel is a signatory, the Gaza Strip is not a separate entity but an integral part of the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967.

According to the Palestinians, and according to international opinion, this territory was supposed to become the Palestinian state. The facts that Israel severed the Gazan population from the West Bank's and that Israelis have continued to treat an isolated Gaza, which is 365 square kilometers in size and lacks resources, as a separate entity, are in themselves evidence of Israeli control over it – and of Israeli chutzpah to boot.

I can't quote what I've written in hundreds and perhaps thousands of articles. So I'll be brief: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon neither consulted with the leadership of the Palestinian Authority about the disengagement, nor did he coordinate its implementation with that limited self-rule government, which in 2005 was not split yet between Fatah and Hamas. Sharon followed a gradual track that Israel outlined from the early 1990s, while doing a good job of concealing its severity and significance during the Oslo process: creating a regime of prohibitions and restrictions on the Palestinians' freedom of movement, while creating Palestinian enclaves. On January 15, 1991 Israel began this comprehensive policy, and its immediate result, which worsened over the years, was cutting off the population of Gaza from the West Bank and from the world.

Israel Should Disengage - Again - From Gaza

Sharon continued his predecessors' work. The draconian siege imposed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Gaza in 2007 was a quantitative change, but not a change in essence. This consistent policy indicates the forethought behind the action: not an experiment to cancel the occupation, but one of the ways to prevent the establishment of the Palestinian state based on the plan that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the international community saw before their eyes.

The continued Israeli domination over the Gaza Strip, up until October 7, was manifested in several ways. The first is its total control of the Palestinian population registry, which includes Gaza's residents. It is Israel that decides who is permitted to carry the ID card of a resident of Gaza or the West Bank. Every detail – including place of residence – registered in the ID card, which the PA technically issues, requires Israeli approval. Even natives of Gaza, whose residency status Israel revoked before 1994, cannot renew it without Israel's approval.

The severance from the West Bank (and from Israel) critically damaged the capabilities for economic development in the Gaza Strip. In any case, Gaza has been in a state of economic deterioration or stagnation since 1967 due to deliberate steps that Israel adopted. Israel controls not only the border crossings but also Gaza's aerial and maritime space, which means it doesn't permit Gazans to exercise their right to freedom of movement via the sea and air.

Israel also uses this control to restrict the Palestinian fishing industry, prevent Palestinians from using the gas reserves discovered in Gazan waters and control the wireless frequencies necessary for technological development. By controlling imports and exports, it restricts the ability and feasibility of domestic production. Israel continues to control income from customs payments. Egypt – whether for fear that the Gazans will settle there, political opposition to severing Gaza from the West Bank or obedience to Israeli dictates – hasn't opened the Rafah border to free movement of Palestinians and foreigners.

Whether deliberately or inadvertently, Sharon's unilateral move weakened the PA, which adhered to the negotiations route. Thus, he awarded a prize to the Hamas movement, which claimed that only the "armed struggle" that it practiced during the Second Intifada, while improving its military capabilities – could force the Israeli army to withdraw, not negotiations and a signed agreement.

That's what many Palestinians thought and still think. It's no wonder that several months after the disengagement, in January 2006, Hamas won a majority of the seats in the election for the Palestinian parliament (but not a majority of the votes of the electorate).

First we have to answer the question as to why Israel did everything possible to thwart the establishment of the small Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Then we can move on to trying to explain why the residents of the besieged and cut-off "mini-state" that it shaped in Gaza felt like lifetime prisoners, at a time when their brothers in the West Bank live under the violent rule of the expanding settlement enterprise. And afterwards, at the first opportunity, we'll talk about the illusion or about the delusion or about the armed struggle project.

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Roslyn Ross please get educated on facts - not hyperbole one sided narrative and even blood libels

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By any definition of blood libel, nothing I have said fits that charge.

blood libel


an accusation that Jewish people used the blood of Christians in religious rituals, especially in the preparation of Passover bread, that was perpetrated throughout the Middle Ages and (sporadically) until the early 20th century.

I have presented facts. You have to refute them to be credible.

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James, you are actually the one that needs such advice, not Roslyn Ross.

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You are misleading and one sided yet again. Israel was founded then almost immediately found itself defending itself against a coalition of Arab states who ( who had rejected a separate Arab state ( not Palestine state ) who were clearly GENOCIDAL arab 48 was to literally “ drive the Jews into the sea” - had clear genocidal intent - to destroy the newly formed Jewish state. ( Israel didn’t have hardly American weapons then ) and won. And Jews and Arabs died in that war and atrocities happen on both sides and arab leaders asked many Arabs to leave and return once they drove the Jews into the sea.. AGAIN ARAB STATES FAILED.. Jews were ethnically cleansed from Westbank ( Judea Samaria ) thereafter by Jordan who essentially annexed Westbank.

Your one sided narrative that all Israel is doing is committing genocide now after Oct 7 is false and all this time is false - not true.

As for your stated Ben Grunion comments in 1936 ? That’s in hotly in dispute and I don’t agree with that assertion regardless as Arabs were killing Jews in Ottoman empire ruled land and vice versa and under British mandate rule so. Again Palestine never existed as a state. But the first female PM was from there too before modern israel was formed as a Jewish state again - so your one sided narrative can be used both ways against your point too.

And Israel being a colonialist state is flawed nonsense I’ve heard this rubbish time and time again from fringe radical left rot so called education it is not accurate in fact. And who are the Jews in Israel being allegedly colonialists for can i ask which country ??

The idea that you peddle constantly that israel is terrorist state is NOT fact but your feeble opinion that is a one sided anti Israel narrative and even racist or bigoted against a Jewish nation - and a blood libel. The fact that almost pure ethno Arab ( oe even religious Islamic nations to cover all fields ) nations exist where littke Jews exist and you don’t say that is racist … and yet one Jewish nation exists as secular or religious Jewish state and you try to discredit that and say it’s racist jewish state but then say ridiculously oh it’s like not Jewish but only if they follow Judaism is irrelevant as it’s not even true because being Jewish is an ethnicity too as well as it can be when one follow the Jewish religion ( Judaism ) they are also Jewish or born Jewish from a mother that is the fact according to Jewish law and ifs not for you to dictate who is Jewish and who isn’t. But your argument falls away if Israel decided to become a pure Jewish theocracy state like Saudi Arabia is Islamic theocracy ( and Arab state ) so your point trying to say that Jews are not Jews is absurd. Because they are Jews and the majority of Jews are Zionists in Israel be it mihrazi Jews from Middle East / or Sephardic or Ashkenazi Jews all have a right to live in Israel the Jewish state ( secular or religious or otherwise ) as Israel decides who it’s Jewish citizens or otherwise will be - not you or I……… just like Arab ethno states or Islamic states decide which Arab or Muslim becomes a citizen of there country . Not you..

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Israel was founded in genocidal invasion, ethnic cleansing and slaughter in someone else’s country, Palestine.

The Palestinians called on their allies to help them just as the French and Poles did against German invaders. The only difference is the Palestinians and their allies lost. But the just cause was the same in all cases of resistance.

Jews had no right to take a slab of Palestine and the UN had no right to recommend they could. None of it was legal. Jews are a religion and no religion has a right to a grain of sand on planet earth.

The Palestinians had every right to want to drive the Zionists and Jewish invaders into the sea.All invaded and occupied people want that.

So, you are saying if the Germans had won then it would have been okay for them to keep Germany, Poland and any other country they took by force?

BULLSHIT the Arabs asked Palestinians to leave. They left because the Zionist policy was to murder and maim as many as they could and destroy their homes so they had to leave.

Judea and Samaria were ancient tribal groups which disappeared thousands of years ago. They exist only in religious fairy stories.

You may disagree with Ben Gurion but the statements are sourced and they are fact.

The first female PM of Israel was Ukrainian, a colonist. SHE WAS NOT FROM PALESTINE. Meir is born Goldie Mabovitch on May 3, 1898 in Kiev, Ukraine (then part of Russia).

You need to update your AI helper. Being a colonist does not require a country to be colonising. A colonist is someone who takes someone else’s country as their own.

By any definition of terrorism and the history of Israel it is a terrorist state. There is no Jewish nation. Jews are a religion and religions do not make a nation.

Most Jews do not live in what is called Israel for the moment, never did and never will.

Being Jewish is not an ethnicity. If it were then every religion would be an ethnicity and none are.

If Judaism had never been invented no Jew would exist. If all religions were banned tomorrow no Jew would exist. IT IS A RELIGION WHICH REQUIRES A belief in the god of the religion. There is no such thing as an atheist/secular Jew.

Thank you for admitting Israel is not the Western democracy it claims to be. You compare it to Islamic fundamentalist states like Saudi Arabia and I agree with you on that.

Sure Israel can decide who its citizens are and if it stipulated being jewish, a religion, then it is not a democracy. There you go. We agree on that. ..

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On the contrary. I know almost all the facts. I don’t follow a one sided narrative that does not contain all the facts. Fact Islamic jihadi terrorists exist and thankfully the powers that he agree they must be removed. Palestine never existed as a country nation state for the Arafat who was born in Egypt so called Palestinian movement to ever claim its theirs for one. Fact is israel exists as a nation state so deal with it and accept or move away you are wasting your time with dire tribe otherwise seeking and willing the destruction of Israel

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You said: Islamic jihadi terrorists exist and thankfully the powers that he agree they must be removed.

FACT. Israel is a terrorist state and there are more Jewish terrorists than Islamic. People of sanity and conscience agree they must be removed.

FACT: Israel calls Hamas a terrorist group but most countries in the world and the UN do not agree. The Germans also said the French Resistance were terrorists. That is what brutal occupiers do.

You said: Palestine never existed as a country nation state

Most countries in the world did not exist as nation states until the late 19th century when the concept took hold. It is irrelevant. Palestine has been occupied for a thousand years so it was not going to be a nation state in the 19th century. However, it will be in the 21st century.

You said: for the Arafat who was born in Egypt so called Palestinian movement to ever claim its theirs for one.

FACT: Palestine and Palestinians were mentioned numerous times by the Egyptians more than 5000 years ago. It has been a country for longer than most others. Israel was invented in 1947. Israel is a brutal colonial entity in Palestine. Remember, 76 years is nothing compared to the fact that the Portugese were sent packing after more than 500 years in Angola. Israel is nothing but a half blink in time compared to that.

You said: israel exists as a nation state so deal with it

FACT: Since Israel has no declared borders and indeed there is no Israeli nationality, logically Israel does not even exist. And Nazi Germany was a nation state which was dismantled for its atrocities. The same will happen with Zionist Israel for the same reasons. Nothing about being a nation state protects anyone.

You said: seeking and willing the destruction of Israel

Israel has destroyed itself. It was founded on racism, hatred, arrogance, elitism and colonial supremacy. But most people of intelligence and conscience do seek the destruction of fascist, terrorist states. Why would they not? Israel is a travesty in the world. It is a depraved, sadistic, bestial and savage culture, society and State which has inflicted the longest holocaust in modern history and one of the most genocidal and cruel military colonial occupations in all of history on Palestine.

The courage, nobility of spirit and integrity of the Palestinians against such evil stands as a testament to humanity.

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Hear, Hear!

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It is NOT fact that israel is a terrorist - this is just your opinion and are feeble one at that. The audacity to say israel does NOT exist when it does in fact and law and customary conventions. The that you claim otherwise and have radical left half wits or others that claim this proves my point… it is simply deluded to claim that Israel does NOT exist. How do you claim to be an impartial journalist It has defined borders as Israel proper. …And the so called Palestinian Territories ( that is disputed land ) belong with seperate rule by PA and Hamas actually belongs to who ? Egypt or Jordan did have a claim to it until they the lost the 67 war - technically belongs to Israel now under the utti POSSIDETIS Juris legal principle but you would reject that with your one sided narrative. Get educated. You can go and peddle your rubbish about Nazi Germany with Israel is a blatant blood libel. Germany does exist but the evils of Nazi was eliminated just like Hamas / Islamic jihad terrorists ought to be eliminated from Gaza and even the West Bank ( Judea Samaria ) and Hezbollah should be removed from bankrupt Lebanon who the majority of Lebanese Sunnis and Christian’s do not want them- do not want their country Lebanon being taken over by an Iran Shia religious theocratic proxy but that’s a seperate issue..

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You said: The audacity to say israel does NOT exist when it does in fact and law and customary conventions.

Israel does not exist in law and customary conventions count for nothing. My point was, in technical terms because no Israelis exist, the only nationality is Jew and because Israel has no declared borders, the state of Israel does not exist.

You said: How do you claim to be an impartial journalist It has defined borders as Israel proper.

What are those borders? Please provide proof of declared borders for Israel. The last few times I saw Netanyahu waving maps around it showed all of Palestine as Israel and we know that is not the case in law.

Are you saying the UN recommendation are the legal borders for Israel? That would need to be tested in a court of law. Since Israel has reneged on all the recommendations made, i.e. fair and just treatment of the Palestinians and freedom for them in what was left of their land, we can assume that the UN recommendation was null and void from 1947.

You said:And the so called Palestinian Territories ( that is disputed land ) belong with seperate rule by PA and Hamas actually belongs to who ?

Israel calls them disputed but they are not disputed. Neither are they territories. What Israel calls the West Bank and Gaza are Occupied Palestine, which under international law, is illegal under Israeli military occupation rule.

You said: Egypt or Jordan did have a claim to it until they the lost the 67 war - technically belongs to Israel

Since the right of conquest was ditched in 1945, no-one can claim land taken in war. And in that regard Israel is totally illegitimate. Occupation does not negate the existence of a country in law or reality.

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You said: You said: It is NOT fact that israel is a terrorist - this is just your opinion

it is not an opinion, it is fact. Please take the definition of the word and then study Zionist and Israeli histories.




the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

In 1947/48 Zionists and Jews invaded Palestine and slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians in more than 70 massacres. That is terrorism.

They also wiped from the face of the earth 530 Palestinian towns and villages. That is terrorism.

They drove out close to an million Palestinians. That is terrorism.

Since 1948 Israel has waged war many times and used it to kill, dispossess and drive out Palestinians. That is terrorism.

Eighteen years ago Israel turned Gaza into a concentration camp which it regularly bombs. That is terrorism. More than half the population are children.

Israel invades homes in the middle of the night and kidnaps children and imprisons and tortures them. That is terrorism.

Israel regularly destroys and demolishes Palestinian homes. That is terrorism.

Israel has built an apartheid wall across Occupied Palestine. That is terrorism.

I could go on. The facts of Israeli terrorism have been recorded by Israeli, Palestinian and international human rights groups for nearly 80 years.

Israel regularly attacks Lebanon, Syria, Iran - that is terrorism.

Israel is and always was a terrorist state.

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You said: It is NOT fact that israel is a terrorist - this is just your opinion

it is not an opinion, it is fact. Please take the definition of the word and then study Zionist and Israeli histories.




the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

In 1947/48 Zionists and Jews invaded Palestine and slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians in more than 70 massacres. That is terrorism.

They also wiped from the face of the earth 530 Palestinian towns and villages. That is terrorism.

They drove out close to an million Palestinians. That is terrorism.

Since 1948 Israel has waged war many times and used it to kill, dispossess and drive out Palestinians. That is terrorism.

Eighteen years ago Israel turned Gaza into a concentration camp which it regularly bombs. That is terrorism. More than half the population are children.

Israel invades homes in the middle of the night and kidnaps children and imprisons and tortures them. That is terrorism.

Israel regularly destroys and demolishes Palestinian homes. That is terrorism.

Israel has built an apartheid wall across Occupied Palestine. That is terrorism.

Israel tortures Palestinian men, women and children. That is terrorism.

Israel uses rape as a weapon of colonial rule, including of children. That is terrorism.

I could go on. The facts of Israeli terrorism have been recorded by Israeli, Palestinian and international human rights groups for nearly 80 years.

Israel regularly attacks Lebanon, Syria, Iran - that is terrorism.

Israel is and always was a terrorist state.

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@James Jenkins,

I would ask you the following questions:

1. do you support occupation?

2. do you support colonisation?

3. do you support genocide?

4. do you support ethnic cleansing?

5. do you support torture and rape?

6. do you support imprisonment, including of children, without charge or trial?

7. do you support denial of human and civil rights?

8. do you support a belief that non-Jews, are subhuman?

9. do you support collective punishment?

10. do you support targeting civilians?

11. do you support might is right?

12. do you support racism?

To support Israel, as you appear to do, you must say YES to every question? I await your response.

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I do not support genocide and Israel is not committing genocide . It is Hamas that has attempted genocide innocent Israelis on Oct 7 and prior.. no I do not support anything inhumane but your assertions should be attributed to Hamas and Islamic jihadi and its racists acts - where are the Jews in Gaza after 2005 when ISREAL withdrew ? Where are the Jews in the 20 plus ethno - nationalist almost pure Arab states ? None so your hypocrisy and ignore face and double standard is telling. So those Arab states are not racist but Israel set up as Jewish majority state is ? Ok yeah righto. Get lost ……

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Since international lawyers, the ICC and ICJ and UN have all declared it is genocide why pretend it is not?

And really, as if the breakout from the Gaza concentration camp on October 7 represented genocide, the destruction and eradication of Israelis when the State has the fourth largest military in the world and is backed by the biggest.

Israel did not withdraw from Gaza, it turned it into a prison and it could not let Jews go back there because its plan was to bomb the place regularly to test its weapons and Jews might be hurt. Remember the life of one Jew is equal to a hundred thousand non-Jews as Israel has demonstrated since October 7.

Oh, and most of the dead Israelis, 1,149 from October 7 were killed by their own military. Incineration by Hellfire Missiles fired into the fleeing music festival crowd and kibbutz homes. Israeli survivors have stated that and the Palestinians do not have the weapons to incinerate people, homes, cars as happened, nor the helicopters to deliver them.

Under the Hannibal Directive the Israeli army murdered Israelis and blamed it on Hamas.

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Ethnic cleansing is genocide. It has been Zionist policy from the start.

As early as 1895, Theodor Herzl, the founder of the contemporary Zionist movement, identified the necessity of removing the inhabitants of Palestine in the following terms:

“We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country … expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”

David Ben-Gurion (née Grün), Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and later Israel’s first prime minister, was more blunt. In a 1937 letter to his son, he wrote: “We must expel the Arabs and take their place.”

Writing in his diary in 1940, Yosef Weitz, a senior Jewish National Fund official who chaired the influential Transfer Committee before and during the Nakba (“Catastrophe”), and became known as the Architect of Transfer, put it thus:

“The only solution is a Land of Israel devoid of Arabs. There is no room here for compromise. They must all be moved. Not one village, not one tribe, can remain. Only through this transfer of the Arabs living in the Land of Israel will redemption come.” His diaries are littered with similar sentiments. NB: Arabs is the euphemism the Zionists and Israelis use for non-Jews.


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I do not support genocide and Israel is not committing genocide . It is Hamas that has attempted genocide innocent Israelis on Oct 7 and prior.. no I do not support anything inhumane but your assertions attributed to Hamas and Islamic jihadi and its racism - where are the Jews in Gaza after 2005 when ISREAL withdrew ? Where are the Jews in the 20 plus ethno - nationalist almost pure Arab states ? None so your hypocrisy and ignore face and double standard is telling. So those Arab states are not racist but Israel set up as Jewish majority state is ? Ok yeah righto. Get lost

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Listen, James, you can barely write coherently, let alone factually.

As so many who have nothing other than opinionated self-regard, populist myth and prejudiced disinformation, when faced with evidence you choose to ignore it and simply repeat a nonsensical rant.

I suggest that before you continue your appallingly bigoted and abusive false dialogue, that you at least learn to write coherent English or, if you are not a native English speaker, that you write coherently in your own native language so that readers can translate it and read something that makes sense.

If you cannot or will not do that, I suggest you go and join the MAGA populists who revel in lies, misinformation, disinformation, myth, exaggeration and outrageously preposterous and vile allegations.

There is no relevant: "On the contrary" in what you say and certainly your diatribe, (excuse me for spelling it correctly), shows not one shred of evidence or accuracy. It is as spurious and just as defamatory as Trump's claim that a particular group in Springfield are eating the pets of other residents.

Now, before I really lose my patience, I suggest you go away and stay away unless and until you learn about and understand the reality of what you chooses to write about.

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The fact that you make false assumptions about me and others says it all… You are being woefully pathetic. I am not even a Maga to even suggest o should join them but that comment says it’s all as you have blanket false audacity to imply or say that all Magas are ignorant.. your DIATRIBE yes but you are dire to get the meaning regardless so it’s your semantics… Patience is also a virtue which you don’t have. Believing false narratives and telling me I’m stupid. So if people are poor and dyslexic you would dictate to them to write and call them bigoted and look down upon them - it’s you that is bigoted judging by your belief in your false proven narrative you purport to be fact.

if any typos on here exist they are from predictive text errors but If you say I’m bigoted or that I should Maga means it’s you that is yes incoherent bigoted with your sanctimonious meaningless preaching that your/ the one sided Palestine flawed narrative that you ignorantly claim as fact is just that FLAWED AND FALSE..

you have not backed one part of your narrative as proven you just claim to believe it all when I say the Palestine narrative is flawed. I will continue to post and speak as I please that the Palestine one sided narrative is flawed and that is fact..

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"Believing false narratives and telling me I’m stupid."

* I don't believe false narratives. That is what you do, as anyone can prove if they care to do some basic searching on the topic, let alone researching on the topic. -Clearly you have done neither.

* I haven't told you that you are "stupid."

* I haven't said that you support "MAGA"

* I haven't said that "all Magas are ignorant" - though it is likely the case.

"your DIATRIBE yes but you are dire to get the meaning regardless so it's your semantics..." ??? What is that supposed to mean? As I suggested, please learn the language and how to use it properly if you must insist on making a fool of yourself online.

"So if people are poor and dyslexic you would dictate to them to write and call them bigoted and look down upon "

* That is false logic. Indeed, anyone who takes the time to look at my many online contributions will see that I have continually supported and defended the disadvantaged and the underdog and never put down the genuinely 'ignorant', i.e. those who are unschooled or illiterate through no fault of their own.

"it's you that is bigoted judging by your belief in your false proven narrative you purport to be fact."

* I am not bigoted, no matter how I am judged, unless unfairly or erroneously

* I have nowhere used a "belief in" any "false proven narrative", whatever that is supposed to mean so I cannot have purported that to be fact.

I am, actually, an extremely patient person. However, my patience with you has now, I admit, run thin. The last. two paragraphs of your comment are, if anything, even worse gibberish and false assertion than the previous one and I'm not prepared to take the time to rebuff them for any intelligent reader can gauge their crassness for themselves.

I will just say that, your continual repetition of misguided and simply inaccurate statements and your denial of actual facts as falsities, is a sign of ignorance and stubborn bias.

I don't know how much you learned in school but certainly you couldn't have done very well in the areas of language, comprehension, logic, argument or information analysis and verification.

Your vituperative comments and tone and exceedingly inadequate use of language are unfortunate, at best. What is worse, however, is that you do what is so ubiquitous today, which is to 'blame the victim.' Those who do so repel me for in doing so they demonstrate ignorance, naivety, the worst of conditioning and/or compassionless self importance.

So, James Jenkins, my patience for reading your scurrilous nonsense has indeed run out. Please go away and shout your specious and disingenuous tirade to the fools who are too ignorant, uninformed or callous to recognise it for what it is.

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I suspect English is a second language for young James and he or she is earning a bit of extra money sitting in some Tel Aviv bunker trying to counter the dissemination of facts around the world.

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It very much seems that such is a likely scenario. However, I wonder, if that is the case, does whoever is behind it not realise how transparently ludicrous is the whole exercise?

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

p.s. And thank you for standing up against prejudice and blaming the victim. We need people such as yourself if we are to build a more equitable world.

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I suspect they also use AI systems to spew up answers which is why it is often so banal, trite and childish and fails to address the facts presented.

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I choose to believe that there are always enough people in the world to fight for justice and integrity and that even those who may falter, will in time find the courage to support such a fight. It behoves every one of us to defend principles of justice, rule of law, democracy, human rights and common human decency.

I have great compassion for Israelis because they are a truly sick society and unable to help themselves. They were founded in hatred, bigotry and fear, all of which the Zionists exploited and promoted, and they locked themselves into a prison of their own making which was always doomed.

The depravity and bestial savagery demonstrated by Israeli soldiers in particular, and most Israelis serve in the military, has been sadistic to the point of pure evil for all of Israel's existence. Such a psychology can only poison those who brew in it and corrode their culture and their humanity.

In some ways it is the Israelis who need to be freed from Ziorael far more urgently than the Palestinians.

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We are wasting each others time I think. You are following a one sided narrative but you say you only follow facts .. not true by your assertions alone claiming the narrative is all true. You FAILED.. goodbye sir

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I have "failed", shouted or not, at nothing, James. I haven't been attempting to prove a point only to counter an invalid one. It is you that has such a closed mind and obsessive intention to shout your misguide and opinionated falsities to the world.

You may claim that what I've said isn't true. That doesn't make it untrue. Indeed, anyone of even average intelligence can check the facts for themselves. I don't have to persuade them.

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You dismally failed

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@ James Jenkins,

I am waiting for you to refute one thing I have said.

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Say it as many times as you wish, James. I haven't been trying to "win" anything. It is you that has been doing that.

All I've done is to correct falsities and, as I've already said, anyone of even average intelligence can check the facts for themselves.

Roger. DipT, BEd, M.AppSc, (LIM), AALIA,

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So the Holocaust of 6 m Jews murdered is all lies

Oh my goodness

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We are not talking about something which involved European Jews nearly a century ago.

We are talking about what Jews, Zionists, Israelis are doing today. The genocide today against 6 million Palestinians, nearly half of them children and the threatened genocide against another 2 million living in what is called Israel is what matters. Not what some Jews suffered long ago.

The world has grown tired of the hypocrisy of people waving the tattered flag of Jewish holocaust experiences nearly a century ago, when they are doing the same, if not worse to Palestinians today.

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There are no holocaust deniers on this page, but there is one denier of Israeli genocide against Palestinians. James Jenkins, care to prove your identity is real?

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Ha ha ha more blood libels and false one sided narratives - go stay in your pro Hamas talking points echo chamber

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I love trolls. They're cuddly, The only problem is that they're so desperate for attention.

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Read my earlier comment about trolls. Those radical lefties nut jobs that live in a cosy echo chamber and as soon they get challenged with the demonstrably false flawed be it the one sided Pro Arafat pro Hamas narrative they peddle over and over again they starting more false assumptions and false accusations like trolls. Using free speech doesn’t occur to them living in their deluded echo chamber peddling pointless nonsense let alone vicious hypocritical Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish (state ) for Jewish people so yes the most vicious worse form of anti semitism which has to come to mean prejudice to Jewish people as a whole) yes the majority of world Jews are rightly and proud Zionists..

All that is spread here is also blood libels too

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Since you feel you have a lot to say, do us all a favor and get your own Substack page. Then you'll have a legitimate audience for your views who can choose to go there to hear what you have to say.

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Thanks for the feedback. Maybe. I prefer different mediums overall. But I donate to worthy causes and I feel that is far more effective and far reaching than Sub-stack can ever be. From time to time I stumble across good articles on Subtrack from quality authors. At other times from people who claim are journalists but they just peddle offensive rubbish ( journalists are supposed to be impartial and balanced but not activists with a blatant one sided agenda ) peddling a one sided narrative which is bemusing at best. So I feel the urge to respond decisively when I strongly disagree. They are likely wasting their time when they only have a few subscribers like i am likely wasting my time responding- but they get riled up , so . But so be it. Some people feel they have an audience. I’m amazed at the rot that exists and wonder if they feel they make money from spreading hate against one nation. Anti semitism and it’s denial works in strange ways it’s now called Anti Zionism ( with tiny exceptions that are irrelevant ). These radical left anti Zionists ( which is anti Jewish state ) ( including Marxist pretend journalists ) are the new anti semites and they can deny all they want

Oh no Israel asked their citizens to vacate the north of Israel to protect them from Islamic terrorists Hezbollah bombings so that must be a war crime too in the converse- but the radical left cheer which such glee and / or say it’s resistance ( like they did on Oct 7 and then blamed Israel for it or deny it ever happened - oh it was the IDF that killed the majority ( rather then truth some by accident when they tried to kill Hamas ) - which are blatant false. Or denial thar violent rapes occurred by Hamas when they did ( again lies )

When Israel ask Gazans to vacate oh it’s a war crime - but they cheer when Israel ask Israeli Jews to vacate the north. No demands for Egypt to assist to open its borders so people can fee away from a war zone when they bolt it shut.


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At what point can you understand reality? Israel occupies all of Palestine and most of what it occupies it does so illegally. Although since Israel has no official borders, strictly speaking it is all still Palestine.

What Israel calls the West Bank and Gaza is the part of Occupied Palestine which was meant to be a Palestinian independent state but it is ruled by the Israeli colonial regime.

Israel has no right to tell Palestinians to leave anywhere but the Palestinians who are the native people of all of Palestine most certainly have the right to tell the Israelis how much of their homeland they can have and to demand they get out of what is called Gaza and the West Bank and uplift the 500,000 illegal Jewish colonists camping there.

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Israel proper has its own state and borders in proper israel since 1948 as declared by the western world - it cannot occupy itself

It doesn’t occupy Gaza prior to Oct 7 ( it’s a war now ) as it left in 2005. Gaza has autonomy rule by Hamas clearly ( and was run like a defacto state ) but when that area attacks israel over and over again and then steals women and children to take back their city and Gaza then don’t complain when Israel’s strikes back

The disputed territory in Westbank ( whether you like it or not or agree or not ) area A I has autonomy arab rule by PA and I would argue it is still part of the land of Israel as it stands ( Palestinians rejected a state offer - and they never had a nation state called Palestine so stop lying to yourself ) and it’s borders must be ‘ negotiated ‘ ‘ in any future state that is the correct wording of the resolution objectively applied in fact. And under utti POSSIDETIS Juris principle it belongs to Israel the nation state existed other than Israel ( not Palestine ) which accepted its UN state offer and declared by numerous nations and the western world - Arabs rejected their split - Arabs even flatly and stupidly rejected the resolution which referring to Israel allow some Arabs back to Israel ( right of return ) - it now regrets and tried to accept it later when it was rejected ab Initio. So further it has no effect any longer and israel withdrew it

Jordan arguably had a second right to Westbank ( Judea Samaria - but renamed Westbank by Jordan ) as it was the nation state that annexed and returned to Israel after 67

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Israel proper has its own state and borders in proper israel since 1948 as declared by the western world - it cannot occupy itself

It doesn’t occupy Gaza prior to Oct 7 ( it’s a war now ) as it left in 2005. Gaza has autonomy rule by Hamas clearly ( and was run like a defacto state ) but when that area attacks israel over and over again and then steals women and children to take back their city and Gaza then don’t complain when Israel’s strikes back

The disputed territory in Westbank ( whether you like it or not or agree or not ) area A I has autonomy arab rule by PA and I would argue it is still part of the land of Israel as it stands ( Palestinians rejected a state offer - and they never had a nation state called Palestine so stop lying to yourself ) and it’s borders must be ‘ negotiated ‘ ‘ in any future state that is the correct wording of the resolution objectively applied in fact. And under utti POSSIDETIS Juris principle it belongs to Israel the nation state existed other than Israel ( not Palestine ) which accepted its UN state offer and declared by numerous nations and the western world - Arabs rejected their split - Arabs even flatly and stupidly rejected the resolution which referring to Israel allow some Arabs back to Israel ( right of return ) - it now regrets and tried to accept it later when it was rejected ab Initio. So further it has no effect any longer and israel withdrew it

Jordan arguably had a second right to Westbank ( Judea Samaria - but renamed Westbank by Jordan ) as it was the nation state that annexed and returned to Israel after 67

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Israel proper has its own state and borders in proper israel since 1948 as declared by the western world - it cannot occupy itself

It doesn’t occupy Gaza prior to Oct 7 ( it’s a war now ) as it left in 2005. Gaza has autonomy rule by Hamas clearly ( and was run like a defacto state ) but when that area attacks israel over and over again and then steals women and children to take back their city and Gaza then don’t complain when Israel’s strikes back

The disputed territory in Westbank ( whether you like it or not or agree or not ) area A I has autonomy arab rule by PA and I would argue it is still part of the land of Israel as it stands ( Palestinians rejected a state offer - and they never had a nation state called Palestine so stop lying to yourself ) and it’s borders must be ‘ negotiated ‘ ‘ in any future state that is the correct wording of the resolution objectively applied in fact. And under utti POSSIDETIS Juris principle it belongs to Israel the nation state existed other than Israel ( not Palestine ) which accepted its UN state offer and declared by numerous nations and the western world - Arabs rejected their split - Arabs even flatly and stupidly rejected the resolution which referring to Israel allow some Arabs back to Israel ( right of return ) - it now regrets and tried to accept it later when it was rejected ab Initio. So further it has no effect anyone longer and israel withdrew it

Jordan arguably had a second right to Westbank ( Judea Samaria - but renamed Westbank by Jordan ) as it was the nation state that annexed and returned to Israel after 67

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