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The entire premise for the foundation of Israel was psychotic and deranged from the start.

The theory was that Jews had suffered persecution and therefore needed a State of their own.

Well, plenty of religions and groups have been persecuted but did not demand their own state. Such a demand indicates two things about the Zionists and Jews, huge egos and high levels of paranoia.

To demand their own country for followers of their religion says the following:

1. Jews are incapable of living in societies with non-Jews. (We know that to be patently untrue.)

2. Jews are always at risk in States where they are not a majority and in control. (We know that to be patently untrue and in fact the so-called Israeli State is the most dangerous place any Jew could live)

3. Jews must never assimilate. (We know that is untrue because for thousands of years the most successful Jews were those who assimilated.)

4. Jews are superior as humans and cannot be ruled by inferior humans. (We know that to be untrue because most are and in a democracy it makes no difference how minor your religion is.)

5. A Jewish state must be so feared by everyone else they will not challenge it. (Well, clearly that one did not work and as a psychological exercise and as any study of human history shows, such an approach never works and creates more enemies and ultimate destruction. When you seek to terrorise others they just hate you more and find out ways to defeat you.)

6. Jews are only safe behind a wall of violence and power. (Well that did not work either in the prison state called Israel for 76 years. In fact it had the opposite effect.)

7. Jews are always hated by non-Jews. ( History does not support that paranoid belief. Yes Jews in some places at some times have been persecuted but so have many religions and some did not survive. And at this point in history it is Muslims who are persecuted.)

The beliefs behind Zionism and the creation of the Israeli state represent high levels of paranoia, mental illness, fear and hatred. Zionist Israel could never last brewing in such a soup of fear, hatred, violence and paranoia.

As an example, if we took a group of soldiers experiencing PTSD and put them all in one place set up with the same belief systems as the Zionists applied to Israel, how well is that likely to work?

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