Apologies for repost as my phone gets stuck being in Ramallah leaving this week
There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )
Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in ma…
Apologies for repost as my phone gets stuck being in Ramallah leaving this week
There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )
Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in mandate of British Pal like Gold Meir and for arabs )
Then Gaza belonged to Israel for ADMINSTRATION purposes after 1967 when Egypt lost the war after a war with Israel again ) and they unilaterally withdrew to 67 borders anyway in 2005 but Hamas ruined it for Gazans ( Arab Palestinians ) by stealing billions in aid and building terror tunnels despite having beautiful resorts and beaches and hotel and large mansions in Gaza ( no Jews in Nazi camps had resorts and supermarkets and food markets and mansions I recall ) ( and all Jews ethnically cleansed themselves from Gaza where they also lived there ( Hamas allows no Jews into their territory too - funny that )
Tiber is different example and no comparison no but Tibet was a state and China annexed it and killed thousands of Tibetans and the Dalai Laima fled - tibetisns still want their own state but China won’t let them and ethic Chinese live there now ( no Jews in Gaza ) completely different yes but not like you are portraying in deceitful way
Apologies for repost as my phone gets stuck being in Ramallah leaving this week
There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )
Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in mandate of British Pal like Gold Meir and for arabs )
Then Gaza belonged to Israel for ADMINSTRATION purposes after 1967 when Egypt lost the war after a war with Israel again ) and they unilaterally withdrew to 67 borders anyway in 2005 but Hamas ruined it for Gazans ( Arab Palestinians ) by stealing billions in aid and building terror tunnels despite having beautiful resorts and beaches and hotel and large mansions in Gaza ( no Jews in Nazi camps had resorts and supermarkets and food markets and mansions I recall ) ( and all Jews ethnically cleansed themselves from Gaza where they also lived there ( Hamas allows no Jews into their territory too - funny that )
Tiber is different example and no comparison no but Tibet was a state and China annexed it and killed thousands of Tibetans and the Dalai Laima fled - tibetisns still want their own state but China won’t let them and ethic Chinese live there now ( no Jews in Gaza ) completely different yes but not like you are portraying in deceitful way
They have Free Tibet protests all the time still