No mention about Islamic jihadi and Palestinian terrorism and Passover massacres and your audacity to say that a Jewish state has no right to exist in the land that you say only belongs to who ? Arab Hamas ? Arab Arafat ? Or the mufti of Jerusalem who conspired and anticipated a Hitler win to prevent a Jewish state:. Your one sided ignor…
No mention about Islamic jihadi and Palestinian terrorism and Passover massacres and your audacity to say that a Jewish state has no right to exist in the land that you say only belongs to who ? Arab Hamas ? Arab Arafat ? Or the mufti of Jerusalem who conspired and anticipated a Hitler win to prevent a Jewish state:. Your one sided ignorance is astounding.. the Arabs in the region wanted to initially be part of Greater Syria - there was no great push from the 1920s onwards to even have a Arab state called Palestine ( let alone the fact that a Palestine state never existed ) . Being Jewish is not just adhering to Judaism it is also independently and uniquely an ethnicity similar to being an Arab ( yet being culturally or ethnically Jewish is not monolithic ) . Yet you have the temerity to dictate to Jewish people that are the NOT Jewish based on if they are not religious ( strictly with Judaism ) - the flip side irony being is that IF israel was a Jewish theocracy state ( rather than secular Jewish state ) you would be attacking that too regardless - and if it does become a theocratic Jewish state then it still has a right to exist just any other Arab state / or Islamic state exists as a theocracy ( Saudia arabia ) or simply an Arab state they are all fricken brutal with little civil liberties ( unlike Israel who has some basic civil liberties where 2 M Arab still live in Israel proper ). Jordan is almost 96 % ethnically Arab ( mixed Arab tribes ) so that must be apartheid because they have no Jews and ethnically cleansed them after 1949 from Judea Samaria - funny that - including when Jews were asked to leave from Middle East arab states and went to Israel the Jewish state.. ( thankfully ) the other fact is the MAJORITY of Jewish people are Zionists ( only a small minority of religious Jews 150,000 are technically anti Zionists for religious reasons from the majority of 7 million plus Jews who live in Israel are overwhelmingly rightly Zionists . The other radical left Marxist type hypocritical who say as a Jew are ANTI Zionists tend to be anti western and anti American too and are irrelevant as the majority of Jews in Israel ( 7 million of them are rightly Zionists ) including the world Jewry the majority of world Jewry are Zionists. Israel exists so get over it and all Islamic jihadi terrorists who want it destroyed and attack Israel must be removed . Only the peaceful Arabs who want peace with Israel as a Jewish sovereign state should naturally be allowed to stay and its Israel ( 80 % ethnic Jewish state - not monolithic ) who decides who its citizens will be or its residents will be ( just like Arab Jordan or Arab Saudia Arabia or Italy ( 90 % ethnic italian country ) decides who it’s citizens will be etc
No mention about Islamic jihadi and Palestinian terrorism and Passover massacres and your audacity to say that a Jewish state has no right to exist in the land that you say only belongs to who ? Arab Hamas ? Arab Arafat ? Or the mufti of Jerusalem who conspired and anticipated a Hitler win to prevent a Jewish state:. Your one sided ignorance is astounding.. the Arabs in the region wanted to initially be part of Greater Syria - there was no great push from the 1920s onwards to even have a Arab state called Palestine ( let alone the fact that a Palestine state never existed ) . Being Jewish is not just adhering to Judaism it is also independently and uniquely an ethnicity similar to being an Arab ( yet being culturally or ethnically Jewish is not monolithic ) . Yet you have the temerity to dictate to Jewish people that are the NOT Jewish based on if they are not religious ( strictly with Judaism ) - the flip side irony being is that IF israel was a Jewish theocracy state ( rather than secular Jewish state ) you would be attacking that too regardless - and if it does become a theocratic Jewish state then it still has a right to exist just any other Arab state / or Islamic state exists as a theocracy ( Saudia arabia ) or simply an Arab state they are all fricken brutal with little civil liberties ( unlike Israel who has some basic civil liberties where 2 M Arab still live in Israel proper ). Jordan is almost 96 % ethnically Arab ( mixed Arab tribes ) so that must be apartheid because they have no Jews and ethnically cleansed them after 1949 from Judea Samaria - funny that - including when Jews were asked to leave from Middle East arab states and went to Israel the Jewish state.. ( thankfully ) the other fact is the MAJORITY of Jewish people are Zionists ( only a small minority of religious Jews 150,000 are technically anti Zionists for religious reasons from the majority of 7 million plus Jews who live in Israel are overwhelmingly rightly Zionists . The other radical left Marxist type hypocritical who say as a Jew are ANTI Zionists tend to be anti western and anti American too and are irrelevant as the majority of Jews in Israel ( 7 million of them are rightly Zionists ) including the world Jewry the majority of world Jewry are Zionists. Israel exists so get over it and all Islamic jihadi terrorists who want it destroyed and attack Israel must be removed . Only the peaceful Arabs who want peace with Israel as a Jewish sovereign state should naturally be allowed to stay and its Israel ( 80 % ethnic Jewish state - not monolithic ) who decides who its citizens will be or its residents will be ( just like Arab Jordan or Arab Saudia Arabia or Italy ( 90 % ethnic italian country ) decides who it’s citizens will be etc