There are no holocaust deniers on this page, but there is one denier of Israeli genocide against Palestinians. James Jenkins, care to prove your identity is real?
There are no holocaust deniers on this page, but there is one denier of Israeli genocide against Palestinians. James Jenkins, care to prove your identity is real?
Read my earlier comment about trolls. Those radical lefties nut jobs that live in a cosy echo chamber and as soon they get challenged with the demonstrably false flawed be it the one sided Pro Arafat pro Hamas narrative they peddle over and over again they starting more false assumptions and false accusations like trolls. Using free speech doesn’t occur to them living in their deluded echo chamber peddling pointless nonsense let alone vicious hypocritical Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish (state ) for Jewish people so yes the most vicious worse form of anti semitism which has to come to mean prejudice to Jewish people as a whole) yes the majority of world Jews are rightly and proud Zionists..
Since you feel you have a lot to say, do us all a favor and get your own Substack page. Then you'll have a legitimate audience for your views who can choose to go there to hear what you have to say.
Thanks for the feedback. Maybe. I prefer different mediums overall. But I donate to worthy causes and I feel that is far more effective and far reaching than Sub-stack can ever be. From time to time I stumble across good articles on Subtrack from quality authors. At other times from people who claim are journalists but they just peddle offensive rubbish ( journalists are supposed to be impartial and balanced but not activists with a blatant one sided agenda ) peddling a one sided narrative which is bemusing at best. So I feel the urge to respond decisively when I strongly disagree. They are likely wasting their time when they only have a few subscribers like i am likely wasting my time responding- but they get riled up , so . But so be it. Some people feel they have an audience. I’m amazed at the rot that exists and wonder if they feel they make money from spreading hate against one nation. Anti semitism and it’s denial works in strange ways it’s now called Anti Zionism ( with tiny exceptions that are irrelevant ). These radical left anti Zionists ( which is anti Jewish state ) ( including Marxist pretend journalists ) are the new anti semites and they can deny all they want
Oh no Israel asked their citizens to vacate the north of Israel to protect them from Islamic terrorists Hezbollah bombings so that must be a war crime too in the converse- but the radical left cheer which such glee and / or say it’s resistance ( like they did on Oct 7 and then blamed Israel for it or deny it ever happened - oh it was the IDF that killed the majority ( rather then truth some by accident when they tried to kill Hamas ) - which are blatant false. Or denial thar violent rapes occurred by Hamas when they did ( again lies )
When Israel ask Gazans to vacate oh it’s a war crime - but they cheer when Israel ask Israeli Jews to vacate the north. No demands for Egypt to assist to open its borders so people can fee away from a war zone when they bolt it shut.
At what point can you understand reality? Israel occupies all of Palestine and most of what it occupies it does so illegally. Although since Israel has no official borders, strictly speaking it is all still Palestine.
What Israel calls the West Bank and Gaza is the part of Occupied Palestine which was meant to be a Palestinian independent state but it is ruled by the Israeli colonial regime.
Israel has no right to tell Palestinians to leave anywhere but the Palestinians who are the native people of all of Palestine most certainly have the right to tell the Israelis how much of their homeland they can have and to demand they get out of what is called Gaza and the West Bank and uplift the 500,000 illegal Jewish colonists camping there.
Israel proper has its own state and borders in proper israel since 1948 as declared by the western world - it cannot occupy itself
It doesn’t occupy Gaza prior to Oct 7 ( it’s a war now ) as it left in 2005. Gaza has autonomy rule by Hamas clearly ( and was run like a defacto state ) but when that area attacks israel over and over again and then steals women and children to take back their city and Gaza then don’t complain when Israel’s strikes back
The disputed territory in Westbank ( whether you like it or not or agree or not ) area A I has autonomy arab rule by PA and I would argue it is still part of the land of Israel as it stands ( Palestinians rejected a state offer - and they never had a nation state called Palestine so stop lying to yourself ) and it’s borders must be ‘ negotiated ‘ ‘ in any future state that is the correct wording of the resolution objectively applied in fact. And under utti POSSIDETIS Juris principle it belongs to Israel the nation state existed other than Israel ( not Palestine ) which accepted its UN state offer and declared by numerous nations and the western world - Arabs rejected their split - Arabs even flatly and stupidly rejected the resolution which referring to Israel allow some Arabs back to Israel ( right of return ) - it now regrets and tried to accept it later when it was rejected ab Initio. So further it has no effect any longer and israel withdrew it
Jordan arguably had a second right to Westbank ( Judea Samaria - but renamed Westbank by Jordan ) as it was the nation state that annexed and returned to Israel after 67
Israel proper has its own state and borders in proper israel since 1948 as declared by the western world - it cannot occupy itself
It doesn’t occupy Gaza prior to Oct 7 ( it’s a war now ) as it left in 2005. Gaza has autonomy rule by Hamas clearly ( and was run like a defacto state ) but when that area attacks israel over and over again and then steals women and children to take back their city and Gaza then don’t complain when Israel’s strikes back
The disputed territory in Westbank ( whether you like it or not or agree or not ) area A I has autonomy arab rule by PA and I would argue it is still part of the land of Israel as it stands ( Palestinians rejected a state offer - and they never had a nation state called Palestine so stop lying to yourself ) and it’s borders must be ‘ negotiated ‘ ‘ in any future state that is the correct wording of the resolution objectively applied in fact. And under utti POSSIDETIS Juris principle it belongs to Israel the nation state existed other than Israel ( not Palestine ) which accepted its UN state offer and declared by numerous nations and the western world - Arabs rejected their split - Arabs even flatly and stupidly rejected the resolution which referring to Israel allow some Arabs back to Israel ( right of return ) - it now regrets and tried to accept it later when it was rejected ab Initio. So further it has no effect any longer and israel withdrew it
Jordan arguably had a second right to Westbank ( Judea Samaria - but renamed Westbank by Jordan ) as it was the nation state that annexed and returned to Israel after 67
Israel proper has its own state and borders in proper israel since 1948 as declared by the western world - it cannot occupy itself
It doesn’t occupy Gaza prior to Oct 7 ( it’s a war now ) as it left in 2005. Gaza has autonomy rule by Hamas clearly ( and was run like a defacto state ) but when that area attacks israel over and over again and then steals women and children to take back their city and Gaza then don’t complain when Israel’s strikes back
The disputed territory in Westbank ( whether you like it or not or agree or not ) area A I has autonomy arab rule by PA and I would argue it is still part of the land of Israel as it stands ( Palestinians rejected a state offer - and they never had a nation state called Palestine so stop lying to yourself ) and it’s borders must be ‘ negotiated ‘ ‘ in any future state that is the correct wording of the resolution objectively applied in fact. And under utti POSSIDETIS Juris principle it belongs to Israel the nation state existed other than Israel ( not Palestine ) which accepted its UN state offer and declared by numerous nations and the western world - Arabs rejected their split - Arabs even flatly and stupidly rejected the resolution which referring to Israel allow some Arabs back to Israel ( right of return ) - it now regrets and tried to accept it later when it was rejected ab Initio. So further it has no effect anyone longer and israel withdrew it
Jordan arguably had a second right to Westbank ( Judea Samaria - but renamed Westbank by Jordan ) as it was the nation state that annexed and returned to Israel after 67
There are no holocaust deniers on this page, but there is one denier of Israeli genocide against Palestinians. James Jenkins, care to prove your identity is real?
Ha ha ha more blood libels and false one sided narratives - go stay in your pro Hamas talking points echo chamber
I love trolls. They're cuddly, The only problem is that they're so desperate for attention.
Read my earlier comment about trolls. Those radical lefties nut jobs that live in a cosy echo chamber and as soon they get challenged with the demonstrably false flawed be it the one sided Pro Arafat pro Hamas narrative they peddle over and over again they starting more false assumptions and false accusations like trolls. Using free speech doesn’t occur to them living in their deluded echo chamber peddling pointless nonsense let alone vicious hypocritical Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish (state ) for Jewish people so yes the most vicious worse form of anti semitism which has to come to mean prejudice to Jewish people as a whole) yes the majority of world Jews are rightly and proud Zionists..
All that is spread here is also blood libels too
Since you feel you have a lot to say, do us all a favor and get your own Substack page. Then you'll have a legitimate audience for your views who can choose to go there to hear what you have to say.
Thanks for the feedback. Maybe. I prefer different mediums overall. But I donate to worthy causes and I feel that is far more effective and far reaching than Sub-stack can ever be. From time to time I stumble across good articles on Subtrack from quality authors. At other times from people who claim are journalists but they just peddle offensive rubbish ( journalists are supposed to be impartial and balanced but not activists with a blatant one sided agenda ) peddling a one sided narrative which is bemusing at best. So I feel the urge to respond decisively when I strongly disagree. They are likely wasting their time when they only have a few subscribers like i am likely wasting my time responding- but they get riled up , so . But so be it. Some people feel they have an audience. I’m amazed at the rot that exists and wonder if they feel they make money from spreading hate against one nation. Anti semitism and it’s denial works in strange ways it’s now called Anti Zionism ( with tiny exceptions that are irrelevant ). These radical left anti Zionists ( which is anti Jewish state ) ( including Marxist pretend journalists ) are the new anti semites and they can deny all they want
Oh no Israel asked their citizens to vacate the north of Israel to protect them from Islamic terrorists Hezbollah bombings so that must be a war crime too in the converse- but the radical left cheer which such glee and / or say it’s resistance ( like they did on Oct 7 and then blamed Israel for it or deny it ever happened - oh it was the IDF that killed the majority ( rather then truth some by accident when they tried to kill Hamas ) - which are blatant false. Or denial thar violent rapes occurred by Hamas when they did ( again lies )
When Israel ask Gazans to vacate oh it’s a war crime - but they cheer when Israel ask Israeli Jews to vacate the north. No demands for Egypt to assist to open its borders so people can fee away from a war zone when they bolt it shut.
At what point can you understand reality? Israel occupies all of Palestine and most of what it occupies it does so illegally. Although since Israel has no official borders, strictly speaking it is all still Palestine.
What Israel calls the West Bank and Gaza is the part of Occupied Palestine which was meant to be a Palestinian independent state but it is ruled by the Israeli colonial regime.
Israel has no right to tell Palestinians to leave anywhere but the Palestinians who are the native people of all of Palestine most certainly have the right to tell the Israelis how much of their homeland they can have and to demand they get out of what is called Gaza and the West Bank and uplift the 500,000 illegal Jewish colonists camping there.
Israel proper has its own state and borders in proper israel since 1948 as declared by the western world - it cannot occupy itself
It doesn’t occupy Gaza prior to Oct 7 ( it’s a war now ) as it left in 2005. Gaza has autonomy rule by Hamas clearly ( and was run like a defacto state ) but when that area attacks israel over and over again and then steals women and children to take back their city and Gaza then don’t complain when Israel’s strikes back
The disputed territory in Westbank ( whether you like it or not or agree or not ) area A I has autonomy arab rule by PA and I would argue it is still part of the land of Israel as it stands ( Palestinians rejected a state offer - and they never had a nation state called Palestine so stop lying to yourself ) and it’s borders must be ‘ negotiated ‘ ‘ in any future state that is the correct wording of the resolution objectively applied in fact. And under utti POSSIDETIS Juris principle it belongs to Israel the nation state existed other than Israel ( not Palestine ) which accepted its UN state offer and declared by numerous nations and the western world - Arabs rejected their split - Arabs even flatly and stupidly rejected the resolution which referring to Israel allow some Arabs back to Israel ( right of return ) - it now regrets and tried to accept it later when it was rejected ab Initio. So further it has no effect any longer and israel withdrew it
Jordan arguably had a second right to Westbank ( Judea Samaria - but renamed Westbank by Jordan ) as it was the nation state that annexed and returned to Israel after 67
Israel proper has its own state and borders in proper israel since 1948 as declared by the western world - it cannot occupy itself
It doesn’t occupy Gaza prior to Oct 7 ( it’s a war now ) as it left in 2005. Gaza has autonomy rule by Hamas clearly ( and was run like a defacto state ) but when that area attacks israel over and over again and then steals women and children to take back their city and Gaza then don’t complain when Israel’s strikes back
The disputed territory in Westbank ( whether you like it or not or agree or not ) area A I has autonomy arab rule by PA and I would argue it is still part of the land of Israel as it stands ( Palestinians rejected a state offer - and they never had a nation state called Palestine so stop lying to yourself ) and it’s borders must be ‘ negotiated ‘ ‘ in any future state that is the correct wording of the resolution objectively applied in fact. And under utti POSSIDETIS Juris principle it belongs to Israel the nation state existed other than Israel ( not Palestine ) which accepted its UN state offer and declared by numerous nations and the western world - Arabs rejected their split - Arabs even flatly and stupidly rejected the resolution which referring to Israel allow some Arabs back to Israel ( right of return ) - it now regrets and tried to accept it later when it was rejected ab Initio. So further it has no effect any longer and israel withdrew it
Jordan arguably had a second right to Westbank ( Judea Samaria - but renamed Westbank by Jordan ) as it was the nation state that annexed and returned to Israel after 67
Israel proper has its own state and borders in proper israel since 1948 as declared by the western world - it cannot occupy itself
It doesn’t occupy Gaza prior to Oct 7 ( it’s a war now ) as it left in 2005. Gaza has autonomy rule by Hamas clearly ( and was run like a defacto state ) but when that area attacks israel over and over again and then steals women and children to take back their city and Gaza then don’t complain when Israel’s strikes back
The disputed territory in Westbank ( whether you like it or not or agree or not ) area A I has autonomy arab rule by PA and I would argue it is still part of the land of Israel as it stands ( Palestinians rejected a state offer - and they never had a nation state called Palestine so stop lying to yourself ) and it’s borders must be ‘ negotiated ‘ ‘ in any future state that is the correct wording of the resolution objectively applied in fact. And under utti POSSIDETIS Juris principle it belongs to Israel the nation state existed other than Israel ( not Palestine ) which accepted its UN state offer and declared by numerous nations and the western world - Arabs rejected their split - Arabs even flatly and stupidly rejected the resolution which referring to Israel allow some Arabs back to Israel ( right of return ) - it now regrets and tried to accept it later when it was rejected ab Initio. So further it has no effect anyone longer and israel withdrew it
Jordan arguably had a second right to Westbank ( Judea Samaria - but renamed Westbank by Jordan ) as it was the nation state that annexed and returned to Israel after 67