Anyone radical lefty that is challenged usually blocks or calls out as hominem like troll lol eventually because they cannot handle being challenged when they absurdly peddle misleading narratives as fact - it is extremely deceptive
Read my earlier comment about trolls. Those radical lefties nut jobs that live in a cosy echo chamber and a…
Anyone radical lefty that is challenged usually blocks or calls out as hominem like troll lol eventually because they cannot handle being challenged when they absurdly peddle misleading narratives as fact - it is extremely deceptive
Read my earlier comment about trolls. Those radical lefties nut jobs that live in a cosy echo chamber and as soon they get challenged with the demonstrably false flawed be it the one sided Pro Arafat pro Hamas narrative they peddle over and over again they starting more false assumptions and false accusations like trolls. Using free speech doesn’t occur to them living in their deluded echo chamber peddling pointless nonsense let alone vicious hypocritical Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish (state ) for Jewish people so yes the most vicious worse form of anti semitism which has to come to mean prejudice to Jewish people as a whole) yes the majority of world Jews are rightly and proud Zionists..
Debate is not your purpose, and thus trollish misnomer. Pointing out that a baby is a baby, or a frog a frog, is matter of fact. Similarly, I'm judging you by the combination of your squealing (all comments, not one) and obvious ill intent. I won't indulge your goal, nor respond here again, but you encourage me to stand up for Palestine. I will counter your effort by writing an article which will reach more people than your comments will. Thus, I must thank you for your contribution.
Well said. James Jenkins and the others like him provide invaluable opportunities to correct misinformation, disinformation and plain old fashioned downright lies and do those of us promoting and disseminating facts and truth a favour.
Then you have not been listening or reading and blatantly believe the false narratives being peddle here. You continue to parrot the same false assumptions. Debate cannot be actually had when the author here states with a deluded authority that israel does not even exist….. hello ? How you debate that ? How can you even debate this actual bullshit nonsense you can’t so you are correcf in part in so far as using the word debate. You cannot debate here but I like debates. I debate and accept fair points but not ludicrously being peddled as fact and all one sided.. I don’t care what you think and what you peddle but expect to be challenged by anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Fringe views and flawed a historical narratives will never condenses - bagging a one sided narrative will be shown for what it is.. good luck with that
I follow and accept objective thought and accept cogent logical thought like people like Douglas Murray - I don’t think you will ever gets his reach etc.
If you truly care about so called Arab Palestinians who are Arabs in the Levant then you would be arguing for them to eliminate the likes of Hamas and Islamic jihadi and condemn the Iranian regime and accept Israel as Jewish state for steps towards genuine peace rather than support lopsided one sided arguments just demonising Israel’s actual right to exist over and over again as these pages do that won’t go anywhere but I don’t you make a difference anyway apart from listeners that follow this one sided narrative that achieves nothing but the opposite effect.. ( not true peace that’s for sure ).
I would put my low profile money made in my private business ( unknown to anyone on here where to actual that can make a difference rather than try and get followers here for money or donate to anyone here that peddles clear false narratives claims they are journalists on here when they are not. I do follow and donate to some persons on here who are clearly respected and deal with facts and intelligent thought rather than joker journalists who simply promote an anti Zionist anti Israel agenda thread as activists - just demonstrable. Those people deserve to be called out or can they try and debate honestly but they fail with comments like Israel does not even exist when it does - Cleary false.. learn to stop making false assumptions and calling others trolls you think it does you favours it doesn’t
Believe it or not I care about peaceful Palestinians that genuinely want peace. But in my experience many people can’t get through to Islamic jihadis they are usually a lost cause unless they can be turned around. We can hope…
Anyone radical lefty that is challenged usually blocks or calls out as hominem like troll lol eventually because they cannot handle being challenged when they absurdly peddle misleading narratives as fact - it is extremely deceptive
Read my earlier comment about trolls. Those radical lefties nut jobs that live in a cosy echo chamber and as soon they get challenged with the demonstrably false flawed be it the one sided Pro Arafat pro Hamas narrative they peddle over and over again they starting more false assumptions and false accusations like trolls. Using free speech doesn’t occur to them living in their deluded echo chamber peddling pointless nonsense let alone vicious hypocritical Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish (state ) for Jewish people so yes the most vicious worse form of anti semitism which has to come to mean prejudice to Jewish people as a whole) yes the majority of world Jews are rightly and proud Zionists..
All that is spread here is also blood libels too
Debate is not your purpose, and thus trollish misnomer. Pointing out that a baby is a baby, or a frog a frog, is matter of fact. Similarly, I'm judging you by the combination of your squealing (all comments, not one) and obvious ill intent. I won't indulge your goal, nor respond here again, but you encourage me to stand up for Palestine. I will counter your effort by writing an article which will reach more people than your comments will. Thus, I must thank you for your contribution.
Well said. James Jenkins and the others like him provide invaluable opportunities to correct misinformation, disinformation and plain old fashioned downright lies and do those of us promoting and disseminating facts and truth a favour.
Then you have not been listening or reading and blatantly believe the false narratives being peddle here. You continue to parrot the same false assumptions. Debate cannot be actually had when the author here states with a deluded authority that israel does not even exist….. hello ? How you debate that ? How can you even debate this actual bullshit nonsense you can’t so you are correcf in part in so far as using the word debate. You cannot debate here but I like debates. I debate and accept fair points but not ludicrously being peddled as fact and all one sided.. I don’t care what you think and what you peddle but expect to be challenged by anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Fringe views and flawed a historical narratives will never condenses - bagging a one sided narrative will be shown for what it is.. good luck with that
I follow and accept objective thought and accept cogent logical thought like people like Douglas Murray - I don’t think you will ever gets his reach etc.
If you truly care about so called Arab Palestinians who are Arabs in the Levant then you would be arguing for them to eliminate the likes of Hamas and Islamic jihadi and condemn the Iranian regime and accept Israel as Jewish state for steps towards genuine peace rather than support lopsided one sided arguments just demonising Israel’s actual right to exist over and over again as these pages do that won’t go anywhere but I don’t you make a difference anyway apart from listeners that follow this one sided narrative that achieves nothing but the opposite effect.. ( not true peace that’s for sure ).
I would put my low profile money made in my private business ( unknown to anyone on here where to actual that can make a difference rather than try and get followers here for money or donate to anyone here that peddles clear false narratives claims they are journalists on here when they are not. I do follow and donate to some persons on here who are clearly respected and deal with facts and intelligent thought rather than joker journalists who simply promote an anti Zionist anti Israel agenda thread as activists - just demonstrable. Those people deserve to be called out or can they try and debate honestly but they fail with comments like Israel does not even exist when it does - Cleary false.. learn to stop making false assumptions and calling others trolls you think it does you favours it doesn’t
Believe it or not I care about peaceful Palestinians that genuinely want peace. But in my experience many people can’t get through to Islamic jihadis they are usually a lost cause unless they can be turned around. We can hope…