The lie is you say the whole world wants Israel diamantés is DEUDED LIE as NO WESTERN GOVT is saying all calling for that expect for radical left anti Israel nuts jobs sorry to say that is your wishful thinking only
That UN advisory non binding about pre 67 border well that’s funny as Israel withdrew from Gaza to pre 67 border and look wh…
The lie is you say the whole world wants Israel diamantés is DEUDED LIE as NO WESTERN GOVT is saying all calling for that expect for radical left anti Israel nuts jobs sorry to say that is your wishful thinking only
That UN advisory non binding about pre 67 border well that’s funny as Israel withdrew from Gaza to pre 67 border and look what happened so any sane USA politician knows that’s crazy and meaningless moot now ( that was previously part of Egypt ) in 2005 piece contradicts its own former UN resolution which says borders for a future potential Palestine state ( which won’t happen now or at all - until jihadi Hamas Islamic terrorists remain there and likely they will be defeated but still present - so Gaza / WB parts will still be under the status of autonomy rule until or if Hamas stands down ( the majority are dismantled ) and surrenders and releases all hostages - but I don’t see them surrendering
Hamas with OCT 7 brought no so called freedoms for Palestinians / Gazans but misery will remain as is - a shit hole when it was nice before Oct 7 even if Hamas stuffed it up with resorts / parks beaches , mansions etc -just like Ramallah etc in PA Arab administered regions in WB..
The lie is you say the whole world wants Israel diamantés is DEUDED LIE as NO WESTERN GOVT is saying all calling for that expect for radical left anti Israel nuts jobs sorry to say that is your wishful thinking only
That UN advisory non binding about pre 67 border well that’s funny as Israel withdrew from Gaza to pre 67 border and look what happened so any sane USA politician knows that’s crazy and meaningless moot now ( that was previously part of Egypt ) in 2005 piece contradicts its own former UN resolution which says borders for a future potential Palestine state ( which won’t happen now or at all - until jihadi Hamas Islamic terrorists remain there and likely they will be defeated but still present - so Gaza / WB parts will still be under the status of autonomy rule until or if Hamas stands down ( the majority are dismantled ) and surrenders and releases all hostages - but I don’t see them surrendering
Hamas with OCT 7 brought no so called freedoms for Palestinians / Gazans but misery will remain as is - a shit hole when it was nice before Oct 7 even if Hamas stuffed it up with resorts / parks beaches , mansions etc -just like Ramallah etc in PA Arab administered regions in WB..