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Anti Zionism today is worse form of Jewish ( nation ) hatred yes it is worse form of anti semitism today imo yes anti semitism ( it’s meaning has come to mean Jew hatred or prejudice towards Jews ) as it seeks the destruction of the Jewish state .. the notion that these radical left nut jobs who apologise for Islamic jihadi terrorists and use a radical left Jew who happens to be anti Zionists as cover to say “ I like Jews but as long as Jewish state doesn’t exist “ is like I have nothing against Pakistanis but Pakistan Islamic nation must be abolished - oh gee or I have burying against Arabs but all 20 plus Arab states must be abolished.. the audacity and hypocrisy to say one Jewish state now must be abolished . Well it won’t and long live Israel we support you

No mention about Islamic jihadi and Palestinian terrorism and Passover massacres and your audacity to say that a Jewish state has no right to exist in the land that you say only belongs to who ? Arab Hamas ? Arab Arafat ? Or the mufti of Jerusalem who conspired and anticipated a Hitler win to prevent a Jewish state:. Your one sided ignorance is astounding.. the Arabs in the region wanted to initially be part of Greater Syria - there was no great push from the 1920s onwards to even have a Arab state called Palestine ( let alone the fact that a Palestine state never existed ) . Being Jewish is not just adhering to Judaism it is also independently and uniquely an ethnicity similar to being an Arab ( yet being culturally or ethnically Jewish is not monolithic ) . Yet you have the temerity to dictate to Jewish people that are the NOT Jewish based on if they are not religious ( strictly with Judaism ) - the flip side irony being is that IF israel was a Jewish theocracy state ( rather than secular Jewish state ) you would be attacking that too regardless - and if it does become a theocratic Jewish state then it still has a right to exist just any other Arab state / or Islamic state exists as a theocracy ( Saudia arabia ) or simply an Arab state they are all fricken brutal with little civil liberties ( unlike Israel who has some basic civil liberties where 2 M Arab still live in Israel proper ). Jordan is almost 96 % ethnically Arab ( mixed Arab tribes ) so that must be apartheid because they have no Jews and ethnically cleansed them after 1949 from Judea Samaria - funny that - including when Jews were asked to leave from Middle East arab states and went to Israel the Jewish state.. ( thankfully ) the other fact is the MAJORITY of Jewish people are Zionists ( only a small minority of religious Jews 150,000 are technically anti Zionists for religious reasons from the majority of 7 million plus Jews who live in Israel are overwhelmingly rightly Zionists . The other radical left Marxist type hypocritical who say as a Jew are ANTI Zionists tend to be anti western and anti American too and are irrelevant as the majority of Jews in Israel ( 7 million of them are rightly Zionists ) including the world Jewry the majority of world Jewry are Zionists. Israel exists so get over it and all Islamic jihadi terrorists who want it destroyed and attack Israel must be removed . Only the peaceful Arabs who want peace with Israel as a Jewish sovereign state should naturally be allowed to stay and its Israel ( 80 % ethnic Jewish state - not monolithic ) who decides who its citizens will be or its residents will be ( just like Arab Jordan or Arab Saudia Arabia or Italy ( 90 % ethnic italian country ) decides who it’s citizens will be etc

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So you're an unhinged, disgusting Islamophobe, trying the utter bullshit line that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. Now, the Zionists who made deals with the Nazis and didn't lift a finger for Jews on the way to the death camps, they were real antisemites.

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The true anti-semites are those who maintain that Zionist Israel represents Judaism and Jews. They must truly hate Jews to say that Judaism and its followers promote occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft as carried out by Zioraelis for a century.

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You must have Anti israel Anti Zionism ( Jewish state / so Anti Jewish nation state ) derangement syndrome so I suggest along with that bogus joker journalist both take some Xanax or valium and get serious help as ISRAEL EXISTS IN LAW AND FACT AS A JEWISH NATION STATE ( JEWISH MAJORITY NATION STATE and there is nothing you can do about it……… You would love to see it dismantled or destroyed - more than half of world Jews live in Israel as proud Zionists ( the next biggest population of Jews are in USA ) and your vile attacks to dismantle Israel as a Jewish a state is anti semitism to them and if it isn’t then Anti Zionism is worse and it’s vile sickness in todays context ( by radical left nut jobs or Islamists who promote it - I don’t mean Muslims and many Arabs either as many Muslims and Arabs are fine people and many are not hostile to Israel either. There are many Arab Zionists in UAE for example… the vast majority of world Jews are Zionists and to them delegitimising Israel and saying it has no right to exist is clearly anti semitic to them and if you want to say it’s different ( then anti Zionism is worse )

- the exceptions meaning the orthodox cult minority Jews who are anti Zionist for religious reasons is irrelevant as they still want Israel but at a later stage in time - and off point - these people are used by Islamists and anti Israel activists to say look we have Jews who want t destroy the Jewish state too - is just pathetic and irrelevant as again the vast majorly of Jews are rightly Zionists…….

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I am anti sadistic and bestial savagery as practised by Zionist Israel, as any sane human would be.

Israel flinging bodies off rooftops is nothing new to the Resistance forces


Sep 22


Zionist soldiers repeatedly kick a lifeless body of a Palestinian before throwing the body off the roof. Qabatiya, occupied West Bank

Palestine has endured countless sadistic attacks and savagery for the last 100 years and has seen an unprecedented increase in such barbarity since October 7th.

Prisoners have recounted being paraded before the Israeli public in cages, being spat at and having bananas thrown at them. Human rights and recent press reports detail instances where soldiers inserted a mobile phone into a prisoner’s anus and then called it, laughing as it rang inside his body. Soldiers have also taunted prisoners by claiming they were playing soccer with their children’s heads in Gaza. These instances provide only a glimpse into the sadistic behaviour exhibited by Israelis against Palestinians during times of genocide.


The cruelty that has been witnessed through the live stream videos and images emanating from Gaza and the occupied territories has been off the scale. Yesterday Al Jazeera received footage of a young man injured in an air strike in Gaza, huddled in the crater trying to call for help. A Zionist drone obliterated him.

On the 20th September in Qabatiya, occupied West Bank - at least two videos were published showing Zionist forces abusing lifeless Palestinian bodies before flinging them off the roof. The soldiers dragged one body to the edge of the roof, kicked it multiple times before pushing the body over the edge to tumble to the ground.

A second body was swung by the soldiers before being flung from the roof to the ground below. Reports alleged that an Israeli bulldozer was dispatched to retrieve both bodies, denying the return of the dead to their families. A reported three bodies were disposed of in this way.

Ameed Shehadeh, a correspondent for Al-Arabi who also witnessed the incident, told CNN:

“A bulldozer tried to demolish the house to bring the bodies down. That didn’t work. Soldiers went up and kicked and pushed the bodies off the roof, as we have seen.”

Shehadeh also said a fourth body had been thrown off an adjacent roof.

From Al Mayadeeen:

Videos circulating on social media show Israeli occupation forces desecrating and throwing the bodies of Palestinians they killed off a building in the city of Qabatiya in Jenin. Earlier, Al Mayadeen's correspondent reported that Israeli occupation forces stormed Qabatiya, surrounding several Palestinian homes and firing Energa shells at one of them. Our correspondent added that the bodies of several martyrs were on the rooftop of one of the houses after being targeted by the occupation forces, who also prevented ambulance crews from reaching the injured.

The US state department claimed to be “deeply disturbed” but “is waiting for the results of the IDF investigation into the incident”. John Kirby - “"If it's proven to be authentic, it clearly would depict abhorrent and egregious behaviour by professional soldiers”. Effectively asking a mass murderer to investigate a killing spree and find themselves innocent. Imagine this crime carried out by a Russian soldier or by the Syrian Arab Army. Would the US allied response be so muted?

Palestine-based journalist Jonathan Cook wrote the following about the AP coverage of the Zionist rooftop crimes:

The coverage of Israeli soldiers pushing three Palestinians off a roof in the West Bank – it's unclear if they are dead or near-dead – is being barely reported by the western media, even though it was videoed from two different angles and a reporter from the main US news agency Associated Press witnessed it.

AP reported on this some nine hours ago. Its feed is accessed by all western establishment media, so they all know.

Yet again, the media has chosen to ignore Israeli war crimes, even when there is definitive proof that they occurred. (Or perhaps more accurately: even more so when there is definitive proof they occurred.)

Remember, that same media never fails to highlight – or simply make up – any Palestinian crime (such as those non-existent "beheaded babies").

AP itself treats this incident in the West Bank town of Qabatiya as no big deal. It reports that it may be part of a "pattern of excessive force" by Israeli soldiers towards Palestinians.

That comment, without quote marks and ascribed to a human rights group, is almost certainly AP's preferred characterisation of the group's reference to a pattern not of "excessive force" but of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

AP makes sure to give Israel's pretext for why it is committing war crimes: "Israel says the raids are necessary to stamp out militancy."

But it forgets yet again to mention why that "militancy" exists: because Israel has been violently enforcing an illegal military occupation of the Palestinian territories for many decades, in which it – once again illegally – drafts in an army of settler militias to drive out the native Palestinian population.

AP also forgets to mention that, under international law, the Palestinians have every right to resist Israel's occupying soldiers, including "militantly".

Western governments might characterise Palestinians shooting at Israeli soldiers as "terrorism", but that's not how it is seen in the international law codes that western states drafted decades ago and that they claim to uphold.

It's also worth noting that the local Palestinian reporter who witnessed this crime had his report rewritten by "Julia Frankel, an Associated Press reporter in Jerusalem".

As is true with many other western outlets, AP copy is editorially overseen from Jerusalem, where its office is staffed mostly with Israeli Jews.

Western news outlets doubtless privately rationalise this to themselves as a wise precaution, making sure their copy is "sensitive" to Israel's perspective and less likely to incur the wrath of the Israeli government and Israel lobby.

Which is precisely the problem. The bias in western reporting is baked in. It's designed not to upset Israel – in the midst of a "plausible genocide", according to the World Court – which means it's entirely skewed and completely untrustworthy.

It makes our media utterly complicit in Israel's war crimes, including when Israeli soldiers throw Palestinians off a roof.

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War is horrible horrible and it was started by Hamas again who throw Gazans off buildings and torture their own. Of course one should criticise anything wrong someone does. Bin Laden the terrorist was thrown out to sea And if those shooters shot by IDF were terrorists then ditto but if they were innocent then Israel will likely prosecute them. ( unlike Hamas if a Palestinian Gazans in the converse kills a Jew or torture them )

When you ignore and don’t write about Hamas atrocities on Palestinians and distort the whole picture against Israel abd it’s actual existence as I have pointed your blood libels then you are Anti Zionist Anti semite ( anti Jewish state bigot )…

When you say israel shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state itself then you are Anti Jewish state anti Semite and say nothing about the Arab or Islamic states and ignore their atrocities then again you are practising Anti Zionism anti semitism as people like Douglas Murray clearly point out…….

You promote a one sided narrative and you are a fraud even saying israel doesn’t exist itself with meaningless gobble de kook.. you are despicable

Then say israel the Jewish state is a racist state when Jordan and others have an Arab and Islamic state and let in no Jews as citizens ( let alone the fact that being Jewish is not even a race - so your use is fraudulent deceptive like every thing else about your whole one sided narrative

You are selecting bits and pieces from bias or discredited sources and anti Israel sources and or cherry picking choosing to make your own skewered anti Israel Bullshit opinion as fact

Yes mainly misleading and deceptive mixed with some details and feeble opinions that are subjective conclusions ( not facts ) drawn by you is a one sided narrative that you are obsessed with Ms Ross. You are an Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish state ) pure and simple and the people that follow you are mainly the same.. you also full of selective inconsistencies and feeble points which even undercut against your own points at times…

The Dahiya doctrine is a essentially strategy to pressure despicable hostile islamic terrorists ( Hezbollah ) to end their attacks against Israel . It is hardly genocide. Richard Falk is also a disgrace and a Hamas sympathiser. The latest attacks exploding pagers clearly did not deploy nearly the same strategy.

Hezbollah ( a designated Islamic terrorist entity ) manifesto and goal is to attack the Jewish sovereign state of israel and its goal is all about the destruction of Israel and its explicit intention is to continue its attacks that bring an end to the state of Israel ( a Jewish majority sovereign state ) but you side step that. Or perhaps you don’t as that is your toxic goal too and you must be condemned.

Any European or western country be it USA or Hungary would certainly deploy defence strategies and counter attacks against an enemy at their door step who has that stated intention to destroy it in this case Hezbollah wants to destroy state of Israel… but you don’t mention that but going by your words that is your goal too so you only push.

Hamas manifesto is essentially the same and so is the Iranian regime stated intention is to see the destruction of the Jewish state of israel . incidentally almost 80 % of its own Persian citizens in Iran despise and want that Iranian regime ended - the civil liberty rights in Iran is virtually non existent. Yemen isn’t much better with the Houthis. And Sunni / Christian Lebanon has essentially been ruined and bankrupted - Hezbollah has it worse. Israel / USA and its allies ought to have finished them off a long time ago imo.. yes and it effects all of Lebanon. Hezbollah kills Lebanese politicians that don’t submit to them either… the bankrupt country of Lebanon is hijacked by Hezbollah. So is Yemen by Houthis. Yemeni citizens are starving and yet fire rockets at global ships that carry crude and fire at Israel - just absurd.

You can vote out governments in Israel and essentially protest there against Netanyahu policies and basic civil liberties exist for Israeli citizens…

I repeat israel has every right to defend and counter attack it’s deplorable enemies who attack them and want them destroyed. Their enemies are the Iranian regime and its Islamic terrorists proxies - Israel being nice back hasn’t worked - not even left wing Israeli governments try.

You lost me at Israel does not even exist. And you dictating who is Jewish and who isn’t - no Jewish law and it is vast decides who is Jewish and it’s not limited to being religious which I’ve replied to you earlier about it… you are radical one sided and clearly an Anti Zionist which means you are Anti Jewish state home land and your desire is to see the destruction of the Jewish state - and to me that is despicable..

All you do is a peddle a one sided narrative without context and select quotes and misquotes… Hamas is genocidal Islamic terrorists Organisation who wants to kill every Israeli Jew in the state of Israel or have them submit to Islamic rule at best. That is not acceptable. Israel must not let itself get weak it must use force to destroy these entities and those that follow them

Sadly innocent people get killed and the risk increases when the enemy like Hamas and Islamic jihad explicit goal is to maximise civilian deaths on purpose by stoping civilians in Gaza leaving their areas and when Hamas DELIBERATELY embeds their weapons military infrastructure in civilian areas / churches mosques, schools , UNWRA centres and so on and fires weapons into Israel from those areas and Hamas dress as civilians then hide in tunnels with stolen money from the west and made themselves billionaires when they could have improved Gaza 10 fold before Oct 7. Hamas doesn’t allow Gazan civilians to enter tunnels for bomb shelter like Israel allows their own citizens to when Israel is attacked. But you don’t mention all those nuance and facts do you..

If anyone truly cares about Arab so called Palestinians then they should stop being told a lie by jihadi Islamic terrorist / Arab entities like Hamas as they do nothing to help them in-fact Hamas shoots them when they take food aid or do not submit to them or kill the opposition party like Fatah or throw gays of buildings and much worse. T

I request you don’t bother responding because it’s pretty clear you cannot be objective as you are ANTI Zionist.

Goodbye so don’t bother replying again please.

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The evil that is Israel is outdoing even Nazi Germany. The Israelis are so debased they do not even attempt to hide their genocidal intent.

And it is this bestial savagery which has rotted within the Israeli state since it invented itself. The poison which drips from Zionist Israel taints the world and Judaism.

Quote: Other prominent Israelis, in recent months, have also called on the military to carry out mass extermination in northern Gaza. “Remove the entire civilian population from the north, and whoever remains there will be lawfully sentenced as a terrorist and subjected to a process of starvation or extermination,” Prof. Uzi Rabi, a senior researcher at Tel Aviv University, elaborated in a radio interview on Sept. 15. And in August, according to a report in Ynet, government ministers had already started pressuring Netanyahu to “cleanse” northern Gaza of its inhabitants.

Another proposal was written in July by several Israeli academics, titled “From a murderous regime to a moderate society: The transformation and reconstruction of Gaza after Hamas.”

According to that plan, which was submitted to Israeli decision-makers, “total defeat” of Hamas is a precondition for starting a process of “deradicalization” of Palestinians in Gaza. “It is important that the Palestinian public also has a broad perception of Hamas’ defeat,” its authors argued, adding: “‘First aid’ can begin in areas purged of Hamas.” One of the proposal’s authors, Dr. Harel Chorev, a senior researcher at the Moshe Dayan Center where Rabi also works, expressed full support for Eiland’s plan.

Since the army has claimed civilians can leave northern Gaza — although soldiers randomly shoot and kill those Palestinian civilians who try to evacuate — it treats anyone who remains in the city as a terrorist. Such a strategy aligns with what Lt. Col. A., commander of the Israeli Air Force’s drone squadron, told Ynet in August about the operation to rescue hostages in Nuseirat Camp: “Whoever did not flee, even if he was unarmed, as far as we were concerned, was a terrorist. Everyone we killed should have been killed.”


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More blood libels

Israeli govt made clear Hezbollah is clearly distinguishable FROM THE Lebanese people especially Sunnis / Christians / Druze etc ( no Jews in Lebanon or very few ) - plus again Jews are ethnicity too despite what you say for gods sake

But going by your logic Hamas / Palestinians are NOT indistinguishable as many support Hamas ( Hamas are Palestinians Arabs ) and part of the structure and fabric in Gaza - the rest are dissenters and get tortured as the son of Hamas also stated - so israel must destroy Hamas who dress as civilians ( another war crime )

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You mean Hamas killed Jews with glee on Oct 7 ( all promote anti semitism ( jew hatred ) and pro kite Islamic jihadi within unwra Hamas schools ) and unlike the Nazis who tried to hide their atrocities against Jews… Hamas explicitly goal is to increase the number of deaths among their own and many gazan families have that intention to be a matry for their cause and for Allah ( if others are forced into it then that is tragic and even more so shows the rot within their Islamic terrorist society - and those people should be free of Hamas - ( a war brought on by Hamas who want to kill Jews - as the Hamas Palestinian said on the phone on Oct 7 dad i just killed 10 Jews with my bare hands - that’s how they are groomed to kill and hate Jews - )

Every jihadi must be killed yes like bin laden and his tens of thousands of cronies.

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Hamas attacked legitimate targets, military.

Palestinian civilians who broke out of the concentration camp after them were the ones who attacked what is called civilians.

But since Israel has very few civilians since nearly everyone male and female serves in the army, then just about everyone is a legitimate target for a resistance militia.

Hamas clearly stated in 2017 that it had no issue with Jews, just the evil Zionist colonial occupiers. Playing the Jew card does not work.

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Just do confirm for completeness I think you have a comprehension problem as criticism of Israel is clearly NOT deemed anti semitism and nor should it ever be. I NEVER SAID IT WAS - That is absurd as so many Israelis do and should criticise Israel policies and their government including Netanyahu - eg removing court powers was wrong - disagreeing how to save hostages etc etc allowing Oct 7 to happen lack of Israel - there was wide agreement that Hamas must be dismantled and Israel having a right to defend itself - but avoiding killings which is difficult when Hamas militant terrorists is embedded in the infrastructure of civilian areas - hence the tragedy and delay all round. Clearly Hamas are not the freedom fighters as it had the opposite effect on any sane view

But anti Zionism in the context of Hamas and Hezbollah manifestos and radical left types radicals who call them resistance is a form of genocidal anti semitism as it obviously they all seek the destruction of the Jewish nation homeland nation Zion state called Israel

For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.

Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc )

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is not anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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To those reading the posts from James Jenkins, he is saying that the atrocities committed by the Nazis in WWII were on an equal basis as any violence from those they oppressed, including the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.

His position is that violence, at levels of true savagery, committed by Israel to maintain occupation and colonisation of Palestine is to be equated with violence, at minimal levels, committed by the Palestinians in their lawful fight for justice and freedom from occupation.

By any stretch of law and imagination his position is ridiculous.

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You are twisting your own narrative and lying again - that is not what I said

Not at all which means again you have a comprehension problem and clearly misunderstand me. For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.

Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc )

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is not anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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There is moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas / Islamic terrorism to say otherwise is absurd

Nazi Hitler was the one of most evil murderous dictators in modern history killing millions including 6 million Jews in gas chamber Holocaust

Hamas / Islamic jihadi and Hitler are two sides as the same coin infact Hamas is worse as they murder Jews with such glee and its manifesto is create an Islamic state to replace the Israel Jewish state - genocidal anti semitism killing and ridding Jews from Israel

Any sane person would know that is pure evil but here with some including ROS

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I am not replying to you. I am correcting your disinformation for others.

This colonial war against Palestine was started by Zionists and Jews in the 1920’s when Jewish terrorist gangs began their bloody rampage throughout Palestine, paving the way for the Zionist invasion of genocidal ethnic cleansing in 1947.

Since then the Zioraelis have maintained a level of sadistic and bestial savagery against the Palestinians which ranks as some of the worst in history, as they have continued to take more of Palestine and dispossess its people.

There is absolutely nothing that the Palestinian Resistance and Hamas has ever done which comes close to the barbaric savagery and cruelty of the Israelis toward the Palestinians.

And since any violence committed by Palestinians has been a just and legal fight for freedom and justice in their homeland and all violence committed by Zioraelis has been an unjust fight to steal someone else’s country and to exterminate or expel its native people, then logic and law decree that the Palestinians are the victims and the Israelis the evil oppressors.

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You are selecting bits and pieces from bias or discredited sources and anti Israel sources and or cherry picking choosing to make your own skewered anti Israel Bullshit opinion as fact

Yes mainly misleading and deceptive mixed with some details and feeble opinions that are subjective conclusions ( not facts ) drawn by you is a one sided narrative that you are obsessed with Ms Ross. You are an Anti Zionist ( Anti Jewish state ) pure and simple and the people that follow you are mainly the same.. you also full of selective inconsistencies and feeble points which even undercut against your own points at times…

The Dahiya doctrine is a essentially strategy to pressure despicable hostile islamic terrorists ( Hezbollah ) to end their attacks against Israel . It is hardly genocide. Richard Falk is also a disgrace and a Hamas sympathiser. The latest attacks exploding pagers clearly did not deploy nearly the same strategy.

Hezbollah ( a designated Islamic terrorist entity ) manifesto and goal is to attack the Jewish sovereign state of israel and its goal is all about the destruction of Israel and its explicit intention is to continue its attacks that bring an end to the state of Israel ( a Jewish majority sovereign state ) but you side step that. Or perhaps you don’t as that is your toxic goal too and you must be condemned.

Any European or western country be it USA or Hungary would certainly deploy defence strategies and counter attacks against an enemy at their door step who has that stated intention to destroy it in this case Hezbollah wants to destroy state of Israel… but you don’t mention that but going by your words that is your goal too so you only push.

Hamas manifesto is essentially the same and so is the Iranian regime stated intention is to see the destruction of the Jewish state of israel . incidentally almost 80 % of its own Persian citizens in Iran despise and want that Iranian regime ended - the civil liberty rights in Iran is virtually non existent. Yemen isn’t much better with the Houthis. And Sunni / Christian Lebanon has essentially been ruined and bankrupted - Hezbollah has it worse. Israel / USA and its allies ought to have finished them off a long time ago imo.. yes and it effects all of Lebanon. Hezbollah kills Lebanese politicians that don’t submit to them either… the bankrupt country of Lebanon is hijacked by Hezbollah. So is Yemen by Houthis. Yemeni citizens are starving and yet fire rockets at global ships that carry crude and fire at Israel - just absurd.

You can vote out governments in Israel and essentially protest there against Netanyahu policies and basic civil liberties exist for Israeli citizens…

I repeat israel has every right to defend and counter attack it’s deplorable enemies who attack them and want them destroyed. Their enemies are the Iranian regime and its Islamic terrorists proxies - Israel being nice back hasn’t worked - not even left wing Israeli governments try.

You lost me at Israel does not even exist. And you dictating who is Jewish and who isn’t - no Jewish law and it is vast decides who is Jewish and it’s not limited to being religious which I’ve replied to you earlier about it… you are radical one sided and clearly an Anti Zionist which means you are Anti Jewish state home land and your desire is to see the destruction of the Jewish state - and to me that is despicable..

All you do is a peddle a one sided narrative without context and select quotes and misquotes… Hamas is genocidal Islamic terrorists Organisation who wants to kill every Israeli Jew in the state of Israel or have them submit to Islamic rule at best. That is not acceptable. Israel must not let itself get weak it must use force to destroy these entities and those that follow them

Sadly innocent people get killed and the risk increases when the enemy like Hamas and Islamic jihad explicit goal is to maximise civilian deaths on purpose by stoping civilians in Gaza leaving their areas and when Hamas DELIBERATELY embeds their weapons military infrastructure in civilian areas / churches mosques, schools , UNWRA centres and so on and fires weapons into Israel from those areas and Hamas dress as civilians then hide in tunnels with stolen money from the west and made themselves billionaires when they could have improved Gaza 10 fold before Oct 7. Hamas doesn’t allow Gazan civilians to enter tunnels for bomb shelter like Israel allows their own citizens to when Israel is attacked. But you don’t mention all those nuance and facts do you..

If anyone truly cares about Arab so called Palestinians then they should stop being told a lie by jihadi Islamic terrorist / Arab entities like Hamas as they do nothing to help them in-fact Hamas shoots them when they take food aid or do not submit to them or kill the opposition party like Fatah or throw gays of buildings and much worse. T

I request you don’t bother responding because it’s pretty clear you cannot be objective as you are ANTI Zionist.

Goodbye so don’t bother replying again please.

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The evil that is Israel.

Israel carried out its pager and radio attacks. Many initially thought the pagers’ batteries exploded, but this is nonsense. They planted explosives inside and activated them likely with a phone call. The reason we know this is one of the videos of them exploding, one can hear various beeping sounds or ringing mere seconds before the explosion.

Secondly, there was a preponderance of eye injuries, which appears to imply the pagers rang or beeped, causing the victims to bring them up toward their face to inspect the number or message, after which the explosion hit them directly in the eyes:

As such, it seems the classic phone activation you see so often in movies.

By the way, listen to China’s UN rep Fu Cong’s blistering condemnation of Israel, which uses very uncharacteristically strong language:

Now it’s clear that Israel is desperate to provoke Hezbollah in attacking it first, so that it can have the casus belli and global consensus in waging another genocide to cover for the first one in a sort of genocide-Ponzi scheme.


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Even pager attacks show your ridiculous twisted bias -

The Law Of Exploding Pagers

John Spencer, Mark Goldfeder, and Arsen Ostrovsky

Sep 25, 2024

A member of the home front command carries a fragment from a rocket following missile strikes by Hezbollah in Kiryat Bilaik, northern Israel, on Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024. The exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah intensified on Sunday as the Lebanon-based group launched about 115 rockets, missiles and drones toward vast areas of Israel's north. Photographer: Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Last week the world watched as the terrorist army Hezbollah was hit by an attack that was equal parts debilitating and humiliating. On Tuesday, September 17, the special pagers carried by Hezbollah operatives suddenly exploded. Then, on Wednesday, their walkie talkies literally blew up.

Although Israel has not claimed responsibility for the operation, in the event they did carry out this historically unprecedented strike, it was entirely justified and in full accordance with international law.

It is not surprising that it did not take long for the usual chorus of anti-Israel politicians and pundits — those who only remember International Humanitarian Law (IHL) whenever they think it might hurt the Jewish State — to find some obscure provision, divorced from context, that they might deceptively latch onto and accuse Israel of violating, knowing full well that the uneducated armchair ‘experts’ who blindly follow them would thoughtlessly amplify their claims, muddy the waters of good vs. evil, and somehow make Israel the bad guy again.

This time, the frenzied cries centered around Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II to the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, which prohibits the use of booby-traps in certain circumstances. Pseudo-academics like Kenneth Roth could not wait to tell their breathless adherents that IHL unequivocally “prohibits the use of booby traps” — even though it is obvious that if booby traps are prohibited in certain circumstances, they must be permitted in others.

For the record, this is one of those permitted times, and here, with citations, is why.

First, it is important to establish that communication devices ordered by terrorists, issued to terrorists, for terrorist purposes, do not count as harmless civilian objects. Under Article 52 of the Additional Protocols to Geneva Convention I, the communication devices that a designated foreign terrorist organization issues to its operatives are legitimate military targets, and this should not be controversial. The fact that civilians may also use cell phones does not mean that you cannot target a terrorist call center.

Article 7 of the Amended Protocol II provides certain restrictions as to the use of booby traps and other similar devices. Paragraph 1 lists certain categories of objects — religious objects, children’s toys, etc. — for which it is prohibited to use booby traps in all circumstances. The devices in question do not fall under any of those categories.

Paragraph 2 of Article 7 prohibits using booby traps or other devices in the form of apparently harmless portable objects which are specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material. As the U.S. Department of Defense Law of War Manual explains:

The prohibition is intended to prevent the production of large quantities of dangerous objects that can be scattered around and are likely to be attractive to civilians, especially children.

It has nothing to do with communications devices procured by terrorists for terrorists, devices that were not specifically designed and constructed to contain explosive material, and were instead modified to detonate once they clearly became military objects.

Paragraph 3 of Article 7 reminds us that even when permissible any such weapon must be placed “in the close vicinity of a military objective.” It is hard to imagine a more surgically precise procedure than the destruction of personal devices that were (literally) held by terrorists.

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Analyzing the legality of a military operation also requires factoring in the principles of necessity, distinction, and proportionality. The principle of necessity permits actions necessary to accomplish a legitimate military purpose. In this instance, in a single operation, an entire enemy army was significantly impacted, and not only physically – the attack also exposed the Hezbollah network, in Lebanon but also throughout the Middle East where Hezbollah agents or affiliates were carrying these specific Hezbollah issued pagers. The devastating psychological impact also cannot be discounted; Hezbollah can no longer trust their own equipment, cannot communicate (ironically, they are rumored to have switched to pagers out of concerns Israel was monitoring their comms!), and will have to change many elements of their operations with the potential to make further mistakes that can then be exploited.

The principle of distinction requires combatants to distinguish between civilians and military objectives during armed conflict. Here, the attack specifically targeted combatants, members of the Hezbollah army who had received specific Hezbollah equipment that is usually kept on their person. The law does not require perfect accuracy, which is impossible, and that leads to the principle of proportionality: Would such an attack be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects or a combination thereof which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage that is anticipated In this case, not a chance. Recall that Hezbollah has been bombing Israel incessantly for almost a year. In a swift and defensive maneuver — fully legal under Article 51 of the UN Charter — Israel (allegedly) immobilized a large segment of a terrorist organization actively hellbent on the genocidal elimination of the country.

Reports say that a few civilians, including two children, were tragically hurt as well. Innocent civilians getting hurt is absolutely tragic, but not in any way unlawful or Israel’s fault.

The truth is that the entire booby trap framework of analysis is wrong. IF Israel did commit these actions, then it was perhaps the finest and cleanest act of lawful sabotage in military history. As the ICRC explains:

Sabotage is generally the work of individuals or small formations operating in enemy-controlled territory and taking advantage of clandestinity, surprise, and ruses of war. It is generally carried out with great precision and therefore does not usually harm the civilian population. The targets of sabotage must form part of the enemy’s material infrastructure, that is, they must be military objectives. To sum up, sabotage against the enemy is a lawful operation provided the legal rules for the choice of targets and the methods and means employed are respected.

To quote one actual international humanitarian law expert, Eugene Kontorovitch:

Those protesting the attack on Hezbollah cell phones would have been crying over bombs placed on Nazi Germany’s train tracks.

The sad conclusion is this: if you are among those who were silent while Hezbollah committed thousands of undeniable, uncontested, and unprovoked war crimes against innocent Israeli civilians — killing men, women, and children in the process — and yet now find yourself horrified that Israel finally responded in a lawful, targeted manner by neutering (in some cases literally) hundreds of the terrorists who had been indiscriminately attacking them for months — your problem is not with Israel’s actions under international law; it is with Israel’s very existence.

* * *

John Spencer is chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute (MWI) at West Point and host of the ”Urban Warfare Project Podcast.” He is the co-author of  “Understanding Urban Warfare.”

Mark Goldfeder is a law professor and Director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center.

Arsen Ostrovsky is a human rights attorney who serves as CEO of The International Legal Forum and senior fellow at the Misgav Institute for National Security.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

Israeli govt made clear Hezbollah is clearly distinguishable FROM THE Lebanese people especially Sunnis / Christians / Druze etc ( no Jews in Lebanon or very few ) - plus again Jews are ethnicity too despite what you say for gods sake

But going by your logic Hamas / Palestinians are NOT indistinguishable as many support Hamas ( Hamas are Palestinians Arabs ) and part of the structure and fabric in Gaza - the rest are dissenters and get tortured as the son of Hamas also stated - so israel must destroy Hamas who dress as civilians ( another war crime )

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If it was israel at all then consistent with USA president - it was a job well done against these Islamic terrorists ….. ( of-course Irans allies will condemn - tell us something surprising like Tibet and the millions of Uyghurs in detention camps ( it’s hardly like beautiful Ramallah ) or what Gaza could have been but for Hamas and Islamic jihad stealing bullions and attacking Israel for 20 years

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This is terrorism. This is the nature of Zionist Israel. This has always been the nature of Israel. It will be eradicated.

American Surgeon Who Volunteered in Gaza Says IDF Snipers Shoot Toddlers

'No toddler gets shot twice by mistake,' said Dr. Mark Perlmutter

by Dave DeCamp July 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm ET CategoriesNews

An American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza told “CBS Sunday Morning” in an interview that aired Sunday that Israeli snipers were purposely shooting Palestinian children, including toddlers.

“I had children who were shot twice,” said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May. “I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately and directly on the side of the head in the same child.”

Perlmutter added, “No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by ‘the world’s best snipers.’ And they’re dead-center shots.” Other foreign doctors who volunteered in Gaza gave a similar account to The Guardian back in April, saying Israeli snipers were shooting children in the head.

Earlier this month, the Israeli outlet 972 Magazine published a report citing Israeli soldiers that detailed how the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza essentially had no restrictions on who they could shoot. The report said the IDF “routinely executes” civilians who enter areas the military deemed “no-go zones,” and it detailed shootings where young children were killed.

In his interview, Perlmutter, vice president of the International College of Surgeons, said what he saw in Gaza was worse than all of the disaster zones he’s seen combined. “Forty mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes. All of that combined doesn’t equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza,” he said.

When asked if the civilians he saw wounded or killed were mostly children, Perlmutter said, “Almost exclusively children. I’ve never seen that before. Never seen that. I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life combined. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week.”

Asked what he meant by “shredded” children, Perlmutter explained, “Missing body parts, being crushed by buildings, the greatest majority, or bomb explosions, the next greatest majority. We’ve taken shrapnel as big as my thumb out of eight-year-olds.”

According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, nearly 16,000 children have been killed by the Israeli assault on Gaza, and about 38,000 have been wounded, which includes many amputees. Due to the Israeli siege, children’s limbs have been amputated without anesthetics.

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Mufti of Jerusalem sided with Hitler to prevent a Jewish state on the gamble that Hitler would win and help kill more Jews so go for it . The only bigot is you. As for religion in the region. Blood libels and spreading lies and comparing Israel or zionsm to Hitter is just another blood libel and is anti semitism . Saying israel shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state but Arab states can exist again is anti semitism ( jew nation prejudice hatred yes - anti semitism means discrimination against the Jewish people for having a Jewish state absolutely ) . Of course you can legitimately criticise or protest against it’s government like Netanyahu like many Israelis do ( gee you can’t do that in Iran or Saudis Arabia or Jordan or Syria much without being murdered or jailed )

Nearly Every other Arab / islamic state or region in the area including the Palestinian authority ( not to mention Hamas ) has an officially established religion Islam and discriminates both in law and in fact against non Muslims - especially Jews. Israel in contrast ( for years ) is in practice ( although a Jewish state ) secular state that is religiously and racially pluralistic with freedom of religion for all. Moreover, several other Arab states and the Palestinian authority have laws of return, and Jordan has laws prohibiting Jews from becoming citizens, but only Israel - whose law grew out of a history of Jews being slaughtered because no other state or Palestine under the British mandate would accept refugees - is condemned by hypocritical radical left bigots and Islamists for its law of return which has the right to do

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The religion being persecuted today is Islam. In Palestine it is both Islam and Christianity at the hands of the Israeli colonial savages.

You never get your comparisons correct. If Pakistan was doing what Israel is doing and has been doing for nearly 80 years, then, like Israel, Pakistan should be eradicated, dismantled, abolished. But Pakistan is not doing what Israel is doing. In fact no other State is, certainly none claiming to be Western democracies as Israel does.

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Not at all which means again you have a comprehension problem and clearly misunderstand me. For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.

Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc )

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is not anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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Not at all which means again you have a comprehension problem and clearly misunderstand me. For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.

Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc )

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is not anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )

Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in mandate of British Pal like Gold Meir and for arabs )

Then Gaza belonged to Israel for ADMINSTRATION purposes after 1967 when Egypt lost the war after a war with Israel again ) and they unilaterally withdrew to 67 borders anyway in 2005 but Hamas ruined it for Gazans ( Arab Palestinians ) by stealing billions in aid and building terror tunnels despite having beautiful resorts and beaches and hotel and large mansions in Gaza ( no Jews in Nazi camps had resorts and supermarkets and food markets and mansions I recall ) ( and all Jews ethnically cleansed themselves from Gaza where they also lived there ( Hamas allows no Jews into their territory too - funny that )

Tiber is different example and no comparison no but Tibet was a state and China annexed it and killed thousands of Tibetans and the Dalai Laima fled - tibetisns still want their own state but China won’t let them and ethic Chinese live there now ( no Jews in Gaza ) completely different yes but not like you are portraying in deceitful way

They have Free Tibet protests all the time still

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There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )

Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in mandate of British Pal like Gold Meir and for arabs )

Then Gaza belonged to Israel for ADMINSTRATION purposes after 1967 when Egypt lost the war after a war with Israel again ) and they unilaterally withdrew to 67 borders anyway in 2005 but Hamas ruined it for Gazans ( Arab Palestinians ) by stealing billions in aid and building terror tunnels despite having beautiful resorts and beaches and hotel and large mansions in Gaza ( no Jews in Nazi camps had resorts and supermarkets and food markets and mansions I recall ) ( and all Jews ethnically cleansed themselves from Gaza where they also lived there ( Hamas allows no Jews into their territory too - funny that )

Tiber is different example and no comparison no but Tibet was a state and China annexed it and killed thousands of Tibetans and the Dalai Laima fled - tibetisns still want their own state but China won’t let them and ethic Chinese live there now ( no Jews in Gaza ) completely different yes but not like you are portraying in deceitful way

They have Free Tibet protests all the time still

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There are beach resorts and hotels in Gaza ( at least until they slaughtered Jews on Oct 7 )

Make up your mind up - as pre 1967 border of Gaza belonged to Egypt ( as Palestinians rejected an Arab state partition in 1947 UN for a Jewish state ( Jews living in mandate of British Pal like Gold Meir and for arabs )

Then Gaza belonged to Israel for ADMINSTRATION purposes after 1967 when Egypt lost the war after a war with Israel again ) and they unilaterally withdrew to 67 borders anyway in 2005 but Hamas ruined it for Gazans ( Arab Palestinians ) by stealing billions in aid and building terror tunnels despite having beautiful resorts and beaches and hotel and large mansions in Gaza ( no Jews in Nazi camps had resorts and supermarkets and food markets and mansions I recall ) ( and all Jews ethnically cleansed themselves from Gaza where they also lived there ( Hamas allows no Jews into their territory too - funny that )

Tiber is different example and no comparison no but Tibet was a state and China annexed it and killed thousands of Tibetans and the Dalai Laima fled - tibetisns still want their own state but China won’t let them and ethic Chinese live there now ( no Jews in Gaza ) completely different yes but not like you are portraying in deceitful way

They have Free Tibet protests all the time still

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Omg Roslyn Ross you talk such deranged Bullshit

Israel has multiple religions being practised within Israel and yet please tell me is Judaism and Synagogues or Jewish people even allowed in Gaza or Westbank administered by PA ? No Gaza is Islamic jihadi ruled with no Jews

Also even so called moderate Jordan destroyed Synagoge and threw Jews out when they annexed Westbank

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Can Tibetans even vote ? So Rosy isn’t?? if they could should just vote in Hamas ( like westbank Palestinians ) would . There is no comparison to Tibetans actions and Hamas Palestinians Arafat actions with Passover massacres etc and of Tibetans did that they would be slaughtered and yet now Tibetans are suppressed and can’t vote under Chinese rule anyway ( well perhaps Israel should try that and fully annex Westbank instead of trying what they did in 2000 with Arafat and offer them a state AND instead of WITHDRAWING from Gaza in 2005 they should just annex kill all the jihadi and Arab Islamic terrorists and give peaceful Palestinians residency some liberal quality of life like Costa Rica ( Tibetans are suppressed and can’t vote anyway ) .. but you support islamic terrorism as wait “ resistance “ and the destruction of Israel ( do Tiberius seek the destruction of China ? No you fool


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Oh dear. What an amazingly absurdly ignorant rant which has no basis in reality. You really are making a fool of yourself. At the very least, I suggest you do some genuine study into this issue, if you are capable of it. What you have written in this thread so far is as ignorant and fallacious as the claims of Donald Trump.

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If criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism, what then is criticism of Palestine but anti-Arab racism?

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Just do confirm for completeness -criticism of Israel is clearly NOT deemed anti semitism and nor should it ever be. That is absurd as so many Israelis do and should criticise Israel policies and their government including Netanyahu - eg removing court powers was wrong - disagreeing how to save hostages etc etc allowing Oct 7 to happen lack of Israel - there was wide agreement that Hamas must be dismantled and Israel having a right to defend itself - but avoiding killings which is difficult when Hamas militant terrorists is embedded in the infrastructure of civilian areas - hence the tragedy and delay all round. Clearly Hamas are not the freedom fighters as it had the opposite effect on any sane view

But anti Zionism in the context of Hamas and Hezbollah manifestos and radical left types radicals who call them resistance is a form of genocidal anti semitism as it obviously they all seek the destruction of the Jewish nation homeland nation Zion state called Israel

For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.

Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc )

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is not anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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Westbank was part of Jordan for 20 years and lost it after 67 war to who not to Palestine state as they rejected it - how odd you twist it otherwise


The nation with biggest Jewish population is Israel and are proud Zionists ( 7.2 million Jews in the Jewish state - followed by USA of over 5 M

I state this fact and you ridiculous try and absurdly conflate and twist facts

The whole western world accepts it now as a Jewish state for over 50 years now - advocacy

You repeat constantly disinformation and a fringe belief that israel is not even Jewish state and should not exist - that is hardly the push among western governments not now and not ever.

The disputed Palestinian territories outside Israel proper borders THAT CAN ONLY BE NEGOTIATED BY ISRAEL AND NON JIHADI MODERATE PALESTINIANS with land swaps a different story and we can endless debates about that ( sure the consensus has been for a two state solution and a future Palestinian seperate Arab state within the disputed territories that already partly have autonomy rule within a state of Israel which I and countless of Israelis and other Arab states believed should finally happen in for example 2000 that Arafat rejected after the most left wing Israel governments offered them 94 % of WB with land swaps and proceeded with Passover type massacres for 5 years ( - but cannot happen now with Islamic terrorism oh Oct 7 ) not your tripe nonsense that Israel shouldn’t exist at all - that’s hardly the mainstream push by sensible Westen government around the world only extreme radical left types like you and Islamist jihadi with manifesto to destroy Israel )

Alternatively there is some push to have a type of confederate confederation two nations within seperate state with a costs rica system again more autonomy with a PALESTINIAN Authority and UAE and Saudia arabia / Jordan helping to administer with Palestinian governing entity in area a and b and Gaza - Israel being more stable stronger state in the area helping security and ridding the place of Islamic jihadi extremists..

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Which be a good think

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Not at all which means again you have a comprehension problem and clearly misunderstand me. For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.

Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc )

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is not anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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My comment was not directed to you nor to anyone in particular. It was directed at people who claim, explicitly or implicitly, that criticism of Israel is antisemitism.

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If it came personally to you, that happened by accident 😔

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No problem - thanks again for the courtesy ( Bleak Ph )

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You can criticise israel like most Israelis do and want to vote out Netanyahu

I critised the rot within Palestinian society who could have had a seperate state ( yes I have always believed in a two state solution in principle ) but they rejected from 1937 to 2008 and most Israelis have lost faith after the second wave of Arab Islamic terrorism from the West Bank ( and Gaza ) into Israel from 2000 to 2005

Criticising Islamic terrorism that is what I do

As the so called ‘ son of Hamas ‘ stated Palestinianism has been all about destroying the Jewish state not about creating one of their own otherwise they would have one already ( granted some do one want but they had bad leadership )

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What is also overlooked is that Israel is a military state where most adult citizens serve in the military or remain reservists.

It does not have a real standing army which only fights. People can either work and keep the economy afloat or fight and keep the occupation in place. They cannot do both.

I also suspect 5000 have been killed and the official figure of around 10,000 injured/permanently maimed many of them, is closer to 15-20,000. Such figures are always lied about.

So, not only are soldiers not working, neither are wounded soldiers working and the State must carry the cost of hospital, rehabilitation and support.

I suspect this latest phase of the ongoing colonial war has really hit Israel hard and yet all they can do is lie about it to themselves and others.

As Retired Israeli Major-General, Yitzhak Brik said recently, if the war does not end Israel is likely to collapse in a year.


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Oh ok you mean the doomsdayer man

It might we don’t know - Lebanon can be destroyed too as can Iran regime

Israel has technology economy and yes ofcourse war harms economy - its not rocket science

Hamas has done enormous damage to the Arab Palestinians living in their defacto state ( in Israel or outside Israel proper or otherwise )

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James Jenkins -You are clearly incapable of comprehending realities.

Lebanon cannot be destroyed without taking Israel with it. Palestine cannot be destroyed without taking Israel with it.

Israel lost this colonial war long ago. Hamas defeated the Israeli Extermination Army in Gaza and the Lebanese will defeat them as well.

If Israel keeps killing, bombing and waging war, it just brings its end that much faster. You see, the world simply will not tolerate Israel exterminating 16 million Palestinians, half in the Diaspora, which it would need to do to have a final solution to its Palestine Problem.

And the world will not tolerate, not even the Americans, Israel trying to exterminate another 6 million - magic number - in Lebanon. It will not happen.

Israel is irrelevant to the world. A tiny thug of a country which will not be missed. However, Israel cannot survive without the world and if its airports, military bases and ports are closed, Israel will not last a week. Already half the colonists have left and gone back to where they came from. They continue to leave and they will not come back because there will be nothing to which they can come back. Israel is over.

You can kill people but you cannot kill an idea. Even if Israel managed to exterminate 6 million Christians and Muslims in Occupied Palestine - the magic number - there are still another 10 million Palestinians who will continue to fight for their homeland. Two million in what is called Israel for the moment and 8 million in the Diaspora.

The Israelis must rank as some of the most stupid people in history. Instead of working to make friends, you know, win hearts and minds, with the Palestinians and their neighbours they have done everything possible to make them hate Israel with a passion. Understandably so. Israel is a rogue state, a racist, fascist, genocidal, savage state with a sadistic barbarian culture.

How to destroy yourself is to act as Israel as acted, to believe the insanities Israelis believe and to act with such sadistic savagery that eventually the point is reached where most people in the world just want you eradicated.

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Mufti of Jerusalem sided with Hitler to prevent a Jewish state on the gamble that Hitler would win and help kill more Jews so go for it . The only bigot is you. As for religion in the region. Blood libels and spreading lies and comparing Israel or zionsm to Hitter is just another blood libel and is anti semitism . Saying israel shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state but Arab states can exist again is anti semitism ( jew nation prejudice hatred yes - anti semitism means discrimination against the Jewish people for having a Jewish state absolutely ) . Of course you can legitimately criticise or protest against it’s government like Netanyahu like many Israelis do ( gee you can’t do that in Iran or Saudis Arabia or Jordan or Syria much without being murdered or jailed )

Nearly Every other Arab / islamic state or region in the area including the Palestinian authority ( not to mention Hamas ) has an officially established religion Islam and discriminates both in law and in fact against non Muslims - especially Jews. Israel in contrast ( for years ) is in practice ( although a Jewish state ) secular state that is religiously and racially pluralistic with freedom of religion for all. Moreover, several other Arab states and the Palestinian authority have laws of return, and Jordan has laws prohibiting Jews from becoming citizens, but only Israel - whose law grew out of a history of Jews being slaughtered because no other state or Palestine under the British mandate would accept refugees - is condemned by hypocritical radical left bigots and Islamists for its law of return which has the right to do

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How many times do you intend to use this same post?

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I just send it for first time. But can you count ? I hope you can. Have a nice day

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You're joking! I see the same post at least three times here.

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James cannot afford a laptop and he finds it hard to write on his phone he said. Either that or he has limited ability to communicate. You are correct, he posts the same thing over and over again.

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Roslyn lies to her 100 subscribers saying Hamas are resistance freedom fighters for Arab Palestinian people and further misstates that on Oct 7 Hamas only hit legitimate targets WTF in what deluded world does she live in and then says Israel has no right to exist ( blatant genocide anti semitism / anti Zionism ? Seriously




Just do confirm for completeness I think you have a comprehension problem as criticism of Israel is clearly NOT deemed anti semitism and nor should it ever be. I NEVER SAID IT WAS - That is absurd as so many Israelis do and should criticise Israel policies and their government including Netanyahu - eg removing court powers was wrong - disagreeing how to save hostages etc etc allowing Oct 7 to happen lack of Israel - there was wide agreement that Hamas must be dismantled and Israel having a right to defend itself - but avoiding killings which is difficult when Hamas militant terrorists is embedded in the infrastructure of civilian areas - hence the tragedy and delay all round. Clearly Hamas are not the freedom fighters as it had the opposite effect on any sane view

But anti Zionism in the context of Hamas and Hezbollah manifestos and radical left types radicals who call them resistance is a form of genocidal anti semitism - as it obviously they all seek the destruction of the Jewish nation homeland nation Zion state called Israel

For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.


Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc ) IS anti semitism anti Zionism

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is NOT anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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No I’m not joking. I think I’ may post it 5 more times or my Jewish Zionist mother might post for me again. God bless her . I love my mother so much..

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Part Two.Why Israel is illegal.

When East Jerusalem was taken, the Israeli authorities destroyed about one hundred Arab homes near the Wailing Wall to provide easy access for Jewish worshippers and a parking lot for tourists.  In the Golan Heights and in some other areas unoccupied Arab homes have been crumbling down and indications are the crumbling has had considerable assistance from Israeli troops.  This, too, may not contravene the Geneva Convention.

There are numerous types of punishment, which have been imposed by the Israelis on the civilian population, which are considered to be both collective punishments and reprisals.  The Commissioner-General of UNRWA, in reference to Gaza, wrote: “The succession of incidents and security measures such as curfews, interrogations, detentions and, on some occasions, the demolition of houses which followed” were used to suppress, intimidate, and punish.

On November 2nd, 1968, many of the Arab shopkeepers in Occupied Jerusalem did not open their shops.  The Israeli authorities regarded this as a strike and promptly confiscated fifteen shops owned by prominent Arabs.  The New York Times described the matter: “Israeli officials confiscated fifteen Arab-owned shops in East Jerusalem today for what they described as security reasons.

“The seizures were said by the Israelis to have been necessary for billeting Israeli policemen who needed the strategic locations to maintain public order.  The action was announced a few hours after the start of a strike by East Jerusalem shopkeepers and is regarded by many as an Israeli response.”

Mr. W.T. Mallison, Jr., Professor of Law at George Washington University and an expert in international law commented on this: “The action taken was clearly a reprisal directed at civilians and their property and therefore a violation of Article thirty-three.”

One of the most blatant abuses has been the transfer and deportation of civilian population.  Article forty-nine forbids this: “Individual or mass forcible transfers as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the occupying power or to that of any other country occupied or not are prohibited, regardless of their motive.  The occupying power shall not deport or transfer a part of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.”

These prohibitions were most definitely designed to make illegal the well-known Nazi practices of removing the “inferior” civilian population of an occupied territory to make room for the “superior” German population.

Mallison points out, “it should be noticed that the quoted provisions of Article forty-nine are flat prohibitions which are subject to no exception of any kind.”  He goes on to say, “the individuals who are deported by the government of Israel in violation of the Convention are frequently leaders and notables.  For example, a large number of the leading citizens of Jerusalem, Jordan, including its mayor, have been deported.  The apparent purpose is to eliminate Arab leadership in the occupied territories and to make it more difficult for the remaining civilian population to protest against the oppressive and illegal measures to which they are subjected.  Among the individual deportees are substantial numbers of school teachers.  In Gaza, for example, the Commissioner-General of UNRWA has reported that forty-eight teachers have been deported.”

After getting rid of the civilian population, Israel has brought in its own settlers to the areas from which the Arabs have been expelled.  In order to provide a technicality for justifying such movements, Israel has called the new settlements military settlements.  They have established about fifteen settlements in the Golan Heights, and even one on the bank of the Dead Sea at Qumran.

Israel has established kibbutzim in Egypt’s Sinai, where their technicians are drilling for and pumping oil, and where an important tourist business is being developed.  But the most flagrant breach of all is in East Jerusalem itself.  By annexing instead of occupying East Jerusalem, Israel sought to provide a technicality for justifying its movement there and its treatment of Arab citizens.  To the International Red Cross and, for that matter, to the whole world, this was completely unacceptable.

Article four states that: “Those who at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever find themselves in case of a conflict or occupying power of which they are not nationals are among the protected persons.”

In April 1970, the Israelis cordoned off a seven hundred and forty acre area at Hebron “for security reasons.”  The Arabs protested—so did some Israelis—predicting that this would be another movement of Zionists into occupied territory.  The Israeli military claimed it was for military purposes.

On May 21st 1970, the Jerusalem Post carried the following news item:


“Israeli Deputy Premier Yigal Allon has said the first homes for Jewish families in Hebron on the occupied Jordan West Bank will go up in three months.

“Allon told members of the ruling labor alignment Tuesday that 250 housing units would be ready in Hebron—where the question of Jewish settlement has created considerable tension—before the end of 1911.

“He said the Israeli cabinet also had plans for the building of new homes for the present group of 140 Jewish settlers already established in the town.

“Plans to build an additional large Jewish urban quarter in the town, which has a population of some 40,000 Arabs, were still open, he added.

“Last month, Israeli military authorities cordoned off a 740-acre area near the town’s military government for security reasons amid Arab charges that the area would be used to settle Jewish families.”

Within Israel itself there is considerable embarrassment and protest against such flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention.  Mr. Arie Eliav, secretary-general of Israel’s ruling labour party, Simha Flapan, and Meir Yaari, Mapam’s general secretary, all protest the reprisals, the proposed annexations, and destruction of Arab homes.  And in an article in Le Monde, February 11th, 1970, Yaari outlined an eight point peace plan that began with this:

“Israel should put an immediate and unconditional end to the establishment of kibbutzim and civilian Jewish villages in the occupied territory.”

Arabs add up these things and cannot help but be impressed more with what Deputy Premier Allon says he is going to do and then does, than by what more flexible labour leaders say should be done.

Articles seventy-nine to one hundred and thirty-five provide a detailed code of conduct for the occupying power in its treatment of civilians who are interned.  These articles were drawn up against the background of the infamous Nazi concentration camps, but often in Israel the treatment accorded internees seems more like what happened in some of the concentration camps than like what the Geneva diplomats hoped.

The Israeli government denies many of the charges made by both impartial observers and by the Arabs.  However, the Tel Aviv government has refused to permit an impartial enquiry.

On March 3rd, 1969, the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva adopted a resolution denouncing the Israeli rule in the Occupied Territories and established a special working group to investigate the alleged Israeli violations of the Civilians Convention.  The government of Israel immediately announced that it would not co-operate with the UN group and their action was sufficient to frustrate any attempt at such an investigation.  The numerous reports have been studied, of course, and the documentation is piling up.

It seems to me that if any other nation in the civilized world treated its occupants in this way, the whole world would be informed.  Mr. Mallison says: “To the extent that the government of Israel fails to co-operate with authorized UN fact-finding agencies, its refusal justifies the invocation of further sanctions.”  He say it is essential that the world public opinion be completely informed of the facts of the situation and the need for particular sanctions.


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Why the radical left are anti Zionists hate Israel - the reality in history - bigotry


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Then Roslyn attacks Israel on trying to degrade Hezbollah another Islamic death cult committed fo destruction of the Jewish state of Zion Israel

Zionism simply means a right to a Jewish nation state in its historical homeland ( British mandate of Palestine - had Jews, Arabs , Druze and Christian’s - so there was no Arab state per say

that belonged to a Palestine ) Jews lived there then other Jewish socialists bought plots of land from vacant Arab landowners who sold it for a profit on numerous occasions free will not theft


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Roslyn lies to her 100 subscribers saying Hamas are resistance freedom fighters for Arab Palestinian people and further misstates that on Oct 7 Hamas only hit legitimate targets WTF in what deluded world does she live in and then says Israel has no right to exist ( blatant genocide anti semitism / anti Zionism ? Seriously




Just do confirm for completeness I think you have a comprehension problem as criticism of Israel is clearly NOT deemed anti semitism and nor should it ever be. I NEVER SAID IT WAS - That is absurd as so many Israelis do and should criticise Israel policies and their government including Netanyahu - eg removing court powers was wrong - disagreeing how to save hostages etc etc allowing Oct 7 to happen lack of Israel - there was wide agreement that Hamas must be dismantled and Israel having a right to defend itself - but avoiding killings which is difficult when Hamas militant terrorists is embedded in the infrastructure of civilian areas - hence the tragedy and delay all round. Clearly Hamas are not the freedom fighters as it had the opposite effect on any sane view

But anti Zionism in the context of Hamas and Hezbollah manifestos and radical left types radicals who call them resistance is a form of genocidal anti semitism - as it obviously they all seek the destruction of the Jewish nation homeland nation Zion state called Israel

For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.


Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc ) IS anti semitism anti Zionism

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is NOT anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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When Jordan took Westbank they expelled Jews

Hebron was a Jewish city btw and only 1100 Jews today - that sounds ethnic cleansing to me right back at you - the double standards is obvious

The nation with biggest Jewish population is Israel and are proud Zionists ( 7.2 million Jews in the Jewish state - followed by USA of over 5 M

I state this fact and you ridiculous try and absurdly conflate and twist facts

The whole western world accepts it now as a Jewish state for over 50 years now - advocacy

You repeat constantly disinformation and a fringe belief that israel is not even Jewish state and should not exist - that is hardly the push among western governments not now and not ever.

The disputed Palestinian territories outside Israel proper borders THAT CAN ONLY BE NEGOTIATED BY ISRAEL AND NON JIHADI MODERATE PALESTINIANS with land swaps a different story and we can endless debates about that ( sure the consensus has been for a two state solution and a future Palestinian seperate Arab state within the disputed territories that already partly have autonomy rule within a state of Israel which I and countless of Israelis and other Arab states believed should finally happen in for example 2000 that Arafat rejected after the most left wing Israel governments offered them 94 % of WB with land swaps and proceeded with Passover type massacres for 5 years ( - but cannot happen now with Islamic terrorism oh Oct 7 ) not your tripe nonsense that Israel shouldn’t exist at all - that’s hardly the mainstream push by sensible Westen government around the world only extreme radical left types like you and Islamist jihadi with manifesto to destroy Israel )

Alternatively there is some push to have a type of confederate confederation two nations within seperate state with a costs rica system again more autonomy with a PALESTINIAN Authority and UAE and Saudia arabia / Jordan helping to administer with Palestinian governing entity in area a and b and Gaza - Israel being more stable stronger state in the area helping security and ridding the place of Islamic jihadi extremists..

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Why Israel is illegal.

It is often said with some pride that Israel was the creation of the United Nations.  It was the UN decision to partition Palestine of November 29th, 1947, that made the State of Israel possible.  Thirty-three UN states voted for the partition; thirteen were opposed, and ten, including the United Kingdom, abstained.  The majority was secured after remarkable lobbying and last minute pressure on doubtful states.  This UN decision is referred to by many supporters of Israeli policies as the ultimate authority for Israel to proceed to declare itself a State.

It seems ironic that later unanimous decisions by the UN have been ignored.  The General Assembly vote of 99-0 condemning the annexation of East Jerusalem and calling on Israel to “rescind all measures taken, and to desist forthwith from taking any action that would alter the state of Jerusalem,” on July 4th, 1967, was flouted.  In late 1970 Israel is continuing to erect high rise apartments on Mount Scopus in East Jerusalem.

Ambassador Michael Cromay and other Israeli officials told me that there was no way by which Israel would give up any portion of Jerusalem.  Israel has repeatedly declared she would not withdraw from Jerusalem.  But the November 22nd, 1967, Security Council resolution includes as a condition of settlement the withdrawal of Israel from occupied territories.  This was adopted 15-0.

In some ways Israel’s violations of the Fourth Geneva Convention for the protection of civilian persons are even more serious.  It seems a strange paradox that Israel would refuse to abide by the conventions of international laws which were written as a direct result of the Nazi treatment of the Jews and other innocent people during World War II.

Following the war the Geneva Convention “relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war” was drawn up, and signed by most civilized nations, including Israel.  The world vividly remembered the awful abuses carried out by both the Nazis in Germany and the Japanese in Asia.  They were determined that such abuses would never occur again.

Four Conventions were approved: the first three concerned the protection of sick and wounded armed forces in the field, armed and shipwrecked naval forces, and the treatment of prisoners of war.  Each of the Conventions was consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.  Israel signed the Conventions and has observed the first three.  Whenever it has been to Israel’s interest to invoke the charter of the United Nations, or seek the security of international law, she has done so.  When it has been in her interest to ignore the UN or flout the Charter, she has also done so—without hesitation and, so far, with impunity.

The blowing up of houses, the destruction of property, the individual or mass transfer of populations from occupied territory, are all expressly forbidden.  Collective punishments and reprisals are forbidden.  Yet books could be filled—in fact books are being filled—with accounts of incidents and records of Israeli breaches of the Convention.

For example, Article thirty-three states: “No protected person may be punished for an offense he or she has not personally committed.  Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.  Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.”

I do not like to refer in any way to Israeli treatment of the Arabs as “Nazi,” but the parallels are so numerous and so similar that Arabs speak of Nazi tactics and practices frequently.  The Israelis have relied upon a systematic destruction of homes and villages to suppress resistance.

Article fifty-three of the Fourth Convention says: “Any destruction by the occupying power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons or to the State or to other public authorities or to social or co-operative organizations is prohibited except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary for military purposes.”

On a main street in Gaza eight houses were blown up after a Jewish merchant was killed. There was no apparent attempt to apprehend the murderer.  Reprisals were simply taken against the owners of the nearest homes.  One of the owners was in Kuwait, another was an elderly woman.  One can go down the list of the eight and the indications are that the victims were all innocent.  This is typical.  By mid-1970 something in excess of eight hundred homes had been individually destroyed and another seven thousand Arab homes had been brought down by the Israelis in one way or another.  Red Cross observers told me that the Israelis have followed six different methods of destroying Arab homes, four of which blatantly contravene Article fifty-three.  Two of the methods might be interpreted as militarily excusable.

The first contravention is the classical destruction of an Arab home as a punishment or reprisal.  Israeli authorities acting on information or suspicion known only to themselves, move in, order the householders out, dynamite the home, and leave, forbidding the owner to rebuild.

Then there are collective reprisals, such as the destruction of the eight homes in Gaza.  In the village of Hebron eighty such homes were destroyed.  Ten Arab villages were razed and all homes destroyed—some, apparently as reprisals, some, according to the Israelis, for security reasons.  One village, from which apparently Fateh could not be driven, was sprayed with liquid fuel and destroyed.  This, according to the Red Cross and international observers, might be exempted from the general condemnation for military reasons under Article fifty-three.

More To come

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Roslyn lies to her 100 subscribers saying Hamas are resistance freedom fighters for Arab Palestinian people and further misstates that on Oct 7 Hamas only hit legitimate targets WTF in what deluded world does she live in and then says Israel has no right to exist ( blatant genocide anti semitism / anti Zionism ? Seriously




Just do confirm for completeness I think you have a comprehension problem as criticism of Israel is clearly NOT deemed anti semitism and nor should it ever be. I NEVER SAID IT WAS - That is absurd as so many Israelis do and should criticise Israel policies and their government including Netanyahu - eg removing court powers was wrong - disagreeing how to save hostages etc etc allowing Oct 7 to happen lack of Israel - there was wide agreement that Hamas must be dismantled and Israel having a right to defend itself - but avoiding killings which is difficult when Hamas militant terrorists is embedded in the infrastructure of civilian areas - hence the tragedy and delay all round. Clearly Hamas are not the freedom fighters as it had the opposite effect on any sane view

But anti Zionism in the context of Hamas and Hezbollah manifestos and radical left types radicals who call them resistance is a form of genocidal anti semitism - as it obviously they all seek the destruction of the Jewish nation homeland nation Zion state called Israel

For the avoidance of doubt i will repeat again-I clearly said criticism of Israel and it’s policies is clearly and obviously NOT anti semitic - almost all Israelis criticise their own democratically elected government and have varied views in the Jewish nation state- declared in 1947. I have never heard a mete critic of Israel called anti semitic ( if if they do it’s wrong and lie peddled by the radical left.

Now listen again if you want to understand further the big lie is being bandied around by college campuses by pro Hamas / pro Palestine supporters is to conflate is that they try to say - all we are doing is criticising Israel and when we do we are automatically called anti semitic ( which is the lie unto itself but if it’s true then it’s terrible ) of course you can criticise Israel policies - Israeli Jews people do themselves too including Netanyahu etc even within the Israeli cabinet there is criticism. That is legitimate

As Thomas Friedman NYT also said which is true “ criticising Israel is NOT anti semitic ( and saying so is vile ) BUT singling out Israel for opprobrium and international sanction ( through the years ) - out of all proportion to any other party in the Middle East - is ANTI Semitic, and NOT saying so is dishonest.


Clearly ANTI Zionism in this context is clearly worse form of a NEW anti semitism as Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff and others have also stated including Prof Cotler

Examples : These forms are when Israel has no right to exist and must be dismantled as the majority of Jews are Zionists and live in Israel is genocidal anti semitism . The public calls from mainly from the radical left or Maxist types and radical Islamists Jihadi - including Islamic terrorists calling for the destruction of the Jewish state Israel and Jewish people is clearly anti semitic - genocidal anti semitism.

The manifesto of Hamas and Hezbollah and Iranian regime calling for the destruction of the Jewish nation state sovereignty is another example of genocidal anti semitism ( anti zionsim ).

Religious Islamic Fatwas that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and its Jewish people.. ( a second Holocaust per say )

Political anti semitism ( anti Zionism )

The denial of the Jewish peoples right to self determination

The delegitimisation of Israel as Jewish nation state.

The attribution to Israel of all the worlds evils ( countless blood libels ) such as Israel is the poisoner of international wells.

Ideological anti semitism - including Zionism = racism rhetoric to Nazify Israel is reprehensible blood libel

Holocaust denial.

Racist/ prejudicial terrorism against Jews

Theological anti semitism - the convergence of Islamic anti semitism and Christian replacement theology, drawing a classical hatred of Jews.

Denial of Israel of equality before the law in the international arena ( promoted by radical left groups and developed in origin Islamic cooperation countries within UN anti western countries who are the biggest human rights abusers like Syria / Lebanon and Iran being heads of members of Human rights council UN body - that absurdly single out Israel for differential treatment and discriminatory treatment in this arena - they appoint anti Western and pro dictatorship figured as human right experts is all anti Semitic ( anti Zionism ) yes

All of these above is clear examples new anti semitism ( anti Zionism) -prejudicial or bigotry towards the Jewish state

Whether one agrees or accepts each of of these sets of examples above there is littke doubt that the majority ( peddled by the radical left with some or many too ) must be included in any comprehensive Catologue of bigotry.

One doesn’t have to be a Zionist but if you are Anti Zionist that means you are against the Jewish people having a Jewish nation state homeland in its historical homeland ( settler colonialism state is another fallacy too - and it’s not hard to prove this with objective reasoning - this is peddled again by anti Zionists radical left bigots ( they believe it or some just like saying it and Islamists jihadi etc ) IS anti semitism anti Zionism

Again criticising violence by some extremists by both sides in Judea / West Bank that used to belong to Jordan after 48 is NOT anti semitic and many Israel’s condemn as do I … ( although doesn’t compare to Islamic jihadi terrorists who murder Palestinians ( who want peace with Israel ) and Jews alike and receive weapons from Iran smuggled via Jordan into the westbank ( area A - PA Administered ) and who seek the destruction of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel proper and restore it when an Islamic caliphate..( again genocidal anti semitism )

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Israel exists and is recognised as a Jewish state by almost the whole western world


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Since most Jews do not live in what is called Israel, never did and never will and as you admitted without meaning to, many Israelis, non-Jews aside, are not real Jews because they reject the religion, most sensible people in the Western world do not recognise Israel as the Jewish State.

Remember, Israel claims to be THE Jewish state. There can be no other Jewish states so talking about A Jewish state is incorrect.

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Roslyn praises Hamas as resistance freedom fighters for Palestinians and lies about Oct 7 says hamsas hit legitimate targets WTF - so messed up https://www.tiktok.com/@danielryanspaulding/video/7296515865472716064

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The nation with biggest Jewish population is Israel and are proud Zionists ( 7.2 million Jews in the Jewish state - followed by USA of over 5 M

I state this fact and you ridiculous try and absurdly conflate and twist facts

The whole western world accepts it now as a Jewish state for over 50 years now - advocacy

You repeat constantly disinformation and a fringe belief that israel is not even Jewish state and should not exist - that is hardly the push among western governments not now and not ever.

The disputed Palestinian territories outside Israel proper borders THAT CAN ONLY BE NEGOTIATED BY ISRAEL AND NON JIHADI MODERATE PALESTINIANS with land swaps a different story and we can endless debates about that ( sure the consensus has been for a two state solution and a future Palestinian seperate Arab state within the disputed territories that already partly have autonomy rule within a state of Israel which I and countless of Israelis and other Arab states believed should finally happen in for example 2000 that Arafat rejected after the most left wing Israel governments offered them 94 % of WB with land swaps and proceeded with Passover type massacres for 5 years ( - but cannot happen now with Islamic terrorism oh Oct 7 ) not your tripe nonsense that Israel shouldn’t exist at all - that’s hardly the mainstream push by sensible Westen government around the world only extreme radical left types like you and Islamist jihadi with manifesto to destroy Israel )

Alternatively there is some push to have a type of confederate confederation two nations within seperate state with a costs rica system again more autonomy with a PALESTINIAN Authority and UAE and Saudia arabia / Jordan helping to administer with Palestinian governing entity in area a and b and Gaza - Israel being more stable stronger state in the area helping security and ridding the place of Islamic jihadi extremists..

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You repeat constantly disinformation and a fringe belief that israel is not even Jewish state and should not exist - that is hardly the push among western governments not now and not ever.

The disputed Palestinian territories outside Israel proper borders THAT CAN ONLY BE NEGOTIATED BY ISRAEL AND NON JIHADI MODERATE PALESTINIANS with land swaps a different story and we can endless debates about that ( sure the consensus has been for a two state solution and a future Palestinian seperate Arab state within the disputed territories that already partly have autonomy rule within a state of Israel which I and countless of Israelis and other Arab states believed should finally happen in for example 2000 that Arafat rejected after the most left wing Israel governments offered them 94 % of WB with land swaps and proceeded with Passover type massacres for 5 years ( - but cannot happen now with Islamic terrorism oh Oct 7 ) not your tripe nonsense that Israel shouldn’t exist at all - that’s hardly the mainstream push by sensible Westen government around the world only extreme radical left types like you and Islamist jihadi with manifesto to destroy Israel )

Alternatively there is some push to have a type of confederate confederation two nations within seperate state with a costs rica system again more autonomy with a PALESTINIAN Authority and UAE and Saudia arabia / Jordan helping to administer with Palestinian governing entity in area a and b and Gaza - Israel being more stable stronger state in the area helping security and ridding the place of Islamic jihadi extremists..

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What you say is moot anyway Get your facts right please ROS as the majority of Jews who identify as Jews live in Israel as proud Zionists

15 million Jewish people in world and Israel has the largest Jewish population ( 7 plus million ) which makes sense for a Jewish state ( Jewish majority ethnic or otherwise followed by USA ( 5.7 m )

Ifs irrelevant whether you believe they are not Jews ethnic jews or not which is absurd as they are still identify as Jews in fact in culture / identify or a nation the Jewish nation in fact to them - THAT IS A FACT

1947 UN was a Jewish state partition - accepted by the Jewish people ( secular or religious or otherwise or as a start up nation of Jewish state ) Israel has exemplified all those things

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