Thanks for explicitly stating this, Roslyn. We all need to stand up for Palestine and those who don't, and I'm thinking of our western leaders, need to be sidelined. We can't afford leadership that supports these atrocities.
I have for a long time, like many, put more blame on Zionism but pondering the history and the issue it is clear that many Jews, perhaps most, have played a major role in the creation and maintenance of Israel regardless of the atrocities it has always committed. If Jews do not want to be blamed for what Israel is and does then they must categorically separate from and reject the State.
Since the US Government is infiltrated and tightly controlled by Zionists, Israelis and Jews and probably all American politicians are under the thumb of Mossad, it is difficult to bring leadership for Americans, let alone responsible leadership.
And since American allies are in essence lackeys bullied and bribed to do what they are told and ZIJ has infiltrated their political systems, particularly UK, Canada, Australia etc., they are not going to take a stand.
This is why it is so important that people stand up for principles of justice, rule of law, democracy, human rights and common human decency in general but particularly for Palestine. Even the American Government has to take notice when the public takes a stand, regardless of how much power ZIJ might wield in their corridors of rule.
When our Government is in thrall to a foreign entity they are not representing us or our interests.
Yes they do and some have always done so. Ironically there is nothing about the evil that is Israel that some Jews did not predict a century ago. The combination of religion and political fascism is dangerous and predictable.
But they need to do more. There are still too many Jews who support Israel right or wrong.
I suspect that is, as someone articulated, but I forget who it was, because the brainwashing of Jews being at risk has gone on for so long it has become almost a psychological template and humans are nothing if not self-serving. If they believe something is required to assure their own safety, regardless of how irrational their position might be, they will defend it and in fact allow any atrocity against anyone else to happen if it means they have some guarantee of safety for themselves and their family.
Ziorael has spun the lie that Israel must exist because Jews need somewhere to run when the new Nazis appear and set out to kill them all. This lie has been seeded at visceral levels in many Jews and that is why they close their mind to the horrors Israel commits. Just in case they need a refuge.
Tragically and perhaps part of the Zionist plan, it is the very existence of Israel which creates a threat for Judaism and its followers.
Many Jewish people talk about the indoctrination they get as children and how hard it is to deprogram afterwards. I think it's been getting better over the years. I hear of a lot more Jewish people who are opposed to Israel than a few decades ago.
Yes agree and of course such victim/fear brainwashing is not specific to Jews or religions. Nationalities do it like the Irish and Armenians who inculcate fear and anger in their children, consciously and unconsciously, about things which happened to others long ago.
I remember on one of my trips to Israel and we went to the Wailing Wall and I asked the guide what they were saying. He said they were reciting wrongs done to Jews across thousands of years. I am not sure many people could break out of such a religious and social culture.
I have Jewish ancestors but my great-grandparents tossed the religion. Which was fortunate. In fact none of the religions of my ancestors made it down to my generation - Catholic, Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Baptist, Lutheran, Wendish, Anglican and probably more.
Excellent review. These sadistic murderers need to be locked up in The Hague instead of being called leaders. They don’t believe in or follow any human law, full stop. They are the most criminal element on earth today brazenly behaving like the most depraved psychopaths society has ever produced. I feel sorry for the people at the UN and UNRWA having to negotiate with scum like Blinken Austin Sullivan and Netanyahu’s cabal on behalf of the Palestinians. Letting this genocide persist because the axis of genocide is paid to look the other way is wrong and as you say has consequences for especially Jews in whose name it is being committed
Decades after the failure of the Oslo paradigm to produce any beneficial results for Palestinians, the idea of the two-state solution continues to face ever-growing skepticism. It is becoming increasingly common for pundits and academics to acknowledge that Israel’s rampant colonization of Palestinian land, as well as permanently changing facts on the ground, have doomed any such prospects.
Despite this shift in public opinion and among the intelligentsia, the two-state solution is still the only solution on the agenda of policy-makers worldwide, and why not? It is convenient for them, it does not challenge their interests, and even though they know that it has been made impossible, the status quo is much more politically fortuitous than demanding actual concessions from Israel which might strain their relationship. After all, it is not they who need to live under a military dictatorship and settler colonialism.
Yet even after all of this, apologists for Israel claim that we only reached this point due to Palestinian intransigence, and the refusal of the Palestinian leadership to sign any peace treaty with Israel. Setting aside the ridiculous assertion that Israel was forced to violate the Geneva Conventions because the Palestinian Authority didn’t sign a treaty, what is often conveniently left out of the story is what exactly these “offers” entailed.
This is a common theme in Israeli Hasbara efforts, leaving out key context or information that would completely change the significance of an event. For example, when discussing the 1948 war, the focus is often on the number of the Arab states “ganging up” on Israel, in an attempt to imply numerical superiority. However, when the actual number of troops is inspected the question becomes not if the Israeli army outnumbered all the Arab ones combined, but how badly [You can read more about this here].
Following this same method, what has come to be known as the “peace process” is plagued with such cases. We have previously discussed the numerous problems with partition as a concept, as well as in practice, this is not the focus of this article. Instead, we would like to set aside these objections and skepticism for a moment and look at the “peace process” and judge it even by the standards of those who support the two-state solution. The Camp David summit in 2000 is an excellent case study to attempt this, and it still serves as a representative microcosm of the negotiation process to this day.
Why Camp David specifically?
Camp David is one of the most emblematic instances of this kind of rhetoric, where the common “wisdom” to this day is that Yasser Arafat, head of the Palestinian Authority at the time, rejected an incredibly generous offer from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Prod any of the other periods of negotiation and you will find extreme similarities and parallels with Camp David, where the focus remains on the “offer” part without delving into any of the specifics or context of said offer, any counter-offers, or what was rejected.
De facto discrimination
In general, the quest for two-states found its genesis in the diplomatic process in the 1970s which called for establishing a sovereign Palestinian state next to Israel. The first bilateral breakthrough in this process materialized in the -at the time- secret Oslo Accords where Palestinians, represented by the PLO, and Israelis agreed upon a declaration of principles that would lead to creating the Palestinian Authority. The Authority would act as an interim Palestinian government that would supposedly pave the way for a final settlement. These accords were mostly a declaration of principles which did not contain any parameters for how such a state would even look. As a matter of fact, the word “state” with regards to Palestinians was never mentioned once. It was two years later, in what is referred to as Oslo II, taking place in the Egyptian city of Taba, that negotiations earnestly began. In these negotiations more concrete parameters were discussed, as well as the logistics and method for instating the Palestinian Authority on the ground.
The Palestinian Authority was supposed to last no longer than 5 years, after which a sovereign Palestinian state would be established as a culmination of the negotiation process. Clearly, this did not materialize and the negotiation process stalled. In 2000, US. President Bill Clinton called for a summit at Camp David to try and nudge negotiations forward and put an end to the “conflict” once and for all.
The summit lasted for approximately two weeks, and needless to say, it failed in its objectives. Following this failure, there was a media frenzy blaming Arafat and the Palestinians for the negotiations breaking down.
The claim was that Barak offered the Palestinians everything they could ever want for peace, and that Arafat simply threw that all away. Articles started emerging saying that this was the perfect test for Arafat’s intentions and that he failed miserably, and asserted that the Palestinians refused to make any concessions or compromise on anything.
Thus, it became part of the “canon” that the Palestinians had -once again- rejected a peace offer by Israel, proving that Israelis really have no partner for peace, and that nothing could appease Palestinians.
De facto discrimination
Let’s step away from the sensationalism and media spins of Camp David and take a bit of a deeper look into what Barak offered, and why it was rejected.
To begin with, the often-repeated line that Barak offered the Palestinians the Gaza Strip and 96% of the West Bank for a state is completely untrue. Barak offered the Palestinians 96% of Israel’s definition of the West Bank, meaning they did not include any of the areas already under Israeli control, such as settlements, the Dead Sea, and large parts of the Jordan Valley. This meant that Barak effectively annexed 10% of the West Bank to Israel, with an additional 8-12% remaining under “temporary” Israeli control for a period of time.
In return for this annexation, Palestinians would be offered 1% of desert land near the Gaza Strip. Thus, Palestinians would need to give up 10% of the most fertile land in the West Bank, in exchange for 1% of desert land. Not to mention that if the past record is any indicator, the additional 8-12% under “temporary” Israeli control would remain so forever.
In addition to all of this, Israel demanded permanent control of Palestinian airspace, three permanent military installations manned by Israeli troops in the West Bank, Israeli presence at Palestinian border crossings, and special “security arrangements” along the borders with Jordan which effectively annexed additional land.
The cherry on top of all of these stipulations, is that Israel would be allowed to invade at any point in cases of “emergency”. As you can imagine, what constituted an emergency was left incredibly vague and up to interpretation. The Palestinian state would be demilitarized, and the Palestinian government would not be able to enter into alliances without Israeli permission. None of these are ingredients for the creation of an actual sovereign state.
But the Israeli conditions did not end here. In the case of East Jerusalem, which was supposed to be the capital of the Palestinian state, Israel refused any form of Palestinian sovereignty over the majority of the city, including many Palestinian neighborhoods. It should be noted that the PA agreed to Israeli sovereignty over Jewish neighborhoods and the Buraq wall, and even proposed Israel annex settlements in East Jerusalem in return for land swaps elsewhere. This was met with Israeli intransigence, and an insistence that the Noble Sanctuary remain under Israeli sovereignty, and that a part of it should be reserved for Jewish worshippers.
Furthermore, when it came to the right of return, Israel refused to admit any responsibility for the millions of refugees it created [You can read more about this here]. The only thing it offered was a very limited return of a very limited number of refugees over a very long period of time.
Ultimately, this “generous offer” amounted to turning the West Bank into non-contiguous cantons, crisscrossed by a network of settlements, roads and Israeli areas. Even the supposed “capital” of the Palestinian state would mostly be under Israeli control, with stipulations and conditions that stripped any real sovereignty from any area of the supposed Palestinian “state”. Not even the sky above Palestinian heads would be under their control, nor the water under their feet, as Israel still demanded access to water resources under the West Bank.
To add insult to injury, Israel was adamant that Arafat declare “the conflict over” with the signing of these accords, meaning that Palestinians could never ask for anything more after this.
As I’m sure you’ll agree, none of this was conducive for the establishment of a real, sovereign and viable Palestinian state. How could anyone accept a state where they don’t even have control over their own capital?
Even Shlomo Ben Ami, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, and one of the main negotiators at Camp David, later candidly admitted later that:
“Camp David was not the missed opportunity for the Palestinians, and if I were a Palestinian I would have rejected Camp David, as well.”
As it stands, Palestinian aspirations cannot be allowed to exceed the ceiling of Israeli table scraps. What is acceptable to Palestinians never enters the discussion, which must always be tailored to what Israel is willing to concede. This becomes even more infuriating once you realize that Israel is not really conceding anything; ending its occupation and stopping its settlement activities is merely following international law. It is not a sacrifice -it should be the default position.
This is how all of the “generous” Israeli peace offers play out. The majority of people who hear about this on the news have no clue what the parameters of the offer are. All they hear is that the Palestinians have rejected yet another “peace” initiative by Israel [You can read more about this here]. This is why Israel focuses on the number of offers, because it distracts from their content, similar to the above example regarding army numbers in 1948.
All of this feels completely irrelevant today. We’re talking about some failed negotiation summit from a couple of decades ago. Hell, many of its participants have actually passed away since. We bring attention to Camp David not specifically because we believe Camp David needs revisiting, but for it to serve as an archetypal example of how Israel has always approached negotiations with the Palestinians, and how any justified rejection of absurd stipulations leads to decades of accusations and smears.
Further Reading
Baumgarten, Helga. The Myth of Camp David or the Distortion of the Palestinian Narrative. Birzeit University. Ibrahim Abu Lughod Institute of International Studies, 2004.
Decolonize Palestine, Myth: Israel has always sought peace. [Link]
Decolonize Palestine, Myth: The two-state solution is the only way forward. [Link]
Finkelstein, Norman G. “The Camp David II negotiations: How Dennis Ross proved the Palestinians aborted the peace process.” Journal of Palestine Studies 36.2, 2007: 39-53.
Hanieh, Akram. “The Camp David Papers.” Journal of Palestine Studies 30.2, 2001: 75-97.
There seems to be a big christian-zionist movement in the USA who are the most ardent defenders of zionism, the state of Israel and the apartheid regime ruling there now.
Yes, a less than rational and totally self-serving mob. Their dream is Armageddon which will bring death to all non-believers, including all Jews, and send the believers floating up to heaven and everlasting glory. They are as insane as most Israelis but they do send a lot of money to Zitzrael.
Good lord. This is what happens when you don't speak Hebrew or watch actual news. So ignorant.
Where did you get the article from. I notice you are masking the site. I can tell you that it is not fully quoting what either are actually fully saying
Not a single smuggling tunnel between Rafah and Egypt. Hilarious. You are demented. So arrogant. So ignorant.
Excellent review. These sadistic murderers need to be locked up in The Hague instead of being called leaders. They don’t believe in or follow any human law, full stop. They are the most criminal element on earth today brazenly behaving like the most depraved psychopaths society has ever produced. I feel sorry for the people at the UN and UNRWA having to negotiate with scum like Blinken Austin Sullivan and Netanyahu’s cabal on behalf of the Palestinians. Letting this genocide persist because the axis of genocide is paid to look the other way is wrong and as you say has consequences for especially Jews in whose name it is being committed
I know you really really want it to be a genocide so you can virtue signal online even harder to your fake friends on the Internet but it isn't. Sorry for your loss you fucking ghoul.
Further, you know it is not a genocide. If it really was a genocide, you would be trying to stop it. Fastest way to do that is to demand Hamas surrender and release the hostages before they murder all of them. But you don't want or demand that ever. Ever.
What kind of depraved moral monstrosity are you to choose the survival of a religio-fascist Islamist death cult and the keeping of hostages over saving the Palestinians from genocide? Yet that is exactly what you are doing. Be ashamed.
Either you know “genocide in Gaza” is a lie and a slur, or you choose continued genocide in deference to Hamas. Either way you are an utter asshole. Not a compassionate person or a hero but a feckless cunt. And that goes for a the concern trolls in the comments that have made the same despicable choice to support Hamas over the Palestinian people
Always remember that Hamas is an Islamist death cult that seeks to create a worldwide caliphate free of Jews and Christians while keeping its religio-fascist boot firmly on the Palestinian neck. Isn't it curious that you would happily condemn Palestinians to living in Hamastan under Hamas rules while you yourselves would not live for a single second in Hamastan under Hamas rules. So y'all are racist too, with religious coercion and gender Apartheid are Ok for brown-skinned A-Rabs but not for little white you. Be ashamed for that too.
Free Palestine from Hamas and racist asshole poseurs like y'all.
Look up the definition of genocide. It is the policy of destroying a people, nation, group, country, culture. Any reading of Zionist and Israeli histories makes it very clear that was always the policy and remains the policy. IT IS GENOCIDE.
You said: If it really was a genocide, you would be trying to stop it.
I am trying to stop it by raising awareness.
You said: Fastest way to do that is to demand Hamas surrender and release the hostages before they murder all of them.
No, fastest way to stop it is for the US to refuse weapons and funding to Israel and force the Israelis to end the occupation. Free the Palestinians in their homeland and no Hamas, no Palestinian Resistance, no hostages. That easy and that just.
You said: What kind of depraved moral monstrosity are you to choose the survival of a religio-fascist Islamist death cult and the keeping of hostages over saving the Palestinians from genocide?
Hamas is not a death cult, but a member of the Palestinian Resistance which has every right under international law to exist and fight their brutal occupiers. The efforts of the Palestinian Resistance are saving Palestine and Palestinians from the religio-fascist death cult which is Israel and which plans to exterminate all of them.
You said: Either you know “genocide in Gaza” is a lie and a slur, or you choose continued genocide in deference to Hamas.
The world knows it is genocide. Israeli and international human rights groups knows it is genocide. The UN knows it is genocide. The International court of justice knows it is genocide. All sane humans know it is genocide.
Unfortunately for you, demonising Hamas does not work when the Zioraelis have committed far worse crimes and atrocities for far longer. Worse, any violence from the Palestinians and Hamas has been done in a just fight for freedom in their homeland. All violence from the Zionists, Israelis and Jews has been done to maintain military colonial occupation of someone else's country, Palestine. Israel is the aggressor and the Palestinians are the victims.
Please spare us your blathering pretending to care about the Palestinian people. If you really cared you would be fighting to free Palestine. No occupation, no colonisation and no Hamas, no Resistance, no hostages, no October 7. Problem solved. And neither would there be half a million dead Palestinians, mostly children, in the past year with another half a million maimed. All Israel's fault.
It takes a high level of brainwashed, stupid or both to believe in the Caliphate bullshit.
So did this make the Israeli press or television reports? This is genocidal racism by bigoted brainwashed mentally ill people.
US Doctors Stunned By Number Of Gaza Children With Headshot Wounds
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called Israel the “most moral army in the world,” but a high volume of deeply troubling wounds seen by American surgeons volunteering in Gaza is casting doubt on that claim.
Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an American surgeon with heavy catastrophe-zone experience, is among those stunned by the civilian devastation they’ve recently witnessed in Gaza, and especially by a high volume of what appear to be precision rifle-fire wounds on children — including toddlers.
“All of the disasters I’ve seen, combined – 40 mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes, all of that combined – doesn’t equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza,” Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an orthopedic surgeon and vice president of the International College of Surgeons, told CBS’s Sunday Morning.
What most struck him was his observation that the overwhelming majority of the patients he and his team treated were children:
“I’ve never seen that before. I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life, combined. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week … missing body parts, being crushed by buildings, the greatest majority, or bomb explosions, the next greatest majority.”
Perlumutter, a Jew who grew up in New Jersey and who now lives in North Carolina, was also disturbed what what he attributed to precise rifle fire directed at children, some of whom were “shot twice.”
“I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest, I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately, and directly on the side of the head, in the same child. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the ‘world’s best sniper.’ And they’re dead-center shots.“
His description of the phenomenon was confirmed to CBS News by more than 20 other doctors who’d recently visited Gaza. An American doctor had such a problem grasping what he was seeing that he double-checked using CT scans, saying he “didn’t believe that this many children could be admitted to a single hospital with gunshot wounds to the head.”
A Virginia anesthesiologist said he saw an estimated 30 single gunshot wounds to children in just two weeks. A doctor based in gunfire-heavy Chicago described the horrific conclusion he reached as the pattern emerged on the treatment tables in front of him:
“I thought these kids were in the wrong place at the wrong time, like sadly, some of the kids we treat in Chicago. But after the third or fourth time, I realized it was intentional; bullets were being put in these kids on purpose.”
An Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson assured CBS News that “the IDF has never, and will never, deliberately target children,” while cautioning that “remaining in an active combat zone has inherent risks.” When he addressed the US Congress on Wednesday, Netanyahu said:
“For Israel, every civilian death is a tragedy. For Hamas, it’s a strategy. They actually want Palestinian civilians to die, so that Israel will be smeared in the international media and be pressured to end the war before it’s won.”
That claim isn’t consistent with what the American volunteer doctors observed. Writing at Politico, Perlmutter and Dr. Feroze Sidhwa said the stream of child-headshot patients almost invariably arrived with one of two explanations from their families: “[They said] the children were playing inside when they were shot by Israeli forces, or they were playing in the street when they were shot by Israeli forces.”
So whose claims should Congress trust more? Dozens of volunteer American humanitarian doctors, or a prime minister who’s already told them some of the most impactful lies they’ve ever bought?
There you go again! Diarrhea of the mouth. Y'all keep trying to tell the whole world how much smarter Y'all are compared to the rest of the world. You start with your name calling then you you talk poorly about our families. You would be absolutely correct if you were to substitute Israeli terrorists in place of Hamas in your comment. Y'all should be wiped off the face of the earth and flushed, twice. Only because it is so far from your kitchen.
You do realise that your position in blaming Hamas, part of the Palestinian Resistance, which under international law has every right to exist and to fight their bestial colonial occupiers, says that the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto had to be freed from their Jewish resistance fighters and that the Germans were the innocent victims?
You are also saying when the Germans eradicated entire villages and exterminated hundreds of men, women and children because the French Resistance chose to fight them, that it was the Germans who were innocent and the French Resistance who was to blame.
That is truly insane.
Hamas is fighting to free Palestinians from the longest holocaust in modern history and one of the most savage, sadistic, bestial and evil military colonial occupations in all of history and the military and political brilliance of the Palestinian Resistance, which includes Hamas as a critical factor, is in fact the only hope the Palestinians have and they know it.
Israel passed a law in 2018 saying only Jews can have nationality. Non-jews are residents not citizens. Non-Jews have never had the same rights in law as Jews in what is called Israel and now they have no rights as citizens because they have no nationality.
Of course this also means Israel does not exist because there are no Israelis. The only nationality is Jewish so Israel should really be called Jewdistan. But then non-Jews would also be Jews which would complicate things.
So, Israel is not only illegal it has no declared borders and there is no Israeli nationality. It does not exist. Much easier to dismantle it.
Common morality dictates that no-one has the right to take someone else's country and treat the native people like filth.
Common morality dictates that no-one has a right to consider anyone else subhuman.
Common morality dictates, as does international law, that invasion, occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft, done by Zionists, Israelis and Jews for nearly a century, ARE WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
In We Are Not One, historian Eric Alterman traces this debate from its nineteenth-century origins. Following Israel’s 1948–1949 War of Independence (called the “nakba” or “catastrophe” by Palestinians), few Americans, including few Jews, paid much attention to Israel or the challenges it faced. Following the 1967 Six-Day War, however, almost overnight support for Israel became the primary component of American Jews’ collective identity. Over time, Jewish organizations joined forces with conservative Christians and neoconservative pundits and politicos to wage a tenacious fight to define Israel’s image in the US media, popular culture, Congress, and college campuses. Deeply researched, We Are Not One reveals how our consensus on Israel and Palestine emerged and why, today, it is fracturing.
Does he explain why one religion in history, Judaism, should have a right to a State and self determination when no other religion has such a right? And if such a right exists then does he support every religion claiming the same right even if it means invading, occupying and colonising someone else's country as happened in Palestine?
More critical is how can any religion ever seek to justify the atrocities that Zionists, Israelis and Jews have inflicted on the Palestinians for nearly 80 years? Surely occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, murder, torture, theft, denial of rights and constant dispossession as done by Zionists, Israelis and Jews, are contrary to the ethics of Judaism and indeed most religions.
If Judaism and Jews support Israel then surely such a claim is anti-semitic in the extreme.
Name one Christian or Muslim majority country which demands that only Christians or Muslims have full rights as citizens, can migrate without question, and have superior rights to other religions. Just one will do.
There are none.
Name one other Western democracy with a policy of genocidal ethnic cleansing against the native people of the land which has been colonised. Just one would do but there are none.
Only Israel the anti-semitic Zionist State which claims to represent Jews but hates Judaism and its followers has laws and rules which demand superior rights and total power for Jews.
Fact should be transparent and you need to learn to recognise facts.
Sorry to bust in here but I'm one of those yaamericans and I'm not sure that the native Americans were not treated much the same way that the Palestinians are being treated. Genocide? Definitely subdued. I didn't do it! Not proud, not right. Looks like the same strategy.
There certainly was genocidal policies at times in the US but mostly in the 19th century. We are talking about Israeli genocide ongoing from the mid 20th into the 21st centuries. Very different times.
And the Anglo-european settlers did not go into the Americas with a policy that the native people were subhuman and had to be exterminated as they did when they went into Palestine in 1947.
More important, despite some wrongs, the native people of North America were given full rights as citizens and greater benefits. The Palestinians have no rights and Israel has only ever worked to eradicate them with policies of rape, torture, abuse, murder which rank as some of the most evil in history.
In short, it is not fair to compare what happened sometimes in 19th century US to what has happened all of the time in 21st century Palestine.
For me, it's not that simple. Too many similarities. Yes there are some differences and different times. Treaties have and are being broken. I think they deserve more. I don't want to debate with you. I could not win that one.
There are no different set of laws for Muslims and Jewish citizens in Israel.
By contrast in Saudi Arabia or Yemen under the Houtis you cannot be a jew or Christian and practice your religion or become a citizen There are zero jews in either country. Yemen had jews for 13 centuries - no longer.
I would not mind you fucking poseur cunts so much if you weren't such utter ignoramuses.
We jews have always been blessed by the stupidity and low IQ of those who oppose us. You are a perfect example of thar phenomena.
You are so delusional, your statements are so ridiculous, that I can only assume you are skipping some desperately needed medication which lack is negatively affecting ypur brain function.
Just one example: if only jews can be Israeli citizens, how are there non-jewish Knesset members? Moron.
You are pig ignorant. And too arrogant to stop embarrassing yourself further with every post.
Free Palestine from Hamas and ignorant morons like you.
Thanks. I suspect there were a variety of factors but the major one would be the Zionist movement exploiting the Jewish tribal power in the US in politics, Government, media etc. To sell the Zionist story this framework was required.
Why did so many Jews go along with it? Probably for the same reason so many Irish Americans in Boston funded and supported the atrocities of the IRA - it made them feel powerful and helped them let off steam and rage, conscious and unconscious, and gave them a chance to punish someone.
The Zionists have also cleverly tapped into Jewish elitism and paranoia, and I say Jewish as opposed to Judaic. Many Jews have supported Israel as a backstop, i.e. brainwashed to believe Zionist and Jewish propaganda that Jews are forever threatened and need somewhere to run, even when it is someone else’s country, they have supported Israel as their just in case refuge.
A lot of this would be unconscious which makes it more powerful and more dangerous. The unconscious does not work with nuance or concepts of justice but is a me, me, me instinctive, primal entity. Not always, but very often.
And when you play the strings of a religion which has encouraged a victim mentality for thousands of years, real and imagined, you can get away with pretty much anything because no other human, or indeed the subhuman Palestinians, can ever suffer as I have done and therefore if they do suffer, it is of no consequence.
Having said that, more than one insightful Jewish writer and thinker clearly articulated the horror that was Israel and the worse horror it would become even before 1947. But who listens to the wise?
Thanks for explicitly stating this, Roslyn. We all need to stand up for Palestine and those who don't, and I'm thinking of our western leaders, need to be sidelined. We can't afford leadership that supports these atrocities.
I have for a long time, like many, put more blame on Zionism but pondering the history and the issue it is clear that many Jews, perhaps most, have played a major role in the creation and maintenance of Israel regardless of the atrocities it has always committed. If Jews do not want to be blamed for what Israel is and does then they must categorically separate from and reject the State.
Since the US Government is infiltrated and tightly controlled by Zionists, Israelis and Jews and probably all American politicians are under the thumb of Mossad, it is difficult to bring leadership for Americans, let alone responsible leadership.
And since American allies are in essence lackeys bullied and bribed to do what they are told and ZIJ has infiltrated their political systems, particularly UK, Canada, Australia etc., they are not going to take a stand.
This is why it is so important that people stand up for principles of justice, rule of law, democracy, human rights and common human decency in general but particularly for Palestine. Even the American Government has to take notice when the public takes a stand, regardless of how much power ZIJ might wield in their corridors of rule.
When our Government is in thrall to a foreign entity they are not representing us or our interests.
A lot of Jewish people speak out against Israel's genocide of Gaza, and I'm so grateful that they do.
Yes they do and some have always done so. Ironically there is nothing about the evil that is Israel that some Jews did not predict a century ago. The combination of religion and political fascism is dangerous and predictable.
But they need to do more. There are still too many Jews who support Israel right or wrong.
I suspect that is, as someone articulated, but I forget who it was, because the brainwashing of Jews being at risk has gone on for so long it has become almost a psychological template and humans are nothing if not self-serving. If they believe something is required to assure their own safety, regardless of how irrational their position might be, they will defend it and in fact allow any atrocity against anyone else to happen if it means they have some guarantee of safety for themselves and their family.
Ziorael has spun the lie that Israel must exist because Jews need somewhere to run when the new Nazis appear and set out to kill them all. This lie has been seeded at visceral levels in many Jews and that is why they close their mind to the horrors Israel commits. Just in case they need a refuge.
Tragically and perhaps part of the Zionist plan, it is the very existence of Israel which creates a threat for Judaism and its followers.
Many Jewish people talk about the indoctrination they get as children and how hard it is to deprogram afterwards. I think it's been getting better over the years. I hear of a lot more Jewish people who are opposed to Israel than a few decades ago.
Yes agree and of course such victim/fear brainwashing is not specific to Jews or religions. Nationalities do it like the Irish and Armenians who inculcate fear and anger in their children, consciously and unconsciously, about things which happened to others long ago.
I remember on one of my trips to Israel and we went to the Wailing Wall and I asked the guide what they were saying. He said they were reciting wrongs done to Jews across thousands of years. I am not sure many people could break out of such a religious and social culture.
I have Jewish ancestors but my great-grandparents tossed the religion. Which was fortunate. In fact none of the religions of my ancestors made it down to my generation - Catholic, Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Baptist, Lutheran, Wendish, Anglican and probably more.
See, for example, Israelism. Important film.
I've heard it's really good.
Exceptionally well-done. Brava. Thank you so much for this Roslyn. Your rage is eloquent and so necessary.
Brilliant. Comprehensive. Absolutely true.
Excellent review. These sadistic murderers need to be locked up in The Hague instead of being called leaders. They don’t believe in or follow any human law, full stop. They are the most criminal element on earth today brazenly behaving like the most depraved psychopaths society has ever produced. I feel sorry for the people at the UN and UNRWA having to negotiate with scum like Blinken Austin Sullivan and Netanyahu’s cabal on behalf of the Palestinians. Letting this genocide persist because the axis of genocide is paid to look the other way is wrong and as you say has consequences for especially Jews in whose name it is being committed
Shew, powerful! Agreed, we need less grey areas, and good Jews must take a stand for human rights or the goodness they feel represents their religion.
All Israelis are equal
Decades after the failure of the Oslo paradigm to produce any beneficial results for Palestinians, the idea of the two-state solution continues to face ever-growing skepticism. It is becoming increasingly common for pundits and academics to acknowledge that Israel’s rampant colonization of Palestinian land, as well as permanently changing facts on the ground, have doomed any such prospects.
Despite this shift in public opinion and among the intelligentsia, the two-state solution is still the only solution on the agenda of policy-makers worldwide, and why not? It is convenient for them, it does not challenge their interests, and even though they know that it has been made impossible, the status quo is much more politically fortuitous than demanding actual concessions from Israel which might strain their relationship. After all, it is not they who need to live under a military dictatorship and settler colonialism.
Yet even after all of this, apologists for Israel claim that we only reached this point due to Palestinian intransigence, and the refusal of the Palestinian leadership to sign any peace treaty with Israel. Setting aside the ridiculous assertion that Israel was forced to violate the Geneva Conventions because the Palestinian Authority didn’t sign a treaty, what is often conveniently left out of the story is what exactly these “offers” entailed.
This is a common theme in Israeli Hasbara efforts, leaving out key context or information that would completely change the significance of an event. For example, when discussing the 1948 war, the focus is often on the number of the Arab states “ganging up” on Israel, in an attempt to imply numerical superiority. However, when the actual number of troops is inspected the question becomes not if the Israeli army outnumbered all the Arab ones combined, but how badly [You can read more about this here].
Following this same method, what has come to be known as the “peace process” is plagued with such cases. We have previously discussed the numerous problems with partition as a concept, as well as in practice, this is not the focus of this article. Instead, we would like to set aside these objections and skepticism for a moment and look at the “peace process” and judge it even by the standards of those who support the two-state solution. The Camp David summit in 2000 is an excellent case study to attempt this, and it still serves as a representative microcosm of the negotiation process to this day.
Why Camp David specifically?
Camp David is one of the most emblematic instances of this kind of rhetoric, where the common “wisdom” to this day is that Yasser Arafat, head of the Palestinian Authority at the time, rejected an incredibly generous offer from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Prod any of the other periods of negotiation and you will find extreme similarities and parallels with Camp David, where the focus remains on the “offer” part without delving into any of the specifics or context of said offer, any counter-offers, or what was rejected.
De facto discrimination
In general, the quest for two-states found its genesis in the diplomatic process in the 1970s which called for establishing a sovereign Palestinian state next to Israel. The first bilateral breakthrough in this process materialized in the -at the time- secret Oslo Accords where Palestinians, represented by the PLO, and Israelis agreed upon a declaration of principles that would lead to creating the Palestinian Authority. The Authority would act as an interim Palestinian government that would supposedly pave the way for a final settlement. These accords were mostly a declaration of principles which did not contain any parameters for how such a state would even look. As a matter of fact, the word “state” with regards to Palestinians was never mentioned once. It was two years later, in what is referred to as Oslo II, taking place in the Egyptian city of Taba, that negotiations earnestly began. In these negotiations more concrete parameters were discussed, as well as the logistics and method for instating the Palestinian Authority on the ground.
The Palestinian Authority was supposed to last no longer than 5 years, after which a sovereign Palestinian state would be established as a culmination of the negotiation process. Clearly, this did not materialize and the negotiation process stalled. In 2000, US. President Bill Clinton called for a summit at Camp David to try and nudge negotiations forward and put an end to the “conflict” once and for all.
The summit lasted for approximately two weeks, and needless to say, it failed in its objectives. Following this failure, there was a media frenzy blaming Arafat and the Palestinians for the negotiations breaking down.
The claim was that Barak offered the Palestinians everything they could ever want for peace, and that Arafat simply threw that all away. Articles started emerging saying that this was the perfect test for Arafat’s intentions and that he failed miserably, and asserted that the Palestinians refused to make any concessions or compromise on anything.
Thus, it became part of the “canon” that the Palestinians had -once again- rejected a peace offer by Israel, proving that Israelis really have no partner for peace, and that nothing could appease Palestinians.
De facto discrimination
Let’s step away from the sensationalism and media spins of Camp David and take a bit of a deeper look into what Barak offered, and why it was rejected.
To begin with, the often-repeated line that Barak offered the Palestinians the Gaza Strip and 96% of the West Bank for a state is completely untrue. Barak offered the Palestinians 96% of Israel’s definition of the West Bank, meaning they did not include any of the areas already under Israeli control, such as settlements, the Dead Sea, and large parts of the Jordan Valley. This meant that Barak effectively annexed 10% of the West Bank to Israel, with an additional 8-12% remaining under “temporary” Israeli control for a period of time.
In return for this annexation, Palestinians would be offered 1% of desert land near the Gaza Strip. Thus, Palestinians would need to give up 10% of the most fertile land in the West Bank, in exchange for 1% of desert land. Not to mention that if the past record is any indicator, the additional 8-12% under “temporary” Israeli control would remain so forever.
In addition to all of this, Israel demanded permanent control of Palestinian airspace, three permanent military installations manned by Israeli troops in the West Bank, Israeli presence at Palestinian border crossings, and special “security arrangements” along the borders with Jordan which effectively annexed additional land.
The cherry on top of all of these stipulations, is that Israel would be allowed to invade at any point in cases of “emergency”. As you can imagine, what constituted an emergency was left incredibly vague and up to interpretation. The Palestinian state would be demilitarized, and the Palestinian government would not be able to enter into alliances without Israeli permission. None of these are ingredients for the creation of an actual sovereign state.
Part Two:
But the Israeli conditions did not end here. In the case of East Jerusalem, which was supposed to be the capital of the Palestinian state, Israel refused any form of Palestinian sovereignty over the majority of the city, including many Palestinian neighborhoods. It should be noted that the PA agreed to Israeli sovereignty over Jewish neighborhoods and the Buraq wall, and even proposed Israel annex settlements in East Jerusalem in return for land swaps elsewhere. This was met with Israeli intransigence, and an insistence that the Noble Sanctuary remain under Israeli sovereignty, and that a part of it should be reserved for Jewish worshippers.
Furthermore, when it came to the right of return, Israel refused to admit any responsibility for the millions of refugees it created [You can read more about this here]. The only thing it offered was a very limited return of a very limited number of refugees over a very long period of time.
Ultimately, this “generous offer” amounted to turning the West Bank into non-contiguous cantons, crisscrossed by a network of settlements, roads and Israeli areas. Even the supposed “capital” of the Palestinian state would mostly be under Israeli control, with stipulations and conditions that stripped any real sovereignty from any area of the supposed Palestinian “state”. Not even the sky above Palestinian heads would be under their control, nor the water under their feet, as Israel still demanded access to water resources under the West Bank.
To add insult to injury, Israel was adamant that Arafat declare “the conflict over” with the signing of these accords, meaning that Palestinians could never ask for anything more after this.
As I’m sure you’ll agree, none of this was conducive for the establishment of a real, sovereign and viable Palestinian state. How could anyone accept a state where they don’t even have control over their own capital?
Even Shlomo Ben Ami, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, and one of the main negotiators at Camp David, later candidly admitted later that:
“Camp David was not the missed opportunity for the Palestinians, and if I were a Palestinian I would have rejected Camp David, as well.”
As it stands, Palestinian aspirations cannot be allowed to exceed the ceiling of Israeli table scraps. What is acceptable to Palestinians never enters the discussion, which must always be tailored to what Israel is willing to concede. This becomes even more infuriating once you realize that Israel is not really conceding anything; ending its occupation and stopping its settlement activities is merely following international law. It is not a sacrifice -it should be the default position.
This is how all of the “generous” Israeli peace offers play out. The majority of people who hear about this on the news have no clue what the parameters of the offer are. All they hear is that the Palestinians have rejected yet another “peace” initiative by Israel [You can read more about this here]. This is why Israel focuses on the number of offers, because it distracts from their content, similar to the above example regarding army numbers in 1948.
All of this feels completely irrelevant today. We’re talking about some failed negotiation summit from a couple of decades ago. Hell, many of its participants have actually passed away since. We bring attention to Camp David not specifically because we believe Camp David needs revisiting, but for it to serve as an archetypal example of how Israel has always approached negotiations with the Palestinians, and how any justified rejection of absurd stipulations leads to decades of accusations and smears.
Further Reading
Baumgarten, Helga. The Myth of Camp David or the Distortion of the Palestinian Narrative. Birzeit University. Ibrahim Abu Lughod Institute of International Studies, 2004.
Decolonize Palestine, Myth: Israel has always sought peace. [Link]
Decolonize Palestine, Myth: The two-state solution is the only way forward. [Link]
Finkelstein, Norman G. “The Camp David II negotiations: How Dennis Ross proved the Palestinians aborted the peace process.” Journal of Palestine Studies 36.2, 2007: 39-53.
Hanieh, Akram. “The Camp David Papers.” Journal of Palestine Studies 30.2, 2001: 75-97.
There seems to be a big christian-zionist movement in the USA who are the most ardent defenders of zionism, the state of Israel and the apartheid regime ruling there now.
Yes, a less than rational and totally self-serving mob. Their dream is Armageddon which will bring death to all non-believers, including all Jews, and send the believers floating up to heaven and everlasting glory. They are as insane as most Israelis but they do send a lot of money to Zitzrael.
Good lord. This is what happens when you don't speak Hebrew or watch actual news. So ignorant.
Where did you get the article from. I notice you are masking the site. I can tell you that it is not fully quoting what either are actually fully saying
Not a single smuggling tunnel between Rafah and Egypt. Hilarious. You are demented. So arrogant. So ignorant.
Excellent review. These sadistic murderers need to be locked up in The Hague instead of being called leaders. They don’t believe in or follow any human law, full stop. They are the most criminal element on earth today brazenly behaving like the most depraved psychopaths society has ever produced. I feel sorry for the people at the UN and UNRWA having to negotiate with scum like Blinken Austin Sullivan and Netanyahu’s cabal on behalf of the Palestinians. Letting this genocide persist because the axis of genocide is paid to look the other way is wrong and as you say has consequences for especially Jews in whose name it is being committed
Not a genocide Thanks.
I know you really really want it to be a genocide so you can virtue signal online even harder to your fake friends on the Internet but it isn't. Sorry for your loss you fucking ghoul.
Further, you know it is not a genocide. If it really was a genocide, you would be trying to stop it. Fastest way to do that is to demand Hamas surrender and release the hostages before they murder all of them. But you don't want or demand that ever. Ever.
What kind of depraved moral monstrosity are you to choose the survival of a religio-fascist Islamist death cult and the keeping of hostages over saving the Palestinians from genocide? Yet that is exactly what you are doing. Be ashamed.
Either you know “genocide in Gaza” is a lie and a slur, or you choose continued genocide in deference to Hamas. Either way you are an utter asshole. Not a compassionate person or a hero but a feckless cunt. And that goes for a the concern trolls in the comments that have made the same despicable choice to support Hamas over the Palestinian people
Always remember that Hamas is an Islamist death cult that seeks to create a worldwide caliphate free of Jews and Christians while keeping its religio-fascist boot firmly on the Palestinian neck. Isn't it curious that you would happily condemn Palestinians to living in Hamastan under Hamas rules while you yourselves would not live for a single second in Hamastan under Hamas rules. So y'all are racist too, with religious coercion and gender Apartheid are Ok for brown-skinned A-Rabs but not for little white you. Be ashamed for that too.
Free Palestine from Hamas and racist asshole poseurs like y'all.
Look up the definition of genocide. It is the policy of destroying a people, nation, group, country, culture. Any reading of Zionist and Israeli histories makes it very clear that was always the policy and remains the policy. IT IS GENOCIDE.
You said: If it really was a genocide, you would be trying to stop it.
I am trying to stop it by raising awareness.
You said: Fastest way to do that is to demand Hamas surrender and release the hostages before they murder all of them.
No, fastest way to stop it is for the US to refuse weapons and funding to Israel and force the Israelis to end the occupation. Free the Palestinians in their homeland and no Hamas, no Palestinian Resistance, no hostages. That easy and that just.
You said: What kind of depraved moral monstrosity are you to choose the survival of a religio-fascist Islamist death cult and the keeping of hostages over saving the Palestinians from genocide?
Hamas is not a death cult, but a member of the Palestinian Resistance which has every right under international law to exist and fight their brutal occupiers. The efforts of the Palestinian Resistance are saving Palestine and Palestinians from the religio-fascist death cult which is Israel and which plans to exterminate all of them.
You said: Either you know “genocide in Gaza” is a lie and a slur, or you choose continued genocide in deference to Hamas.
The world knows it is genocide. Israeli and international human rights groups knows it is genocide. The UN knows it is genocide. The International court of justice knows it is genocide. All sane humans know it is genocide.
Unfortunately for you, demonising Hamas does not work when the Zioraelis have committed far worse crimes and atrocities for far longer. Worse, any violence from the Palestinians and Hamas has been done in a just fight for freedom in their homeland. All violence from the Zionists, Israelis and Jews has been done to maintain military colonial occupation of someone else's country, Palestine. Israel is the aggressor and the Palestinians are the victims.
Please spare us your blathering pretending to care about the Palestinian people. If you really cared you would be fighting to free Palestine. No occupation, no colonisation and no Hamas, no Resistance, no hostages, no October 7. Problem solved. And neither would there be half a million dead Palestinians, mostly children, in the past year with another half a million maimed. All Israel's fault.
It takes a high level of brainwashed, stupid or both to believe in the Caliphate bullshit.
I wish I could have said it as eloquently as you just did. Maybe we have heard the last of that idiot but I doubt it.
You are a moron and a racist.
So did this make the Israeli press or television reports? This is genocidal racism by bigoted brainwashed mentally ill people.
US Doctors Stunned By Number Of Gaza Children With Headshot Wounds
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called Israel the “most moral army in the world,” but a high volume of deeply troubling wounds seen by American surgeons volunteering in Gaza is casting doubt on that claim.
Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an American surgeon with heavy catastrophe-zone experience, is among those stunned by the civilian devastation they’ve recently witnessed in Gaza, and especially by a high volume of what appear to be precision rifle-fire wounds on children — including toddlers.
“All of the disasters I’ve seen, combined – 40 mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes, all of that combined – doesn’t equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza,” Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an orthopedic surgeon and vice president of the International College of Surgeons, told CBS’s Sunday Morning.
What most struck him was his observation that the overwhelming majority of the patients he and his team treated were children:
“I’ve never seen that before. I’ve seen more incinerated children than I’ve ever seen in my entire life, combined. I’ve seen more shredded children in just the first week … missing body parts, being crushed by buildings, the greatest majority, or bomb explosions, the next greatest majority.”
Perlumutter, a Jew who grew up in New Jersey and who now lives in North Carolina, was also disturbed what what he attributed to precise rifle fire directed at children, some of whom were “shot twice.”
“I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest, I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately, and directly on the side of the head, in the same child. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the ‘world’s best sniper.’ And they’re dead-center shots.“
His description of the phenomenon was confirmed to CBS News by more than 20 other doctors who’d recently visited Gaza. An American doctor had such a problem grasping what he was seeing that he double-checked using CT scans, saying he “didn’t believe that this many children could be admitted to a single hospital with gunshot wounds to the head.”
A Virginia anesthesiologist said he saw an estimated 30 single gunshot wounds to children in just two weeks. A doctor based in gunfire-heavy Chicago described the horrific conclusion he reached as the pattern emerged on the treatment tables in front of him:
“I thought these kids were in the wrong place at the wrong time, like sadly, some of the kids we treat in Chicago. But after the third or fourth time, I realized it was intentional; bullets were being put in these kids on purpose.”
An Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson assured CBS News that “the IDF has never, and will never, deliberately target children,” while cautioning that “remaining in an active combat zone has inherent risks.” When he addressed the US Congress on Wednesday, Netanyahu said:
“For Israel, every civilian death is a tragedy. For Hamas, it’s a strategy. They actually want Palestinian civilians to die, so that Israel will be smeared in the international media and be pressured to end the war before it’s won.”
That claim isn’t consistent with what the American volunteer doctors observed. Writing at Politico, Perlmutter and Dr. Feroze Sidhwa said the stream of child-headshot patients almost invariably arrived with one of two explanations from their families: “[They said] the children were playing inside when they were shot by Israeli forces, or they were playing in the street when they were shot by Israeli forces.”
So whose claims should Congress trust more? Dozens of volunteer American humanitarian doctors, or a prime minister who’s already told them some of the most impactful lies they’ve ever bought?
I think you shut him up.
Facts can never be racist or moronic. that is why facts matter.
There you go again! Diarrhea of the mouth. Y'all keep trying to tell the whole world how much smarter Y'all are compared to the rest of the world. You start with your name calling then you you talk poorly about our families. You would be absolutely correct if you were to substitute Israeli terrorists in place of Hamas in your comment. Y'all should be wiped off the face of the earth and flushed, twice. Only because it is so far from your kitchen.
Not smarter than the world but definitely smarter than you.
Free Palestine from Hamas and ignorant asshole racist poseurs like you
That could be true, but that's not saying much, and there seems to be a part of your brain that just isn't working quite right.
You do realise that your position in blaming Hamas, part of the Palestinian Resistance, which under international law has every right to exist and to fight their bestial colonial occupiers, says that the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto had to be freed from their Jewish resistance fighters and that the Germans were the innocent victims?
You are also saying when the Germans eradicated entire villages and exterminated hundreds of men, women and children because the French Resistance chose to fight them, that it was the Germans who were innocent and the French Resistance who was to blame.
That is truly insane.
Hamas is fighting to free Palestinians from the longest holocaust in modern history and one of the most savage, sadistic, bestial and evil military colonial occupations in all of history and the military and political brilliance of the Palestinian Resistance, which includes Hamas as a critical factor, is in fact the only hope the Palestinians have and they know it.
You're an idiot. Now with regard to international law, history, and common morality.
But tell me again how only jews are allowed to be citizens of Israel.
Everything you say is idiotic.
Israel passed a law in 2018 saying only Jews can have nationality. Non-jews are residents not citizens. Non-Jews have never had the same rights in law as Jews in what is called Israel and now they have no rights as citizens because they have no nationality.
Of course this also means Israel does not exist because there are no Israelis. The only nationality is Jewish so Israel should really be called Jewdistan. But then non-Jews would also be Jews which would complicate things.
So, Israel is not only illegal it has no declared borders and there is no Israeli nationality. It does not exist. Much easier to dismantle it.
Common morality dictates that no-one has the right to take someone else's country and treat the native people like filth.
Common morality dictates that no-one has a right to consider anyone else subhuman.
Common morality dictates, as does international law, that invasion, occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft, done by Zionists, Israelis and Jews for nearly a century, ARE WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.
Oh my god. That is not what the law says. Have you read it? Jesus wept you are an idiot.
Good read:
In We Are Not One, historian Eric Alterman traces this debate from its nineteenth-century origins. Following Israel’s 1948–1949 War of Independence (called the “nakba” or “catastrophe” by Palestinians), few Americans, including few Jews, paid much attention to Israel or the challenges it faced. Following the 1967 Six-Day War, however, almost overnight support for Israel became the primary component of American Jews’ collective identity. Over time, Jewish organizations joined forces with conservative Christians and neoconservative pundits and politicos to wage a tenacious fight to define Israel’s image in the US media, popular culture, Congress, and college campuses. Deeply researched, We Are Not One reveals how our consensus on Israel and Palestine emerged and why, today, it is fracturing.
Does he explain why one religion in history, Judaism, should have a right to a State and self determination when no other religion has such a right? And if such a right exists then does he support every religion claiming the same right even if it means invading, occupying and colonising someone else's country as happened in Palestine?
More critical is how can any religion ever seek to justify the atrocities that Zionists, Israelis and Jews have inflicted on the Palestinians for nearly 80 years? Surely occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, murder, torture, theft, denial of rights and constant dispossession as done by Zionists, Israelis and Jews, are contrary to the ethics of Judaism and indeed most religions.
If Judaism and Jews support Israel then surely such a claim is anti-semitic in the extreme.
Bullshit. There are dozens of explicitly Christian and Muslim countries. Yet, you target only the Jewish state. You are transparent.
Name one Christian or Muslim majority country which demands that only Christians or Muslims have full rights as citizens, can migrate without question, and have superior rights to other religions. Just one will do.
There are none.
Name one other Western democracy with a policy of genocidal ethnic cleansing against the native people of the land which has been colonised. Just one would do but there are none.
Only Israel the anti-semitic Zionist State which claims to represent Jews but hates Judaism and its followers has laws and rules which demand superior rights and total power for Jews.
Fact should be transparent and you need to learn to recognise facts.
Sorry to bust in here but I'm one of those yaamericans and I'm not sure that the native Americans were not treated much the same way that the Palestinians are being treated. Genocide? Definitely subdued. I didn't do it! Not proud, not right. Looks like the same strategy.
There certainly was genocidal policies at times in the US but mostly in the 19th century. We are talking about Israeli genocide ongoing from the mid 20th into the 21st centuries. Very different times.
And the Anglo-european settlers did not go into the Americas with a policy that the native people were subhuman and had to be exterminated as they did when they went into Palestine in 1947.
More important, despite some wrongs, the native people of North America were given full rights as citizens and greater benefits. The Palestinians have no rights and Israel has only ever worked to eradicate them with policies of rape, torture, abuse, murder which rank as some of the most evil in history.
In short, it is not fair to compare what happened sometimes in 19th century US to what has happened all of the time in 21st century Palestine.
For me, it's not that simple. Too many similarities. Yes there are some differences and different times. Treaties have and are being broken. I think they deserve more. I don't want to debate with you. I could not win that one.
You are entirely ignorant and delusional.
There are no different set of laws for Muslims and Jewish citizens in Israel.
By contrast in Saudi Arabia or Yemen under the Houtis you cannot be a jew or Christian and practice your religion or become a citizen There are zero jews in either country. Yemen had jews for 13 centuries - no longer.
I would not mind you fucking poseur cunts so much if you weren't such utter ignoramuses.
We jews have always been blessed by the stupidity and low IQ of those who oppose us. You are a perfect example of thar phenomena.
I suggest you read B'Tselem the Israeli human rights group and catch up on different rules and laws for Jews and non-Jews.
To give you some clues:
1. under Israeli law the only nationality is Jewish so non-Jews are not Israelis and not citizens.
2. Non-Jews, code-name Arab, cannot bring family to live with them, parents, spouses, children.
3. Non-Jews cannot work outside what is called Israel and return. Their residency is cancelled.
4. Non-Jews cannot build onto their homes. Permission is always denied.
5. In some parts of what is called Israel non-Jews are not allowed to drive down their street but must walk.
I could go on.
Thankyou for admitting Israel is not a western democracy as it claims but a theocracy like Saudi Arabia or a third world basket case like yemen.
Your childish abuse reflects on you, not me.
You are an ignoramus and a moron. But you balance that with undeserved arrogance.
Jesus wept you are stupid.
Please tell me how there are Muslim members of the Israeli Knesset if only jews can be citizens.
Everything you say in your list above is wrong. Pathetically so
You are so delusional, your statements are so ridiculous, that I can only assume you are skipping some desperately needed medication which lack is negatively affecting ypur brain function.
Just one example: if only jews can be Israeli citizens, how are there non-jewish Knesset members? Moron.
You are pig ignorant. And too arrogant to stop embarrassing yourself further with every post.
Free Palestine from Hamas and ignorant morons like you.
Lies. Lies. Lies. But what do I know. I just live here and speak the relevant languages. LOL.
Well sure. If Mike Hampton says it, it must be true. LOL.
You are pathetic.
Free Palestine from Hamas and ignorant assholes like you
Thanks. I suspect there were a variety of factors but the major one would be the Zionist movement exploiting the Jewish tribal power in the US in politics, Government, media etc. To sell the Zionist story this framework was required.
Why did so many Jews go along with it? Probably for the same reason so many Irish Americans in Boston funded and supported the atrocities of the IRA - it made them feel powerful and helped them let off steam and rage, conscious and unconscious, and gave them a chance to punish someone.
The Zionists have also cleverly tapped into Jewish elitism and paranoia, and I say Jewish as opposed to Judaic. Many Jews have supported Israel as a backstop, i.e. brainwashed to believe Zionist and Jewish propaganda that Jews are forever threatened and need somewhere to run, even when it is someone else’s country, they have supported Israel as their just in case refuge.
A lot of this would be unconscious which makes it more powerful and more dangerous. The unconscious does not work with nuance or concepts of justice but is a me, me, me instinctive, primal entity. Not always, but very often.
And when you play the strings of a religion which has encouraged a victim mentality for thousands of years, real and imagined, you can get away with pretty much anything because no other human, or indeed the subhuman Palestinians, can ever suffer as I have done and therefore if they do suffer, it is of no consequence.
Having said that, more than one insightful Jewish writer and thinker clearly articulated the horror that was Israel and the worse horror it would become even before 1947. But who listens to the wise?
Very articulate.