There is a general sense from military and political analysts that since the fall of Syria, it is all over red rover for Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. This is a curious position, which sees US/Israel as victorious, despite the fact that failed states never make good neighbours. Particularly when they hate your guts, and rightly so.
No doubt the experts and analysts look at the situation and think, simplistically, well, if it is harder to get weapons to Lebanon and Palestine then that will diminish the Resistance. Sure, that applies in a material sense but not in a mental sense. Humans are remarkably innovative and when one door closes, another opens.
Humans are also mercurial and what one person says, thinks or decides to do today may be different by tomorrow. The various groups juggling for control in Syria are not united and will ultimately serve their own interests. That may well involve going along with the Israeli invaders for a time, but it will not last. If getting weapons to Lebanon and Palestine through Syria worked and that option is diminished, although probably not completely destroyed, then other ways will be found. That is just how humans work. We are even more cunning when our survival is at stake.
You can kill people but not ideas and what people think does matter. Leaders may not care what people think but they do care when people act and what people think creates actions. Some would argue that what people think also creates energy fields which influence others. Only truly stupid leaders do not care what the public thinks and while this may work for a while, it can never last. History is littered with States which linger on under tyrannical rule, until they fall apart. A study in human nature as well as history validates that inevitable reality. Physical and material power can only control people for so long.
Does anyone seriously think if the Germans had managed to invade and occupy Britain and done to the British what the Israelis do to the Palestinians, that even 76 years on the British would have stopped resisting and become pliant workers for their occupiers? Or that Australians, if they had been invaded, occupied and colonised by the Japanese would not have resisted and violently so, for however long it took to defeat their oppressors? Pigs would be flapping in a frenzy if the British or Australians decided not to fight for their freedom. Same for all humans and why anyone thinks Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, or the generic Arab, might be different simply beggars belief because it has no substance in history or human nature.
And this perhaps is why the analysts take the view that they do, because they are dealing in physical realities and potentials and ignoring human nature and the innovative, indeed, cunning qualities that humans can and do bring into play when needed. Desperation is a mighty impetus and becomes even more powerful when it walks hand in hand with a valid fight for justice.
Since a physical Gaza is wrecked but not the determination of the Palestinian people for freedom and justice, which has intensified, why would anyone think that the Israelis could control Syria and ensure the people remain complicit? It makes no sense. Perhaps briefly, in the midst of chaos, but not longterm and Israel simply does not have the soldiers to maintain occupation of Palestine as well as slabs of Syria and Lebanon. If Israelis are not out killing they are working and if they are killing they are not working and the economy is in ruins. Bombs do not win a war. Only boots on the ground wins a war and Israel is very short of boots.
And if the US cannot control destroyed Iraq, how on earth can Israel, even with US help, control destroyed Syria? Let alone Palestine, Lebanon and perhaps Iran at the same time. If one thing unites Syrians of all persuasions, Palestinians, Lebanese and Turks it is hatred of Shitrael. That is a powerful glue. And it is a given that the Jordanians know they are also in the gunsights as are the Iranians. If the Saudis and Emirates and others cannot work out the plan and understand they are on the list for shitrael domination then they will be in trouble.
And the great irony for the Israelis is that as they surrounded themselves with failed states in which they have destroyed military capacity, the people will still keep thinking and then the people will act and they will fight the only way that they can and with all the violence that they can muster. Terrorist states will always create terrorist resistance. This is a natural law which should never be ignored but frequently is.
Economic growth which is what individuals and States want, requires stability. It also requires trust on the part of the people and whoever is ruling them. Afghanistan (2001), Iraq (2003), Libya (2011), Ukraine (2014) or Syria (2024), destroyed by the United States in the name of power and stability, are a mess. And they will remain a mess until the people living in them feel secure and feel they have seen justice being done. This is why war does not work, and military domination does not bring stability. The Israelis have never understood this but when you truly do believe that those you wish to destroy are not even human, it becomes impossible to understand human realities and the outcomes of your actions.
The greater the force, the greater the resistance. The more you abuse a human being the more resilient and stronger most become. The weak will fall, but the fittest will survive and so, the abuser creates a vastly stronger opponent. And Mother Nature also helps by increasing fertility rates in traumatised peoples, thereby increasing their numbers and helping to ensure their survival.
And when not only are people sadistically and violently abused, but they are denied all hope of a future, they literally have nothing left to lose but their lives which, if they believe they will lose anyway, have no value except in using their life to fight their oppressor. As the Americans should have learned over the past half century, no amount of military power can defeat a people fighting for justice and their homeland.
Indeed, if Israel's policy of greater and greater destruction and violence worked, it would have seen 75 years of peaceful compliance from the Palestinians. Because Israel does not care what the people it rules think, it has faced increasing resistance and determination from the sadistically repressed Palestinians, to be free.
There is in Nature an innate process of justice and that is why evil, that which is destructive to life and living, will always ultimately be defeated.
And I would add, what people think around the world also has power. Thoughts create what biologist Rupert Sheldrake has termed, Morphic Resonance, and that affects humans in thoughts and actions. The more people thinking and working for justice the more justice there will be. The more people thinking and working to eradicate Zionist Israel, the faster it will happen.
Stoic and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote: “A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.” What we think, what we perceive, and what we feel are the main components of our reality.
Quantum physics agrees and sees our thoughts as the source of reality. Everything that we see and experience is a product of thought, frequency, vibration, which is processed by our brain, mind and body. The great psychiatrist Carl Jung, posited the concept of collective unconsciousness, which fits with the theory in quantum physics of collective consciousness, which responds to thoughts and emotions by creating reality. Jung would argue that the greatest power exists in the collective unconscious for it is here that the great powerful archetypes, energy forms, exist. These archetypes are at work in each of us and in all systems of social and human construct. When we defend justice we bring the power of that archetype to bear in ourselves and in the world.
We know that new ideas usually appear in more than one mind, at the same time, even though the individuals may be a world away from each other. And it has been recorded that a habit in a group of animals, will appear in disparate groups, divided from each other by huge distances. So, even if only a few use the power of their thoughts and hearts, it will spread much further.
We are connected whether we know it or not and that is why thoughts matter and they do have the power to bring change, particularly when combined with feelings and heart frequencies. When we put our heart into something, we invest far greater power toward achieving our goal.
”With an electrical component about 60 times greater and an electromagnetic energy field 5000 times greater than the brain's, the heart has a significant influence on the body down to the cellular level,”Psychology Today.
If you devote yourself to a cause with heart-felt determination, you are creating a better world even if the outcomes are slow to materialise. We have a choice in that what we think is what we create. Understanding that is a choice we can and should make, is the first step toward a better world, regardless of the suffering which surrounds us.
Outstanding post.
Yes! Couldn't agree more with this! 🙏😊