Image: This is what genocide looks like. Shame on those who promote it.
One thing which becomes increasingly obvious with NAME-GAME propaganda, where a figure who has or once had, something of a public Name is used to promote Israel’s colonial genocide, is the flimsy nature of the content presented by said Name.
It is not hard, for those who are informed to recognise the misinformation and disinformation in these articles, no doubt written in some Tel Aviv bunker and spewed out to the appointed distributor, whom, one presumes, is well paid for their efforts.
As an Australian, who has spent years studying our history and particularly in regard to Aboriginal peoples, I find it ridiculous that anyone could even attempt to pretend that the experiences of the native peoples of Australia was akin to that of the Zionist/Israeli/Jewish occupiers and colonisers of Palestine. How can Nova Peris, the latest to play the Name Game of Shame, think that the occupier and coloniser, Israel, is akin to the experiences of native aboriginal peoples in Australia in centuries past? It is just too silly for words.
Logic and facts would easily establish that if there are connections it is between Aboriginal peoples and the Palestinians although the British and later Australian Governments never inflicted a sadistically cruel and bestially savage occupation and colonisation on the native people of the land they were settling as the Israelis have always done and continue to do.
It is clear The Australian newspaper, which printed this article from Peris, and it shames us all with its name, is a paid propagandist for Israeli genocide. And so it seems is Nova Peris, who has made much of her connections to aboriginal ancestry despite being as much, if not more Anglo-European and Indian than she is Aboriginal. Now she is promoting one of the most evil acts of colonial slaughter in history.
What I find fascinating is that she clearly was flown to Israel, no doubt First Class, courtesy of the Zioraelis and then subjected to the full shitraeli propaganda story. She would have seen some impressive fabrications of beheaded babies, mass rapes, babies cut from mother’s bellies, babies hung on lines, babies microwaved, and all the atrocity claims long debunked but still used by Israel to justify its atrocities, and yet, why would any reasonable human being, even if they believed such atrocity stories, support committing worse atrocities in revenge?
Even if everything the Sickraelis said was true, why would that justify them doing the same things and worse in return? That is what I do not understand and that is why I am sure that there is remuneration involved. Peris has never demonstrated the slightest interest in Jews or Palestine in the past, so why now? It must have been quite a trip to Isra-lies.
But, to take her words apart - Indigenous lore shares common cause with Israel’s struggle. December 27, 2024. The Australian.
She said: The rise of anti-Semitism is a betrayal of Australian values.
Except there is no rise in anti-semitism in Australia which is a hatred of Jews and Judaism. Those who condemn the atrocities of Israel are defending Judaism and its followers. Peris appears to be saying that Israel's occupation, colonisation, genocide, ethnic cleansing, rape, torture, murder, theft and sadistic cruelty and bestial savagery as carried out for 76 years represents Judaism and Jews.
I reject that. Anyone who claims Sickrael represents Judaism must really hate Jews. By conflating Jews and Judaism with Zionist Israel, Nova Peris is being anti-semitic.
She said: During World War I, Australians stood shoulder to shoulder with the British in the fight against the Ottoman empire.
During WWII Australians were fighting and dying to end German and Japanese occupations. The Turks/Ottomans were a side issue and were merely part of the battleground as the British sought to entrench themselves in the ME, then being the colonial rulers of Palestine. If we are to make a comparison then it would be that having fought against brutal occupation in WWII we should be on the side of the Palestinians today.
She said: This campaign not only liberated lands from oppressive rule.
Odd then how well the Palestinians did for 400 years under Ottoman Rule, which compared to the rule of Zionist Israel was positively benign and enlightened.
She said: but also paved the way for the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which formally recognised the Jewish people’s right to establish a homeland in their ancestral territory.
The Balfour Declaration had no legality and no right to divide up someone else's territory. Apart from which it was not about Jews getting a homeland but about Zionist domination and presence in the Middle East, bought and paid for by vested agendas.
More IMPORTANT, Jews are a religion and no religion has an ancestral homeland nor a right to one and no rights to land, State or self determination. IF JEWS HAD SUCH A RIGHT THEN EVERY RELIGION WOULD HAVE THE SAME RIGHT. None do.
Judaism was invented in what is now Iraq and if the fact a few primitive Hebrew tribes wandered into Palestine and set up camp 3000 years ago, gives rights today then surely we should hand India back to the Muslims who ruled it for 600 years, most of Spain and a lot of Europe which they also ruled for centuries. And the Christians could claim Turkey because they ruled most of it from Istanbul for more than a thousand years.
She said: Australia’s contributions to this chapter in history reflect the values of justice, freedom and self-determination that define our nation.
Yes, we were fighting for Poland, France and many other places to be free from occupation so why would we accept Palestinian occupation by European colonists? If we applied values of justice, freedom and self-determination we would be defending the Palestinians and condemning their savage colonial rulers.
She said: By helping to secure the conditions for Jewish self-determination, Australians upheld principles that offered hope to a people who had endured centuries of persecution.
JEWS ARE A RELIGION AND RELIGIONS HAVE NO RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION. Jews are not a people. No religion makes a people.
Image: This is what genocide does. Wounded Child No Surviving Family. WCNSF a new acronym thanks to the Israelis. This is what supporters and promoters of Israel are doing.
She said: More than 8000 Jewish Australians have fought in our wars to protect our freedoms.
So why would we deny those freedoms to the Palestinian people who have been subjected to the most sadistically cruel and bestially savage military colonial occupation in modern history?
She said: As an Aboriginal Australian, I deeply value their contributions and stand with them against the rising tide of anti-Semitism.
And so have Muslims made a great contribution to this nation. As have Christians. Why are you siding with the Jewish occupiers of Palestine and ignoring the Christians and Muslims they are killing, torturing and dispossessing?
She said: There is only one Jewish state in the world where Hebrew, the language of the Bible and evidenced in the Dead Sea scrolls, is spoken.
Hebrew was a dead language for more than two thousand years. It was re-invented in the late 19th and early 20th century so the Zionists could use it in their fake state of hate, and pretend that, despite being atheists, they represented Jews. Ironically much of the re-invented Hebrew used in Israel contains Arab words. Naturally by the time they had to re-invent it there were no words for the modern world of thousands of years later, so they turned to Arabic for them and maintained Hebrew grammar.
And a religious state of any kind, by its nature, cannot be democratic or part of a modern world. It is a backward and racist concept.
She said: For millennia, their language, faith and culture have remained rooted to the land of Israel. This bond is etched in sacred texts and archaeological evidence, forming an undeniable link that cannot be undone by ideological rhetoric and the chanting of protesters.
But there was no land of Israel beyond religious metaphor and Orthodox Jews said this at the time Zionism invented itself and promoted its plan to colonise Palestine in 1897. Many Orthodox Jews totally reject the Zionist State of Israel still. Religious texts, certainly, invented by humans, but there is no archaeological evidence for the Israel as claimed and, even if there were, as a religion, it confers no rights. If religions had such rights then they would apply to Christianity which has profound links to Palestine. Are you suggesting Christians also have a right to invade, occupy, colonise and treat the native Palestinians like filth as Zionists, Israelis and Jews have done?
Jews can have as many religious links as they like and make any claims that they wish to make, BUT THEY DO NOT have a right to treat with bestial savagery other people, nor to consider them to be subhuman, or to occupy and colonise someone else's country.
She said: As an Aboriginal woman, I understand that profound connection between people and land. Aboriginal Australians have maintained this bond for over 60,000 years, despite displacement and colonisation. Similarly, the Jewish connection to Israel spans more than 4000 years.
The ancient Egyptians made a note when a tribe out of what is now Iraq entered Palestine and set up camp 3000 years ago. At that point they had been making notes about Palestine and the Palestinians for more than 2000 years. Palestine and its people were ancient when Judaism was invented.
And the official figure for humans arriving in Australia was 40,000-50,000 years ago. There is not a shred of evidence that any of the peoples here in 1788 when the British arrived were descended from those earliest migrations.
Image: Israel is the greatest intentional mass murderer of children in history and all in the name of what they claim is Jewish self-determination, a right which exists for no religion, including Judaism.
She said: For those who question the Jewish connection to Israel, even the Koran – written over 600 years after Jesus – acknowledges the Jewish people’s divinely ordained link to the land. The term “Israel” appears in the Koran in reference to the Children of Israel (Bani Isra’il in Arabic) approximately 40 times across various chapters.
The issue is not a Jewish connection to Palestine. Israel was only invented 76 years ago. The issue is what Zionists/Israelis and Jews have done to the native people of Palestine for 76 years. Bestial savagery writ large. Since religious stories have no substance in law or history, what Muslims said means as much as what Jews said - NOTHING.
She said: Israel did not suddenly emerge in 1948. For centuries, the region was under colonial rule of the Ottoman empire. After World War I, the British mandate ended, and the United Nations voted for a two-state solution: one Arab state and one Jewish state. Israel’s legitimacy is historically, legally and spiritually grounded.
Arab is a culture and Jew is a religion and neither has a right to a State. And, since the United Nations had no legal right to partition any country on earth, and since it did not partition Palestine but made a recommendation which had to be approved by the Security Council and never was, the foundation of Israel in Palestine was and is illegal. Zionists and Jews invaded Palestine in 1947 and set up their State in genocidal slaughter, theft and dispossession. They wiped from the face of the earth 530 Palestinian towns and villages and drove out close to a million people. None of it was legal and none of it was moral.
She said: Denying this connection is not only inaccurate but harmful. It is akin to denying the spiritual bond Aboriginal Australians have with our lands. Earlier this year, I stood in Israel and witnessed the pain following the Hamas terror attacks of October 7. That horror underscores the threats Jewish people face globally.
No-one denies the connection to religious stories. What people object to is the savagery inflicted on the Palestinians trying to turn a fantasy religious tale into reality. All humans to varying degrees have a spiritual bond with the land. That does not give them the right to invade, occupy, colonise and commit genocide. And the fact you were subjected to Israeli hasbara and propaganda in regard to October 7, does not give you the right to promote genocide or Israelis the right to commit genocide.
She said: Israel is not an apartheid state. It is a democracy where two million Arabs live as free citizens alongside seven million Jewish people. Arab Israelis have full civil rights and actively participate in the Israel Defence Forces, government and broader society. These facts counter accusations of systemic oppression.
Israel is an apartheid State. Jews have superior rights. And they are not Arabs, they are non-Jews of Palestinian origin and they do not have the same rights as Jews. Israel uses the term Arab so it does not have to say non-Jews. Since in 1948 Israel gave immediate citizenship to all Palestinian Arab Jews, we can safely conclude there has never been an issue with Palestinians or Arabs, just non-Jews. In 2018 the Israelis passed a law saying the only nationality is Jewish, thereby disenfranchising all non-Jews from nationality and true citizenship. I suggest you read up on Israel’s apartheid in Jewish and international human rights groups.
She said: This is a dishonest means of creating a “respectable” pretext to vilify and intimidate ordinary Jewish Australians, to “legitimise” attacks on their property and buildings, and to exclude them from equal participation in our society.
What a load of absolute bollocks. Most Jews in Australia are going about their lives totally untouched by attacks and until Jews categorically reject the Israeli state, as more are doing, unfortunately Judaism and its followers will be blamed for the blood-drenched carnage Israeli Jews and their supporters have inflicted on the Palestinians.
She said: This impulse shares similarities with the 19th century pogroms in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, as well as the demonisation that later enabled the Holocaust. The Jews get accused of whatever is considered the worst sin of the day. In Communist Russia, Jews were condemned as capitalists. In Nazi Germany they were condemned as communists.
The only pogroms at present are those carried out by Jews against the Palestinians. As to being accused of the worst sin of the day, we have clear and concrete evidence that Israel with the help of Jews, occupies Palestine, commits genocide and ethnic cleansing and denies the Palestinians justice, freedom and human and civil rights and has done so for 76 years. Rampaging illegal Jewish settlers are carrying out pogroms throughout all of Occupied Palestine - destroying, murdering, stealing, terrorising.
Hate to break it to you, but many Jews were capitalists and even more were communists. Not that that is a reason to condemn them but let us stick with facts.
She said: Anti-Semitism is taking hold far too rapidly in Australia – to the extent that neo-Nazis are now emboldened enough to display a huge banner on the steps of the Victorian parliament claiming “Jews Hate Freedom”. And far-left protesters now march our streets claiming Jews are genocide supporters. It’s a slippery slope, and our once tolerant society is sliding faster than most.
It is you, Nova Peris who hates Jews if you promote the calumny that Israel and its atrocities represent Judaism and Jews. Fact is, many Jews are genocide supporters and so are some Catholics like yourself. It is a slippery slope to hypocrisy and bigotry.
She said: The federal government’s failure to address this growing hatred has bolstered extremists. What began as hateful graffiti has escalated to violent acts, such as the burning of the Adass Israel Synagogue in Melbourne. These acts echo the horrors of 1930s Germany.
One synagogue compared to hundreds of mosques, churches, hospitals, schools, universities in Occupied Palestine does not a case make. Israel’s acts in Occupied Palestine echo the horrors of 1930’s Germany and are starting to make the German Nazis look civilized.
If the burning of one synagogue in Melbourne echoes the horrors of 1930's Germany, then what does the destruction, total destruction of hundreds of mosques, churches, universities, schools, museums in Occupied Palestine echo???? Israel has reduced Gaza to rubble and demolished churches, mosques, schools, universities throughout all of occupied Palestine. And it has dug up cemeteries, bodies and all, with its military excavators.
She said: The narrative of Jewish dominance, such an embedded trope of anti-Semitism, is a baseless conspiracy theory designed to vilify and isolate Jewish communities. If Jewish people truly controlled governments, as extremists claim, international bodies such as the UN would not consistently criticise Israel, while ignoring Hamas’s atrocities, including the holding of more than 100 hostages to this day.
The dominance is of Palestine and that is a fact in history and reality. As to Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance holding more than 100 hostages, legitimate military targets from an occupation force, how do you feel about the more than 10,000 Palestinians held hostage in Israeli prisons, hundreds of them children who are raped and tortured? Even worse, 6 million Palestinians are held hostage by their colonial military rulers and denied their rights.
The Knesset debated if rape was acceptable for prisoners, even using broom-handles and metal rods, which provide an agonising death and the Israeli Government decided it was acceptable. So you are okay with that?
She said: Anti-Semitism accelerates our moral decay. Australians must unite against this rising hatred by rejecting false narratives and fostering understanding and compassion. As billions across the world have just celebrated Christmas – the birth of a Jewish baby, Jesus – let’s reflect on the power of truth and love to overcome hate.
The hate is the sadistic cruelty and bestial savagery inflicted on the Palestinians by Zionists, Israelis and Jews for 76 years and clearly you support that form of hate. The moral decay is anyone supporting genocide for any reason.
Your words should be directed at Israelis and their supporters because they are the ones consumed with hate and murdering babies at this very minute. Jesus was Palestinian. There is no evidence, if he existed, that he was Jewish. One thing is certain, Jesus would smack you, and every Israeli and every supporter of this genocide, very, very, very hard. The only false narrative is the one you have presented. Shame on you.
Nova Peris is a former senator, dual Australian Olympian and gold medallist, and an inductee into the Sports Australia Hall of Fame.
Nova Peris, you shame every Australian and particularly those with Aboriginal ancestry. If the British and later Australian Governments had done to Aborigines what Israel has done to the Palestinians there would be outrage and rightly so.
How in the name of sanity can you promote such genocidal evil and injustice?
Israel is the greatest intentional mass murderer of children in recorded history and with nearly half of the prisoners in the Gaza concentration camp, children, it continues to bomb, shoot, drop White Phosphorus to burn their skin to the bone, while denying them food, clean water, medical aid and shelter.
How dare you claim to speak for Australians when everything you promote is the worst kind of atrocity. Who cares what links Jews have to Palestine or think they have, what gives them the right to inflict the atrocities that they do on the native people of the land they have stolen?
You tarnish the name of every Australian who died in the two World Wars fighting to end occupations and in the name of justice, freedom, rule of law, democracy, human rights and common human decency, all of which Israel and you betray.
Is ignorance an excuse for those who promote evil? Since the Germans could not claim it as one then neither can you.
How dare you wave your aboriginal ancestry flag when the British made aboriginal peoples citizens from the start, fed them, sought to help them join the modern world and become full and equal citizens in our nation?
Israel has done none of that. It has sought to murder, torture, steal, dispossess from the start with stated policies that the Palestinian Christians and Muslims were to be exterminated or expelled. All of that is historical fact, written for anyone who can read to see.
Well argued. You should send a copy to Bret Stephens, who is the NYT staff hasbarist. Same shtick.
Thank you for articulating all this so well in refuting Nova’s nonsense. Cannot understand how she has managed to twist her mind around to see the Israelis as the moral victims here. Dangerous rhetoric from her published by that obscurer of truth, The Australian